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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Whoever said Miz doesn't need the title is crazy! The only people in the WWE who don't NEED the title are John Cena, Triple H, and the Undertaker because they will always be known as the top guys. Cena could come back and lose to the Miz but fans will still view him as the top guy in the company and still the face. It would take a lot to tear those reputations down but they could go the rest of their careers without the top title.


Miz is someone who could benefit by having the belt for 3-4 months. Some could call him the luckiest champion ever while others could call him the newest dirtiest player in the game because he wins by cheating or dodging opponents by getting counted out. Maybe he wins a couple matches by count out with Rileys help.


That would be entertaining and I think it would make people love to hate him. He would have heel heat and not XPac heat.


He didn't really say that though he said more that he did not need a long run at this moment. Miz will probably loose it in the chamber which would give him a decent run and not tarnish him too much seeing as it was against 5 other guys. With Cena or Trips returning at the rumble and the other at the chamber or earlier.

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Uh, in no way, shape or form is it Xpac heat, sorry.


former Reality TV star or no, he is gold on the mic, he's arguably the number 1 heel in the company right now and has been in that class for awhile.


Ever since he came back with the short tights and lost the stupid "lady's man" gimmick, he's been one of the best things on Raw and in the WWE in general.


I never said he has XPac heat. My point was people would love to see how he is going to cheat to win or get by say Randy Orton this month... John Morrison next month... CM Punk the following month... Then eventually lose after trying to cheat but somehow the face kicks out of the pinfall attempt and wins overcoming all odds.


To me the fans would love the Miz but boo him when he cheats and would like whoever went over Miz in the end. If he loses the belt this month I will be dissappointed even though to me Miz has been booked as not as tough as Orton, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, or Cena.

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Barrett vs. Orton vs. Miz at the Royal Rumble. Orton takes out The Miz with the RKO, Nexus interfere giving Barrett the title.


Later on that night John Cena (somehow) enters and wins the Royal Rumble.


The next night we have Cena vs. Barrett at Wrestlemania and Miz blames Orton (rightfully so) for costing him his championship.


So Mania we would have Miz vs. Orton, Barrett vs. Cena

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Barrett vs. Orton vs. Miz at the Royal Rumble. Orton takes out The Miz with the RKO, Nexus interfere giving Barrett the title.


Later on that night John Cena (somehow) enters and wins the Royal Rumble.


The next night we have Cena vs. Barrett at Wrestlemania and Miz blames Orton (rightfully so) for costing him his championship.


So Mania we would have Miz vs. Orton, Barrett vs. Cena


It make totally sense. Because of that. I don't see it.

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My lady has decided to give me the coolest Christmas present of all time... ROYAL RUMBLE TICKETS! And she told me about it early... what a gal.


Yep. January 30th I will be at the TD Garden in Boston watching one of the coolest PPV's ever. I'm really pumped about it because my older brother is going with us along with his wife (a double date at wrestling?!). My brother actually works for TD Bank in their fraud department and he can get discounted tickets for events there. I've gone to RAW with him there for $15 (not the best seats, but you can see from everywhere in that arena).


I've been to a couple Smackdown tapings, two RAW live events, and Summerslam '06 (Orton vs Hogan and DX vs McMahon's). I'm really pumped to go to another PPV and having gone to Summerslam - I now need to go to just a few more "BIG" PPV's - Wrestlemania and Survivor Series. If King of the Ring was still around I'd need to go to that.


Anyone else ever gone to the Royal Rumble or going this year? Stories! Please share!



EDIT: Even though I don't follow wrestling week to week, I try to stay "current" on things that are happening. I'm still pumped to go see it and I'll probably watch RAW all of January so that I know what's happening when I'm there, ha.

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WWE has updated future live events and changed John Cena's name to "Juan Cena." Obviously this will play a part in Cena's current storyline.


On a related note, Cena noted on Twitter today that he "bought" tickets for next week's three-hour RAW so it looks like he will be there to continue the angle.


Lucha Libre Cena :p

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WWE has updated future live events and changed John Cena's name to "Juan Cena." Obviously this will play a part in Cena's current storyline.


On a related note, Cena noted on Twitter today that he "bought" tickets for next week's three-hour RAW so it looks like he will be there to continue the angle.


Lucha Libre Cena :p


This is excellent. The Juan Cena thing is awesome, it's obviously NOT going to play a part in the storyline, but it's cool that the WWE is going to make sure he's still at house shows even though he's "fired" on TV. And it's cool that he has tickets, I was worried that him being fired was going to mean he was taking time off, but it'd be stupid for them not to continue the storyline while it's hot. I have a feeling Cena is going to keep bothering Barrett until Barrett gets so pissed he demands a match with Cena, with the stipulation that if Cena wins he gets his job back.

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Is it just me or did they totally bury Wade Barret, I mean he had three matches for the title and lost them all and then The Miz cashes in and wins the belt granted Orton was injured when The Miz did it but I still think they kind of gave Barrett the short end of the stick. I am glad that the Miz won even though I thought he should have been the first guy to lose when cashing in money in the bank but all in all I am okay with it.


IMO Wade Barrett isn't ready to become a world champ. His promos are good, but IMO his matches are either horrendous or boring. I think that he is still green, and shouldn't have a world title yet. But in a few years or so he will almost defiantely be good enough to carry the promotion/brand.

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In a few years or so? Barrett on RAW had the fans eating out of his hands with his promo. The guy does not look like a rookie.


If I could use a comparison I'd compare Barrett to Sam Bradford. The success they're having is above average but the fact that their having it their rookies years in businesses that have quite the learning curve speaks volumes.


Barrett would/could be ready for the championship anytime. Isn't this the same internet that cried for years that Cena was boring in the ring? Same old ____" is what ECW chanted at him.


Yet the WWE seemed to do just fine business wise for the last five years while this "boring" wrestler who might I add had only been full time for two years when he won the championship without guys like Regal likely mentoring him like Barrett has.


My point is this isn't ROH where a guys wrestling skills have to be on par. He's main evented three straight pay per views, he's in a feud with the biggest star in wrestling. You don't do these things with somebody unless you think their ready for the championship.


Barrett should win the championship for this feud to move to that next level. After all if Wade never wins the title then Cena can't beat him for it and I don't see this feud not having the world title involved in it at Mania.

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Well, the problem Stennick, which wouldn't be much of an impediment with the WWE, is that WWE's payoff matches aren't terrible good these days.


Now, no one believes their matches need to be great on TV. But for the PPV fued payoff matches, these MUST be good enough, but never are.


Look at Cena/Orton. Cena/Batista. Orton/Barrett. Their payoff matches do not live up to their storylines behind them. This leads to disappointment, even among the markier fans.


But that doesn't really matter to the WWE, and it's not going to stop them.

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Well, the problem Stennick, which wouldn't be much of an impediment with the WWE, is that WWE's payoff matches aren't terrible good these days.


Now, no one believes their matches need to be great on TV. But for the PPV fued payoff matches, these MUST be good enough, but never are.


Look at Cena/Orton. Cena/Batista. Orton/Barrett. Their payoff matches do not live up to their storylines behind them. This leads to disappointment, even among the markier fans.


But that doesn't really matter to the WWE, and it's not going to stop them.


I agree with you that I found myself bored with some of the bigger pay per view matches in recent time and thats pretty much across the board.


That being said a hot storyline can take even the blandest match and up it a few notches. People should go back and watch some old Attitude era pay per views. There is a reason people have to "learn to work the WWE main event style" its because its literally kicks, punches and big spots. What made those matches as entertaining as they seemed were the stories behind them. I think this is one of the bigger if not biggest storyline they have had going in quite some time.


I think its difficult for any of us to judge how "markier" fans view a product. We're not 12 years old and likely don't have many 12 year old friends. Even if their an older mark (no internet maybe?) I doubt many of us have friends that would fall into what we would consider a mark. Some might not be as "in the know" as we are but I doubt any of us have access to say even a respectable sample size of "marks" to know what they think. So really anytime anyone on the internet proclaims that the marks hate this guy, or that the marks don't enjoy this. Its basically rooted in biased opinion.


Either we want to play psychologist for a moment and say "if I didn't know what I know how would I look at this" but that might as well be somebody rich trying to look at things from a poor mans perspective its impossible. All you're going to come up with is what you either see as their reactions and views or essentially sub consciously just plaster them with the same views we have. Some things can't be judged and I think the "non smart" wrestling fans thoughts are one of them.


There still isn't and likely never will be some magical number that tells us what percentage of fans are reading the dirt sheets and know the backstage stuff (I still bet its less than 25 percent of total fans) and how many people just casually watch RAW just like its an episode of Law and Order as in they take what they are shown on the screen and go from there without digigng into what actors wanted more screen time and better roles, etc.

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Unless Trips comes back, who takes it?


Who knows, I do know every year around this time they get a little trigger happy with the belt. From Survivor Series to Mania is my fave time to watch WWE, I consider it their main season. The best storylines and matches are usually built up around this time of year in preparation for the big one.

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I agree with you that I found myself bored with some of the bigger pay per view matches in recent time and thats pretty much across the board.


That being said a hot storyline can take even the blandest match and up it a few notches. People should go back and watch some old Attitude era pay per views. There is a reason people have to "learn to work the WWE main event style" its because its literally kicks, punches and big spots. What made those matches as entertaining as they seemed were the stories behind them. I think this is one of the bigger if not biggest storyline they have had going in quite some time.


I think its difficult for any of us to judge how "markier" fans view a product. We're not 12 years old and likely don't have many 12 year old friends. Even if their an older mark (no internet maybe?) I doubt many of us have friends that would fall into what we would consider a mark. Some might not be as "in the know" as we are but I doubt any of us have access to say even a respectable sample size of "marks" to know what they think. So really anytime anyone on the internet proclaims that the marks hate this guy, or that the marks don't enjoy this. Its basically rooted in biased opinion.


Either we want to play psychologist for a moment and say "if I didn't know what I know how would I look at this" but that might as well be somebody rich trying to look at things from a poor mans perspective its impossible. All you're going to come up with is what you either see as their reactions and views or essentially sub consciously just plaster them with the same views we have. Some things can't be judged and I think the "non smart" wrestling fans thoughts are one of them.


There still isn't and likely never will be some magical number that tells us what percentage of fans are reading the dirt sheets and know the backstage stuff (I still bet its less than 25 percent of total fans) and how many people just casually watch RAW just like its an episode of Law and Order as in they take what they are shown on the screen and go from there without digigng into what actors wanted more screen time and better roles, etc.


If Miz's win didn't convince people that WWE's audience still has a healthy number of marks, nothing will. And the idea that these marks are so workrate obsessed that they're going to turn from the product if a match isn't great is just preposterous. Remember how we all turned on Hulk Hogan after he had a bad match with Andre?


There is no question but that Wade Barrett is ready to be champion. Beyond having a great look that reminds me of a less bulky Triple H circa 1996, he's got charisma that is off the charts for a rookie. He's generating some of the best heat of any guy in the company, and has been for months. Beyond which, with two brands and two top titles, being champion today isn't the same pressure to produce it was 20 or even 10 years ago. I mean Orton and Batista were champs on Raw last year without main eventing pay per views because Hardy was the hottest act in the company at that point. Two years ago Punk's title reign saw him main event exactly zero pay per views, to the point that he was taken out before a main event that he was actually scheduled in.


And like you said, as much love as we have for guys like Triple H or the Rock for their role in the Attitude era, neither was anything that special in the ring. Rock was very athletic and could generate more heat with his facial expressions than just about anybody I've ever seen, but his offense never looked amazing and actually became more limited as he started working longer matches; when he was an upper midcarder he still did flip-around DDT's and Samoan Drops and other big athletic spots, but as he transitioned into a main eventer, he dialed those back, the same way Cena and every other WWE main eventer dials back their offense to fit the main event style.

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Down here in Mayberry, no one believes wrestling is "real", so there are no true "Marks" in that scense of the word... although there are a huge amount of wrestling fans in general.


The closest thing I seen to someone actually believing wrestling is real, is when they say "Sometimes one of them will get mad and hit them for real" and bring up times when people get hurt for real as example's. That's about as close as it gets, and unless they are 12 years old or younger, I really doubt your going to get any closer to that unless they just don't watch it period.


It's a soap opera for men is the closest thing I can think of when explaining it. Most people that watch it arent reading dirt sheets, nor do they think about stuff like who should be pushed, and probably don't know most of the terms we use here (like push, face, heel, etc.).


Miz is awesome, and that's the only reason people like him.


EDIT/Example: Even when I was a kid, and I expect most of you might have done something similar... We used to "play wrestling" with using trees and such as the ring posts. We used to act like we were hitting each other by stomping our foot at the same time we punch. Thought that was really cool to know how to do at like age 6.... I had no idea what Push, Face, Heel, tweener, etc.. meant, and didn't care at that time. I just knew that it was fun and it was fake... I wanted to believe it was real sometimes, but I never really did.

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sad, sad news, the swagger soaring eagle (spoilers in white)


Was killed today by hornswaggle via bow and arrow, after being mistaken for a turkey ala hot shots.


Can't wait to see this, they played the eagle perfectly, and good job killing it off now, before it got tired. Love how they let swagger embrace his corney side a bit while still being a big physical heel


to my mind thats swaggers best gimmick, when he's a slightly crazy paradoy of a badass who can still actually, you know, kill you in the ring

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