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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Oh dang...


Was really hoping that Mysterio would actually hold on to the title for a little while, but I understood that it was a Money In The Bank cash in though. Disappointed that it was Kane, wanted it to be Kofi. I was really happy that Miz won the RAW Money In The Bank, Morrison or Bourne would've been my other choices to win. Nexus' interference was cool too. Decent Pay-Per-View. Not the best, but it was okay.

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Theres something I hate about Codys ring gear. He looks really weird without knee or elbow pads.


Totally agree. Orton looks dumb without the wrist tape as well. Maybe that one is just me.


THIS so many times over. Someone mentioned Cody's legs a while ago and I finally realised why all this time I'd thought he looked so weird, and after that I noticed Orton and I simply cannot get over it whenever I watch him.

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Theres something I hate about Codys ring gear. He looks really weird without knee or elbow pads.


THIS so many times over. Someone mentioned Cody's legs a while ago and I finally realised why all this time I'd thought he looked so weird, and after that I noticed Orton and I simply cannot get over it whenever I watch him.


So true. I find it hard to believe that your Average Joe couldn't knock Cody out with one punch. It's really hard to get behind the guy. They need to give him a coward, cheat to win, etc. type of character or else nobody will ever believe it.

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Now THAT was a match. What a way to kick off RAW!


Completely agree. Did WWE start listening to fans and realize that people watch TNA because of the WRESTLING? I thought MITB last night had a lot of in-ring action and that triple threat to start RAW was awesome. People are really interested in Nexus... when their music hit, people jumped off their feet to get a closer look. I'm enjoying this opening segment because I almost believed Jericho was at least SOMEWHAT involved with Nexus because of Barrett. I didn't think he was the genius behind it, but I did think he was going to be an ally. I was wrong.


Really curious where this is going and it better not be HHH. He needs to come back and get his ass beat down too. :D

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Crowd was really behind Miz. I thought they were going to boo him. Pretty sure some were.

It depends on the crowd. I generally find the more "hip" the crowd is, the more they cheer. The less "hip" they are, the more they boo him.


My concern is, in places where he gets no reaction. That scares me. How can you NOT react for or against the Miz?

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