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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I get the bathroom break thing but what if you had to drop a deuce? You wouldn't have time for that. :p Hell, a long 8-ball would have you in trouble.


But yeah, I think the point I was trying to make was that they book the way that is best for business and not to put on the best individual show possible. Sure, it's a shame but that's the way it goes. There's been a "cool down" match late on in Mania for a while now (usually a divas match) and it isn't because they think they're worthy of being amongst the Main Event; it's because they know people don't care and will use the time to go and buy stuff.


Yeah, I get that. Problem is, I'm a slave to quality. With the way the 'E is getting their asses kicked in the buyrate department by, uh, another (real) combat sport, I'd think they'd want to send folks home as happy as possible. Hell, in my view, you could've left after Taker-Trips and wound up with a better overall view of the show. I know it's a personal problem but I'm conditioned to believe "best match on last". From boxing to MMA to earlier Wrestlemanias (show stealing performances notwithstanding) and other supershows, it's going to take some time for me to get used to 'best match in the middle of the card, by design' (assuming I ever do get used to it).

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I enjoyed it. It wasn't brilliant but there were some awesome things. I'm a sucker for novelty entrances and we had a few. Snooki was surprising, if that match had another 5 minutes it would have been decent. Waste of Trish, McCool, Morrison and Ziggler.


I had zero interest in the 8 man tag match and just felt all the way through if the WWE trimmed their rosters considerably there'd be alot less pressure to fit everyone on the card and we'd no longer have to suffer crap like that.


Taker, Trips was brilliant. Miz and Cena was entertaining, hope Rock has some part to play in the feud (haven't seen Raw yet) or else it was for nothing.


Match order was ridiculous. Orton-Punk or Mysterio-Rhodes should have opened and either been given 5 minutes more and I think we'd have had a better start to the show and it would have felt more special keeping the title matches untill the end.


As much as I love Cole and his character it's frightening to think his match got more time than Rey/Cody, Edge/ADR and about the same time as Orton/Punk and Miz/Cena.


They could have shaved 5 minutes off that match easily. Any time Cole was in control fell flat because he can't wrestle and no-one cared to see it. It's not the point of the payoff. it would have been even more effective as a DQ win if he did nothing in the match.


Backstage segments were a real let-down. I usually enjoy them and seeing the old faces but these were so forced and felt like a last minute addition.


For anyone interested there was 101 minutes of wrestling in a 240 minute show. I know they like to do celebrations and big entrances but something has to be wrong there.


Miz was fantastic, and the promo was the best they've done for years. Cole on the mic and on commentary was brilliant. I hope JR comes back full time and Cole becomes a manager. He's really good... I can hope.

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So after last night and finding out that Cena and the Rock would wrestle next WM. Then reading today that Trips vs Taker rematch is also being planned I have already put the money aside for next year. If Hunter and Taker can put a third match on that is up to the standard of their last two together at Mania then I will be happy.


Now just bring back MITB to WM. I think it's a match you know will be exciting and be a reason Mania is worth the 60 dollar buy.

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So after last night and finding out that Cena and the Rock would wrestle next WM. Then reading today that Trips vs Taker rematch is also being planned I have already put the money aside for next year. If Hunter and Taker can put a third match on that is up to the standard of their last two together at Mania then I will be happy.


Now just bring back MITB to WM. I think it's a match you know will be exciting and be a reason Mania is worth the 60 dollar buy.


Assuming the Wrestlemania 2012 card is like this...


Taker vs HHH

Cena vs Rock


Who will be fighting for the titles and such do you think?

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Assuming the Wrestlemania 2012 card is like this...


Taker vs HHH

Cena vs Rock


Who will be fighting for the titles and such do you think?


While it wouldnt be unlike the WWE to copy something that was just done Im having a hard time seeing Taker vs HHH again next year. That would be their third WM match in which UT is already 2-0.


In fact, Id be very disapointed if that was the plan.

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While it wouldnt be unlike the WWE to copy something that was just done Im having a hard time seeing Taker vs HHH again next year. That would be their third WM match in which UT is already 2-0.


In fact, Id be very disapointed if that was the plan.


I don't want to see Taker vs Hunter again either.


I would prefer an Undertaker vs John Morrison match I think.


Miz as a face vs Randy Orton as a heel in the Raw main event.


CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan for the US Title.

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I would like to see a triple threat next year for the Streak match. I think it would add a lot more to the story with it now being that Taker doesn't even have to be pinned to lose his achievement.


I would go with it as Taker/HHH/Sheamus. If not Sheamus, then Orton or Punk. I think it would help the third man out a lot if he were to look like a serious threat to Taker, but somehow come up short with HHH getting in the way. In the end, Taker would win, but it would leave the possibility open with the younger talent.

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Assuming the Wrestlemania 2012 card is like this... Taker vs HHH Cena vs Rock Who will be fighting for the titles and such do you think?
I would have the SD! title be CM Punk heel vs. edge Face champ, ADR vs Rey vs Sin Cara, christian vs cody rhodes, us title vs ic title bryan vs. McIntyre. Sheamus vs. Kane for brutality match. stone cold vs. whoever wins tough enough. For the title a face Jericho who wins the RR vs heel champ Miz.
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The only way I'd ever be ok with a Triple Threat match for Taker at Mania now is if they did something creative like HHH being a super heel again and being hell bent on ending the streak. So hell bent that he uses his connections (Steph) to get a rematch, but it's a Triple Threat...


and participant three is: Shawn Michaels.


You could do a long buildup of HBK playing the tweener that the fans are still embracing that isn't sure about what to do. In order to make sure HBK cooperates with HHH, Steph adds the Taker/Kane rule from their match with Austin: You can't pin each other.


The match would have a ton of big spots with Taker surviving, Trips getting frustrated and bringing out the hammer on Taker. He goes for the pin but HBK pull him off. The two men argue and start fighting. We get HBK/HHH 1000 for several minutes while Taker recovers from a sledge shot or two. Finally, HBK hits HHH with the Sweet Chin Music. The crowd is going crazy and Taker is up. HBK turns around and gets tombstoned and pinned.


Good drama.

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I wouldnt want HBK to be in it though. Maybe Randy Orton could work if he goes back to his Legend Killer mode that nearly won him the match at 21,


Edit: remember when Orton used to have a bit of personality?


I think it would only work if it were HBK though. All the history. Someone else like an Orton or someone, as talented as they are, would seem to be silly to me. Triple Threats are tough to make work and tough to make interesting to where the third man doesn't feel like a throw in. If HBK doesn't want to come back to participate, just don't a triple threat. It's not like it is necessary or even exciting to do a triple threat. The only way it would be dramatic enough imo to be exciting is if the two men were HHH/HBK. Two men with history with each (a ton) and two men who have both shown they were determined to end the streak, and two men who are both 0-2 against Taker at WM. It makes all the sense for the two of them to be the ones in the Triple Threat to end the streak, and the drama would be awesome done the way I laid out with HBK ultimately being the guy who takes the pinfall.

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I absolutely do not want to see HHH/Taker again at WrestleMania. I would like to see their rematch at SummerSlam.

Some people might hate this, well, most, but I would like to see Undertaker win the Royal Rumble and lose to the champion Alberto del Rio at WrestleMania next year. The lights go dark and lightning strikes and Undertaker is gone. We see him 2 years later as he is the main inductee at the HOF! [/fantasy booking]


I would also have every WWE wrestler come down and beat Michael Cole down, leaving the announce teams as Josh Matthews / Jerry Lawler for Raw and either Josh Matthews or an apologetic (sp?) Michael Cole / Booker T for Smackdown. I'm sick of three man announce teams.

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Finally watching Wrestlemania...god Orton is so awful. Doesn't he know what selling and acting is? His leg is "injured" yet he stomps around like its nothing. Then starts selling right before his horrible looking self trip before the punt...He's just as bad as Super Cena with this crap.
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well since Mania is out of the way the next big thing is the draft.


Am I the only one thinking Raw is a major cluster**** right now? But I cant see Morrison or Dolph going back there since they were just on the blue brand within the past year.


Maybe Bryan goes there and fills the role as the guy who can bounce up and down the card if need be in a way Beniot did.

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Finally watching Wrestlemania...god Orton is so awful. Doesn't he know what selling and acting is? His leg is "injured" yet he stomps around like its nothing. Then starts selling right before his horrible looking self trip before the punt...He's just as bad as Super Cena with this crap.


*Del Rio voice* But you already knew that!


I called surprise RKO for the win. It takes me back to 2007

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well since Mania is out of the way the next big thing is the draft.


Am I the only one thinking Raw is a major cluster**** right now? But I cant see Morrison or Dolph going back there since they were just on the blue brand within the past year.


Maybe Bryan goes there and fills the role as the guy who can bounce up and down the card if need be in a way Beniot did.


Personally I don't see a point in having a draft this year. Everyone seems to be able to wrestle anyone at any time currently.

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Just finished Undertaker/Triple H and my only major complaint is Taker's Hell's Gate Finisher, his shoulders were pinned to the mat for a good minute and the ref didn't count once. Every other time a wrestler is doin a submission and his shoulders go down, the ref counts him out. That's just dumb.
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Just finished Undertaker/Triple H and my only major complaint is Taker's Hell's Gate Finisher, his shoulders were pinned to the mat for a good minute and the ref didn't count once. Every other time a wrestler is doin a submission and his shoulders go down, the ref counts him out. That's just dumb.


They could use that to set up the match next year. ;)


HHH could claim that an error on the ref's part ruined his chances.

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Just finished Undertaker/Triple H and my only major complaint is Taker's Hell's Gate Finisher, his shoulders were pinned to the mat for a good minute and the ref didn't count once. Every other time a wrestler is doin a submission and his shoulders go down, the ref counts him out. That's just dumb.


I noticed that as well but forgot about it.

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Personally I don't see a point in having a draft this year. Everyone seems to be able to wrestle anyone at any time currently.


The draft has been pretty much redundant for a few years now, although if you're in a tag team and you end up getting drafted to separate brands... the future ain't too bright.


On the subject of WM, I found the card pretty underwhelming, but taken that into account I thought the WWE got a good showing out of it. I'd probably hold it in higher esteem if I had any investment in the HHH/Taker match, but from the get-go, having HHH challenge the streak just prevented that. The match was strong, but a lot of the drama was lost on me because I just wasn't sold on the story - not the right match for this WM stage.


I also think there's a lot of credit due for taking a risk with their go-home moment and I have to agree with whoever said earlier that this WM, didn't really provide the finality that wrestling's superbowl usually does. I'm not totally sure whether I think that's a good or a bad thing right now, so it's strictly an observation ;)

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I've been over on my ankle many a time and it must have looked something like Orton's fall, odd thing to nitpick at.


The only way I'd ever be ok with a Triple Threat match for Taker at Mania now is if they did something creative like HHH being a super heel again and being hell bent on ending the streak. So hell bent that he uses his connections (Steph) to get a rematch, but it's a Triple Threat...


and participant three is: Shawn Michaels.


You could do a long buildup of HBK playing the tweener that the fans are still embracing that isn't sure about what to do. In order to make sure HBK cooperates with HHH, Steph adds the Taker/Kane rule from their match with Austin: You can't pin each other.


The match would have a ton of big spots with Taker surviving, Trips getting frustrated and bringing out the hammer on Taker. He goes for the pin but HBK pull him off. The two men argue and start fighting. We get HBK/HHH 1000 for several minutes while Taker recovers from a sledge shot or two. Finally, HBK hits HHH with the Sweet Chin Music. The crowd is going crazy and Taker is up. HBK turns around and gets tombstoned and pinned.


Good drama.


That sounds pretty awesome. I'm not sure about how I'd feel about HBK coming back, but well...it'd presumably be the last match for all three of them, and the way you describe it makes it very appealing.

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