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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I know DJ's that make over 100k (I know a couple that make over 300k) a year, and aren't on TV, are not popular, in fact some of them aren't popular in the club they play in.


If WWE makes even half of what a profitable good sized night club makes, they could easily pay everyone 100k a year, and then some.

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I know DJ's that make over 100k (I know a couple that make over 300k) a year, and aren't on TV, are not popular, in fact some of them aren't popular in the club they play in.


If WWE makes even half of what a profitable good sized night club makes, they could easily pay everyone 100k a year, and then some.


I somehow missed like 40 posts, in which if you put the quoted above.... I would have been on topic, lol.:o

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I know DJ's that make over 100k (I know a couple that make over 300k) a year, and aren't on TV, are not popular, in fact some of them aren't popular in the club they play in.


If WWE makes even half of what a profitable good sized night club makes, they could easily pay everyone 100k a year, and then some.

Jesus, no wonder our economy is in the tank... ;)

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Have any of these guys SEEN a real fight?


There's guys in boxing, get counted out after being on their knees for the 2 count. Might be an exaggeration, but I'm in the middle of the Edge/Christian match, and it's silly that he's on the ground, completely unable to move until the count of 9, when he leaps into the ring like a spry young thing.


That doesn't bother me as much as the pinfalls five seconds after the match starts, and the guy taking two and a half before he kicks out. I guess you can say they're taking as much time as possible to rest, but still...


By the way, I know he's 80 and all, but is anybody close to Buzz Aldrin in the "Worst Guest Host" category? I can't remember anybody else just clearly having no idea what they're supposed to say like that.

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That doesn't bother me as much as the pinfalls five seconds after the match starts, and the guy taking two and a half before he kicks out. I guess you can say they're taking as much time as possible to rest, but still...


By the way, I know he's 80 and all, but is anybody close to Buzz Aldrin in the "Worst Guest Host" category? I can't remember anybody else just clearly having no idea what they're supposed to say like that.


ZZ Top anybody!!!

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Saw RAW live.


Normally Vince craps all over Canada but last night he pulled out all the stops.


Edge vs. Christian? Awesome. A brief Undertaker appearance, LayCool and Swagger also over from Smackdown. Virgil!


I swore up and down the Bret match wouldn't even happen. What a swerve. Everybody was saying this was Bret's last night in WWE and instead he wins a title?


I like Zac Ryder even more now that I have seen him live.


Oh and there's a great bit between Santino and Koslov that was taped for Superstars. If you get the show be sure to check it out. Sadly, I don't.


The only negatives? Yea Buzz was bad. And he tried to suck up to Canada but a US astronaut was not a good choice for a show in Toronto no matter how popular Dancing With the Stars is this side of the border. Even on tape I did not want to see Vickie Guererro but that was soften by learning she lost the RAW GM job. Beyond that I was just annoyed I was behind the boom camera and off to the side of the stationary camera so had basically no chance of appearing on camera.

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That's because Canadian fans are awesome like Pacific Coast, South-West, and Tri-State fans.


I'm not saying other fans aren't awesome. But they tend to be more vocal about who they like and who they don't like.


In the former "NWA" Mid-Atlantic territory of North & South Carolina and Virginia once you live through the best years of Ric Flair, Wahoo, The Koloffs, Paul Jones Army, "The Boogie Woogie Man" Jimmy Valiant and so many others both good and bad its harder to get into a company with a lack of workers who have history in the area.


Stone Cold and DX had a huge following though. Anyone who has a "conflict with Vince" is huge in the area. :D

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Actually, I find that very sad. You are right... the South used to be as hot, and sometimes, even as smarky (when it came to more traditional workers like Ric Flair) when it came to being hot.


However, since the fall of the NWA, it seems Traditional Southern Wrestling Fanbase has declined along with it.

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Saw RAW live.


I swore up and down the Bret match wouldn't even happen. What a swerve. Everybody was saying this was Bret's last night in WWE and instead he wins a title?


The only negatives? Yea Buzz was bad. And he tried to suck up to Canada but a US astronaut was not a good choice for a show in Toronto no matter how popular Dancing With the Stars is this side of the border. Even on tape I did not want to see Vickie Guererro but that was soften by learning she lost the RAW GM job. Beyond that I was just annoyed I was behind the boom camera and off to the side of the stationary camera so had basically no chance of appearing on camera.


On Bret, rumors where his agreement was ending last night. Guess they worked out another or he's leaving as U.S. champion.


Buzz was wrong for Canada. I felt bad for the man. And there were so many Canadian choices that could have been made that would've been popular on both sides of the border.

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I think the problem with these GM bookings are they get whoever they can get on the date they can get them. "Hey Buzz wants to do the show but is only available on this date". They don't even take time to consider "wait we'll be in Canada that night and they won't give a damn about Buzz".


They did that with Slaughter last year had him be all "America Rules" in Canada resulting in some weird heel turn that I vaguely remember.

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Actually, I find that very sad. You are right... the South used to be as hot, and sometimes, even as smarky (when it came to more traditional workers like Ric Flair) when it came to being hot.


However, since the fall of the NWA, it seems Traditional Southern Wrestling Fanbase has declined along with it.


As a result the three states have over 100 active independent wrestling companies. 75% are in North Carolina since the state doesn't regulate the industry.

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I think the problem with these GM bookings are they get whoever they can get on the date they can get them. "Hey Buzz wants to do the show but is only available on this date". They don't even take time to consider "wait we'll be in Canada that night and they won't give a damn about Buzz".


They did that with Slaughter last year had him be all "America Rules" in Canada resulting in some weird heel turn that I vaguely remember.


I heard they wanted someone else but Sarge (like Dusty earlier in the year) was the backup guest host in case negotiations failed.

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100k is decent money to a guy who doesn't see the need to own hundreds of pairs of shoes :p


Hundreds? Where'd you get that from? :confused: I have 64 pairs of shoes & sneakers.


Now suits are another thing altogether. :p


Their revenue for the first quarter of this year alone was just under 140 million. I'm not saying they pay "everyone" 100 k a year, but people should stop acting like those are ridiculous amounts for a company the WWE's size.


This is exactly my point. If we were talking about American Express, people probably wouldn't be so incredulous about "low level" workers making bank. WWE, while smaller, is not 'Mom & Pop Pro Wrasslin' and is closer to the American Express of their industry than to M&PPW.


I live in a neighborhood that is very much 'the hood'. Most of my neighbors make in the range of 30-50k a year (one's a garbage man. He made 77.3k last year) with often a third of that going to rent (650-1200 a month). So yeah, I get how 100k could seem like a fortune when you're making less than half of that. But that doesn't make it some insanely high number. As chris pointed out, there are DJs who make more than that (I know Skribble did, but he's "famous" and has the car business) and heck, there are STRIPPERS who made more than that. I'd wager an average WWE in-ring performer will tend to make more than the average stripper.


I wonder how they plan to get the title off Bret though.

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Remi... you deeply confound me, over and over. But that's neither here nor there.


I dunno. The idea that Miz doesn't try to call in his "rematch clause" seems silly; There's also room for Danielson to step in, like y'all were thinking. Who knows.h

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Honestly I think the Danielson thing isn't and wasn't ever going to happen. First he was a lock to win NXT, then he started losing and people said he was a lock to battle back from the bottom and win it. Then he was eliminated and people were shocked so then for whatever reason they believed a guy that was last seen being eliminated from a rookie show was going to show up on RAW and beat the Miz for the U.S Title.


I think people should accept that Bryan Danielson is Evan Bourne 2.0, he'll be pushed momentarily when he arrives but not to the extent of winning a championship. After three to six months he'll move on to making guys look good on RAW.


I like Bryan but I'd be shocked if he won any championships in the WWE. Like we were talking about earlier he was already charging a lot on the indy scene, make some money, buy a house and a brand new car when you are released you can charge even more on the indy scene but I think thats about all Bryan has to look forward to.


He's not going to come charging down from the back to shut Miz up and win a championship anytime soon and people that think so have a clouded view on who gets pushed in the WWE.

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