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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Punk is going onto RAW that has Nexus, Shemous and The Miz who are all higher up in the card than him.


I'm guessing you mean Punk is talented enough to be the top heel and now that he IS the top heel because honestly CM Punk as far as the entire WWE goes is atleast behind Sheamus, Kane, The Miz, and Nexus as a group.


Punk is talented but once again I don't see him fitting in as a heel on RAW and getting any big feuds to start with.


I would say heat wise the only two on that list that are close are Kane and Miz.


I was talking about pure heat, not card position.


Miz has come on strong, and Kane is Kane, but the nexus and shemus draw better heel heat than cm punk with a promo to the live crowd?


I don't think so. could be wrong of course.

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On RAW Barrett was getting a TONE of heat with the "you suck you suck" and he responded awesomely with "I know you've already told me that".


Was that because of what he was making Cena do? Sure but thats what you call getting a heel over.


Sheamus I would say gets just as big of a crowd reaction but he's not a promo guy.


In TEW turns Sheamus is a Runaway Train kinda guy, he gets over on menace more so than mic skills.


Punk is fantastic on the mic and he gets a good reaction so no dis credit to him there.

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What was his WWE name? Surely it wasn't Monty Brown


Also heres a question if their willing to change Loki and Daniel Bryan's name is there ANY chance that if AJ Styles came to the WWE they wouldn't change his name?


Adding onto that if their willing to change a guy by the name of Windham Rotunda's name to Husky Harris there is NOBODY that won't get a name change in the WWE I believe.


How over do you think "Windham Rotunda" would really get?

TNA also changed Low Ki's name to Senshi.

I think "AJ Styles" carries as much weight as "CM Punk" in terms of branding.

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I love how Cena is now getting boos "because he's joined nexus" No we boo him because he sucks! And been booing him for over 3 years. But spin it as you will


Because the fans booing Cena are only bad for business. I bet they would cheer ECW from 1993-2001 and look how that turn out.

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I love how Cena is now getting boos "because he's joined nexus" No we boo him because he sucks! And been booing him for over 3 years. But spin it as you will


Booing Cena hasn't been cool since 2006. Just because YOU boo him doesn't mean the rest of the world does. I'm curious on who YOU would push in the WWE because I'm sure they would draw so much better than Cena.

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Oh man, I was really starting to dig Justin Gabriel. Shame he's gonna be fired now. `cause Orton can't roll properly.


I saw that miscue, and awkward collision, and my first thought was Mr. Kennedy. Granted, it's a severe stretch, but it saddens me that a panic light goes off everytime Orton has a bad moment. lol

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Oh man, I was really starting to dig Justin Gabriel. Shame he's gonna be fired now. `cause Orton can't roll properly.


I saw that miscue, and awkward collision, and my first thought was Mr. Kennedy. Granted, it's a severe stretch, but it saddens me that a panic light goes off everytime Orton has a bad moment. lol


Thought the same thing. After It happend I was watching Orton closely to see if he looked angry. Crossing my fingers Ortons in a good mood lol.

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Booing Cena hasn't been cool since 2006. Just because YOU boo him doesn't mean the rest of the world does. I'm curious on who YOU would push in the WWE because I'm sure they would draw so much better than Cena.

I disagree. It's still cool, it just depends on where. I believe Regionalization is returning to wrestling soon... meaning, instead of National Wars between WWF vs. WCW fans, it's what region you live in affects what kind of wrestling you like, ala, Territory days. It's nowhere going to be as strong as back then, I think this IS a trend.


For example, in wrestling-heavy but urban areas, there's a likely chance he will get booed (Chicago, a lot of New York and New Jersey), but more rural areas, he's going to get cheered. Kind of ironic, considering his original gimmick was that thug rapper.


In non-wrestling west, he will get a good but unusually mild reaction for Cena. Interestingly, this where MMA is strongest.


I always felt Regionalization never left, it was just severely weakened during WWF vs... well, the NWA, then the WCW. But now there's is no strong "Other", there's no reason for fans to stand as a whole for or against WWE.


How does it relate to Cena? Well, it depends on where he goes. It's unusual, because people do it for him. Almost everyone else gets a universal reaction elsewhere, unless it's their hometown.


I think WWE is dialing back a bit, but not by much. The only pure wholesome face they have is Cena. Kofi Kingston comes close (and actually does a way better job as wholesome babyface, even though his mic skills aren't anywhere near Cena's), but he's more of a "Cool" babyface. Cena's just very campy and hokey as a Babyface.


It's not that Cena is more popular than Kane, Undertaker, or the Big Show, maybe even Orton right now... it's he sells more merchandise to kids. That's where the difference lies. That's not some the others in WWE can claim. I don't doubt he makes them money.


I think WWE is managing to keep the complaints down on Cena through having some more edgy babyfaces, like Randy Orton and Edge. You don't want Cena? Here's Orton or Edge.

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I really think its a stretch to say anyone except for maybe Orton right now is more popular than John Cena. He sells a lot of merch but come on most nights when his music hits the place goes CRAZY with cheers. I would say one out of every ten shows he gets a mixed reaction.


In wrestling I think we all make people more or less important than they actually are based on who we like.


The entire internet was SCREAMING for Benoit to be a world champion and at one time I was one of them (when I was 15 years old) but by the time he won it in 2004 I was thinking "that was a dumb move".


People pay to see John Cena and its not just kids. I think next time I watch RAW I'm going to DVR it and point out anyone wearing Cena merch or doing Cena's hand thing or anything else Cena related and just see just how broad his audience is because this "Cena's only liked by kids" (I know you're not saying that) routine I'm fairly certain is way more inaccurate than people want to believe or accept.

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I should say, he's primary audience IS kids. But I think when people "only kids", it's just their hyperbole getting the best of them. It's never 100% of anything.



Also, I never said anyone was MORE popular. I meant to say, just as popular. Maybe not to the same groups of people, but generally speaking, just as popular.


But one of the few reasons why he doesn't booed more is because they no longer moronically match him against someone that might get "over" against him. Seriously, booking him as a face against Angle as heel killed his face heat, and then it killed Angle's heat. Dumb move, WWE. They then pitted him against HBK and Angle. He's not going to get over as a face that way.


Then again, one of the issues with Angle, is that he makes everyone like a fool that can't keep up with him, or look like they can. It's not that he intentionally embarasses them, it's just that he looks to work fast and hard.


Back to point, that's why we haven't seen a proper Miz vs. Cena fued. That's just not going to work out in a way that WWE likes. They tested the waters, and the Miz just comes out looking too good out of it.

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I can't believe there's Cena bashing while he's involved in the most entertaining story going right now. Haters gonna hate I guess.


I'm glad that, with Cena and most of RAW, I can drop the stupid words like workrate and other mularky and just do an eyeball test. Eyeball says that match with Miz was great, the promo with Miz was great, as was his part in the promo with Truth.


Cena's been on a roll. At least people can't claim he's not putting over talent.

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I can't believe there's Cena bashing while he's involved in the most entertaining story going right now. Haters gonna hate I guess.


I'm glad that, with Cena and most of RAW, I can drop the stupid words like workrate and other mularky and just do an eyeball test. Eyeball says that match with Miz was great, the promo with Miz was great, as was his part in the promo with Truth.


Cena's been on a roll. At least people can't claim he's not putting over talent.


Cena is MAKING Barrett...when this is all said and done Barrett will be World Champion most likely feuding with this most over person in the company

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I love this storyline. Barrett will come out of this great. Hopefully he beats Cena in the blowoff match somehow.



I don't see that happening at all. But I can see Barrett winning the first by cheating. The Cena gets revenge maybe winning by DQ or something stupid. Then in the final of the 3 Cena will come out ahead and get his "revenge" by making Barrett tap but most after 4-5 months of being in a program with the top name in the game, Barrett will be better off.


I hope they take the opportunity and give Barrett the belt. This would be a good chance for him to get his first taste of the title early. Its a great built in excuse if Cena helps him win some how. And then for a couple months he has Cena fighting his opponent. Like say he takes on Orton, the monday before he forces Cena to take on Orton to soften him up. Its a good storyline, that I wish could make it all the way to WM but I see it lasting until Royal Rumble before they change gears to have Cena ready for his WM opponent, which I hope is the Undertaker.

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I don't see that happening at all. But I can see Barrett winning the first by cheating. The Cena gets revenge maybe winning by DQ or something stupid. Then in the final of the 3 Cena will come out ahead and get his "revenge" by making Barrett tap but most after 4-5 months of being in a program with the top name in the game, Barrett will be better off.


I hope they take the opportunity and give Barrett the belt. This would be a good chance for him to get his first taste of the title early. Its a great built in excuse if Cena helps him win some how. And then for a couple months he has Cena fighting his opponent. Like say he takes on Orton, the monday before he forces Cena to take on Orton to soften him up. Its a good storyline, that I wish could make it all the way to WM but I see it lasting until Royal Rumble before they change gears to have Cena ready for his WM opponent, which I hope is the Undertaker.


Your scenario is more likely. 99% of the time the good guy always gets the final win in something like this. I wouldn't want to see Cena Taker at Mania. Neither guy gains anything from that and I think it would be a waste if Cena ended Takers streak. How about Sheamus ending Takers streak? Or someone on the cusp of being one of the greatest in the company.

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On the "He's only liked by kids (and women) thing" Well, we all know that's pretty much an empty comment. Parents have to buy merchandise, and parents tend not to buy merchandise from people that cannot stand/have the same attitude as people claiming the quote about Cena. I mean.... if you dislike Cena, when was the last time you bought your kid, or little brother, etc.. some good 'ole Cena Merchandise. That's something I wanted to say for a little while, but still..


On a side note: Wrestling is for kids... or at least the young at heart. I've been an adult for longer then some poster's have been alive. I plan on staying "Young at heart" for the rest of my life... However, you will never see any Wrestling promotion target "Over 35" crowds... The show's are for kids, it's fiction, it's a drama, I call it Soap Opera for guys. Making a show PG doesn't automatically say "We don't care about anyone over 18 years old" or every show on normal television would just about be in that same boat.. I mean, out of all the TV show's you like, your telling me none of them are PG?


Cena is MAKING Barrett...when this is all said and done Barrett will be World Champion most likely feuding with this most over person in the company

/nod... Which brings up another point.

But one of the few reasons why he doesn't booed more is because they no longer moronically match him against someone that might get "over" against him. Seriously, booking him as a face against Angle as heel killed his face heat, and then it killed Angle's heat. Dumb move, WWE. They then pitted him against HBK and Angle. He's not going to get over as a face that way.

HBK, Angle, HHH, and many other's were "Making" Cena. I remember Cena feuding with Edge for what seemed like three years. However, all these other feuds were with people that were "above" Cena at the time, for the most part. Cena was "being Made" to be the top star, and they were all involved in it. He was already there, but it wasn't to the point it is now... Any one of those guys could feud with Cena now, and it would be a different reaction then it was at that time. Not because people will Cheer for Cena more, but because Cena is not looked at in the same light as he was then. I mean, this is after the two HBK battle's that many felt were MOTY.


I don't see that happening at all. But I can see Barrett winning the first by cheating. The Cena gets revenge maybe winning by DQ or something stupid. Then in the final of the 3 Cena will come out ahead and get his "revenge" by making Barrett tap but most after 4-5 months of being in a program with the top name in the game, Barrett will be better off.


I hope they take the opportunity and give Barrett the belt. This would be a good chance for him to get his first taste of the title early. Its a great built in excuse if Cena helps him win some how. And then for a couple months he has Cena fighting his opponent. Like say he takes on Orton, the monday before he forces Cena to take on Orton to soften him up. Its a good storyline, that I wish could make it all the way to WM but I see it lasting until Royal Rumble before they change gears to have Cena ready for his WM opponent, which I hope is the Undertaker.


/nod. I like all this. The only thing I really want to see is Cena getting fed up with people asking him to quit and such, and saying "SCREW YOU GUYS! Nexxus seems to be the only people around here that actually has my back!"


Then it will be "all good", lol.


EDIT: I'd like to make one smaller point, that I just thought about a little. I haven't really thought anything of the "Cenation" comments, till watching last night's RAW and they brought that particular word up a few times. This was so reminiscent of something else... only difference is I don't here Cena saying it. Back in the 80's they used to talk about "Hulkamania" and when they used the word, they were talking about a Group of people... "Hulkamania run's wild" just means Hulk Hogan Fans are here. Cenation just means John Cena fans, but not as... I don't know, just don't sound as bad as saying I'm a Hulkamaniac did. Even if you liked Hulk Hogan, you didn't think you were part of the Hulkamania thing... and sometimes that would even offend you, but... They were talking about you. So, I guess since I am a John Cena fan, and being a Cena fan (at least to an extent), makes you a part of "Cenation". So I guess I'm a part of Cenation, even though that's very uncool to say. Meaning, no one over 14? would actually say "I'm part of the Cenation" as it sounds awefull. However, if you back him at all, you actually are the people they are talking about... don't matter if you ever bought his Merchandise or not. IT wasn't cool to say "I'm a Hulkamaniac!" back in the 80's either... But it wasn't uncommon to say "Whatchya Gonna Do Brother!" just like now, it's not uncommon for someone to say "You can't see me!"


Just thought I would throw that comparison up, mainly for all those people like me, that can remember the Hulk Hogan era.

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