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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Seems Kelly’s Blondetourage partner Tiffany has been suspended by WWE. This would explain her not being on Superstars this week with Kelly as she was slated to be. Will there still be a match at Summerslam between the Blondes and Laycool? Hm. It wasnt completely confirmed yet so we will have to wait and see


WWE Diva Tiffany (Taryn Terrell) was suspended by World Wrestling Entertainment earlier this week after an incident in San Jose, California at the hotel WWE had booked talents into, according to numerous sources within the company.


The incident, which WWE sources claim was a domestic issue between Terrell and husband Drew McIntryre, led to police being called to the scene. We have conflicting reports over whether Terrell was arrested by the San Jose PD. PWInsider.com is awaiting a return call from the San Jose Police Department’s Public Affairs office.


Terrell, who was scheduled to wrestle this Sunday at the Summerslam PPV, was sent home by WWE

management after the incident, according to two separate sources.


WWE has not publicly acknowledged the suspension or any potential change to the PPV as I write this.

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Seems Kelly’s Blondetourage partner Tiffany has been suspended by WWE. This would explain her not being on Superstars this week with Kelly as she was slated to be. Will there still be a match at Summerslam between the Blondes and Laycool? Hm. It wasnt completely confirmed yet so we will have to wait and see


WWE Diva Tiffany (Taryn Terrell) was suspended by World Wrestling Entertainment earlier this week after an incident in San Jose, California at the hotel WWE had booked talents into, according to numerous sources within the company.


The incident, which WWE sources claim was a domestic issue between Terrell and husband Drew McIntryre, led to police being called to the scene. We have conflicting reports over whether Terrell was arrested by the San Jose PD. PWInsider.com is awaiting a return call from the San Jose Police Department’s Public Affairs office.


Terrell, who was scheduled to wrestle this Sunday at the Summerslam PPV, was sent home by WWE

management after the incident, according to two separate sources.


WWE has not publicly acknowledged the suspension or any potential change to the PPV as I write this.


Wonder why Drew wasn't suspended aswell :confused:

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just watched Raw.. and it might just be me.. but are the crowd reactions getting louder by the week.. in particular during the Nexus vs WWE angle, but in general as well.. the crowd just seems much louder than it has been recently..


im not talking 1999 levels of loud..


it might just be the way the WWE are filming Raw now.. but the crowd seems louder and more 'into it'.. its probably the way its being presented more than the fans getting noticably louder.. but little things like the hard camera shaking from the crowd reaction..


it just seemed different to me this week than it has in recent weeks..

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John Cena Tweet


"CeNation. Staples center is somber, quiet. Calm before storm. I feel nervous, on edge. I want to thank everyone out there who has supported me over the years, as I feel this is one of the most important days in my career. In closing, I will say that if you do not watch summerslam Tonight, u will be missing an epic day in wwe history."

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-- Bryan Danielson cancelled his appearance for NYWC in New York last night. He cited a family conflict but said he would be at the August 28 show. Danielson has no bookings on a Monday night listed on his website. He also is not booked on Night of Champions night.


A WWE return perphaps :p

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Imagine a count out after the match finishes of:

No Contest

CM Pumk walking out

and a DQ

if the was a count out onto that i would be disappointed.


Yeah but just saying that he should have been. He was at 8, stood on the ring apron for about 10 seconds then fell to the outside for another few seconds, before Kane went out. He should have been, even though it was probably accidental.

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