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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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That said, I'd love to see them actually give two poops about the roster and rotate guys in and out. They'll never do it though, Vince wants those sweet, sweet, house shows and so guys will stay on the road 250+ days a year killing themselves.


It's not about Vince, at least not 100%. I've heard main roster talent going on record to say they love house shows. They get pretty much complete creative freedom to go and do whatever they want out there, as well as far more time than the TV to actually work a crowd and have a match. Wrestling is performance art but working for WWE usually means that you heed to a script. The talent pretty much jumps at any chance to break those shackles and express themselves.


Besides, nobody is under any illusions. It's been well established how demanding the schedule is, physically and mentally.

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Well Raw sucked. The only match I really enjoyed was HHH vs Ziggler.


Undertaker still didn't explain why he's wrestling Shane even though he clearly doesn't like Vince. And Shane's promo was poorly delivered. The feud is already running on steam so they're going to have to pull out something big in the match to make it worthwhile.


Reigns returning to beat the crap out of HHH after he was nice enough to give Ziggler a match and won it clean was weird. If they are hell bent on pushing Reigns as the babyface this wasn't the best way to do it. The beatdown itself was good but they should have saved it for next week and booked it better.


Shame about Neville, but kudos to Jericho for his heelish improvisation. I hope Neville doesn't miss WM.


The Wrestlemania card looks OK at best. At least 4 of the expected 10 matches are filler. Sasha vs Becky vs Charlotte, Owens vs half the midcard, AJ vs Jericho and Lesnar vs Ambrose are the only matches I really care about.

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It's not about Vince, at least not 100%. I've heard main roster talent going on record to say they love house shows. They get pretty much complete creative freedom to go and do whatever they want out there, as well as far more time than the TV to actually work a crowd and have a match. Wrestling is performance art but working for WWE usually means that you heed to a script. The talent pretty much jumps at any chance to break those shackles and express themselves.


Besides, nobody is under any illusions. It's been well established how demanding the schedule is, physically and mentally.


I love my job, too, but I love paid time off even more. Even more so if my body was constantly on the verge of breaking down.

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<p>I don't know about everyone else but I'm all for rotating the boys out! When you are an athlete and you are in the middle of competing and you see all of the "superior" guys go down around you it makes you turn it up a level to break that ceiling. But the reason you don't see the Chris Jerichos breaking down is they get time off before returning to their full time schedule.</p><p> </p><p>

I like seeing my favorite guys and gals tearing it up but at the same time I would like them to have off seasons to prevent early retirements. At the rate we are going now it's going to be Zack Ryder vs. JTG headlining Wrestlemania next year because they have run out of everyone else.</p><p> </p><p>

If I'm paying over 400 dollars for my Wrestlemaina tickets I want to see atleast some star power make it to the big show.</p>

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Chris Jerichos breaking down is they get time off before returning to their full time schedule.


And Luck. Let's not forget luck. Daniel Bryan's concussions started when he was in his mid 20s and he probably should have retired years ago. Undertaker no sold chair shots to the head for years and never got a concussion. Sometimes it's luck man.




I don't know if a rotation of talent is the way to go to prevent injuries. It's certainly not a bad idea. I think giving an individual some time off when they're sore and when a few nicks and dents have piled up would be a good thing, but, these dudes are all worried about losing their spot. So no one actually WANTS the time off.


They should go to a doctor that's not paid by WWE. And they should listen to said doctor's advice. If said doctor wants the guy to rest 6 weeks that should be adhered to.

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RAW has started doing commercials with active workers. The Social Outcasts literally were selling hot dogs from Burger King. It's my new least favourite part of RAW. :p


Oh...yeah, they've been doing spots like that recently, yes. Didn't see this week's one as I missed a (clearly not important) small portion of the show. Even if I was watching i would probably take that time to do something else like checking my email :D

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These commercial segments are garbage. What is the point of having commercials if they are going to plug commercials in the middle of shows as well. I'm waiting for when Michael Cole and JBL are going to start talking about their trip to Subway instead of calling the match in the ring. I know they are trying to appease their sponsors but they are pissing off their viewers by plugging commercials in between commercials.



If you were watching game of Thrones and one of the characters says that he can't start his plotting on an empty stomach just yet and pulls out a snickers bar and chomps down on it. This is how immersion breaking this is to me. I want to tune in and watch a wrestling show. If I want flat out commercials shoved down my throat I would watch the Home Shopping Network.

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These commercial segments are garbage. What is the point of having commercials if they are going to plug commercials in the middle of shows as well. I'm waiting for when Michael Cole and JBL are going to start talking about their trip to Subway instead of calling the match in the ring. I know they are trying to appease their sponsors but they are pissing off their viewers by plugging commercials in between commercials.


It makes them money, that's really it. Them plugging Subway in the middle of the show lets them go sign guys like Nakumara or Styles, or keep Cena etc. They are a publicly traded company I can't blame them for making money considering their main priority is making money not entertainment.


However they can do these segments in more entertaining ways. Maybe Nattie can start farting again or something.



Also GOT and WWE are vastly different, WWE is meant to reflect reality GOT not so much.

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It makes them money, that's really it. Them plugging Subway in the middle of the show lets them go sign guys like Nakumara or Styles, or keep Cena etc. They are a publicly traded company I can't blame them for making money considering their main priority is making money not entertainment.


However they can do these segments in more entertaining ways. Maybe Nattie can start farting again or something.



Also GOT and WWE are vastly different, WWE is meant to reflect reality GOT not so much.


You know what made them money before....selling a wrestling product. The whole reason people tune in.


They did this same tactic in 93 with the ICO pro stuff but that was atleast a commercial....they are trying to deceive you into thinking this as a backstage interview but it's really a badly presented plug.

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Yea with way less viewers....They are sending themselves into a tail spin and it's hard to watch.


Thats a big assumption saying that they are sending themselves into a tail spin and also saying they have less viewers. Sure the 'ratings' are down but they have viewers in many more forms then that. For example their Youtube videos gain millions of views on a daily basis and the Network numbers only get bigger as they expand into more countries.


I'm not saying I like the current product but there are some things I like but some directions are annoying. But a lot of us fail to realize that WWE are about the money, they have us the hardcore fans through nostalgia acts or NXT but the money is in the kids. Hell if it wasn't for the kids WWE wouldn't have pushed Roman to the main event of Mania but the kids are going to buy a buck loads of Roman gear.


WWE in the perfect world will find that right mix for stuff that caters towards us and the kids, I believe they are starting to hit it.

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Oh I know why they are doing some of the decisions that they are doing. Doesn't make them good decisions...The fact that I'm a die hard wrestling fan and they are killing my enthusiasm is crazy! Catering to everyone is making it digestable for nobody. They are killing my passion for it. I'm dying for a real contender to compete with them so I can get my passion back for it.
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<p>Part of the reason is also the DVRing of shows so people can skip commercials. So now they have to have product placement - just like the Pre-Show presented by Mountain Dew or whatever junk they decide to drink. It hardly detracts from it, especially when the Social Outcasts are not presented in a way to be taken seriously. </p><p> </p><p>

If you had someone like Lesnar plug something backstage (as opposed to on his trunks), there might be more of an outcry.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mootinie" data-cite="Mootinie" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It's not about Vince, at least not 100%. I've heard main roster talent going on record to say they love house shows. They get pretty much complete creative freedom to go and do whatever they want out there, as well as far more time than the TV to actually work a crowd and have a match. Wrestling is performance art but working for WWE usually means that you heed to a script. The talent pretty much jumps at any chance to break those shackles and express themselves.<p> </p><p> Besides, nobody is under any illusions. It's been well established how demanding the schedule is, physically and mentally.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="OldStingberg" data-cite="OldStingberg" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I love my job, too, but I love paid time off even more. Even more so if my body was constantly on the verge of breaking down.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> This. Even if the boys (or girls) loved the free expression they get from working house shows, I'm sure they wouldn't mind having only 150 days to do it and not 280+. I'm sure it'll also extend their careers and improve morale as they actually get to go home to their families for longer than ten minutes at a time.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="CQI13" data-cite="CQI13" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Because I'm sure the workers would be glad to take less money - the company wouldn't keep the same compensation if there was less revenue coming in.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Who said anything about less revenue? You can run the same number of shows but rotate months where certain workers appear. I don't think house show attendances will be impacted significantly if Cesaro or Heath Slater aren't scheduled. As for the main eventers, you can divide them up evenly. Cena can run roster A, Reigns can run roster B. It's not like having them both on the same card is doing big house show business as it is.</p><p> </p><p> And as a side note, I've left jobs for lower pay because I was worn out and demoralized and the other job was offering something more manageable for my mental stability. I doubt CM Punk is the only person who doesn't think life revolves around money.</p>
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Who said anything about less revenue? You can run the same number of shows but rotate months where certain workers appear. I don't think house show attendances will be impacted significantly if Cesaro or Heath Slater aren't scheduled. As for the main eventers, you can divide them up evenly. Cena can run roster A, Reigns can run roster B. It's not like having them both on the same card is doing big house show business as it is.

Another alternative could be having everyone on the road, but limiting how many days a week they actually wrestle. So if they run say 5 days a week, maybe Dean Ambrose wrestles on three of those shows and strictly cuts a promo or does a Highlight Reel with Jericho or something like that on the other two.

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