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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I'm doubtful we'll see real change at all. We got another Maximum Male Models bit, and there's nothing scheduled for them for Summerslam, so that must mean we're getting more of that AFTER. Give me strength.


You probably aren't far off, but I think Triple H has a wonderful mind for the business. If he is more than a puppet, I think the creative department could get better as it goes forward.


The male model stuff is awful though.

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I love the Male Models stable. I just envision Rick "The Model" Martel in spirit with Max Dupri.


I can agree with this as a Rick Martel fan. I don't see why everyone else thinks it's awful. It's something different, which of course doesn't mean everyone will like it, but the talent is there to make it work. I like all four involved so I hope HHH can come up with a good long term plan for this.

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You probably aren't far off, but I think Triple H has a wonderful mind for the business.


Really? Because the first episode of NXT I ever watched (not counting the USA special from Christmas 2017, I think it was) featured the Street Profits fighting the Mighty... over a plastic cup. That's practically Russo-esque.


We're still seeing most of the Vince-isms- DQs, jobbing people out in their hometowns, not letting people enjoy a babyface win. The only big change is that you can tell Vince isn't hollering at Michael Cole over the headset anymore, because Cole has gone from awful to... well, still not "good" but mediocre?

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Really? Because the first episode of NXT I ever watched (not counting the USA special from Christmas 2017, I think it was) featured the Street Profits fighting the Mighty... over a plastic cup. That's practically Russo-esque.


We're still seeing most of the Vince-isms- DQs, jobbing people out in their hometowns, not letting people enjoy a babyface win. The only big change is that you can tell Vince isn't hollering at Michael Cole over the headset anymore, because Cole has gone from awful to... well, still not "good" but mediocre?


Having a good mind for the business doesn't mean you don't make weird or dumb booking decisions. Just off the top of my head: Cornette okaying Storm & Jericho to use the double dropkick as a normal move in Smoky Mountain thus giving them heat with the RnR Express, Heyman letting Justin Credible hold the ECW Championship for half a year and Eric Bischoff genuinely letting Pillman out of his contract to sell the loose cannon gimmick.

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Personally, I enjoyed the daylights out of SummerSlam. Best WWE show I've seen in a while...


That was actually happening in the current year, anyway. The myriad of shows I watch from back in the day don't count here.


But yeah, I thought SummerSlam was great.


No idea what the consensus is...


But I loved it.


And that main event...




Not even in ECW did I see anything like that!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Admittedly did not bother with this show live. Saw IYO SKY roll across my timeline and hard rolled my eyes. Remember when people complained about "Butch"? Rather be butch any day. Don't understand why the need to downgrade absolutely everything.
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I was thoroughly entertained by SummerSlam. Really don't see the criticisms, including about Io's new name. I'd rather that than her losing the first or second name like everyone does these days. Insane stable for Bayley, Logan Paul is awesome, and they booked themselves out of the Liv-Ronda alley very well without making either woman look weak. Loved Roman-Brock as a match though I have to be honest that I didn't care for the finish. It's all forgiven if Drew wins at the Castle.
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Drew as champion has zero interest for me. Roman is killing it and I think him holding onto it until he reaches 1000 days would be amazing


The year of him jobbing out to a fake sword and then wrestling Madcap Moss and Happy Corbin for 4 eternities killed him stone dead. Gonna take probably a year of rehab and a briefcase to get him back to being championship caliber. If I'm Triple H, I call in a member of the family nobody talks about one with a criminal element inside him that isn't worthy of the Bloodline. Good fall feud to kill time for Cody.

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Are we really about to do this after every show? :p


Well, if Triple H can book a no-contest finish for two women's matches in a row, I figure I can trot out the "bold, new vision" joke at least twice. ;)


Having said that, I am looking forward to Lashley versus Ciampa.


Not a fan of continuing to tease a Street Profits break-up. It's not like WWE currently has a deep roster of credible, established tag teams.

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I watched Flair's Last Match PPV yesterday and now I wanna see Jarrett get a little in ring run one more time. He's in amazing shape and got his hometown crowd to boo him mercilessly. He looked like he could still go full time if he wanted too.


I'd really like to see Jarrett vs Styles at Mania as Jarrett's official retirement match.


On the topic of Jarrett, I love that the wrestling industry and fans have reevaluated Jarrett over the last few years. He was never as good as his multiple world titles indicated, but he was still a good hand and could make anyone hate him at the drop of a hat.


Imagine if he had been in his prime with a good creative team instead of Russo and Oklahoma.


Booker on commentary for AJ vs Ciampa was a nice surprise too.


As far as dumb booking decisions go, every promotion has had crappy booking decisions, even in their primes.


There's going to be growing pains, but Raw was pretty solid. Far from perfect, but the in ring portions of the show were solid all around.


The women deserve better, but that seems to be something both AEW and WWE are struggling with to an extent.


Ciampa vs Lashley should be a blast.

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I watched Flair's Last Match PPV yesterday and now I wanna see Jarrett get a little in ring run one more time. He's in amazing shape and got his hometown crowd to boo him mercilessly. He looked like he could still go full time if he wanted too.


I'd really like to see Jarrett vs Styles at Mania as Jarrett's official retirement match.


On the topic of Jarrett, I love that the wrestling industry and fans have reevaluated Jarrett over the last few years. He was never as good as his multiple world titles indicated, but he was still a good hand and could make anyone hate him at the drop of a hat.


Imagine if he had been in his prime with a good creative team instead of Russo and Oklahoma.


Booker on commentary for AJ vs Ciampa was a nice surprise too.


As far as dumb booking decisions go, every promotion has had crappy booking decisions, even in their primes.


There's going to be growing pains, but Raw was pretty solid. Far from perfect, but the in ring portions of the show were solid all around.


The women deserve better, but that seems to be something both AEW and WWE are struggling with to an extent.


Ciampa vs Lashley should be a blast.



I can't work up any sympathy for Jarrett considering he had literally all the breaks if you wanted to be a wrestling star and found a way to blow literally all of them by having a gigantic ego, extremely poor taste and questionable morals in all the awful ways, and not the fun attitude era ones.

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On the topic of Jarrett, I love that the wrestling industry and fans have reevaluated Jarrett over the last few years. He was never as good as his multiple world titles indicated, but he was still a good hand and could make anyone hate him at the drop of a hat.


Imagine if he had been in his prime with a good creative team instead of Russo and Oklahoma.


Booker on commentary for AJ vs Ciampa was a nice surprise too.


As far as dumb booking decisions go, every promotion has had crappy booking decisions, even in their primes.


Jeff Jarrett has always been a sentimental favourite of mine, from Double J to his feud with Chyna to WCW, so I'm enjoying seeing the turn around. People are seeing him in a friendlier light.


In listening to his podcast, he doesn't come off to me as an egomaniac or anything... but he isn't as smart or creative as he thinks he is/wants to be. His answer to fitting in with the Attitude era was a catchphrase of "Don't _ me off", which is about as subtle as a brick. His still can't explain what the X Division was in the context of kayfabe. He kept hiring Russo thinking that it wouldn't cause problems. "Delusional Optimism" has become his catchphrase. sometimes it takes more than an entrepreneurial spirit.


I don't think he needs any sympathy though. Seems to have done pretty well for himself over his career.

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Jeff Jarrett has always been a sentimental favourite of mine, from Double J to his feud with Chyna to WCW, so I'm enjoying seeing the turn around. People are seeing him in a friendlier light.


In listening to his podcast, he doesn't come off to me as an egomaniac or anything...


He has taken on a very C'est le vie attitude about it now. He's trying to salvage what's left of his life, and good luck to him. I don't wish him any personal ill will. Hope he finds his sunset. But yeah, he thought he was a 20 trying to break 10s when he was a 2-dollar bill trying to run out of the bank with 2 ones.


Whether that could have been different if he kept a better group of friends? I dunno, him and Russo are so insufferable together, I can't really remember anything else anymore.

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I remember when he was announced for the HoF; I, like many, had the reaction of "Holy ****!" And then I told a co-worker who was also into wrestling.


"Jeff Jarrett is being inducted into the Hall Of Fame! Can you believe that?!?"

"Oh, that's nice. I'm glad that everyone could put aside their differences and come together to do something the fans will enjoy."


So, anyway, good on Jarrett for where he's at now. I remember Mick Foley speaking very highly of him, noting how we might not have a NXT without Jarrett and how TNA developed wrestlers into stars.

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