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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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ampulator, stop. Just....stop. You seem to be under the (grossly mistaken) belief that 100k is a lot of money for someone in the entertainment business. It most certainly is not. Go back and read what the reaction to CM Punk signing with WWE was. When asked why he would sign with WWE when they horribly misused Shannon Moore, Punk reportedly said, "Then I'll buy a brand new Hummer and a nice house just like Shannon Moore did." How many 'nice houses' and Hummers does 100k get you? You don't do that if you're making scratch (and 100k for a midcarder like Shannon was in ECW, is scratch. There are rappers who don't even have albums out who make more than that).


You also have to remember that WWE contracts aren't like the salary you agreed to when you took your job. Your job doesn't give you PPV bonuses or a piece of your merchandise sales or the like. If Jericho took a pay cut, he did it with a contingency in place to more than make up for it. I seriously doubt a headliner like Jericho is making less than a go-nowhere midcarder like MVP.




I can't agree here. I guess it comes down to perspective. I made more than 100k well before my 30th birthday, all told (salary + commission + bonuses). I guess it depends on where you live also. 100k is not a lot in New York City but I imagine it would be a fortune in like Arkansas.


I would be shocked if every in-ring talent (not including the NXT rookies besides Danielson) were making less than 50. Given their schedule, less than that could probably qualify as slave labor. :p


100k is decent money to a guy who doesn't see the need to own hundreds of pairs of shoes :p

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I can't agree here. I guess it comes down to perspective. I made more than 100k well before my 30th birthday, all told (salary + commission + bonuses). I guess it depends on where you live also. 100k is not a lot in New York City but I imagine it would be a fortune in like Arkansas.


I would be shocked if every in-ring talent (not including the NXT rookies besides Danielson) were making less than 50. Given their schedule, less than that could probably qualify as slave labor. :p


I live about 35 miles outside Los Angeles, CA. I work for Best Buy. So, yeah, I think people may have heard both.


Also, I was referring to salary. All the managers have bonuses available. Stock, cash, etc.


Also, with all this talk, there is a major difference between a contract payment, and a hourly/monthly salary. I, to be completely honest, have no clue how a contract works. I imagine it's somewhat the same, just with more legal stuff as far as quitting, performance, etc.


So, take into account WWE's yearly performance. Then, figure out how many employees they have, worldwide. Production costs, and the odd expenses you never really think of (permits, license fees, etc) and this is why I tend to scoff at so many people being above 100k. Some? Yeah, never said no one does. Especially if they've been there for years (ala Shelton) you tend to renegotiate your contract every so often. This just seems like it would leave very little room for profit. Unless they get millions in kick backs for programming, and whatnot.

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I cannot imagine someone in a corporate management position making under 100k. Someone in a basic administrative position within the WWE, maybe. But if you are in a position that requires a certain amount of eduction, the pay is usually going to be pretty decent (at least if the company wants to attact and retain good employees). Specialized positions - video techs, sound engineers, creative talent, etc - are all going to be paid pretty well.
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I really don't mean any offense by this Fatally, because I would kill for a 30k job right now, with college looming and no cash on the horizon, but in all honesty, the difference between a GM at a box store (notorious for paying very poorly -- not Best Buy in particular, but most chains tend to pay badly in the grand scheme of things, I'm told) and a TV star, even in an relatively minor role, seems to me like it'd be pretty big.
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This just seems like it would leave very little room for profit. Unless they get millions in kick backs for programming, and whatnot.




check out their financials. how much money do you think they're generating? tens of thousands...?


Youre severely underestimating the scope of their revenue.

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I really don't mean any offense by this Fatally, because I would kill for a 30k job right now, with college looming and no cash on the horizon, but in all honesty, the difference between a GM at a box store (notorious for paying very poorly -- not Best Buy in particular, but most chains tend to pay badly in the grand scheme of things, I'm told) and a TV star, even in an relatively minor role, seems to me like it'd be pretty big.


Oh, trust me, I know people don't make much working for companies like me (hence my crack at not even making $30,000 a year, I barely touch $20,000 annually) But, also, there is why I bring up the salary point. You said it yourself, TV star. How many wrestlers in WWE are really "Stars" or even on weekly TV? I mean, I love Zack Ryder, but, is he really making bank? Yoshi Tatsu?


I agree people like a Miz, Morrison and that tier make decent money. But, I'm saying for every one of them, you have a fistful of Caylen and Crofts to think of.




check out their financials. how much money do you think they're generating? tens of thousands...?


Youre severely underestimating the scope of their revenue.


No no no. Think of how many employees, and worldwide expenses. This is what I'm talking about, as far as yearly salaries go. if they all made 100k, and had 100 employees, that's 1 million there. I know they make tons, but, running a company is extremely costly.

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ampulator, stop. Just....stop. You seem to be under the (grossly mistaken) belief that 100k is a lot of money for someone in the entertainment business. It most certainly is not. Go back and read what the reaction to CM Punk signing with WWE was. When asked why he would sign with WWE when they horribly misused Shannon Moore, Punk reportedly said, "Then I'll buy a brand new Hummer and a nice house just like Shannon Moore did." How many 'nice houses' and Hummers does 100k get you? You don't do that if you're making scratch (and 100k for a midcarder like Shannon was in ECW, is scratch. There are rappers who don't even have albums out who make more than that).


You also have to remember that WWE contracts aren't like the salary you agreed to when you took your job. Your job doesn't give you PPV bonuses or a piece of your merchandise sales or the like. If Jericho took a pay cut, he did it with a contingency in place to more than make up for it. I seriously doubt a headliner like Jericho is making less than a go-nowhere midcarder like MVP.




I can't agree here. I guess it comes down to perspective. I made more than 100k well before my 30th birthday, all told (salary + commission + bonuses). I guess it depends on where you live also. 100k is not a lot in New York City but I imagine it would be a fortune in like Arkansas.


I would be shocked if every in-ring talent (not including the NXT rookies besides Danielson) were making less than 50. Given their schedule, less than that could probably qualify as slave labor. :p

Here's the thing though. If there were no perks for them, then 100k isn't a lot of money. But I heard WWE does a tiered system where the more you work, the more you get paid, unlike WCW, where you had a high flat rate. For a guy like Psychosis and Nunzio, who weren't used in the WWE very much at all, 100k DOES seem like a lot of money for doing a lot of nothing.

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I would say that most wreslters who are on raw/smackdown are making over 100k a year. Remember that not all wreslters get travel paid for them....that is a huge chunk.....they have to pay out the nose for health insurance.....again huge money.......i would say a "normal" wrestler will make 150 a year.....a main eventer will pull in over 500k with bonuses and so forth....guys like cena.....if he makes less then a mill a year i would be shocked.
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No no no. Think of how many employees, and worldwide expenses. This is what I'm talking about, as far as yearly salaries go. if they all made 100k, and had 100 employees, that's 1 million there. I know they make tons, but, running a company is extremely costly.


A) you post seemed to be more about the in-ring talent than the other employees. My mstake.


B) your statement 'Unless they get millions in kick backs for programming, and whatnot' seemed a bit redundant because the WWE does - in fact - get millions back for their programming.


C)Finally, if they had 100 employees making 100 k that would be 10 million.


Their revenue for the first quarter of this year alone was just under 140 million. I'm not saying they pay "everyone" 100 k a year, but people should stop acting like those are ridiculous amounts for a company the WWE's size.

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A) you post seemed to be more about the in-ring talent than the other employees. My mstake.


B) your statement 'Unless they get millions in kick backs for programming, and whatnot' seemed a bit redundant because the WWE does - in fact - get millions back for their programming.


C)Finally, if they had 100 employees making 100 k that would be 10 million.


Their revenue for the first quarter of this year alone was just under 140 million. I'm not saying they pay "everyone" 100 k a year, but people should stop acting like those are ridiculous amounts for a company the WWE's size.


I could see that. I was taking in WWE as an entire entity.


Sadly, perhaps I should have said along the lines of hundreds of millions.. but, that seemed like a lot. But, let's keep the context that in my 5 years at my job, I'm still not at the point where I've made 100k.. so, it's a number I can't fully fathom either.

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Canada shows always seem to be good for some reason. I guess its because the Canadians are prominent, and for the most part the Canadian wrestlers are awesome.


I like the slight thing they have going on with Edges Spear becoming easy to read, and him struggling to hit it.

That's because Canadian fans are awesome like Pacific Coast, South-West, and Tri-State fans.


I'm not saying other fans aren't awesome. But they tend to be more vocal about who they like and who they don't like.

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That's because Canadian fans are awesome like Pacific Coast, South-West, and Tri-State fans.


I'm not saying other fans aren't awesome. But they tend to be more vocal about who they like and who they don't like.


You know, I heard that the Canadian fans didn't like HBK, and.. lo and behold he's gone! I think there might be something to this. A conspiracy, perhaps?:D

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And big boos. Canadians are smarkier than people in the USA. That leads to a larger tendency to not boo and cheer for the right people.


I like that too. Fans should boo/cheer who they want.


Dammit..has Cena just decided to do these ridiculous over-the-top promos on a permanent basis? It's like he's become Tim Tebow.

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I like that too. Fans should boo/cheer who they want.


Dammit..has Cena just decided to do these ridiculous over-the-top promos on a permanent basis? It's like he's become Tim Tebow.


LMAO I was just about to say that. He needs to add more God into his promos though. Like he could thank God that he can still wrestle or something:p

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Just started this week's RAW -- normally, I leave that off until tomorrow afternoon, but you folks seem to be enjoying it enough that I jumped on.


No Danielson?


(Just got done with the opening segment, btw. Jericho walks off with his little smirk. Almost like he was saying to himself "... Nailed it!")

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Have any of these guys SEEN a real fight?


There's guys in boxing, get counted out after being on their knees for the 2 count. Might be an exaggeration, but I'm in the middle of the Edge/Christian match, and it's silly that he's on the ground, completely unable to move until the count of 9, when he leaps into the ring like a spry young thing.

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