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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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This smoking thing...weird.


Y'know, I had this one idea for a character, that was basically just a terrible role model, a bit of an Anti-Hogan. He'd tell kids not to listen to their parents, don't do their homework, ditch school, and just generally act like a sleaze. Maybe they're going for something kind of like that? :p


They could even go with a bit of a sell-out edge with it, considering that's basically the exact opposite of R-Truth's face gimmick.

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Wow, John Morrison sure is in the doghouse, huh?


Snubbing Trish and letting Batista et al have their way with Melina sure put him on the company's bad side...


Oh, wait! He's in a PPV WWE Title match.


At least nothing has changed in the world of dirtsheet credibility!

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And given how both have been treated the last couple of months, which one is more credible as a participant in a PPV main event? Not that Morrison has been pushed as a main event player, but at least he was on the Wrestlemania card.


Of course, knowing R Truth and geography, he might have been told to go to Atlanta to be part of the show and he went to the wrong one.

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I was a bit shocked that they did that, I was wondering if over there the smoking laws were not the same as over here. I highly doubt there would be an arena over here that would allow him to do that. I mean I am not a smoker but smokers are now treated like lepers over here. The only place they seem to be allowed to smoke is outside now.


So I could not see them pulling that stunt in MSG or any other arena in the US. From what you are saying the English are the same so I wonder why they allowed it.


I wouldn't have it any other way. Wanna poison yourself? Cool, don't subject me to it.


I'm about to watch Raw, so I don't have any comments on it yet, but felt like I had to chime in on that :p

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Wow, John Morrison sure is in the doghouse, huh?


Snubbing Trish and letting Batista et al have their way with Melina sure put him on the company's bad side...


Oh, wait! He's in a PPV WWE Title match.


At least nothing has changed in the world of dirtsheet credibility!


Yeah really.


Although, supposedly according to some of those rags "smoking" is a huge pet peeve of Vince's. So maybe this is all along the lines of the corny worked shoots they've been doing lately. Especially since, like BHK said, there is kind of a social stigma against smokers right now. Ooooh, he smokes. He must be a heel. That sort of thing.

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Raw review:


Wasn't expecting JoMo to win. JoMo should make the Triple Threat match more exciting. R-Truth is much more interesting as a heel.


Bourne v Ziggler was a good short match. Not sure about Ziggler's new look.


Sin Cara/Cena v Miz/Riley - Genius booking. Sin Cara gets the win and Riley finally gets some in-ring time.


Punk v Orton - Great match. I love watching Punk -- he's got one of the most versatile movesets in the WWE. I hope they have a hardcore match at Extreme Rules to cap off their feud with Punk getting his revenge.

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I ended up realizing I haven't watched Smackdown from Friday yet. I'm watching Edge's speech and I'm getting teary eyed again. He's always been in my top ten favorites, even top five. WWE really isn't going to be the same without him.



Also, just saw that Josh Matthews was on Facebook during the battle royal. Good to see he has to keep up with social networking while commentating :p

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Yeah really.


Although, supposedly according to some of those rags "smoking" is a huge pet peeve of Vince's. So maybe this is all along the lines of the corny worked shoots they've been doing lately. Especially since, like BHK said, there is kind of a social stigma against smokers right now. Ooooh, he smokes. He must be a heel. That sort of thing.


just watched the replay. Have to wonder if all the ladies i n the front rows screaming "think of the children" were plants or just that much against smoking. The 'that's illegal' chants were also entertaining

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Seeing as I was at the show I thought I would give my thoughts on things.


The crowd LOVED Sin Cara, from his entrance right down to his high flying moves.


The CM Punk/Orton chanting duel was really really loud as were the Cena Sucks/lets go Cena chants.


Vickie Guerrero got the loudest boos of the night by a long way.


I think they edited the crowd reaction for the R-Truth opening as from what I could hear, he was being almost unanimously booed (me included).


Half the crowd sang along to the national anthem which was enjoyable as was me yeling "Cut his head off" when Cole was getting knighted (you can hear some of the crowd laugh after I yell it)


The biggest cheer of the night came for Randy Orton, it was pretty deafening which surprised me.


There was a tag team match after the show ended between Cena and Orton against Punk and Miz. Punk actually jumped in the Cole Mine and put the headset on and refused to come out and face Orton again. Needless to say he took another pinfall loss.


The crowd were dead for the Bella/Eve match, seriously nobody cared.


Maryse got a pretty big pop on superstars as did Natty.


I have never seen so many people wearing the same shirt. That red Cena shirt must have sold out by the end of the night. I myself purchased the new Miz shirt along with four other people. Not gonna lie, I felt pretty special.

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I ended up realizing I haven't watched Smackdown from Friday yet. I'm watching Edge's speech and I'm getting teary eyed again. He's always been in my top ten favorites, even top five. WWE really isn't going to be the same without him.



Also, just saw that Josh Matthews was on Facebook during the battle royal. Good to see he has to keep up with social networking while commentating :p


I think RAW was actually pre-taped this week.

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