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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Mike Jones, Paul Wall, Chamillionaire, Devin the Dude, Lil Troy, Lil Flip, Pimp C, Scarface, DJ Screw, Slim Thug, Ghetto Boys (Scarface, Willie D and Buschwick Bill) Swisha House crew (Paul Wall, Mike Jones, Michael 5000 Watts, Like Keke).


I could go on but Texas is one of about five hot spots for rap around the country. You got New York/Jersey, , Atlanta, Texas, Cali, and Detroit. Florida is on the climb as well as some other states. I'm not saying guys in other states don't rhyme but these areas are the tops in most peoples eyes.


None the less Scarface is the Godfather of Southern Rap and he's from Texas, UGK are legends in the game as well. Swishahouse one of of the most successful labels in the last five years. Seriously people in Texas rap.


Thanks for the info. I didn't know. I stand correct on that. But it doesn't change the fact that Mark Henry can't rap. :)

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I'll take your word on it. I didn't see anything on any of the hip hop message boards that said "pro wrestler spits fire on RAW' so it couldn't have been anything too great.


Take my word for it? You didn't see it? Here's the



Take a look at Verne Troyer's face. He's so trying not to look uncomfortable. And MVP tried so hard. He tried to put this segment over, but it just didn't work. No wonder Mark Henry's momentum is gone - they make him do stupid crap hat makes no booking sense.

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I did, until now. :(


But I thought he pitched to do it, for kicks and giggles. At least I thought it was the case, don't know if I'd see WWE telling him to do so since there was absolutely no follow-up from it. I'm sure they would've used that time to show their 67th Raw replay, their 67th commercial or to promote DX merchandise again or have another random backstage segment with Hornswoggle. Maybe he wanted to have a shot at it and failed /shrug guess you gotta try your hand at something sometime.

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I just asked a simple question. I can't see anyone with a clue thinking it's racist for a black man to (attempt to) rap. I took issue with how you emphasized where he's from as some kind of proof that he couldn't/shouldn't rap. It's one thing to say 'that didn't seem like something his character would be doing' but a whole other thing to say 'have him give a crappy rap (which some may view as racist, especially because he's actually from SILVA, TEXAS)'. See the part I bolded? See the part you capitalized (like it's supposed to be an important detail)?


It's one thing to say someone sucks at something and a totally different thing to say they suck at it perhaps because of where they're from.


I'm not even going to touch the whole 'Americanized' thing. Sounds eerily similar to the 'house' versus 'field' distinction used with my own ethnicity. But I will say that I have friends of many ethnic backgrounds and them living here for decades doesn't make them any less of their ethnicity. Italian grandmothers galore haven't lived in the old country since Roosevelt was in office but they still throw down dishes that are completely authentic. I learned how to curse in SerboCroatian from a friend's grandmother who hasn't been back home since, well, since it was peaceful Yugoslavia. They maintain all their customs and speak heavily accented English (if they speak English at all).


But Peter missed a couple: "and by the same token, what exactly their criteria of Mexican is? Should he wear a sombrero, talk like Speedy Gonzales, and sport a giant Pancho Villa like moustache?". Forgot 'speak Spanglish' and 'end every sentence with 'homes'.

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I just asked a simple question. I can't see anyone with a clue thinking it's racist for a black man to (attempt to) rap. I took issue with how you emphasized where he's from as some kind of proof that he couldn't/shouldn't rap. It's one thing to say 'that didn't seem like something his character would be doing' but a whole other thing to say 'have him give a crappy rap (which some may view as racist, especially because he's actually from SILVA, TEXAS)'. See the part I bolded? See the part you capitalized (like it's supposed to be an important detail)?


It's one thing to say someone sucks at something and a totally different thing to say they suck at it perhaps because of where they're from.


I admitted, and I will admit again, I was wrong on Texas and rap. :)


But rather him attempting to rap, I don't see it that way. It wasn't much of an attempt as he was probably playing off a WWE script probably by some writer. It was awkward, it was uncomfortable, it was bad.


In any case, I have never seen any Mexico wear Sombrero constantly. I also have never heard any Mexican-American use "homes". As for Spanglish, well, I have heard that, but more often than that, the conversation ends either being one language or the other. And Speedy Gonzalez is Looney Tunes Cartoon Character.


But your point, and PeterHilton's seem to be different, at least to me. You understand what I'm saying (even though you disagree), and, I believe, I understand what you are saying. But I'm not entirely sure he understands what I'm saying, or he's accidentally misconstrued my post to what it wasn't. I honestly don't understand how the post could have offended him. In fact, I don't think he should have been. I can see he is, but I don't see why he should be.

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Take my word for it? You didn't see it? Here's the


Take a look at Verne Troyer's face. He's so trying not to look uncomfortable. And MVP tried so hard. He tried to put this segment over, but it just didn't work. No wonder Mark Henry's momentum is gone - they make him do stupid crap hat makes no booking sense.






I havent seen a segment that awful since any extended Hardy Boyz & Terri promo time.

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I havent seen a segment that awful since any extended Hardy Boyz & Terri promo time.


Wow indeed...


I really do feel for MVP. I don't think MVP is all that amazing on the microphone himself, but he LOOKS amazing in this promo compared to Mark Henry's... whatever you call that.


Can we stop giving him microphone time now? Usually after a decade, if a guy still blows on the microphone that bad, you stop giving it to him. Isn't that the reason why Mark Henry has spent most of his career either with a manager or tag partner who COULD cut a promo?

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Mark Henry does fine on a mic. It's just that his voice never matched his apperance. Even then, Despite his size, he looks like a big huggable Teddy Bear to me. Even with his beard. He just looks like a big dark grizzly instead. But still not rough at all. Match with his voice, he seemed more like a big friend that protects you, not a bully or a monster heel. The problem is booking and writing.


I think he was given a bad script. I don't think even the Rock could have made those lyrics work.


"The Rock will layeth the TENURE on all your candy-asses!"


Okay, maybe THAT would work. But probably only for the Rock, and definitely not Mark Henry. :p

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I think Mark Henry does fine on the mic as well, for promo's or whatever. The raps that they come up with every now and then are never "great", but the person doing it can sound good or bad depending on certain things.


Henry just didn't rap it right. He bassically was just "saying" a rap, as if it were a promo. It was NOT on beat, which made the whole thing feel uncomfortable to me, as I was expecting a rap, not just talking. He probably didn't have a good enough time to "practice". I believe if MVP would have said the same rap, and actually rapped it, it would have "sounded" alot better.


There are rapper's out right now that have worse rhymes then what Mark Henry did, yet are able to make them sound great.... Little Wayne rhymes words that don't rhyme, by pretending like that's just the way he speaks, for example.

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Little Wayne


That made my laugh for some reason. My wife calls these rappers "Little" and I have to correct her by reminding her its the slight, often over looked variation Lil for some reason it sounds ok being called Lil Wayne, Lil Boosie (ok I lied there is no way Boosie can sound ok) but if you say "Little" it makes me think of Robin Hoods Merry Men. But yeah these are just strange obersavations by me and have nothing to do with anything WWE related so back on topic...


Is it still looking like Sheamus vs. HHH for the title at WM? I haven't watched since the 4th...


Also Bret Hart has been cleared to wrestle so it sounds like it'll be a singles match at WM

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That made my laugh for some reason. My wife calls these rappers "Little" and I have to correct her by reminding her its the slight, often over looked variation Lil for some reason it sounds ok being called Lil Wayne, Lil Boosie (ok I lied there is no way Boosie can sound ok) but if you say "Little" it makes me think of Robin Hoods Merry Men. But yeah these are just strange obersavations by me and have nothing to do with anything WWE related so back on topic...


Is it still looking like Sheamus vs. HHH for the title at WM? I haven't watched since the 4th...


Also Bret Hart has been cleared to wrestle so it sounds like it'll be a singles match at WM


The storyline is interesting, but Bret vs. Vince is going to be awful in the ring. Bret can't even throw a punch or walk without wobbling anymore. Yes yes, I know, he had a stroke, it's amazing he can still get in the ring, what do you expect from an old man, etc. WWE made the decision to put this on knowing all of that, and I think it's just going to be ugly.

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That made my laugh for some reason. My wife calls these rappers "Little" and I have to correct her by reminding her its the slight, often over looked variation Lil for some reason it sounds ok being called Lil Wayne, Lil Boosie (ok I lied there is no way Boosie can sound ok) but if you say "Little" it makes me think of Robin Hoods Merry Men. But yeah these are just strange obersavations by me and have nothing to do with anything WWE related so back on topic...


Is it still looking like Sheamus vs. HHH for the title at WM? I haven't watched since the 4th...


Also Bret Hart has been cleared to wrestle so it sounds like it'll be a singles match at WM


Off Topic, I said "Little" on purpose. The guys very "Little". 'Lil Wayne, Weezy, or whatever he wants to go by depending on what year it is, that's something I don't try to keep up with. However, I like the "little" guy, so you might say that when things involving him are going on that I know of, I check it out. My point was just that alot of rappers don't even rhyme (in the poetic scense anyways) anymore, and it seems the one's that don't get more popular then the one's that do (See LL vs. Kool Moe D, with Moe obviously having the more poetic background, but everyone see's LL as the winner, because of his "Flow"/at the time). Same is true in todays "singing" music. Half the people are using Autotune (a little something that doesn't allow you to sing out of tune, no matter how bad you are), not to take away from artists that "CAN" actually sing, but right now anyone that can afford Autotune and can write songs that would be popular, could actually make a number 1 album without actually being able to sing at all (Just try, and autotune does the rest).


The punches he gave Vince two weeks ago looked damn impressive to me, most realistic punches i've seen in WWE for a while :).


I thought so as well, and at first I thought a little "too" good. I think alot of our GDS community is actually falling for the obvious (at least to me). I've been really trying not to say what I think because it actually can ruin it for people if I'm right, but I can't hold my tongue anymore.


To me, Bret is being thrown out there AS a "Weak" opponant so that it looks like Vince can handle him. To me, it seems to be working, at least reading posts that say "He looked horrible in there. It's going to be an embarressment!" etc. WWE has, in my opinion, made marks out of all these people making comments such as this. It was VERY obvious that Bret is alot stronger then what they are making him out to be, and he still has ring psychology, because alot of folks are buying into it... "One hit by Batista, and he was through!" That's how it's supposed to look, right now... WWE is in my opinion "Getting one over" on quite a few people that "think" they know what's going on.

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To me, Bret is being thrown out there AS a "Weak" opponant so that it looks like Vince can handle him. To me, it seems to be working, at least reading posts that say "He looked horrible in there. It's going to be an embarressment!" etc. WWE has, in my opinion, made marks out of all these people making comments such as this. It was VERY obvious that Bret is alot stronger then what they are making him out to be, and he still has ring psychology, because alot of folks are buying into it... "One hit by Batista, and he was through!" That's how it's supposed to look, right now... WWE is in my opinion "Getting one over" on quite a few people that "think" they know what's going on.


That's an interesting take on it. Maybe they are making him look weak, then, at 'Mania he'll go out and look pretty decent.

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But your point, and PeterHilton's seem to be different, at least to me. You understand what I'm saying (even though you disagree), and, I believe, I understand what you are saying. But I'm not entirely sure he understands what I'm saying, or he's accidentally misconstrued my post to what it wasn't. I honestly don't understand how the post could have offended him. In fact, I don't think he should have been. I can see he is, but I don't see why he should be.


I'm not going to make a huge deal out of it, but the idea of being 'Americanized' is just incredibly stupid to me.


Obviously people who grow up in different countries have different cultures, but only in a few ethnicities is it seen as a stigma to be 'more American' than what is considered 'typical.'


Saying that Chavo wouldn't be believable acting a certain way plays into a stereotype. Which, in wrestling, isn't a big deal (or more exactly, it happens so often you sort of get used to it). But it does bother me to hear about this idea of what it means to be 'Americanized.'


So is Chavo not an All-Mexican Mexican? What would make him more Mexican? What qualities would he need to show on screen that would make him a more believable Mexican?


When people answer those questions, more often than not, it's about stereotype.


I don't think your post was offensive, but the entire concept is bad news.


When you define someone like Chavo culturally by what he isn't (he doesn't act very Mexican) then by default you are also defining what it means to be

Mexican. And by definiing that identity within such strict parameters, you limit that culture as a whole.


I could go on, but it touches on much greater issues in entertainment today.

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I'm not going to make a huge deal out of it, but the idea of being 'Americanized' is just incredibly stupid to me.


Obviously people who grow up in different countries have different cultures, but only in a few ethnicities is it seen as a stigma to be 'more American' than what is considered 'typical.'


Saying that Chavo wouldn't be believable acting a certain way plays into a stereotype. Which, in wrestling, isn't a big deal (or more exactly, it happens so often you sort of get used to it). But it does bother me to hear about this idea of what it means to be 'Americanized.'


So is Chavo not an All-Mexican Mexican? What would make him more Mexican? What qualities would he need to show on screen that would make him a more believable Mexican?


When people answer those questions, more often than not, it's about stereotype.


I don't think your post was offensive, but the entire concept is bad news.


When you define someone like Chavo culturally by what he isn't (he doesn't act very Mexican) then by default you are also defining what it means to be

Mexican. And by definiing that identity within such strict parameters, you limit that culture as a whole.


I could go on, but it touches on much greater issues in entertainment today.


Peter there are very few guys I just always agree with and you seem to be one of them man. Once again I couldn't have said that any better myself.

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Off Topic, I said "Little" on purpose. The guys very "Little". 'Lil Wayne, Weezy, or whatever he wants to go by depending on what year it is, that's something I don't try to keep up with. However, I like the "little" guy, so you might say that when things involving him are going on that I know of, I check it out. My point was just that alot of rappers don't even rhyme (in the poetic scense anyways) anymore, and it seems the one's that don't get more popular then the one's that do (See LL vs. Kool Moe D, with Moe obviously having the more poetic background, but everyone see's LL as the winner, because of his "Flow"/at the time). Same is true in todays "singing" music. Half the people are using Autotune (a little something that doesn't allow you to sing out of tune, no matter how bad you are), not to take away from artists that "CAN" actually sing, but right now anyone that can afford Autotune and can write songs that would be popular, could actually make a number 1 album without actually being able to sing at all (Just try, and autotune does the rest).


I was just givin ya some crap Chris :)

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Granted I didn't watch RAW for a few months, but I usually caught ECW most of the time, so I did see Shaemus there. I am still wondering how the hell he got a god push to the WWE championship?! Last person I saw pushed that fast was Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar, and they at least had some actual athletic credentials to fall back on.


I am not saying Shaemus doesn't have the ability to be a top wrestler, but it seems awful fast for a guy who was a new wrestler initiative on ECW a few months ago to suddenly seem to be in line to defending a world title at Wrestlemania. Even John Cena had to spend a few months in the midcard on Smackdown before getting the big push.


And despite the fact I know it will be technically ugly. I am still marking for the thought of seeing Bret put Vince in the sharpshooter! ;)

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