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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I actually read Hogan's book that came out in October - "My Life Outside The Ring". He said a lot of great things about working over in Japan. He said he absolutely loved it there.


This link will take you to a lot of matches mostly Hogan but there are other matches you can look up like Andre's Japanese matches.



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This link will take you to a lot of matches mostly Hogan but there are other matches you can look up like Andre's Japanese matches.




On part III of that match and you're right... I've already seen him do stuff that I've never seen him do in the US. I wonder how many people were at that show because it looks packed.


EDIT: I love that when Muta kicks out of the leg drop you can hear a loud "gasp" go throughout the arena and then applause. Just shows you how many people didn't kick out of the leg drop throughout all the years Hogan was dominating.

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On part III of that match and you're right... I've already seen him do stuff that I've never seen him do in the US. I wonder how many people were at that show because it looks packed.


6:30 (Part 2) of the match with Tenryu, Hulk Hogan pulls off the move you would never see here. Tenryu kicks out of the legdrop and the axe bomber long before people made it more common.


edit: and again at 7:58.

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EDIT: I love that when Muta kicks out of the leg drop you can hear a loud "gasp" go throughout the arena and then applause. Just shows you how many people didn't kick out of the leg drop throughout all the years Hogan was dominating.


That's sorta funny, because I've seen a few AJPW matches from the 80s, and that's how it ALWAYS happens. They make it really believable, and I am always pulling my hair out when it happens (Go Tenryu! 1... 2... HOW THE--) but it's very formulaic, if you think about it.

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Rumor has it at the recent Smackdown tapings VICTORIA returned and attacked Michelle McCool and Layla! I was wondering if anyone attended this weeks taping and if so is there any truth to this?


If it's true then sweet! I'm excited to see Victoria back!


My friend was there and if that did happen, it wasn't shown to the live crowd.


I hope Victoria won't go back to the company that turned her into a sumo suit wearing joke that falls on her ass on a regular basis.

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The problem with Hogan was not his ring work, but that he was getting stale in the USA. Hogan and Cena comparisons are pretty good... except that Hogan had a LOT of what Cena had, plus much more. Hogan good psychology, something Cena has a bare grasp of. How else was that his match against Ultimate Warrior was that good?
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The problem with Hogan was not his ring work, but that he was getting stale in the USA. Hogan and Cena comparisons are pretty good... except that Hogan had a LOT of what Cena had, plus much more. Hogan good psychology, something Cena has a bare grasp of. How else was that his match against Ultimate Warrior was that good?


Because they didn't tape four television shows a week and hold a pay per view every month so they had a LOT of time to coordinate that match. Literally every move in that match was planned out and thats why it was so good. Cena's psychology is just as good as Hogan's, they both connect with the crowd and play super babyface in and out of the ring very good.

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That's where I disagree. Cena is a terrible wholesome babyface. He gets KIDS... but he also needs to get the adults to believe him. They don't. Hogan did. DDP is a good wholesome face. Hogan was a good wholesome face. Ricky Steamboat was a good wholesome face.


Cena is not. He just seems lame and forced as a good babyface. He can play a COOL babyface, but as a WHOLESOME one, he's terrible. In fact, only a very select of individuals are good as classic wholesome babyfaces. Cena is definitely NOT one of those people.


Saying Cena's Psychology is good as Hogan is like saying Randy Orton has the same amount of charisma has Steve Austin did. There are comparisons, but no dice. It simply doesn't hold up.

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I don't know what Cena hasn't displayed as far as psychology goes that Hogan did display. I've seen Cena get a crowd eating out of his hand the very same way Hogan has. Was it as loud as Hogan or as often? No but John Cena isn't nor ever has been as popular as Hogan was. I'm asking for what Hogan has done psychology wise to say he's got more psychology than Cena? Give me an example.
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Rumor has it at the recent Smackdown tapings VICTORIA returned and attacked Michelle McCool and Layla! I was wondering if anyone attended this weeks taping and if so is there any truth to this?


If it's true then sweet! I'm excited to see Victoria back!


Everything I've heard was that they didn't even have a women's match for Smackdown.

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That's where I disagree. Cena is a terrible wholesome babyface. He gets KIDS... but he also needs to get the adults to believe him. They don't. Hogan did. DDP is a good wholesome face. Hogan was a good wholesome face. Ricky Steamboat was a good wholesome face.


Cena is not. He just seems lame and forced as a good babyface. He can play a COOL babyface, but as a WHOLESOME one, he's terrible. In fact, only a very select of individuals are good as classic wholesome babyfaces. Cena is definitely NOT one of those people.


Saying Cena's Psychology is good as Hogan is like saying Randy Orton has the same amount of charisma has Steve Austin did. There are comparisons, but no dice. It simply doesn't hold up.


I think you're WAAAAY over stating the supposed problem that Cena doesn't draw adults. He doesn't draw smarks, but adult marks? Cena isn't prehaps as appealing as in a smarks mind as the heros of the attitude era, but do you honestly think that Cena's wholesome act isn't as strong as Bret Hart's during the New Generation or Hogan in the 80s? Cena clean cut, do right, be strong, troop salutin' character is as much as good if not the equal to Hart, Shawn Michaels or Hogan. In a work with so many dark and edgy heros (especially nowadays) I'm sure there's family men and women who appreciate the everyman character of John Cena.


I the RAW when Batista let Cena beat him via DQ and get his Wrestlemania match only to beat him down viciously afterwords...that RAW there was an American serviceman in the front row. As Cena got the crap knocked out of him all you could hear was "Come on John! Come on John" over and over.


Bottom line; In my view there are plenty of adults who can get behind a American everyman just trying to do good. It's corny, but corny can work. Hell, the proof is watch RAW and see how many adult sized Orange t-shirts are in the crowd. No, it's no at Austin levels, but people need to take their attitude era vision glasses off.

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My friend was there and if that did happen, it wasn't shown to the live crowd.


I hope Victoria won't go back to the company that turned her into a sumo suit wearing joke that falls on her ass on a regular basis.


So you'd rather she make much less per show for more work on the Indy circuit?


IF the WWE wants to hire her back, I'd rather her take the money. She deserves it.

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