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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Curious on what people think about Sheamus as champion? He obviously won in a rather fluke manner and hasn't been made to look overly strong - the reign has mostly been about Cena's determination to get it back. But he also hasn't really looked too weak either. The build was weak, but I actually don't mind it too much.


His performance hasn't been bad, but he's been booked as an afterthought.


He's no more credible as a character now then when he won the match against Cena. I have no idea why the writers can't seem to book anything except a 'sneaky heel,' but it doesn't really fit Sheamus' character.


If he's going to DQ himself against Cena, have him use a steel chair or something..not brush aside the ref with his forearm.


Essentially..unless something changes, if Sheamus were to lose the belt at the Rumble, in three months I think he'd be a midcard jobber to the stars.

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I think Sheamus has been booked fairly strongly from what I've seen (getting punked out by Mark Cuban aside), although I wish they'd give him a bit more focus. I like that the WWE have thrown a new name into the mix, but instead of focussing on him, it's more following Cena's pursuit of getting the gold back and his frustrations in doing so (fitting with how he lost in the first place). I've seen more than enough Cena 'against the odds' and 'struggles to overcome' feuds to know I'm not seeing a new dimension to Cena. Although I don't watch nearly every minute of WWE programming, I'm just hoping for more build of Sheamus as a character, rather than just giving him wins and the belt. He feels too interchangeable, a rather generic big heel... kinda like watching a pale, ginger version of Test.


I found it kind of middle of the road. He hasn't been made to look poor, obviously, but to me, a strong looking champion is one cleanly going over other top stars. While I liked the segment last week between him and Bourne, I don't think that's the kind of win that makes him look strong as a champion.


I do agree that I wish they would do more in terms of character, but I actually like what I've seen so far. I think he has a unique look, and he's big enough to make the power style work in the ring. I also find his approach just different enough from your typical angry, sadistic heel to work - he kinda seems sadistic, violent, and happy.... So far, its working for me far better than I expected...

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I found it completely in character. Him calling Kofi stupid seems to be a very Orton to do. Kofi is stupid for thinking he's on Orton's level. He's stupid for not anticipating the Legacy run in. He's stupid for thinking there was disillusion in Legacy like all of us. Everyone is stupid for thinking Orton wouldnt once again compete for HIS WWE championship.


It definitely wasn't in character. You could see him swearing as the ref raised his hand, otherwise I would've agreed with you. There are two possibilities as to why Kofi is stupid, in Orton's words:


1.The more likely scenario, the match was supposed to end with a punt. I admit, I did expect a punt after DiBiase's interference. Orton was setting up for it, but Kofi got up too fast. He then pushed Kofi down, and then when Kofi got up again, Orton hit his RKO. I didn't catch this myself, but people have said they saw Orton saying 'punt' to Kofi.


2.Kofi was supposed to do something (get out of the corner) before DiBiase's interference that he didn't do. This would explain why DiBiase's interference was so late.

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It definitely wasn't in character. You could see him swearing as the ref raised his hand, otherwise I would've agreed with you. There are two possibilities as to why Kofi is stupid, in Orton's words


I'm not saying Orton didnt break character, just playing the "other side of the fence roll".


But two things:


1. If Orton was so mad because of a screw up by Kofi, and is so anal about finishes, staying in character, ext. as its been said here and reported on "news" sites, why would he then break character?


2. When did a magical rule come to be that you arnt to say anything when a referee raises your hand? For that moment you should be completely mundane?

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Changing the subject slightly, am I the only one who has become bored to death of the Evil Mr McMahon gimmick?


I remember a time when a swerve would make me scream "NO!" When a heel turn would infuriate me.


Maybe it's because I am older. Maybe it's because kayfabe has become obsolete. But my initial reaction to Vince's swerve on Brett on the January 4th show was ... "figures."

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Has anyone else seen the report of Orton being charged with assault--for allegedly spitting gum in a kid's face? Is that actually considered an assault by the U.S. legal system?


I dont know if that would stand up in court I'm from US and i haven't heard of it being called assault but I could be wrong its def. not the right thing to do but..i dont know

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Has anyone else seen the report of Orton being charged with assault--for allegedly spitting gum in a kid's face? Is that actually considered an assault by the U.S. legal system?


The info I read said that a copmlaint was filed by a 15 year old and that they are investingating whether it warrants a criminal compliant or not.

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Has anyone else seen the report of Orton being charged with assault--for allegedly spitting gum in a kid's face? Is that actually considered an assault by the U.S. legal system?


Assault is the intentional act by one person that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent harmful or offensive contact.


So a 6'4" pro wrestler spitting gum on someone definitely could be considered assault.

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Assault is the intentional act by one person that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent harmful or offensive contact.


So a 6'4" pro wrestler spitting gum on someone definitely could be considered assault.


likely nothing happened. American's legal system is set up so everyone can sue everyone. Something like that would be laughed at in Canada. "He spit gum at me!" "Prove it." "uhm?".

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Changing the subject slightly, am I the only one who has become bored to death of the Evil Mr McMahon gimmick?


I remember a time when a swerve would make me scream "NO!" When a heel turn would infuriate me.


Maybe it's because I am older. Maybe it's because kayfabe has become obsolete. But my initial reaction to Vince's swerve on Brett on the January 4th show was ... "figures."


I don't mind it. It's the most impactful side of Vince's character after all, and can lead to many potential angles/feuds.

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I'm not saying Orton didnt break character, just playing the "other side of the fence roll".


But two things:


1. If Orton was so mad because of a screw up by Kofi, and is so anal about finishes, staying in character, ext. as its been said here and reported on "news" sites, why would he then break character?


2. When did a magical rule come to be that you arnt to say anything when a referee raises your hand? For that moment you should be completely mundane?


On the first thing, I'm not sure what one has to do with the other. Being anal about finishes is a completely different thing than staying in character. Besides, it's an established fact that Randy breaks character and shows his frustration at botches; see the Raw where Piper was the guest host. He was ready to punt Piper, and he was supposed to be interrupted by Kofi's music right before the punt but the music was late so Randy basically had to back up and do it again. He then turned to the hard camera and threw his hands in the air.


On the second, that's fine, but there's simply no 'in character' reason for him to swear like that. It may be no big deal by itsself, but when you combine that piece with the rest of the puzzle, the picture becomes even more clear. There was a botch, and Randy was very immature in his reaction.

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likely nothing happened. American's legal system is set up so everyone can sue everyone. Something like that would be laughed at in Canada. "He spit gum at me!" "Prove it." "uhm?".
if he had a group of people that said someone spit gum at him, it's the groups word vs one person and the groups wins 99% of the times
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if he had a group of people that said someone spit gum at him, it's the groups word vs one person and the groups wins 99% of the times


But what are the damages? Why should the DA take the case? Because they love pointless headaches involving minor celebrities with expensive attorneys?

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The Saugus Advertiser has an article up, reporting that a 15-year old boy that has filed a police report against WWE star Randy Orton. The boy claims that Orton assaulted him, claiming Orton spit gum at him and then called him a derogatory name. The boy asked Orton to pose with him for a photo in the parking lot of a restaurant after having already taken a photo of Orton. The police filed a hearing request on the matter, but no arrest has been made. According to the article, a clerk magistrate will determine if the incident warrants a criminal complaint. You can check out the full article here:




Seems it is filed under complaint and still to be determined if it warrants anything.


On Orton breaking character, I don't like it as it breaks the suspending of disbelief. It depends on the situation though.

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But what are the damages? Why should the DA take the case? Because they love pointless headaches involving minor celebrities with expensive attorneys?

I don't think Orton is going to get into any trouble, but I hope he learns that people sue anyone for anything, and therefore, you can only expect yourself not to do anything stupid, and not the other party to not do anything stupid.


likely nothing happened. American's legal system is set up so everyone can sue everyone. Something like that would be laughed at in Canada. "He spit gum at me!" "Prove it." "uhm?".


That's ironic to me, because people from USA always complain about Canada is too liberal, despite the fact that we can sue almost anyone for almost anything in the USA.

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Wow man it LOOKED like Jericho injured Morrisson tonight. I can guarantee, having only seeing that match so far (Its only been on for 45 mins in California. More than 1 match is to much to ask in that much time I guess.) its the match of the night

spoiler below if you didnt watch it.

He hit the codebreaker at a much different angle than he usually does and afterwards Morrisson was clutching his jaw WAY longer than he needed to. Then, that Drew McIntyre stepped on his face, right around where the codebreaker hit.

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Finally watched the last RAW and I have to agree, that promo by Miz was awesome. MVP was good too, the whole segment delivered. I just hope now this rivalry will last, else all the build-up will have serve nothing.


Kingston definitely did something wrong judging by Orton's reaction. What really went wrong is anybody's guess though.


And now to find time to watch more wrestling... I need more hours in each day!

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During an interview with the Ottawa Sun promoting his new movie, Tooth Fairy, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson says he will "absolutely" be returning to World Wrestling Entertainment. He say he's looking to return this summer after he completes filming on another movie.


"Will I go back? Absolutely. The goal is to go back and do something special. I talked to Vince (McMahon) a couple of months ago and we're trying to come up with something," Johnson told Tim Baines of the Ottawa Sun. "After I wrap 'Faster,' maybe in the summer I can go back."


He also confirms reports saying that he was scheduled to guest host this past week's episode of Raw, but was called to Mexico to promote Tooth Fairy.


"The plan was for me to be the host (this past Monday)," Johnson said. "But then I had to go to Mexico (to promote the movie). The idea of me going back to WWE is intriguing and exciting. I grew up in the business."




Interesting, eh? Wonder if it'll be more than a one off thing. Would be great to have him back for a few months.

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