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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I just had to share this, absolutely hilarious.




Well now, that's fantastic. Hey, if this gets enough internet coverage, I don't doubt that Cena would send her a personalised signed shirt.

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Well now, that's fantastic. Hey, if this gets enough internet coverage, I don't doubt that Cena would send her a personalised signed shirt.


What I don't get is she had one. I know she probable wanna Cena's shirt but you have the same one. At the end of the day what's the big deal?

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I stop reading their. Why do you say that? I for one (and I know A LOT of people agree with me) I used to love Orton, now he borning on the mic. I can't sit through an Orton promo. Raw is better without him.


His mentally unstable stuff just interests me, I agree that he's not crazy good on the microphone, but I really enjoy his in-ring stuff and his "Viper" character.

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It was a fun Raw. CM Punk is awesome. The last few months have shown that if you put Cena and Orton against good opponents like Punk and Christian they can actually put on enjoyable (and believable) matches.

But if you put them against each, it's going to be huge dud (if not a turd) of a match. Even the kids don't want Cena versus Orton.

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But if you put them against each, it's going to be huge dud (if not a turd) of a match. Even the kids don't want Cena versus Orton.


Good thing they're both working as babyfaces on opposite brands then. It's only slightly less of a problem than John Cena's lack of chemistry with Rene Dupree or other guys that don't work for that company at all.

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Does anyone here think R-Truth could win the WWE title in the next few months? I had a debate with someone about this on another forum, interested to see what you guys think.


Crazier things have happened. It wouldn't be the first time somebody was given a new character and took it all the way to the WWE title. Look at JBL, nobody would've thought Bradshaw was a future World champion when he was part of the APA. Not only was he a champion, he held it for 9 months and was quite effective as champion.


How can the Raw GM strip the Smackdown World Heavyweight Champion of his belt? Maybe just an empty threat?


It was also quite odd how, at the end of the show, the GM's e-mail to Austin talked about how Austin did in his absence, even though he had sent the e-mail to Randy Orton. The only thing I can think of is that Randy's concussion is legitimate and that segment had to be rewritten at the last second.


Still doesn't explain how the GM can overturn a referee's decision, though.


Well now, that's fantastic. Hey, if this gets enough internet coverage, I don't doubt that Cena would send her a personalised signed shirt.


That was the greatest series of pics I've ever seen in my life. And I agree, if Cena sees them, he will definitely try to contact her and more than make it up to her.


But if you put them against each, it's going to be huge dud (if not a turd) of a match. Even the kids don't want Cena versus Orton.


Eh, people don't want to see it because they've fought so much, not because the quality (or lack thereof) of the matches. Their I Quit and Iron Man matches, among others, are some of the WWE's best over the last 5 years.


Good thing they're both working as babyfaces on opposite brands then. It's only slightly less of a problem than John Cena's lack of chemistry with Rene Dupree or other guys that don't work for that company at all.


I lol'ed. It's funny because it's true.

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But if you put them against each, it's going to be huge dud (if not a turd) of a match. Even the kids don't want Cena versus Orton.


I knida disagree. Feud them, point out it's been almost been two years since they were having one on one matches for the title (I might be wrong, but I think Bragging Rights October 2009 was the last time... although they had been facing one another for months previously). Both are massive draws. The PPV would get a great buy rate.


And then the match would suck.


So yes, it would suck, but WWE aint just about wrestling and people would want to see it.


I'm just trying to work out how Punk can take the title off Cena before his match with Rocky. Cena and Punk have had a wierd little feud this year which has always been in the background and never been the focus (it was most in focus at the beginning of the year, but the big PPV matches were the multi-man Rumble and Elimination Chamber). I really think that towards the end of the year they could have a massive, proper feud to move the title across (as there's no need for Cena to have it at Mania).


The main problem? Punk's an easy 45 minutes in the Rumble, and WWE are lacking people who can easily pull a shift like that. So if he doesn't have the title then, it's a switch at Elimination Chamber. Which I hate, because it gets so obvious (like when 'Taker lost the title so Shawn could have his rematch).


Over thinking again, I know.

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Very solid SmackDown! yesterday, I thought.


I'm not sure if that false three count in the six-man tag was planned or not, leaning on it being an accident right now because they didn't really follow up on it. You'd figure DiBiase and Rhodes'd be complaining about it later in the show... wonder if they'll work it into a storyline if it was unintentional.


Although now that I think about it, this was SD!, they could've just reshot it if the finish was screwed up...


Gotta say, I was a bit surprised at the outcome of Sheamus/Xian. Before the World Heavyweight Title match was announced as being 1-on-1, I really thought it was leading to a triple threat match at Capitol Punishment. The storyline focus was on Orton/Christian, but it seemed like they were booking it to where Sheamus would have a very strong case for getting into the match, what with him earning the right to a title shot only to be screwed out of it, then getting a win over the champion the next week.


Also, what with Orton's concussion, there's a chance he won't be able to wrestle Sunday, so I figured they'd make it a Triple Threat so that, in the event that that happens, they can easily justify a switch to Xian/Sheamus for the title. They wouldn't want a Heel/Heel World Heavyweight Title match, I know, but it'd be the only fix that'd make much sense... maybe they're confident that he'll make it.


I thought it'd be a Triple Threat at Capitol Punishment, Orton would retain by pinning Sheamus, leaving Christian to argue that he shouldn't be losing his shot just because Sheamus gets himself pinned, as well as arguing that it should never have been a Triple Threat in the first place. Christian gets one last one-on-one shot at Money In The Bank, maybe wins that and then Orton cashes in his rematch clause at SummerSlam for the big feud-ender.


'Sppose they could just as easily end it at Capitol Punishment and it'd work out, just thought it'd be cool if they could extend it to end at one of the bigger PPVs.

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I knida disagree. Feud them, point out it's been almost been two years since they were having one on one matches for the title (I might be wrong, but I think Bragging Rights October 2009 was the last time... although they had been facing one another for months previously). Both are massive draws. The PPV would get a great buy rate.


The real problem with Orton/Cena is, how would you DO it, so that it's not the same as it's always been?


One idea I had, though it wouldn't work now because pretty much all of the elements a person would need to really do it are gone (Cena/Orton being on the same brand, Orton being heel). I'd have your usual month or two buildup that you might expect between two of the biggest draws in the WWE. Then have Orton declare that he hates Cena so much he never wants to see him again, let's have a "Loser Leaves Town" match. Then have Cena pick up the win, as usual, and take Orton off TV, off the house shows, etc. Just until the next PPV, where he busts in and wrecks Cena, possibly give Cena's match at that PPV a no-contest, and have Orton introduce himself as the newest member of SmackDown! and move him over to the other show as a heel.


OR, you could have him show up at the next PPV wearing a SmackDown! t-shirt, and save Cena from a chair shot or something behind the ref's back, and just leave. Then he shows up on SmackDown!, cuts a promo about how sorry he is and he had a month to really think about what he's done, and he got down on his knees and begged WWE management to take him back, and just put him on SmackDown! because he has professional differences with Cena that prevented him from being his real, mature self. Or something. I just kinda came up with that off the top of my head.

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The real problem with Orton/Cena is, how would you DO it, so that it's not the same as it's always been?


Heel Cena, babyface Orton, based on Cena being resentful that the fans support a psychotic spoiled brat when he goes to every make-a-wish and sacrifices himself non-stop only to get "Cena sucks" chants in parts of the country. I mean it's not super different from Batista/Cena a couple years ago, but there's more real life fodder for it, considering Cena does have a reputation for being a great company man and Orton had a negative reputation for a few years there.

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But they're not going to TURN Cena heel. It's just not going to happen. I'm not saying they're right or wrong, but THEY THINK it will really hurt their bottom line to turn Cena.


EDIT: I mean, honestly, I'd love to see Cena do a quick turn and then pull back to face but not QUITE as superhuman as he is now. Lash out at the fans, have one quick feud as a heel, and then come out with an apology. But instead of everything coming off as super easy for him, I'd like to see him appear a bit more human.

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saw some great Bryan Danielson stuff before WWE and man is that company crapping on him. Poor guy's only claim to fame may be just that run as the US Champ and Miz feud, but with those over he's suffering from floating around. His indie-wrestling style reminded me of Benoit: a ruthless technician who would stomp the crap out of the opponent and lock them in a submission move. Ah, my TEW game is going to have him as a bigger star.
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I agree with Zeel on SD. I enjoyed the show and have actually enjoyed SD more than Raw lately. Not to say RAW is bad by any means I enjoy R-Truth an awful lot right now. Not sure if he's just another stepping stone for Super Cena to go through until Mania with the Rock but I enjoy Truth's character right now. I just think SD is top notch right now. Sheamus, Christian and Orton are doing great right now. I really like Cody Rhodes a lot and what he's doing minus the paper bag routine. Not a huge fan of Sin Cara but it's early in his career so we'll see. I enjoy SD though and can't wait to see what happens after Capital Punishment and see who shoots up the card and what new feuds go to Summerslam
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Putting Orton and Sheamus on SD was a smart move, as well as capitalizing on Christian's pop they built up with Edge. At the moment I think it's a little stronger than Raw.


What do you guys think of Jinder Mahal? I quite like the guy -- very aggressive.

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Just an interesting story I found. Don't know whether it is well known or not, but I hadn't heard this before.


KURT ANGLE has revealed how The Undertaker once asked him to be the man to end his WrestleMania streak.


The legendary Deadman is famous for his unbeaten run at wrestling's biggest show.


But in an exclusive interview with our award-winning WrestleCast team, Kurt told us how it nearly ended at WrestleMania 22.


The Olympic Gold Medallist - in London to promote TNA's January 2012 UK Tour - revealed: "It was considered back in 2006.


"The person who wanted to do it was Undertaker himself. I was flattered, for him to go to Vince McMahon and pitch it.


"Undertaker at that point never had a five-star Wrestlemania moment match.


"He figured that the only one he could do it was me, at the time. Thank God a couple of years later he had Shawn Michaels, and it worked.


"But Undertaker really wanted to have that match, he asked Vince to push our match back from No Way Out to WrestleMania and, since I was champion they wanted me to keep the title, Undertaker was willing to take the loss.


"To me that meant a lot because Undertaker had a lot of respect for me — and I had more respect for him than he did for me."


In the end, Taker went on to have a forgettable match with Mark Henry, while Angle was part of a Triple Threat match with Randy Orton and Rey Mysterio — a bout which proved to be his last at Mania.


Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/wrestling/3630830/Kurt-Angle-reveals-all-on-Sun-Wrestlings-WrestleCast.html#ixzz1PiZobKtf

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Just an interesting story I found. Don't know whether it is well known or not, but I hadn't heard this before.


He has asked Edge and Orton to end the streak aswell but they both refused. Think it proves that Mark Calaway is even willing to give away the streak to put the younger guys over.

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I can't say for certain because it was six years ago but I think there was a good chance Orton was going to get the nod over Undertaker in their Wrestlemania match. The problem was Orton had injured his shoulder shortly before the match and was going to take a long sabbatical after, so it wouldn't have made sense to give Orton this major, career-making win and then do nothing with it for three or four months.


The problem with ending The Streak is that the time and the person have to perfect. You can't end it just to end it or simply have the streak-breaker be someone you want to push. A lot of thought should go into ending The Streak and I don't think the time has been right for years and right now, I think The Streak has been so pushed and protected and it's over in such a way that it would do more harm than good to have anybody break it.

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I would have been perfectly happy if HBK had won either time, or HHH for that matter. They were both stars on the same level as Taker. Both future HOF'ers at the time of their matches.


Now, the only people left on Taker's level (or even close to) would be Cena and Orton. Cena winning would make ALOT of people pissed off. Orton on the other hand would still be able to benifit greatly from it and I don't think as many people would go ape-sh*t over it.


The only other thing you could do would be to take someone who isn't epic levels of greatness yet but someone you know you want to groom that way and have him go over Taker. Someone like Swagger or Ziggler. Do it early enough in their careers and they can take that rub and run with it for several years.

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I don't think WrestleMania suffers for Undertaker winning every year, so to take the streak off him just to give to another established star is pointless. Triple H/HBK wouldn't gain from it and Undertaker would only lose.


But yeah, he supposedly offered to lose to Kane at WM20 but Kane declined.


I'm happy for Cena to take it though. Cena's got plenty of years in the tank and that combined with a heel turn could make his heel turn the biggest disposition change ever. They wouldn't have to do much, don't hint at it. It has to be sudden and massive. Just have Cena play his 'I'm gonna give it my best shot' routine and have him win. The boos would instantly reign down guaranteed and then have him cut a promo in the ring saying he gave his best for years and people loved him for it, he gave his best tonight and in the process proved he was the best - if the people can't handle that they can 'piss off.'


The only other true candidates in my opinion are Sheamus, Punk or Barrett.

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