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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I wouldn't put much stock in the majority of tweets made by WWE people; most of them are in character to begin with and you're probably not going to find too many people, outside of maybe a top guy, outright knocking something the company had him do.


To show the value of what some WWE guys posting on Twitter, just take a look at Joey Styles and his trolling of people over Earth Day.

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I wouldn't put much stock in the majority of tweets made by WWE people; most of them are in character to begin with and you're probably not going to find too many people, outside of maybe a top guy, outright knocking something the company had him do.


To show the value of what some WWE guys posting on Twitter, just take a look at Joey Styles and his trolling of people over Earth Day.


But I don't think he'd go out of his way to say it is good, if he actually hated it, IDK what kind of control WWE have over these though

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When Lita's music hit I went nuts. Gutted when it wasn't her that came out.


I heard somewhere that she is on the verge of coming back to WWE in the near future. Hopefully this is true and not just some fabricated nonsense.


At Wrestlemania Axxess or whatever that fan thing is called, she told fans she didn't miss wrestling I'm pretty sure.

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At Wrestlemania Axxess or whatever that fan thing is called, she told fans she didn't miss wrestling I'm pretty sure.


Was it the business in general or just being in the ring wrestling? If it's just the physical act of wrestling, maybe she could return to the booth. The time she was doing commentary on Heat while hurt, she was doing a feminized version of Jerry Lawler's shtick and I felt like it worked quite well for her. Could certainly help put over the pretty boy heels to have a like-minded female commentator mooning over them.

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Was it the business in general or just being in the ring wrestling? If it's just the physical act of wrestling, maybe she could return to the booth. The time she was doing commentary on Heat while hurt, she was doing a feminized version of Jerry Lawler's shtick and I felt like it worked quite well for her. Could certainly help put over the pretty boy heels to have a like-minded female commentator mooning over them.


I understood it as her not missing being a superstar and not so much the actual wrestling part, but I could be mistaken.

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