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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I don't think Shane needs to win, does he? Vince never said he has to win to take power of Raw, he just had to compete in one more match and Vince chose 'Taker because it's like the most feared match (in kayfabe) in WWE history; a match with 'Taker at WrestleMania. I'm sure there will be lots going on with a fair few interferences and such like but 'Taker will obviously win and I'm sure Shane will still take over Raw. I can't wait to see what Shane's willing to do though, because I'm sure there's going to be at least one insane spot from him if his history is anything to go by.
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The Shane/Steph/Vince, Lesnar/Heyman/Ambrose and Reigns/HHH segments were all fantastic. Along with all the swearing and blood it was like they turned back the clock to the Attitude Era.


We have 4 big matches partially set up (including Charlotte vs Sasha vs Becky). Just add AJ vs Owens and find Kalisto a good opponent and the Wrestlemania card is looking good.

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I don't think Shane needs to win, does he? Vince never said he has to win to take power of Raw, he just had to compete in one more match and Vince chose 'Taker because it's like the most feared match (in kayfabe) in WWE history; a match with 'Taker at WrestleMania. I'm sure there will be lots going on with a fair few interferences and such like but 'Taker will obviously win and I'm sure Shane will still take over Raw. I can't wait to see what Shane's willing to do though, because I'm sure there's going to be at least one insane spot from him if his history is anything to go by.


He has to beat 'Taker.

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I don't think Shane needs to win, does he? Vince never said he has to win to take power of Raw, he just had to compete in one more match and Vince chose 'Taker because it's like the most feared match (in kayfabe) in WWE history; a match with 'Taker at WrestleMania. I'm sure there will be lots going on with a fair few interferences and such like but 'Taker will obviously win and I'm sure Shane will still take over Raw. I can't wait to see what Shane's willing to do though, because I'm sure there's going to be at least one insane spot from him if his history is anything to go by.


Vince screwed it up live, but in his promo with Steph later he said Shane has to beat him.


I guess that could be an angle, maybe Shane gets a lawyer to argue he just has to show up, but that would be a pretty lame angle.


I think Vicne just messed up ha.

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Its cool to see Shane back and all. I just wish that match against Taker was featuring a promising wrestler. And like previously noted, it really doesnt make sense. Whats Takers motivation? Why would he beat up Shane just to keep the Authority in power?? Maybe there will be something cool happening here in the next few weeks. Maybe Shane will cut a sick promo about how he has to win and it pisses Taker off or something, but even that sounds lame.


Im more in the "less McMahons, more wrestlers" school of thought when it comes to how they should be booking Raw.

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The only way I can imagine Lesnar/Ambrose ending is Ambrose getting absolutely destroyed but keeps coming back and after Lesnar wins, Lesnar shows him respect.


That's basically my issue with that match. You've already booked yourself into a corner with that triple threat, because as I said previously, since you needed to protect brock as unstoppable, but didn't have a heel in the match to disrupt pins and take a beating, Dean played that role.


So basically, what you've shown me as a viewer to this point is Dean has no shot here. Everytime Brock looked at him in that match, or the lead up to it, Dean got destroyed. The only times you let him even look like he could hit lesnar was when Dean had to result to a blatant low blow, or a chair.


So while I appreciate it's a street fight, to let Dean use weopens to somewhat combat that, it still leaves me in the following place:


1. I don't want Brock to lose, no matter what the finish, because it damages his "Big fight" feel, which you've already started to diminish since he's been losing these triple threat matches, the rumble without getting even with the Wyats, ect.


2. You've already shown me Dean has no shot in a fair fight, and since he's a Face I don't really need to see him sell 15-20 suplexes before resorting to chairs and other weps. So I don't want Dean to take the extended beating he's in for, because I already watched him take that beating for about 2 months, and I like Dean as a preformer. Why am I hyped to see him get his ass kicked for half an hour?


So we will see what they do, but right now it seems like it's going to be A) the Dean takes a beat down, but brock respects him after as you said or B) Brock loses off a gimmicked finish, again.


I don't want to see either of those outcomes, and it doesn't help build either guys character to me.

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The only way I can imagine Lesnar/Ambrose ending is Ambrose getting absolutely destroyed but keeps coming back and after Lesnar wins, Lesnar shows him respect.


Thats the only way id enjoy the match. No way Ambrose should beat Lesnar. I want to see a brutal rampage of a match between them. But Lesnar coming out on top.

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There's also the ultimate WWE babyface Undertaker fighting to keep the heels in power for no reason at all. It just doesn't make sense


Yeah, that's odd. Plus if Shane already has leverage over Vince, why is Shane agreeing to a match?


But that's wrestling. I'm willing to overlook some stuff like that. What's starting to bother me a little bit, though, is that it seems like either Shane beats the Undertaker at WrestleMania, which is practically sacrilegious, or the story of Shane coming back and taking over Raw is dead before it begins. Neither one of those seems good to me.


Maybe there's a way they can creatively book a third option where Shane gets control but doesn't beat Taker at WM, but I'm not holding my breath.

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Yeah, that's odd. Plus if Shane already has leverage over Vince, why is Shane agreeing to a match?


But that's wrestling. I'm willing to overlook some stuff like that. What's starting to bother me a little bit, though, is that it seems like either Shane beats the Undertaker at WrestleMania, which is practically sacrilegious, or the story of Shane coming back and taking over Raw is dead before it begins. Neither one of those seems good to me.


Maybe there's a way they can creatively book a third option where Shane gets control but doesn't beat Taker at WM, but I'm not holding my breath.


I'm not buying it as the final set up.


I expect Taker will weigh in (maybe requesting something huge, not sure what, for being Vince's rep) and I also expect that Shane will also somehow get to put up a "gladiator" as it were, somehow.


I could honestly see them doing a "the deadman speaks!" angle next week on Raw and having Taker come out and ask Vince what in the hell makes him think Taker would fight in that match.


They could go alot of places from there, Vince having to make something happen for Taker, Taker actually fighting on Shane's side (something along the lines of "I refuse, I will fight for Shane though) or some swerve.


I honestly can't see them having just Shane vs. Taker in HAIC, for alot of reasons.

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Yeah, that's odd. Plus if Shane already has leverage over Vince, why is Shane agreeing to a match?


But that's wrestling. I'm willing to overlook some stuff like that. What's starting to bother me a little bit, though, is that it seems like either Shane beats the Undertaker at WrestleMania, which is practically sacrilegious, or the story of Shane coming back and taking over Raw is dead before it begins. Neither one of those seems good to me.


Maybe there's a way they can creatively book a third option where Shane gets control but doesn't beat Taker at WM, but I'm not holding my breath.


I'm imagining that Shane is a placeholder until/if Cena can be cleared in time.

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Shane looks like a weasel if he reneges on his word and recruits someone else to fight his battles for him. If they're going to pull something like that it'll need to be someone else's decision rather than his own, but I don't see that happening. If they were hoping Cena might be able to heal up in time to face Undertaker, there was no reason to set the Shane/Taker match up so clearly last night. I believe this is the match we're getting.


I also think anyone hoping that this is going to be the end of The Authority is going to be disappointed. I figure this is just Shane doing his dad a favor to help offset the rash of injuries they have to deal with this Mania season, and he'll be gone right afterwards.

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Shane looks like a weasel if he reneges on his word and recruits someone else to fight his battles for him. If they're going to pull something like that it'll need to be someone else's decision rather than his own, but I don't see that happening. If they were hoping Cena might be able to heal up in time to face Undertaker, there was no reason to set the Shane/Taker match up so clearly last night. I believe this is the match we're getting.


I also think anyone hoping that this is going to be the end of The Authority is going to be disappointed. I figure this is just Shane doing his dad a favor to help offset the rash of injuries they have to deal with this Mania season, and he'll be gone right afterwards.


Doubt it, they have to much invested for this not to pay off with Shane running raw in the short term. They went full worked shoot, and acknowledge the product is flagging. If they bring the owner's son back to be the voice of investors and fans, only to have him get squashed by Taker at Mania, they will look like fools.


I also disagree that Shane looks like a weasel if he gets someone to fight taker for him, he looks like a McMahon. They have always been presented, even as faces, as being "good" when they outsmart someone, not beat them up in a fair fight. The Crowd would pop for Shane outsmarting Vince and having a long term plan.


I do agree it isn't the end of the authority though. Seemed pretty clear to me with the phrasing (I want control of Raw) that Steph will get smackdown, and we will be treated to a new quasi brand split, with Sibling v. sibling.


Now that, I agree, will likely not be long term (maybe like 6 months). But I really doubt Shane is back, with this buildup, to lose at Mania.

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Doubt it, they have to much invested for this not to pay off with Shane running raw in the short term. They went full worked shoot, and acknowledge the product is flagging. If they bring the owner's son back to be the voice of investors and fans, only to have him get squashed by Taker at Mania, they will look like fools.


I also disagree that Shane looks like a weasel if he gets someone to fight taker for him, he looks like a McMahon. They have always been presented, even as faces, as being "good" when they outsmart someone, not beat them up in a fair fight. The Crowd would pop for Shane outsmarting Vince and having a long term plan.


I do agree it isn't the end of the authority though. Seemed pretty clear to me with the phrasing (I want control of Raw) that Steph will get smackdown, and we will be treated to a new quasi brand split, with Sibling v. sibling.


Now that, I agree, will likely not be long term (maybe like 6 months). But I really doubt Shane is back, with this buildup, to lose at Mania.


It's WWE. Yes, Shane will be back and lose at Mania. As someone said above, i see this as him giving a hand to his father in an injury plagued WM. No one in their right mind would bring him to lose, but then again, no one in their right mind would bring him to fight Undertaker. It's WWE, their not known for their good decisions.


I highly doubt there is any brand split going to happen. When Shane said he wanted control of Raw, Vince responded that for that to happen it would need to include control of the whole company, so don't get your hopes up for a brand split of some sort. It wouldn't even work with their thin roster.


This is a very delicate situation. On one hand, people were excited about Shane's return. On the other, him beating Taker at WM is highly unlikely. So I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for the authority to be done with. Plus, Shane is still the vice-chairman of You On Demand, and is still the guy who got passed on succeeding his dad by his younger sister, i doubt he's in for the long run.

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"I highly doubt there is any brand split going to happen. When Shane said he wanted control of Raw, Vince responded that for that to happen it would need to include control of the whole company, so don't get your hopes up for a brand split of some sort. It wouldn't even work with their thin roster."


Not to nitpick, because lord knows I have limited faith in WWE creative as well, but that isn't what Vince said. He Said that "You know as well as I, as Raw goes, so does the company. So you are functionally asking for control of the company" and shane smirked.


But Shane never asked for that (full control of wwe). He only asked for control of Raw.


And I disagree that a partial brand split wouldn't work. They had pretty much figured it out near the end (and somewhat had started to gear up to go back to it, remember that promo by Bryan when he won the IC title that he was going to be the face of smack down?) . All you need to be able to "transfer" between shows are your M/E'ers. The Brand Split is helpful to the Midcard, not the uppercard.


By the end, they were trying to get around that by saying "ok, we unified most of the titles. If you hold a title, you work both shows as a rule.". And that's all you need. Have both shows have all the titles in play, but mid carders stay in there shows until PPV's or they hold a belt.

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Regardless of what happens at Mania with Taker vs Shane and Lesnar vs Ambrose, everyone is buzzing about these matches, so job well done WWE. 6 months of Steph vs Shane jockeying for control of the company would be more interesting than The Authority vs [underdog Babyface] storyline they've been recycling the last few years.
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CM Punk was randomly added to the WWE Alumni section.





They finally acknowledged the man's existence....


so I've been reading the thread and I want to ask is it worth it to watch RAW this week? I see that Shane has came back so that has peaked my interest in the right direction but is it a cohesive show?

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