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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Miz isn't a unique character. He plays Chris Jericho 90% of the time.


We don't know how much say the superstar themselves has in the development of their character, but I'd imagine they make quite a lot of character decisions themselves seeing as they are always being told to 'grab the brass ring' and make themselves superstars.


With that in mind a lot of them will want to be taken seriously rather than be gimmicky and will have grown up on the Shawn Michaels/Bret Hart era. End result? A thousand ****y heels and cool faces with very small variations in character and a decidedly realistic edge. The attitude era people on the other hand grew up on Randy Savage, Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan and so they drew inspiration from larger than life caricatures. When going larger than life you get a lot more opportunities for unique personalities to shine through.


The workers being churned out now will draw their inspiration from guys like The Rock, Steve Austin and Undertaker and so we'll get another round of more over the top superstars (which are indeed cropping up all over the indy scene now). The generation after that will draw inspiration from Orton and Cena and we'll get another batch of serious guys. It's a cycle.


Time will tell, and I hope your right, but that's as good of a comparison as I've ever heard. I like the "Cycle" idea, because it helps explain a bit of what I was talking about, from a different angle. When I think of Hulkamania and the start of Wrestlemania, or even the Attitude era, I think "Special Times". I was a bigger fan in the old days then I was during the Attitude era, and the attitude era come off really childlike to me (Pranks and such all the time). Like everyone was living out childhood fantasies or something. However, I would never deny the work of The Rock, Austin, or Jericho for that matter during this time frame. So I label it as the same thing I grew up with, just for a different generation. I figure your right, sooner or later there is going to be another cycle like that, and it's going to be for the /next Generation.


Two special moments in Wrestling shouldn't define the whole bussiness though, at least not in my opinion. Plenty of time periods when wrestling was doing good bussiness (relatively speaking), that they weren't in a "Special" era. It's more of a preference really, and of course the larger then life character's will win out eventually. With all the Superhero movies trying to come out, you would think they would seek this out but I have a feeling it's going to be a good half dozen or so more years before anything remarkable happens. Who knows, maybe this Cena vs. Rock does something by the time they get to it, for a more rounded good.


Just weird, watching The Rock on Tough Enough, I couldn't help but to think that the wrestler's (at least the ones that were present) looked at him as something special that can never be duplicated, so they will never try.

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I like the Miz. Is Miz completely original? Probably not. He is a like a cross between Chris Jericho and the Rock. I can see that. But if he isn't all that original, at least he does the role well.


Chris Jericho's heel performance before this time around was more the normal cheating heel type.... cookie cutter cowardly heel, I guess you could say. His Heel run this time was inspired from the guy in "No Country for Old Men", and could be the same influence The Miz got as well. A guy who might be wrong, might sound evil, but truly believes he is right. Calm, cool, and believable.


Kind of hard to copy someone that started doing the schtick after you (at least in that way).

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Chris Jericho's heel performance before this time around was more the normal cheating heel type.... cookie cutter cowardly heel, I guess you could say. His Heel run this time was inspired from the guy in "No Country for Old Men", and could be the same influence The Miz got as well. A guy who might be wrong, might sound evil, but truly believes he is right. Calm, cool, and believable.


Kind of hard to copy someone that started doing the schtick after you (at least in that way).

I should clarify. Although the Miz isn't a carbon copy, he does take a lot of influences from both the Rorck and Chris Jericho. I think Jericho tweeted as much (though I doubt he's angry at Miz, considering they had dinner together).

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Watching Tough Enough finale now, this has to be one of the most weirdly put together episodes of anything I have ever seen. Even by reality TV standards this feels incredibly awkward.


Also I didn't realize this whole series that Luke has no shoulders at all. None. Yet he keeps on smiling. Constantly.

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Really enjoyed Tough Enough and I'm happy Andy won. He grabbed his chance to shine and I'm sure he'll work hard to polish his skills. And he got slapped by his new boss :) Unleash the Silent Rage!


That was the funniest Raw opening segment this year. And the Truth/Obama skit was funny.


Zack Ryder wrestling with Ziggler putting him over! Proof that the creative team actually do take note of what the fans think.


Mysterio v Punk was the match of the night for me. Both guys were on fire in the ring.


The tag match was good. I wonder if we'll see Austin v Miz in the near future.

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R Truth continues to impress me. It's amazing what a character change can do when they get it right. He's gone from a guy that I wouldn't have noticed if he was released to one of the highlights of Raw.


Mixed feelings on Andy winning Tough Enough. It's kind of odd considering Luke was so much better every single week throughout the competition. But Andy certainly has potential, and had the crowd behind him, which I'm guessing is the biggest reason he won. It would've been harder for Austin to pick the heel. It's just a shame Martin got hurt, I think he easily would have won...him and Jeremiah have the most potential, IMO. And where was Rima?


Bunch of thoughts on the end of Raw. First of all, just like Wrestlemania, how the F does the GM have the authority to overrule the referee? It makes no sense. I'm hoping they'll address that and give King and Cena/Riley their rightful wins eventually. And is it just me, or is it weird that the GM would name Austin (or anybody else) the special guest GM? And I couldn't stop laughing at Austin giving Riley beer...Riley even tried to avoid it by getting out of the ring before the beerfest started. Somebody probably should've given Austin the heads up about that beforehand.

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R Truth continues to impress me. It's amazing what a character change can do when they get it right. He's gone from a guy that I wouldn't have noticed if he was released to one of the highlights of Raw.


This seems to be the way they are going with Main Heels right now... Truth fits it perfectly.


Bassically, as I said about Jericho's, he might be in the wrong, he might even be looking at things in an evil way. However, they use just enough of the "Truth" to make them believable characters.


I'm waiting for something unique from the Babyface's, to make just as big of an impact. We have Miz, Punk, and now Truth... "You might hate me, but look at what I have done. I have destroyed "X" and beat "Y" three times now. I'm a big player in this game now!" No matter if they cheated everytime or not, it's true, and it brings a sense of realistic truth's to their rantings.

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I think they shoudl just all be heels. That's basically what happened in the Attitude era. All the top faces were kinda heels, people just cheered them.


I see why John Cena has his purpose. I try not to be the cynical wrestling fan and think all the faces are lame. I think there are certain guys who would have to stay face. But i think 99% of the roster should get a little more heeled up. It makes the characters much more entertaining and fun to watch.

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I might be the only one, but I love Michael Cole. He's got SO MUCH HEAT. I think he's right around the Miz as possibly the top heel in the company.


An announcer should not be the top heel in the company...


I have to change the channel when he's the focus. I hated him before he was a heel and all it did was make him unbearable to me. I don't changing the channel is the reaction they want. I didn't even want to see Lawler kick the crap out of him, I just wanted Cole to be forgotten about.

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I might be the only one, but I love Michael Cole. He's got SO MUCH HEAT. I think he's right around the Miz as possibly the top heel in the company.


Cole's heat makes me long for the heady days of X-Pac heat. There is no irony in this statement at all, Cole has reached a level of "I just wish this guy wasn't here and never existed" that is pretty hard to fathom. WWE seems to really specialize in this kind of heat these days. These are the heels that don't really provoke a reaction like anger or jealousy so much as just force you into a quiet resignation that wrestling will probably never be what you want it to be again so you might as well just go do something else. Kind of like what reality shows did to TV, Over-reliance on CGI and 3d is doing to film or autotune has done to music.

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Cole's heat makes me long for the heady days of X-Pac heat. There is no irony in this statement at all, Cole has reached a level of "I just wish this guy wasn't here and never existed" that is pretty hard to fathom. WWE seems to really specialize in this kind of heat these days. These are the heels that don't really provoke a reaction like anger or jealousy so much as just force you into a quiet resignation that wrestling will probably never be what you want it to be again so you might as well just go do something else. Kind of like what reality shows did to TV, Over-reliance on CGI and 3d is doing to film or autotune has done to music.




What he said....Seriously couldn't agree more here. I've watched more old wrestling clips via YouTube over the last year than I have actually watched WW_ or TNA

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Thing is, a good heel is supposed to make you wanna see him get beaten. Look at Miz. Alex Riley is prettymuch a zero as a face but he's getting over becaue of how much people hate the Miz.


Micheal Cole just makes me wanna change the channel. It's uncomfortable when he interupts King's jokes and runs down the Diva matches.

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An announcer should not be the top heel in the company...



That's not his fault that's the WWEs. He's been given a job to do and he's done it well.


On the subject of Cole, by and large it is the same heat as people used to get. At least before the Attitude Era when people were cool heels and everyone got a mixture of boos and cheers.


The thing is wrestling has changed. 30+ years ago when kayfabe existed and was adhered too, people believed in wrestling. People may have really disliked Cole but that only meant they wanted to see him get a (what they thought was legit) beatdown.


Vince may have started killing kayfabe but even up to 1980's WWF, when it was aimed at kids they felt the same, (as the kids of today probably feel) Cole is a bad, bad man and they want to see him hurt for real.


Just because you're a smark and aren't overwhelmed by his good looks and cool persona doesn't mean the problem lies with him. It lies with you and the online wrestling fan's attitude towards heels. How people can call him a bad heel and then love someone like Zach Ryder is beyond me. I have no problem with Ryder but he gets little reaction as a heel on tv and is beloved by the fans on his youtube channel.


What sort of heel varies from no reaction to a positive reaction?

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Cole's heat makes me long for the heady days of X-Pac heat. There is no irony in this statement at all, Cole has reached a level of "I just wish this guy wasn't here and never existed" that is pretty hard to fathom. WWE seems to really specialize in this kind of heat these days. These are the heels that don't really provoke a reaction like anger or jealousy so much as just force you into a quiet resignation that wrestling will probably never be what you want it to be again so you might as well just go do something else. Kind of like what reality shows did to TV, Over-reliance on CGI and 3d is doing to film or autotune has done to music.


Thank you "These days stuff is so "REAL" it seems fake"

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That's not his fault that's the WWEs. He's been given a job to do and he's done it well.


On the subject of Cole, by and large it is the same heat as people used to get. At least before the Attitude Era when people were cool heels and everyone got a mixture of boos and cheers.


The thing is wrestling has changed. 30+ years ago when kayfabe existed and was adhered too, people believed in wrestling. People may have really disliked Cole but that only meant they wanted to see him get a (what they thought was legit) beatdown.


Vince may have started killing kayfabe but even up to 1980's WWF, when it was aimed at kids they felt the same, (as the kids of today probably feel) Cole is a bad, bad man and they want to see him hurt for real.


Just because you're a smark and aren't overwhelmed by his good looks and cool persona doesn't mean the problem lies with him. It lies with you and the online wrestling fan's attitude towards heels. How people can call him a bad heel and then love someone like Zach Ryder is beyond me. I have no problem with Ryder but he gets little reaction as a heel on tv and is beloved by the fans on his youtube channel.


What sort of heel varies from no reaction to a positive reaction?


Cole was a terrible announcer that was already annoying before he was given so much air time. I don't like someone based on if they're a heel or face or whatever, I like them if they entertain me in some capacity. Cole does the opposite of entertain me, he makes me change the channel because he and the storyline are just irritating and boring. I like Ryder because he entertains me. I like William Regal because he's entertaining. I dislike Cole because he's NOT entertaining. I hated JBL as a wrestler, but I still wanted to see him get his ass kicked.


I like who I like and dislike who I dislike. It has nothing to do with other fan's perceptions of wrestlers and personalities.

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