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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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So far the HHH/Taker match has been good, but what do you expect? I mean these are the Vets of WWE, and Wrestlemania is like the Superbowl/World Series and the World Cup, rolled into one! And I mean some of the WWE is to blame for some of this suckage of this PPV so far. (i.e. Cole vs Lawler bullsh*t finish, Hornswaggle Rapping, i.e.). So unless something is going to be suprised for the Snooki match (which I will be in the bathroom)... or the Rock challeneges Cena right after his match, Jesus Christ laces up his boots and wrestles...or..something phenomenal happens in the next 80 minutes. This PPV is getting a 6/10....at best.....so far.
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So because you didn't expect those matches to be any good, it's okay that they sucked?


This is Wrestlemania, every match ought to be good. It's the biggest wrestling event of the year. So far, only Alberto Del Rio/Edge was what I'd call a "good" match, with Mysterio/Rhodes and Orton/Punk being decent as well. But nothing more than that. Undertaker/Triple H looks promising so far, though. Most of the skits has been outright horrible, to a painful degree.


Just pointing out that you should have known what you were buying. Since I didnt expect them matches to be any good I am not disappointed at this point.

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So the show has sucked so far?? I haven't been watching feel me in.


Pretty much, yes. Though as I said, Del Rio vs. Edge was worth watching. A bit too short, though. And I had expected different involvement from Christian and a different outcome. But still MOTN so far.

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"The match suffered because too much selling was shown"


This might be the show stealing match that HHH needed in his career. He has always been eclipsed by Michaels outdoing him and usually HHH is in the Main event. (WM XIX, 21,22,24, 25)


Trips will get a monkey off his back tonight

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It was a good match. But soooooo slooooooooow. They spent more time selling than wrestling. Am i wrong in thinking this? Am i?


It was a little slow. However is was a brutal match so they needed the selling IMO.


Im almost wondering if UT didnt botch that move when HHH went directly on the padded floor. Kind of seemed like he was suppose to go through the announcers table.

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I agree Ghost. Either Taker deserves an Oscar for selling or he's hurt. I'm really afraid he's hurt. I doubt it was supposed to be a tapout finish, and he was shaking bigtime trying to sit up. If he really was injured, props for making a believable finish out of it, if not props for the selljob of a lifetime. I pity everyone else that has to follow that.
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"The match suffered because too much selling was shown"


How else were they going to fill 30 minutes? This wasn't a match between two spring chickens, they can't move from spot to spot to spot like it's 1998.


Bravo to Taker and Trips I knew they would deliver a great match and that's exactly what they did.

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It was a good match. But soooooo slooooooooow. They spent more time selling than wrestling. Am i wrong in thinking this? Am i?


I agree with you, for what it's worth. A bit too many finishers for my taste also, but overall a pretty good match. Not enough to make the entire event a success in my book. however. Let's see what the final matches bring. I'm pretty damn puzzled by the match order, though.

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It was a little slow. However is was a brutal match so they needed the selling IMO.


I know, i know. But in the beginning when all they did was trade punches and standard brawling, they still oversold it IMO.



Then again, i could just still be incredibly grumpy after the 5 star Cole/Lawler classic.

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