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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I have had a Love/Hate relationship with the Rock. Hated that he left wrestling for acting but he is so damn entertaining when he comes back. I will be completely honest, I marked like a 16 year old girl at a Justin Bieber concert. And if he is back for good? He just singlehandedly became the most entertaining wrestler on any program. Love how the censors tried with him and then gave up. Maybe he can usher back in a more adult-oriented time with professional wrestling and we can lose the PG crap.




Selfishly, I wish he would have stuck around; however, in reality, pro wrestling has become somewhat of a launching pad for people to cross-over into mainstream entertainers (see: Hogan, the Rock, Austin (to an extent), Triple H (to a smaller extent), etc.).


That said, damn... It was great to see him back.


I just re-watched the video again and still had goosebumps; especially as his music first started and you could literally see the entire arena going into a tizzy!

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I have a good feeling it will be. Just how they presented the latest 2.21.11 video. It was like an image of a newcomer walking into Taker's yard. Of course, in the middle on no where and the rain never stops.


The latest video is very interesting, but unfortunately is still ambiguous. We see 'Taker, so I think we can confirm he is back for Mania. But was the man outside meant to represent Undertaker returning, or Sting (or someone else) stepping into 'Takers yard.


And damn I need to watch Raw before reading the spoilers now. The Great One returned.


WWE now has my full attention again, hopefully they can keep it.

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Selfishly, I wish he would have stuck around; however, in reality, pro wrestling has become somewhat of a launching pad for people to cross-over into mainstream entertainers (see: Hogan, the Rock, Austin (to an extent), Triple H (to a smaller extent), etc.).


That said, damn... It was great to see him back.


I just re-watched the video again and still had goosebumps; especially as his music first started and you could literally see the entire arena going into a tizzy!

Imagine if this was in Florida or in the Tri-State area. It would have been crazier.

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Selfishly, I wish he would have stuck around; however, in reality, pro wrestling has become somewhat of a launching pad for people to cross-over into mainstream entertainers (see: Hogan, the Rock, Austin (to an extent), Triple H (to a smaller extent), etc.).


That said, damn... It was great to see him back.


I just re-watched the video again and still had goosebumps; especially as his music first started and you could literally see the entire arena going into a tizzy!


I'm pissed I couldn't go.. as I had a feeling he was gonna be there. I know someone who went, and he said the place went insane.

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I think Adam needs to allow us to put charisma and mic skills in the next TEW game up to 125 - just for The Rock. Otherwise, any other WWE guy has to be at a maximum of 80 for it to be realistic. :)


I thought the exact same thing! We haven't had any promos in 7 years come close to that. Rock = 100 in charisma, and mic skills. Next top guy would be 80 in mic skills.

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OH MY F'N GOD!!!!!!


Ok. So I just walked into the office after loading stuff in the connex, and I see the Rock on TV. I instantly turn from a 33 year old to a 15 year old INSTANTLY! Thank you WRESTLING GODS!! You have finally heard are prayers.


SORRY CENA Your bout to get the Smacketh Down Layeth on your ROOODIIIEEE POOO........(Yall can finish the rest!!)

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I don't get it. The Rock has said numerous times that he won't ever wrestle again. It's not even 2 weeks since the last interview I read with him where he said that. So untill The Rock vs. John Cena is actually properly announced as a real match (and not some stupid face off in words), I won't hold my breath.


But even if they do wrestle, I fear a bit that The Rock will put John Cena over as a sort of "passing of the torch"... and I really really don't want to see Cena beat The Rock.


At any rate, this should make sure they'll get a ****load of sales for Wrestlemania - with or without Sting. Though Sting being my all-time favourite wrestler, I'd still love to see that.

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Ok, I'm going to give you my take on the whole speach (I'm Back!).


I guess it's intentionally said to give people the thought that he's actually going to be wrestling and staying in the WWE as a regular wrestler. However, the way he worded it to me, and I listened to it three times now, is different then what everyone else seems to be taking it.


My first thoughts and still my thoughts were he was refering to Wrestling in general. What I mean by this is when he left he seemed to try and seperate his "real" person from "The Rock" persona, and went solely by his real name to go forward seriously as an actor. Bassically trying to lose the connection... However, as time went by we seen more and more of his movie's being promoted during WWE programming. I don't know why, but it seemed like he didn't want that at first, but over a few years become more confortable with it (although I know it wasn't solely his decision... he can't tell the movie companies when and how they promote the movies).


I feel like he meant he won't be trying to disconnect himself from his wrestling background anymore. I don't think he is back in wrestling for good (and don't think that is what he meant). I believe just what he said.... he's not going to leave the FANS again. He will do this Wrestlemania (he hinted toward hosting Raw at one point last year). He might even be involved in storylines from time to time... but I don't expect him to be a member of the roster on a permanant basis (not even a Taker like basis). I do think he just meant that he will be acknowledging his wrestling fans from this point forward, no matter what he does. I think it means we will see a different Dwayne Johnson when those wrestling questions come up in interviews and such... he will be thankfull and respectfull to all the wrestling fans instead of seemingly trying to disconnect from them (Old Dwayne: Wrestling was fun, but I'm concentrating on this right now... New Dwayne: Oh yeah, the Wrestling fans are the greatest in the world!)


Hope that doesn't upset anyone, as I do expect him to be involved up till Wrestlemania and perhaps off and on for a while... but more like in between a Taker and Austin time period (Not as frequent as Taker, but more frequent then Stone Cold... I'm talking on RAW or Smackdown, not Tough Enough or something like that.

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It'll be funny when Rock goes back to his career because the people who turned into little girls, squealing over his return will be some of the first to revert back to the mantra of Rock turning his back on wrestling.


I really don't believe that would be the case as everyone has matured... NOW, if you mean the 16 to 21 or so year olds... maybe.


But as the old saying goes, Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

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I don't get it. The Rock has said numerous times that he won't ever wrestle again. It's not even 2 weeks since the last interview I read with him where he said that. So untill The Rock vs. John Cena is actually properly announced as a real match (and not some stupid face off in words), I won't hold my breath.


But even if they do wrestle, I fear a bit that The Rock will put John Cena over as a sort of "passing of the torch"... and I really really don't want to see Cena beat The Rock.


At any rate, this should make sure they'll get a ****load of sales for Wrestlemania - with or without Sting. Though Sting being my all-time favourite wrestler, I'd still love to see that.


Just to play devils advocate here.... No matter if he is or isn't actually back, I don't believe he would have told anyone two weeks ago (I'm sure he's known for longer then two weeks) "Sure, I'd go back in a heartbeat". IT would kill the effect and surprise of this whole Raw if that was the case. Better he keep saying over and over "I can't see myself going back" then giving it all away. I think he's known about this since last year. I believe he meant to "keep" making everyone think he would never be in the ring again, possibly even stressing it stronger, just to make the effect of this show hold more weight.


I don't think he's back in the sense that everyone else does though (See above post).

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I'm not sure what this return will evolve into, but i could see one extended roster return for the rock, for a couple reasons.


1. He's 38. I could see him wanting one last run infront of the live crowd before he just plain can't do it anymore.


2. He tried to expand a little with his acting to serious and comedy, but that really didn't work out. HE's pretty locked in as an action star now, so why not wrestle if he gets a reduced schedule, Ala Cena when working movies or taker? it's not like he's going to get denied a dramatic role in an oscar winner because he's on WWE TV at this point in his movie career.


3. and i know some will hate this reasoning, but with the WWE being established as PG now, he doesn't really have to worry as much about image blowback, again at least as being an action movie star is concerned.


Not saying he will get back in the ring, i think the likely scenario is he doesn't, but i can see why he might.

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In those interviews he was himself. He doesn't want to wrestle anymore in my opinion. Obviously the only person who truly knows what he wants to do is Dwayne Johnson himself.


If you ask me he may do something at Wrestlemania like get in the ring with Cena as a guest referee for his match only to destroy Cena and Miz at the end of the match with 2 Rock Bottoms followed by a "You can't see me" Peoples Elbow! Can you see him mocking Cena and doing a Peoples Elbow? Oh man that would be great.


Cena and Rock could face each other at next years Mania going on the fact that Rock did that to Cena. Rock wouldn't even have to be on WWE television until this time next year in order to get that match over.

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My wife and I tuned into raw, as it was my pay-off for watching the bachelor before, and all I have to say is wow... We both marked out like hell (as she loves the Rock; would probably forget I was even there if the Rock walked into the room. ha).


1) Damn. Dwayne has bulked up bigger than we've ever seen him before. Between that, and the aged face, it was almost weird to see the man outside of a movie screen.


2) While the whole "Never leaving" thing was appealing, I don't expect to see him stay much, if at all, past Wrestlemania. This is simply a money-feud between Cena & The Rock; culminating at WM 27. I mean, I would LOVE to see him stay past then, as he's insanely talented and extremely fun to watch, but I just don't see him really becoming a consistent figure in the WWE ever again.



This is 100000% how I felt (even down to my wife being OK with me watching a little wrestling because we watched some of The Bachelor)


He is HUGE. HUGE. I know he bulked up for Fast & Furious Forever or whatevr it's called but holy crap! I'm sure he'll slim down once themovie is released; he got more parts looking more 'normal'


The way he worded it seemed to methat he was giving love to the fans and telling them he'd nevr 'turn away from wrestling' but it wasn't him saying 'I'm coming back to be a full time wrestler'


The Rock is still usccessful enough as an actor and he's made enough money that he's is - at most - a guy who would come back for a WM. But that's it.


But then again, that's still awesome.


I don't get it. The Rock has said numerous times that he won't ever wrestle again. It's not even 2 weeks since the last interview I read with him where he said that. So untill The Rock vs. John Cena is actually properly announced as a real match (and not some stupid face off in words), I won't hold my breath.



To me, it seemed that he was attacking Miz and Cena, and since they will likely be in the main event, it's a perfect way to start setting up for MIz vs Cena with Rock as the ref.


If you ask me he may do something at Wrestlemania like get in the ring with Cena as a guest referee for his match only to destroy Cena and Miz at the end of the match with 2 Rock Bottoms followed by a "You can't see me" Peoples Elbow! Can you see him mocking Cena and doing a Peoples Elbow? Oh man that would be great.


Cena and Rock could face each other at next years Mania going on the fact that Rock did that to Cena. Rock wouldn't even have to be on WWE television until this time next year in order to get that match over.


Totaly agree.

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My first thoughts and still my thoughts were he was refering to Wrestling in general. What I mean by this is when he left he seemed to try and seperate his "real" person from "The Rock" persona, and went solely by his real name to go forward seriously as an actor. Bassically trying to lose the connection... However, as time went by we seen more and more of his movie's being promoted during WWE programming. I don't know why, but it seemed like he didn't want that at first, but over a few years become more confortable with it (although I know it wasn't solely his decision... he can't tell the movie companies when and how they promote the movies).


But when he left WWE, he did *not* go by his real name in an attempt to disconnect himself from wrestling... on the contrary, he kept using "The Rock" as his name in movie credits when he first started out in Hollywood. The change to "Dwayne Johnson" came later.

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To me, it seemed that he was attacking Miz and Cena, and since they will likely be in the main event, it's a perfect way to start setting up for MIz vs Cena with Rock as the ref.


That would make sense. It should probably be noted that I haven't seen RAW yet myself, and that I'm basing my comments on what I've read in this thread and on wrestling news sites about what The Rock said in his promo.

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But when he left WWE, he did *not* go by his real name in an attempt to disconnect himself from wrestling... on the contrary, he kept using "The Rock" as his name in movie credits when he first started out in Hollywood. The change to "Dwayne Johnson" came later.


I'm not entirely sure this is an accurate statement. I believe he was still using "the Rock" when he was still with the WWE/F... He did like three movies while still technically in the WWE, and dropped "The Rock" from his name right after he left (I might be wrong, as I'm going off memmory/recollection). I know he did the two Mummy movies while still in the WWF/E.


He seemed to me to try and disconnect with the Wrestling, but nicely.... he wasn't "mean" in any way, never bad mouthed anyone, etc. I mean he just never seemed like he wanted to talk about it. To me, it was obvious. I just feel like he is acknowledging that he is able to be both people, without one hurting the other. I actually believe it would have helped him more if he would have been that way to start with.

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I'm not entirely sure this is an accurate statement. I believe he was still using "the Rock" when he was still with the WWE/F... He did like three movies while still technically in the WWE, and dropped "The Rock" from his name right after he left (I might be wrong, as I'm going off memmory/recollection). I know he did the two Mummy movies while still in the WWF/E.


He seemed to me to try and disconnect with the Wrestling, but nicely.... he wasn't "mean" in any way, never bad mouthed anyone, etc. I mean he just never seemed like he wanted to talk about it. To me, it was obvious. I just feel like he is acknowledging that he is able to be both people, without one hurting the other. I actually believe it would have helped him more if he would have been that way to start with.

I think it's not just that, but the stigma of being a "rassler" is almost entirely gone nowadays.

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He seemed to me to try and disconnect with the Wrestling, but nicely.... he wasn't "mean" in any way, never bad mouthed anyone, etc. I mean he just never seemed like he wanted to talk about it. To me, it was obvious. I just feel like he is acknowledging that he is able to be both people, without one hurting the other. I actually believe it would have helped him more if he would have been that way to start with.


How so? In all honesty, how exactly has he been 'hurt' by trying to to separate himself from his wrestling persona as he pursued his acting career? How would it have helped...?


Because knowing wrestling nerds, they would hve been bitter either way.

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