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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Am I the only one who had this weird idea about the draft where you could see the WWE switching the same wrestler every frickin' time a "random" pick is made ? It would have been an hilarious, and Russorific, idea to mess with people. Title pictures looks a bit wacky with both world belts possibly on RAW and both midcard belts on SD. It opens up a lot of storyline possibilities though, so I am curious to see what they will do about it.


My interest in Dolph Ziggler has unfortunately dropped a lot. Could he look even more generic than monday night ? Way to kill his different look !

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So if CM is mad because he's not getting a push is it really WWE's fault? He got hurt and came back instantly in the Cena vs Nexus feud and then went into Orton vs CM Punk feud. Those are Raw's top two babyfaces and you are facing them. You aren't going to be given a title shot because Miz is a heel as well. Plus the WWE doesn't like to push wrestlers whose contract is running out and you aren't resigning.


CM is money to WWE and Vince and company see that. Again though, you should be upset for not getting a push when you can't win the title with Miz holding it and you are in a feud or were with a top baby face.

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That's not entirely the point though...he can't win the title, yes, but I'd say what's happened when he has won it is as much of an issue. Compare Miz's reign to any of his own, and the way in which with both SES and new Nexus he's been in prime position to be pushed as the number one heel in the company, which has never happened. That feud with Cena, compared to what Punk/Cena could and should be, was nothing, and he's been beaten convincingly by Orton and could well be again on Sunday. Plus I think there's a broader frustration there in terms of the direction of the company etc etc, but that's another matter.
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That's not entirely the point though...he can't win the title, yes, but I'd say what's happened when he has won it is as much of an issue. Compare Miz's reign to any of his own, and the way in which with both SES and new Nexus he's been in prime position to be pushed as the number one heel in the company, which has never happened. That feud with Cena, compared to what Punk/Cena could and should be, was nothing, and he's been beaten convincingly by Orton and could well be again on Sunday. Plus I think there's a broader frustration there in terms of the direction of the company etc etc, but that's another matter.


Makes sense

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No, apparently McCool is the one losing and actually leaving the company entirely, hence the very obvious edit when she delivers the challenge for the match.


Yeah I thought that was a bit strange. There was also heavy editing during Alberto Del Rio's entrance as well. Why is Michelle leaving the company out of interest?

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Yeah I thought that was a bit strange. There was also heavy editing during Alberto Del Rio's entrance as well. Why is Michelle leaving the company out of interest?


If I had to guess, I would say she and Undertaker are going to start trying for a baby and it'll be easier for her to get pregnant off the road and not having to do what it takes to stay in 'diva' shape.

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If I had to guess, I would say she and Undertaker are going to start trying for a baby and it'll be easier for her to get pregnant off the road and not having to do what it takes to stay in 'diva' shape.


Makes sense. I'm pleased Layla will be getting the rub as I have a real soft spot for her, and a hard spot..........................:p;)

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Why the Eff was the lights still in entrance mode forr the Swagger/Cara match?


Felt kinda surreal


I thought the same thing, I really hope it was a mistake and that they aren't going to do it for all of Sin Cara's matches because to tell you the truth it made watching the match harder because you couldn't see as much and it takes away from his matches in my opinion.

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They should put Drew McIntyre on the mic more often. Good to see Sheamus kicking ass again. They need a new rule: no more than 2 RKOs per show.


Swagger v Sin Cara was a good match. And I like how they use different lighting for a different atmosphere.


Show/Kane v Corre - Good tag match. Now all they need are some legitimate teams so they can rebuild the tag division into something I can care about.


I enjoyed seeing Henry smack Rey around more than I thought I would.


Could be a decent Extreme Rules Match between LayCool, especially if Kharma rushes in post-match and knocks them both out.


Entertaining main event tag match.

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And aboout the McCool bit. That was just terrible. WCWesque in terms of seemingly lazy production


Haha, it really was awful! Surely in her time in the WWE she must have said it ONCE in front of a live audience - they could have just cut that and stuck it on the end! :D


Presumably they have sent Sin Cara onto Smackdown so we don't see him snap in half jumping over the top rope on live TV. Not a bad idea, especially if you include his worryingly dangerous finisher. Still, he nearly cleared the ring entirely this week so he's been practising. Will be interesting to see how well he gets pushed on Smackdown.

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I was just under the impression that the lighting messed up in someway during the Swagger - Sin Cara match. It's happened a few times and I'm sure the opening match of one of the PPV's during the last 12-18 months was contested mostly in the dark due to failed lighting.
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Finally seen some of RAW to see what all the fuss was about (here). I don't know... To me the crowd reaction was ecstatic that Cena went back to Raw. IF(?) the crowd represents the majority of fans, then I have to say it did what it was supposed to do... possibly escalating the feud between him and The Miz.
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As said further up the page, so many RKOs just annnoys me and Randy Orton's seizure-esque wiggle thing after just looks stupid to me.


I love all the RKO's it reminds me of the drive by Kanyon Cutters in WCW :D

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