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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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The following is from WWE.com:


WWE has come to terms on the release of WWE Superstar Charlie Haas as of today, February 28, 2010. We wish Charlie Haas the best in all future endeavors.

WWE better not future endeavor Maryse


i bet more names will be on the future endeavors list.


Primo (When's the last time you saw him?)

Knox (bring back A-Train, fire this useless Monkey man)

Kozlov (Who needs him)


A train is huge in japan right now so i don't see him going back to wwe.


It sucks about haas as the wgtt was a great team. I enjoyed there work

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What's up with Primo? Is he injured or are they just not using him?


From what I have seen of him he is significantly better than Carlito.


I wouldn't miss Kozlov


Primo's become a Superstars jobber, hasn't he? Comes out, flashes some skill, inevitably is beaten by whomever he faces. He's Evan Bourne without the occasional Raw appearance.

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So next time they release Charlie Haas, it'll be because he's boring and doesn't know how to work? Because last I checked, he gave them plenty of reasons to keep him on TV with his impersonations gimmick, and his ring-work has always been excellent... Yet they dropped him out of focus and treat him like a never-will.


WWE has come to terms on the release of WWE Superstar Charlie Haas as of today, February 28, 2010. We wish Charlie Haas the best in all future endeavors.


So Candyman... What say you?

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Its a two way street guys creative sometimes fail, sometimes the talent fails and most often its a combination of both leaning to one or the other side.


Ignoring the money and keeping the roster from getting too bloated. Also you have to always think about a talents position in relation to other talent. So in so far they are logical releases as the E have plenty of similar or better talent still on board. The biggest shocker is Maria imho as for a Diva she was over in some way.


As for TNA signing Helms, Burchill, Haas. They all have definite upsides imho and why not give them a chance if they fail they can job and be gone (much as I hope OJ and Morley etc will be doing) if they don't they might be the next Morgan/Dinero. But atm TNA really, really needs to prune their roster. The only must signs are RVD and J Hardy. In the case of Jeff that would be a good reason to bring in Helms to increase the likelihood of him signing.

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So Candyman... What say you?


I'll say what I say every time somebody gets released: stop sucking, Charlie. It's that simple. Be more entertaining, make people want to watch you, and they'll put you on TV. Obviously Charlie didn't convince creative that people wanted to see him, and so he's gone.


You have to remember that you don't represent the entire WWE universe. You represent you. You were entertained by Charlie Haas? Great...so was I, actually. Obviously not enough people agreed with us. WWE management has access to a lot of information (ratings, merchandise sales, viewer feedback, etc.) that we don't. Trust me, they have a much better idea what people want to see than you or I do. If people want to see somebody, they're going to use them.

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I'll say what I say every time somebody gets released: stop sucking, Charlie. It's that simple. Be more entertaining, make people want to watch you, and they'll put you on TV. Obviously Charlie didn't convince creative that people wanted to see him, and so he's gone.


You have to remember that you don't represent the entire WWE universe. You represent you. You were entertained by Charlie Haas? Great...so was I, actually. Obviously not enough people agreed with us. WWE management has access to a lot of information (ratings, merchandise sales, viewer feedback, etc.) that we don't. Trust me, they have a much better idea what people want to see than you or I do. If people want to see somebody, they're going to use them.


Except the reactions during the impersonation phase at least clearly were positive from pretty much everyone lol. And it's not about what people want to see affecting them, more than anything they are capable of controlling who the majority of people want to see, unless they're absolutely devoid of anything worth cheering in any situation, which Haas evidently ain't.

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I'll say what I say every time somebody gets released: stop sucking, Charlie. It's that simple. Be more entertaining, make people want to watch you, and they'll put you on TV. Obviously Charlie didn't convince creative that people wanted to see him, and so he's gone.


You have to remember that you don't represent the entire WWE universe. You represent you. You were entertained by Charlie Haas? Great...so was I, actually. Obviously not enough people agreed with us. WWE management has access to a lot of information (ratings, merchandise sales, viewer feedback, etc.) that we don't. Trust me, they have a much better idea what people want to see than you or I do. If people want to see somebody, they're going to use them.


See, I understand where this argument is coming from and to a degree it makes sense but well ... WWE guys are often not in any real control of what they say or their character or what goes on in their matches. They generally do what they are told and while they can make suggestions there is no guarantee they will be listened to. They can just try to make things work to the best of their ability. Some people out and out suck and cannot do anything right (see Divas) while others can wrestle or be entertaining but they are given such a limited role or one that isn't really suited to their abilities that the ball really isn't in their court at all. If you do what you are told as best you can and it doesn't work well ... I don't think the wrestler deserves all the blame.

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I'll say what I say every time somebody gets released: stop sucking, Charlie. It's that simple. Be more entertaining, make people want to watch you, and they'll put you on TV. Obviously Charlie didn't convince creative that people wanted to see him, and so he's gone.


You have to remember that you don't represent the entire WWE universe. You represent you. You were entertained by Charlie Haas? Great...so was I, actually. Obviously not enough people agreed with us. WWE management has access to a lot of information (ratings, merchandise sales, viewer feedback, etc.) that we don't. Trust me, they have a much better idea what people want to see than you or I do. If people want to see somebody, they're going to use them.


That's way too onesided. In general you make a great point about the marketing and research side of things, and the fact that the WWE has access to a ton of feedback that we, as your basic internet wrestling nerd, wouldn't but let's face it....they have not beeen infallible.


The WWE has made mistakes before on who to push and who is over. Wrestlers have had their pushes derailed by backstage politics, which wouldn't happen if it was as simple as "if people want to see somebody, they're going to use them." (and the opposite is true too: wrestlers with good relationships in the company had jobs loooong after anyone cared whether or not they were on the roster)


It's just too easy and the writing team has proven themselve to be far too inconsistent to say something like: well Charlies Hass was released which therefore means he must not have been worth putting on TV.


Hell, from a traditional wrestling perspective it's not a good idea just because having a seasoned hand like Charlie around to work house shows and dark matches with the younger guys would be as valuable as having Finlay or Regal on the main shows; maybe moreso becaus Charlie is closer in age.

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It would appear to me, from a business strategic perspective, one of two things, or perhaps a combination of both occurs, and it must cost the WWE financially in many respects. The entertainment industry would be very difficult to manage in this respect, so I'm putting this from a typical more stable industry perspective.


1. Strategic recruitment is poor. In most companies you recruit the right kind of people to do the right kind of job at the right time. These people are brought into provide long term value in their initial role and hopefully through their continued development to provide a human capital strategic competitive advantage. My question is what sort of long term plan goes into a performer who is promoted to the main roster? Do they truly believe the performer can be a long term competitive advantage laiden performer? Are they recruiting the right type of performer for the roles creative have open?


It would be very important I would feel for creative to be very open with the scouts responsible for bringing the wrestler to the company to ensure that the right type of performer is brought in, not just the best available and find something to do with them.


2. Constant market fluctuations. Constant variables in entertainment would make predicting trends on what is going to be popular in the near future incredibly difficult. You see it with pilot TV shows, so many of them don't last or won't last their first season despite being a popular mainstream concept at the point of conception. This must play havoc.


If I was to label the 'future endeavours',


1 Maria - no idea why she's gone. People want cute girls and that doesn't appear to fluctuate too much

2 Shane Helms - 2? Perhaps the 'comic book hero' gimmick isn't as hot as it once was and they believe he has not much beyond that?

3 Paul Burchill - 1. The guy was never put into a gimmick that made any sense for his physicality and performance attributes. The comic pirate routine was not what he should be booked for. He strikes me as a more legitimate performer and therefore if creative wanted a pirate, he was never the guy.

4 Charlie Haas - 1. They didn't seem to have much of an idea beyond the impersonator routine, and don't seem to want to perservere with tag team wrestlers for much more than 3-4 months before an inevitable turn, and then the inevitable result that it didn't work and at least 1 if not both are out of the company.


That said, most of these performers were contracted for a while, so... in terms of professional wrestling tenures in the mainstream era their tenure was reasonable.

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The WWE runs through it's talent faster than it really should. While I understand the need for keeping a concise roster, you also have to keep options available for wrestlers for matches/feuds/etc. How many times have Orton and HHH feuded? Orton and Cena? They blow through feuds/matches so fast (and on free TV no less) that once guys reach the top, there isn't a lot of fresh matches left for them. It is possible to have your superstars be on TV regularly and not have them wrestle in all that many singles matches. Use tag and six man matches. Instead of PPVs being enhanced RAW/Smackdowns with more gimmick matches, they become important for people to see the blowoff/continuation of feuds. I'd go so far as to say that no one in the upper tier should face each other in singles matches unless it's a PPV. UFC doesn't give away money matches on TV too often. If they want to make the top tier look good, put them against some of the mid card and have them go 10-12 mins on TV. Midcarder gets some TV time, Star gets a win, they can advance the feud with challenges, intereference, post match attacks, etc without having star A and star B either has a schmozz ending or giving away a hot match on free TV.


Just my thoughts. Not saying anyone that was released is irreplaceable, but they could certainly fill roles in the company if given the chance.

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Completely off topic here (atleast off the currently being discussed topic) but has anyone seen the new photoshoot with Michelle McCool and Layla? Wearing the piggy james tank tops. Now I can't stand McCool, but she looks insanely hot in those pics...like to the point I didn't even realize it was her.
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I never really thought of it at first but has anyone else heard some weird noise that randomly appears during Vince McMahon's 'No Chance' theme. If you hear the whole thing there's these indescribable noises like someones stepping on a cat. Or is that supposed to be a symbol of McMahon 'stepping on everyone'
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Did anyone else find smackdown unwatchable on Friday? It had me so bored I fell asleep through half the show and woke up on Kane getting a win on McIntyre. Thats when I turned the TV off.




Cant seem to find the photoshoot


Can't find the original images, but I took the cuts and threw them on a background. It does nothing more than show off the cuts, but she is looking better than ever in these.



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Good camera man work there. Layla is hotter though and Miss Taker grrrrr.


Agreed. I never thought Michelle was anything great. Sure she looks hot but they all do, their job is to work out and get lots of make up on. but if she was an average person in the grocery store i wouldnt be impressed where i think Layla is prettier and can pull of sexy where Michelle's just never been sexy to me. Keibler and Stratus 4 Life.

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