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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Average TV Ratings for every WWE Champion since 2005. Thoughts?



Ratings been steadily going down so the champion isn't really the problem. WWE has become more and more meaningless. I can watch Lucha Underground or NXT without thinking into the booking because everything follows a natural story progression. With WWE the booking just seeps into every part of the show. Stories don't follow any natural build up making it impossible to immerse yourself which is needed considering it's a three hour show.

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I must say I have lost all respect for Tyler Breeze now.





After seeing him say this after fans asked if he would return to NXT since his Main Roster career has been trash and consdiering he is 0-49 in 2016.



The fact that he mentions his bank account. Really? He is a blight of what a wrestler should be about. Used to be a fan until I read this. Jobbers like him will be fired during the annual WM cut backs. Hope he is the first one gone now.

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I must say I have lost all respect for Tyler Breeze now.





After seeing him say this after fans asked if he would return to NXT since his Main Roster career has been trash and consdiering he is 0-49 in 2016.



The fact that he mentions his bank account. Really? He is a blight of what a wrestler should be about. Used to be a fan until I read this. Jobbers like him will be fired during the annual WM cut backs. Hope he is the first one gone now.


His Twitter looks kayfaybe and he used an emoticon in 1 of his answers because he wasn't being serious. Is your name Mark by any chance :D

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I must say I have lost all respect for Tyler Breeze now.





After seeing him say this after fans asked if he would return to NXT since his Main Roster career has been trash and consdiering he is 0-49 in 2016.



The fact that he mentions his bank account. Really? He is a blight of what a wrestler should be about. Used to be a fan until I read this. Jobbers like him will be fired during the annual WM cut backs. Hope he is the first one gone now.


Yes, this story certainly reflects badly on... someone.

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Lesnar is the exact same way. He doesn't care about wrestling in the slightest. He shows up to get paid.


What's different about Tyler Breeze being happy that he's in the biggest company in the world and making money in the process?


Get over it. At least he's honest about it.

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His Twitter looks kayfaybe and he used an emoticon in 1 of his answers because he wasn't being serious. Is your name Mark by any chance :D


Nope not Mark. Still dont like someone saying its all about that money. While he does seem to Kayfabe it on Twitter thats a quit way to lose fans

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Also, seriously, someone on the roster has to lose. Somebody has to job. Enhancement talent, the carpenters as Stan Hansen put it, are part of the natural ecosystem of professional wrestling. Some dudes know they have a ceiling, so they get other people over for a living, help make other people look good, work safe in the ring, and have steady employment and a paycheck in an unsteady business. As much as the Tyler Breeze character is an egomaniac, it actually takes a kind of selflessness to get other people over for a living. Calling people who are good at that "jobbers", especially in the sneering and dismissive manner it is often used on the Internet, disrespects the important role their work has in making wrestling work.


Also, zero doubt Breeze is working people on Twitter, and obviously it worked, because now people are legit pissed and want to see him be humiliated. That's how you work in the smark-heavy Internet age, like Jericho calling into a podcast to gloat over "burying" AJ Styles at WrestleMania. That was a next level heel maneuver.

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His name is Rob and he has no job, thank you very much.


(Chill Rob, it's a joke. You too Jaysin!) :p


By Grabthar's Hammer you shall be banned!


Kidding obviously. It's seriously no different than Lesnar's point of view though. Same with Goldberg, Warrior, Sting, and other big names. Breeze made it to the dance and he's enjoying his time there. Trying to belittle him for it is ridiculous.

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By Grabthar's Hammer you shall be banned!


Kidding obviously. It's seriously no different than Lesnar's point of view though. Same with Goldberg, Warrior, Sting, and other big names. Breeze made it to the dance and he's enjoying his time there. Trying to belittle him for it is ridiculous.


Lesnar earned his right to his paycheck. Breeze hasnt. While I dont appreciate people who have amazing job like these athletes doing it for the money instead of the love of the sport some have earned it. Breeze assuming he is being partially serious about the backcheck being all that matters jobbers are a quick way to the indies. If he wanted to reinvent himself and be a success he could easily go back to NXT

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Lesnar earned his right to his paycheck. Breeze hasnt. While I dont appreciate people who have amazing job like these athletes doing it for the money instead of the love of the sport some have earned it. Breeze assuming he is being partially serious about the backcheck being all that matters jobbers are a quick way to the indies. If he wanted to reinvent himself and be a success he could easily go back to NXT


Everyone does it for the money. It's a job not a hobby. The people who say they do it for the love are either making very little or a lot of money.

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Lesnar earned his right to his paycheck. Breeze hasnt. While I dont appreciate people who have amazing job like these athletes doing it for the money instead of the love of the sport some have earned it. Breeze assuming he is being partially serious about the backcheck being all that matters jobbers are a quick way to the indies. If he wanted to reinvent himself and be a success he could easily go back to NXT


It is not Tyler's fault he is being "jobbed" out. Just like it was never any other Lower Midcarders fault. At the end of the day Vince is going to push whomever he wants until the day he is gone. HHH loves the guy so only expect 1 to 2 years of him doing the job before he gets lifted back up the card.

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Lesnar earned his right to his paycheck. Breeze hasnt. While I dont appreciate people who have amazing job like these athletes doing it for the money instead of the love of the sport some have earned it. Breeze assuming he is being partially serious about the backcheck being all that matters jobbers are a quick way to the indies. If he wanted to reinvent himself and be a success he could easily go back to NXT


All the good heels are antagonistic on social media. It's part of their job now. Kevin Owens proudly blocks people who don't agree with him or tweet stupid questions to him but no one acuses him of being an a-hole (except for the clueless marks on Twitter who have a go at him and get blocked :D).


Also, seriously, someone on the roster has to lose. Somebody has to job. Enhancement talent, the carpenters as Stan Hansen put it, are part of the natural ecosystem of professional wrestling. Some dudes know they have a ceiling, so they get other people over for a living, help make other people look good, work safe in the ring, and have steady employment and a paycheck in an unsteady business. As much as the Tyler Breeze character is an egomaniac, it actually takes a kind of selflessness to get other people over for a living. Calling people who are good at that "jobbers", especially in the sneering and dismissive manner it is often used on the Internet, disrespects the important role their work has in making wrestling work.


Also, zero doubt Breeze is working people on Twitter, and obviously it worked, because now people are legit pissed and want to see him be humiliated. That's how you work in the smark-heavy Internet age, like Jericho calling into a podcast to gloat over "burying" AJ Styles at WrestleMania. That was a next level heel maneuver.


That's what I loved about Smackdown this week. 2 good important matches (Miz vs Ryder and AJ/Cesaro vs Owens/Jericho), a backstage segment setting up a Becky/Emma feud and the rest were squash matches (including Breeze jobbing to Ambrose). We need more squash matches in WWE again to establish the midcard heirarchy. For too long there's been "The Guy", "The #1 Contender", a couple of floating main eventers, a handful jobbers few people gave a crap about (like 3MB and Los Matadors) and everyone else lumped in the midcard with 50/50 booking.

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