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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Is it wrong that the thing I enjoyed most was watching Otunga get tagged in, being beaten, and sent home?


It wasn't a bad match, for the clu-fuffle of people involved. Little sad that Tarver was dispatched quickly, but have to agree that the Silverback and Slater looked good. Also in agreement about Super Cena. I was all right with it when he eliminated Gabriel (not happy, but all right) and to immediately take out Wade too? Personally, I would've ended it differently.


Little displeased by the Orton/Sheamus ending. In theory, I understand it, with it opening the door for next month, and Cena being "at the back of the line", so Orton gets a rematch, but the DQ ending just seemed off.


Also decided I need to find some way to mute Cole. I know people find Striker annoying, but my only problem with him is he's wishy-washy. When he's a heel commentator, he does it properly. He makes excuses, he finds loopholes to argue, and in the end, although you don't agree with it, you can sort of understand why he feels that way. I don't get that from Cole. If he had an excuse, a justification to have that muffled voice (`cause his lips are attached to Miz's butt!) I may feel different, but he just ... I dunno, irritates me. Where's Joey Styles, when I need him to slap somebody?

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So is this the end of the Nexus story? We came all this way with it for it to be snuffed out like this? No big win for them? No Title matches? Did they really win anything? I would hope this would go on a bit longer.


What else did they do with Daniel? Did he get any other eliminations? Who eliminated him and how?

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I don't know what happens now. I don't think this is over yet. They only had one PPV match.


I would say they were pretty close to buried though. They only really had 2 legit eliminations. 2 were roll ups caused by dissention in team WWE. Hart eliminated himself. Miz took out Bryan. Jericho and Edge took out Cena pretty much and they still didn't win. Sheffield is the only guy to come out of the match with any credibility.

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So is this the end of the Nexus story? We came all this way with it for it to be snuffed out like this? No big win for them? No Title matches? Did they really win anything? I would hope this would go on a bit longer.


What else did they do with Daniel? Did he get any other eliminations? Who eliminated him and how?


He eliminated Slater with a Crossface. Miz came out and hit him with the MITB briefcase staright after. He got pinned then.

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At least we can FINALLY put the rest the rumors that Daniel Bryan's firing was in any way legitimate or real and not a complete work. I didn't love the PPV, but that was a good moment for those of us that saw through the facade that was his "release" the entire time.
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So Cena no-sold a DDT onto the concrete? :eek:


Isn't that extreme, even for his Superman act? I mean sure I like Cena and all but a DDT on the concrete really should put you out.


I mean, I can't remember Hogan doing something like that. I could be wrong of course but I've seen a lot of Hogan matches and I can't recall him no-selling a move that big.

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It sucks that Nexus lost. On the other hand, 7 rookies being in the main event on Summer Slam is pretty big itself. I don't know where they go from here, hopefully Nexus doesn't drop down to the midcard status. Maybe the whole point of bringing in these 8 guys was to fill up the midcard ranks with some credible talent, after a short run in the main event? I wouldn't mind, especially when there's already a crowd of new blood trying to break into the permanent main eventer's bracket. Really, nothing that bad came out of the angle. They took 8 nobodies and molded them into passable midcarders in about 6 months. Put Gabriel against Bourne a few months back, and there's no way he would have won. But now, it actually seems pretty even since they both had their main event time.
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So is this the end of the Nexus story? We came all this way with it for it to be snuffed out like this? No big win for them? No Title matches? Did they really win anything? I would hope this would go on a bit longer.


What else did they do with Daniel? Did he get any other eliminations? Who eliminated him and how?


You got me WWE, I haven't marked out for real in a long time, but i did a little Fist pump when Daniel got announced. They made him look pretty legit to, and the attack by Miz slides him right into the U.S title hunt.


Also, why are people assuming the NExus is done now? They took a close loss to Supercena. They are a heel faction correct? why on earth would losing a match that actually was pretty even and set alot of thing in motion destroy the entire group?


We'll see how Raw takes things tommrow, but i doubt that match really "squashes" Nexus.


Also, nicely done WWE with bret. I really was worried what they were going to get from him, but they got a good beat down by him and a chair shot, and the official DQ'ing him removes the problem of having to put one of the nexus over a Living Legend.


Only thing i hated was the Finish, sooooo tired of super cena. Guess that DDT on the concrete floor sixty seconds beforehand didn't take eh? :rolleyes:


EDIT: how good was that Miz promo BTW?


That kid is impressing the hell out of me. When they split him and Morrison up, I thought he was destined for the mid card at best, but he gets better every week.

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At least we can FINALLY put the rest the rumors that Daniel Bryan's firing was in any way legitimate or real and not a complete work. I didn't love the PPV, but that was a good moment for those of us that saw through the facade that was his "release" the entire time.


I was certainly wrong about them bringing him back I won't bat an eyelash about saying that. However if his release was work why did they STILL not mention it? What is the point in releasing a guy and never making it part of his storyline if it is indeed a storyline?


He came back thats fine. But if it was a work and a "facade" then why did they never make it part of his storyline? If it was a work why not just leave it as them kicking him out him out of Nexus group or us SEEING them kick him out of the Nexus certainly those would have been more visual stories that would make him comeback all the greater.


The guy did good tonight and I'm as happy as everybody that he's back but I truly believe that the guy was at the very least released by the company. Now I'm assuming his pay from the company never stopped because its not been past 90 days but clearly if his release was part of the story they would have mentioned it during his return right? I mean when are they going to mention "ha ha we worked you" if it wasn't a work. And if it was a work who exactly did they work? The internet fans? When has Vince ever done anything just to say "ha ha I got you internet". If this was Vince Russo I would say I agree it was a work but its not Vince Russo.


Other than that it was nice to see Kane beat Taker. In fact has Kane EVER beaten Taker on pay per view before this event? Also is this the first non wrestlemania pay per view they have wrestled each other on?


The Miz is looking like a star and they need to be careful, tonight they were wanting to play sing along with the champ. They don't need a face turn from Miz right now. He's one of if not the best heel they have in the company right now.

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Other than that it was nice to see Kane beat Taker. In fact has Kane EVER beaten Taker on pay per view before this event? Also is this the first non wrestlemania pay per view they have wrestled each other on?


He buried him alive to kill off Bad Ass/Big Evil Taker. He beat him up on his debut. He beat him up at the rumble in '98. As long as they haven't been in an actual match, Kane has pretty much owned him on PPV.

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