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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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You seriously are ridiculous. You want to praise TNA everytime they get above a 1.0 and then now WWE pulls under a 3.0 and its time to gloat? Also you treat the TNA threat like your own personal "Ask Hyde" thread, thinking you must reply and correct everybody comments/thoughts on TNA.


We get it. You like TNA over WWE. Jesus...


I AM NOT GLOATING! FFS. If you thought I was then that is your problem for thinking I was and my problem for not making it clear as I did not think people on here would see it that way. RAW for better or worse is wrestling's flagship show and a 2.8 is bad news for all wrestling fans if it is not a one time thing as it means total interest in wrestling is waning. I have never praised TNA when they get above a 1.0. Anything above last years average is good, just good not praising, and any rise above the week before is good.


What's wrong about liking to talk and discuss TNA in a forum where I can discuss it with people who's opinions I respect and can make them clear and not go on rants or are trolls etc etc?


If I respond on that too much that is opinion. I decide what to do with my time and what entertains me.


So every post I make on every subject somehow is about how I prefer TNA to WWE? Get outta here.

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I AM NOT GLOATING! FFS. If you thought I was then that is your problem for thinking I was and my problem for not making it clear as I did not think people on here would see it that way. RAW for better or worse is wrestling's flagship show and a 2.8 is bad news for all wrestling fans if it is not a one time thing as it means total interest in wrestling is waning. I have never praised TNA when they get above a 1.0. Anything above last years average is good, just good not praising, and any rise above the week before is good.


What's wrong about liking to talk and discuss TNA in a forum where I can discuss it with people who's opinions I respect and can make them clear and not go on rants or are trolls etc etc?


If I respond on that too much that is opinion. I decide what to do with my time and what entertains me.


So every post I make on every subject somehow is about how I prefer TNA to WWE? Get outta here.


I didn't even realise that's why you posted it, to be honest. You and SaySo have a habbit of just posting random information on both threads.


I really don't consider a .02 jump as anything to worry about, much less have a fear that Wrestling is going to end or something... I would look at it for what it is, a bad day. At least for now.


There is no indication in either promotion, from my standpoint, that either one of them is doing "Bad", much less a wrestling slump is on the horizon or something. I wouldn't worry over one day, at any rate. I know it's a NEW season and all, but that's exactly why I wouldn't worry about it. It's a New Season with new shows, and there could be a show that everyone was interested in seeing. It's not like RAW is going to be a different show, and it's always "live", and you can always see what happened on the internet or from the Raw Rebound, or just by watching any of their other shows.


If your worried about the Wrestling industry, why not just add up all the Ratings for every Wrestling show, per week. Take that and compare it with the same week last year, a year before, or even 10 years ago. See how many hours people are watching wrestling, as opposed to then, I think you will see a result that will make you alot more comfortable.;)

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Well I mostly posted it just for the info and the Ouch came from it being a low rating for WWE and a direct quote from PWI. I just wanted to make clear I was not gloating etc. Agree with you on the general trend etc it's why I highlighted the IF part. Still going below a 3 is rare for RAW whatever the circumstances except if it's new years day or something like that.


But if it means that me preferring TNA means I can not be critical of the E that I think is ludicrous. Especially here.

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I didn't even realise that's why you posted it, to be honest. You and SaySo have a habbit of just posting random information on both threads.


I really don't consider a .02 jump as anything to worry about, much less have a fear that Wrestling is going to end or something... I would look at it for what it is, a bad day. At least for now.


There is no indication in either promotion, from my standpoint, that either one of them is doing "Bad", much less a wrestling slump is on the horizon or something. I wouldn't worry over one day, at any rate. I know it's a NEW season and all, but that's exactly why I wouldn't worry about it. It's a New Season with new shows, and there could be a show that everyone was interested in seeing. It's not like RAW is going to be a different show, and it's always "live", and you can always see what happened on the internet or from the Raw Rebound, or just by watching any of their other shows.


If your worried about the Wrestling industry, why not just add up all the Ratings for every Wrestling show, per week. Take that and compare it with the same week last year, a year before, or even 10 years ago. See how many hours people are watching wrestling, as opposed to then, I think you will see a result that will make you alot more comfortable.;)


The Event had a series debut on Monday. It received 11 million viewers according to wikipedia page of the show. Dancing With the Stars got 20 million viewers. And Monday Night Football, i didn't get a number for that one but i'm sure it was quite a bit.

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Just thought of this, but one thing WWE could do that MIGHT make me Mark Out would be to give Vladimir Kozlov some new music.. what I'm thinking of is a new rendition of "Real American" sung with a Russian accent.


For some reason I just think this music could make Vladdy a superstar.


I can almost hears it, time for Vladimania to start runnin' wild!.



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Just thought of this, but one thing WWE could do that MIGHT make me Mark Out would be to give Vladimir Kozlov some new music.. what I'm thinking of is a new rendition of "Real American" sung with a Russian accent.


For some reason I just think this music could make Vladdy a superstar.


I can almost hears it, time for Vladimania to start runnin' wild!.




Only because you brought it up, would I feel the same way... However, I'm sure those that wouldn't be in on the initial thought would not have as much fun with it.

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Well I mostly posted it just for the info and the Ouch came from it being a low rating for WWE and a direct quote from PWI. I just wanted to make clear I was not gloating etc. Agree with you on the general trend etc it's why I highlighted the IF part. Still going below a 3 is rare for RAW whatever the circumstances except if it's new years day or something like that.


But if it means that me preferring TNA means I can not be critical of the E that I think is ludicrous. Especially here.

I don't think he meant it as harsh as it sounded. I wouldn't worry about your posts, as everyone has a way of looking at things. Just because your don't look at things the same as... well, I don't know anyone that does, but then again I don't know anyone that looks at things the same as I do.


My only thing ever with you, is that I think you look at numbers too much, numbers that change too often to even look at them. Meaning... You have a habbit of seeing one weeks rating, and it doesn't matter which show... even TNA, and go "Oh no, the sky is falling!" Almost in a panic state if it's TNA, and I think you should really look at longer terms, and do your homework on what the numbers mean, old numbers vs. new numbers.


Of course, everything I just said could be applied to me and other's as well. So really, there is nothing but opinions that we all have, and I feel everyone's opinion should be welcomed. It's not like your going "WWE Mark, HA HA, Your ratings are down idiots! TNA till I die!!"


I've always found you open to criticism, and even more fair then expected sometimes. SO just wanted to let you know not everyone see's things in the same light.


I would say, since SaySo did show the loss of the 12 to 17 Year old crowd, with the "Males" 18 to 49 being the only increasing in viewership, that some of the TNA guys complaining that only kids are watching WWE might want to rethink their opinions though.


The Event had a series debut on Monday. It received 11 million viewers according to wikipedia page of the show. Dancing With the Stars got 20 million viewers. And Monday Night Football, i didn't get a number for that one but i'm sure it was quite a bit.


Dancing with the Stars has a few people that other's might like to see, for sure, this time around (of different age groups).



Hey, that might have a little something to do with it. I mean, lots of teams played monday, right?


Gloat all you want mate, it's the internet!! :)


Well, I wouldn't mind Gloating if there was something to "Gloat" about. I would love to here someone "gloat" about TNA getting a 3.0 or higher one day though, as would just about everyone else that knows about TNA (although they might not like TNA, most root for them in the back of their minds).



EDIT: I would like to point out something that I think everyone probably knows is more then likely to happen.... IF or WHEN TNA ever does start getting more viewers, making more money, etc.. then WWE, I'm sure your going to see the internet fans do a complete 180 flip flop.


The thing is there are too many people that want to like what is not "IN" as opposed to what is in. I'm not saying on these boards, I'm talking in general. I've even seen people post that they "purposely" go against the system, just to be different, and somehow relate that as to knowing something more or being better then the "sheep" that like what is popular. It's not really much different then cheering for the underdog, even though you know the other team is better, that's why the one your cheering is the underdog.

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I don't think he meant it as harsh as it sounded. I wouldn't worry about your posts, as everyone has a way of looking at things. Just because your don't look at things the same as... well, I don't know anyone that does, but then again I don't know anyone that looks at things the same as I do.


Also..yes he did. sabataged is pretty open about his criticism.

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Unless that is adding a bunch of ratings together, which it does not appear to be, he is talking about one game.


chris, i know you're not an NFL guy, but every Monday the NFL runs one game. That's it. Unless it's some kind of special event like opening weekend.


But yeah...The Event, plus that awful dancing crap, PLUS MNF...that explains the low ratings.


Yeah, a little joke. I thought you had caught it but I guess... not.


I might not be an NFL Guy, but I remember the commercials "Do you want a watch some football? Do you want to Party?" = Hank Williams sing-a-long.


Monday Night Football has been around, even back when I was into the NFL (and my hometown of Cleveland had a real team).



EDIT: I was hoping for you to comment on my comment about flip flopping though, lol.

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Also..yes he did. sabataged is pretty open about his criticism.


Yes Sab is very open about his likes and dislikes, if he points something out usually he is very annoyed with it. He's not the type to sugar coat something so I'm quite sure he was very annoyed with Hyde but thats got nothing to do with me.


It's too bad. I personally do not enjoy TNA like I do WWE, but I don't mind Hyde's comments for the most part. I might josh or joke around with him once in a while, but I'm comfortable enough to know that Hyde is not so into TNA as to post something just to annoy another person. He's a fan of TNA, and he's going to come from that viewpoint. I'm going to come from a more objectional viewpoint in my mind, but I'm also a WWE fan, not a TNA fan, so I will not be as objective as say someone that can't stand either, or loves them both.

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Holy hell Kane is awesome. I've dropped watching WWE a year ago or so but now my interest has come back because of the Kane - 'Taker storyline. Kane explaining why he attacked Taker, that long 10min promo is one of the best promos ever in the WWE history. Seriously, awesome work from Kane.


Kane and 'Taker were the two reasons I started watching wrestling back in the late 90's and I simply love them still and this storyline is just so awesome for a fan of theirs..

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What a 2.8? Even I can't see that happening. Heck, getting below a 3.0 hadn't happen in a while. The PPV wasn't bad, and neither was RAW. Man... there goes Bryan Danielson's and Randy Orton's title reigns... *sigh*


doubt thats happening, Vince will see if the ratings rebound next week when he wont have to go against two huge cable premiers (the event, DWTS with the palin spawn on it) and a Saints MNF game.

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Just wondering if anyone else is in the same boat as me. When Sheamus first won the title, I didn't like it and I didn't care for him too much. But now, I am a complete Sheamus mark. Am I alone?


That's my thoughts exactly. I agree with you. I didn't buy Sheamus'(s?) first title reign, but I was marking out during his second world title reign.

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