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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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What people don't realize is that since the SBG buyout, WWE hasn't really used ROH as a breeding ground. Since 2011 they've taken Steen and Generico from there and that's it. Maybe Kings of Wrestling if you count them, though they were leaving right as the sell was happening. Compare that to the Evolve/DGUSA roster where they have Crews/Kalisto/Ambrose/Crowe(who just quit)/Busick/Swann/etc.


They really have no use for ROH, certainly not as a breeding ground (though it seems like a lock for Cole and/or Lethal to leave this year. ROH wants to expand, but they way they've been handling it has been poor and they are in the midst of paying for it.

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Isn't this at least partially due to ROH piggybacking off of major WWE PPVs by running in the same area on the same weekend?


Very true. They've not really been concerned until this year. Field of Honour (or whatever the Brooklyn ball park show was called) was noticeable because NXT Brooklyn ran the exact same night and had fans effectively being forced to choose between one or the other.

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Seems a bit TNA Mecca-ish to say that the moment TNA became interested in Styles & the Bullet Club WWE swooped in.


Dudes were killing it in New Japan and WWE just launched the network over there. Getting big names from NJPW means you have a higher chance of people tuning in to see those names.


TNA are about as big on WWE's radar as like, this board. RoH is the new target if you go by NXT running the same venues/striking up a deal with EVOLVE.


They may not view TNA as direct competition (TNA is not direct competition) but I do think that the WWE is aware of the talent they have there. I mean this is Vince we are talking about here, this is the same guy who sung a song about destroying all of his competition back in the 1980's.


WWE could have gone after AJ prior and they did do just that, from what I read they offered AJ a lowball contract when he left TNA but he did not sign with them because he could make more money working New Japan, ROH, and other indy promotions. AJ went over to Japan and broadened his worth internationally. TNA went after him because they needed big name talent for their fourth or fifth relaunch of their product.


The WWE now seeing more value in AJ, because as you said WWE launched the Network in Japan and they needed talent that they could sell to the Japanese fans, offered AJ a big contract out of fear that he might go to TNA. There is no hidden conspiracy here and I am not a TNA fanboy trying to make TNA more than they are.


Austin Aries, Samoa Joe, James Storm (Granted he went back to TNA) have all worked or are currently working for NXT at one point (They were all part of the main event scene prior to leaving the company). All are ex-TNA talent but yeah the WWE has no interest in TNA talent.

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I don't think they go after TNA talent at all. Truthfully, James Storm, Samoa Joe and Austin Aries just fell into their hands. They were available because they left TNA and they all have drawing power, it makes sense to bring them in. But if WWE wanted TNA talent, you'd bet your bottom dollar that EC3 and Bobby Roode would be in NXT yesterday.
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It's WWE trying to drive ROH's business down, not just keeping them "an unpaid farming system" - to use your own words.


Can't it be both? :p


They just want to send them a message that they need to stay Indy. Expanding is hard for them anyways, especially with NXT catering to the same crowd (actually, the exact same crowd: it's almost like a carbon copy).

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I don't think they go after TNA talent at all. Truthfully, James Storm, Samoa Joe and Austin Aries just fell into their hands. They were available because they left TNA and they all have drawing power, it makes sense to bring them in. But if WWE wanted TNA talent, you'd bet your bottom dollar that EC3 and Bobby Roode would be in NXT yesterday.


We'll be able to read all about it in RD Reynold's death of TNA book coming soon. :D:D:D

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Watched this week's NXT. American Alpha (JJ & Gable) are officially my favorite tag team. As entertaining as New Day are, I could watch JJ & Gable wrestle for half an hour straight and I wouldn't get bored. The only thing stopping them from being called up in the next few months is that they still need to win the NXT Tag Titles and Enzo & Cass are due for a call-up first.
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Watched this week's NXT. American Alpha (JJ & Gable) are officially my favorite tag team. As entertaining as New Day are, I could watch JJ & Gable wrestle for half an hour straight and I wouldn't get bored. The only thing stopping them from being called up in the next few months is that they still need to win the NXT Tag Titles and Enzo & Cass are due for a call-up first.


I thought NXT was good too, and I love chad and gable. I like the Americna Alpha name but it irks to no end they didn't make it plural.


Should be American Alphas

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I thought NXT was good too, and I love chad and gable. I like the Americna Alpha name but it irks to no end they didn't make it plural.


Should be American Alphas


Agreed, that bothers me too....but what bothers me more is there can only be ONE Alpha Male....



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Watched this week's NXT. American Alpha (JJ & Gable) are officially my favorite tag team. As entertaining as New Day are, I could watch JJ & Gable wrestle for half an hour straight and I wouldn't get bored. The only thing stopping them from being called up in the next few months is that they still need to win the NXT Tag Titles and Enzo & Cass are due for a call-up first.


I fell in love with them when watching NXT for the first time in months yesterday. WWE is doing real well regarding match quality this week.

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American Alpha are fantastic together. I would love to see a long term war between them and Enzo & Cass. I feel like where one team is a little better at the wrestling the other is a little better at entertaining and I feel like those are the tag team wars I always liked best


I'm enjoying the more intense version of Enzo and Cass presented lately. They can still be the boys from jersey and not be cutting a comedy promo 100% of the time.


Serious, pissed off Enzo is my favorite Enzo.

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To be fair, he got fired because he refused to lose weight IIRC. Otherwise, I would say they messed up Dempsey.


I'm not sure there is much to "mess up" with Bull. he's a chunky dude with a pretty limited move set. He screams midcarder to me, which is where he is.


Honestly, Kevin Owens prob hurt Bull at full sail more that NXT creative did. While Bull is obviously a bigger gentleman, Owens is no skinny guy, yet his move set and timing in the ring are light years ahead of Bull. It's tough not to look at Bull and be like "you should be doing more" after seeing Owens.

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Chris Hero.


Hero/Kassius was fired because of weight problems as it was said above, yeah...I have no doubt he was close to debuting on the Main Roster if he he hadn't screwed up in the eyes of management...


EDIT: Not above...but in the previous page :p

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