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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I've waffled. I want HBK to end the streak.


I want it too. Bu sadly...i don't see it happening. Shawn is probably going to retire after mania (he teased at in a recent interview,dont remember where though,but i did read it somewhere) wich means there wouldn't be much sense in him winning...oh well...no champagne this year. :D

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Does anybody know how you use a finishing/signature/special move on the No Mercy game for the N64? I can't figure out how.


One of the more random questions, but I think you Strong Grapple your opponent, then waggle the stick. Could be wrong though, it's been a few years.

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MITB, Rey-Punk, Bret-Vince.


I'm pumped for Punk vs. Mysterio, I think that has huge potential. Bret/Vince of course, just for the inevitable.


I think MITB has a strong line up (with the exceptions of the Scottish guy whose name I can't spell or care to remember and Swagger, who I don't like anyway. But in a ladder match? I hope he proves me wrong though.) I'm excited because none of these guys are particular front runners except perhaps Christian, so it makes some interesting situations for whoever wins.


Also, I noticed on the the matches section for Wrestlemania, Taker vs. Michaels is at the top. Could this mean they close the show, because that would be awesome. Last year Trips vs. Orton fell pretty flat in comparison.

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Anyway, who's watching Mania tonight and what're you most looking forward too?


Undecided at the moment, but I suspect I'll probably get it this year. I've dropped in and out of watching the WWE in the run up to Mania, but although not too many of the feuds have captured my imagination from a storyline point of view, the actual matches themselves stack up well.


The main draw for me is probably the chance to see Bret back in the ring, even if the match almost certainly isn't going to be a wrestling classic. Then HBK vs Taker II as it pretty much guarantees a great match and the added stip of HBK's career being on the line should mean we get a match considerably different to last year's given the story behind it.


Apart from those, Edge vs Jericho, Punk vs Rey and Money In The Bank stand out for me. Couldn't care less about Batista vs Cena ahead of time as (from what I've seen of it) the build up could have basically been plucked from any number of feuds involving Cena in the last 3-4 years. The match itself though, should be solid enough. Pass on HHH vs Sheamus, again don't really care to see it, although I'm sure it'll turn out to be a watchable match at least.

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You know, as far as ending Taker's streak goes, I've been thinking. Would it be such a bad thing to end it...for the sake of ending it? This match is one of the biggest in Mania history. There's no guarantee Taker's gonna be wrestling this time next year. And all the talk of using it to "put over a new young star"...well firstly I just don't see WWE doing it, because they have trouble trusting people, and giving them that rub would be like the point of no return. No, anyone who gets to end the streak will have to already be an established star. And there's nobody more established than Shawn Michaels. There will be no bigger match than this at Wrestlemania for a long time. The only match Taker has left that would be worth it on this scale is against John Cena. And on the basis that the streak will end, I would rather Michaels did it. It'd be an amazing Wrestlemania moment. And in a way...that's enough.



It won't happen though.

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You know, as far as ending Taker's streak goes, I've been thinking. Would it be such a bad thing to end it...for the sake of ending it? This match is one of the biggest in Mania history. There's no guarantee Taker's gonna be wrestling this time next year. And all the talk of using it to "put over a new young star"...well firstly I just don't see WWE doing it, because they have trouble trusting people, and giving them that rub would be like the point of no return. No, anyone who gets to end the streak will have to already be an established star. And there's nobody more established than Shawn Michaels. There will be no bigger match than this at Wrestlemania for a long time. The only match Taker has left that would be worth it on this scale is against John Cena. And on the basis that the streak will end, I would rather Michaels did it. It'd be an amazing Wrestlemania moment. And in a way...that's enough.



It won't happen though.


I agree. I don't want to see some young guy that hasn't done anything for the WWE end it - just like I wouldn't want to see somebody like that retire Ric Flair. IF they're going to end Undertaker's streak, I think this is the time to do it. They could still have HBK retire, if that's what he wants to do. He could come out on Raw tomorrow night and say "I said that if I couldn't beat Undertaker at Wrestlemania, I have no career...and now that I have beaten Undertaker at Wrestlemania, my career is complete." and give his farewell speech.

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I would hate that. For the streak to have truly meant something, its end should mean something. If Shawn wins, you'll get one big pop, a couple of weeks talking about it, then it'll be as meaningless as Jack Swagger's win streak. The only reason I'd give Shawn the streak is if he were turning heel off of it, completely changing the landscape of the WWE... but I hate the idea of heel Shawn too, so I'm pulling for an Undertaker win tonight.


No prediction. Just hoping.

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You know, as far as ending Taker's streak goes, I've been thinking. Would it be such a bad thing to end it...for the sake of ending it? This match is one of the biggest in Mania history. There's no guarantee Taker's gonna be wrestling this time next year. And all the talk of using it to "put over a new young star"...well firstly I just don't see WWE doing it, because they have trouble trusting people, and giving them that rub would be like the point of no return. No, anyone who gets to end the streak will have to already be an established star. And there's nobody more established than Shawn Michaels. There will be no bigger match than this at Wrestlemania for a long time. The only match Taker has left that would be worth it on this scale is against John Cena. And on the basis that the streak will end, I would rather Michaels did it. It'd be an amazing Wrestlemania moment. And in a way...that's enough.



It won't happen though.



It's sort of logical and I do agree the WWE and IWC are constantly worried about the future and who needs a push, whilst all parties need to concentrate on the here and now and treat every show as if its the last.


That said, it's all Taker really has. Never really had a great title reign, no major records or numbers, he's only really had one proper feud in his career (Kane). Undertaker is the streak and I don't see it ever ending.

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