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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I'm gonna come right out and say it: I want to SEE Barrett v. Taker. I don't think Barrett should take the streak, but I'd really love to see him hit that Wasteland or whatever and have that smug look on his face while he taunts the crowd, only to have Taker get back up.
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I'm gonna come right out and say it: I want to SEE Barrett v. Taker. I don't think Barrett should take the streak, but I'd really love to see him hit that Wasteland or whatever and have that smug look on his face while he taunts the crowd, only to have Taker get back up.


Barrett vs. Taker was supposed to happen this year at Mania (Barrett took him out at Survivor Series and they were going to run the Nexus storyline around him) but they called it off for a match with Triple H. The match with Triple H was the best match on the card but it was one of the worst buildups ever so by the time it reached Wrestlemania I didn't really care. I would have much preferred them going down the Barrett route.

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I'm happy for Cena to take it though. Cena's got plenty of years in the tank and that combined with a heel turn could make his heel turn the biggest disposition change ever. They wouldn't have to do much, don't hint at it. It has to be sudden and massive. Just have Cena play his 'I'm gonna give it my best shot' routine and have him win. The boos would instantly reign down guaranteed and then have him cut a promo in the ring saying he gave his best for years and people loved him for it, he gave his best tonight and in the process proved he was the best - if the people can't handle that they can 'piss off.'


Agree, he's really the only one they should consider giving it too. There's not a lot of ways you could turn Cena heel and get 100% of the fanbase to hate him to the levels you'd need to make it work (though it would need to be correctly built up with Cena unable to beat Taker with this then culminating in a tainted victory as Cena refuses to be beaten).


The only problem is I don't seen any obvious choice for someone that could take over from Cena as the face of the promotion to go up against him at the following Wrestlemania. Whoever you'd pick would need to be jesus pushed as the next big thing before getting a Hogan / Goldberg esque win on the grandest stage.

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saw some great Bryan Danielson stuff before WWE and man is that company crapping on him. Poor guy's only claim to fame may be just that run as the US Champ and Miz feud, but with those over he's suffering from floating around. His indie-wrestling style reminded me of Benoit: a ruthless technician who would stomp the crap out of the opponent and lock them in a submission move. Ah, my TEW game is going to have him as a bigger star.


Now you see why the IWC collectively groaned when news of Danielson's signing became public. Also remember this was AFTER the Colt Cabana debacle and Colt is a FAR better talker than Danielson but Danielson is a FAR better in-ring worker. So the thinking went, if Colt washed out, what would happen to Danielson?


Even though Danielson was easily one of the most heavily booked indy workers, I still think his paychecks in WWE are bigger (and the schedule might not be too much worse than he's used to). So, he's making money and his time in WWE is going to ensure that he makes even more money after he's future endeavored (and he WILL be future endeavored, I believe, eventually). That level of exposure really can't be exaggerated, I'm told. "Former WWE Superstar" is money, count it and deposit it.


But yeah, I had a TEW game where he got cut on day one and I signed him to TNA. Paired with Tara with Mariko Yoshida managing them (and RAing their matches), they feuded with Desmond Wolfe (paired with Alyssa Flash, managed by Chelsea) and it was gold. When Tara retired, she became the manager and Sara del Rey stepped into the frame (and Mariko went to fulltime road agent) as Bryan's partner.


Because they saw sense and realised that it shouldn't end.


Yeah, I agree. I think the Streak should be a part of Taker's permanent legacy. Besides, if he retires with it intact, they have reason to dust him off and bring him back every so often, when some young turk gets too big for his britches.


But I also agree that Barrett-Taker could be highly entertaining. As mentioned, Barrett landing his finisher and then leaning over to taunt Taker only to be greeted with that goozle spot would be fun to watch. I'm hoping it happens soon since I don't think Taker has very much longer left.

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I thought that the pay per view was good but the fake obama segment was really stupid. The fact that they kept referring to him as President Obama really annoyed me because come on we are not that stupid and everybody knew that it wasn't him.


The best thing about this pay per view being over is now we don't have to watch those stupid dream sequence promos of that stupid press conference over and over again.

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I'm getting mildly bored by the constant announcer references to R-Truth as "deranged." He's like ALL conspiracy theorists: he's got some good points and it's up to you whether or not you believe his conclusion. Fact: he's never had a WWE title shot (before last night). Fact: he was always really fan-friendly and it didn't help him get over into the main event.


Those two ideas are the basis behind his "deranged" theory, and they're both true. Now, of course, the conclusion he comes to ("ergo, if I treat the fans like crap, that'll be a step in the right direction") is a little silly, even though he was totally right and he got a title shot THE VERY SAME MONTH.


Also kinda getting sick of this weird "face turns heel by having the most sympathetic story ever" thing with Christian.


In other news, wwe.com is a horrible website and I don't think anyone should ever be forced to read it to figure out what happened at a pay-per-view.

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Guess I was wrong about Christian lol, Orton and Cena still champions and there's no end in sight. I would've been angry if I had to pay $45 for that PPV, of course I'm going to be biased as a Christian fan but the comedy segments and awful matches ruined it to be honest. The only saving grace being Punk-Mysterio which was alot better than their previous encounters. Punk is also becoming really over with the audience aswell, only Orton and Cena got more cheers.
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CM Punk vs. Mysterio and Orton vs. Christian stole the show (not a surprise there) altough Orton/Christian match wasn't as good of a match as their previous matches I think. Hated the ending.


Riley gets huge pop but doesn't live up to it, sadly.


Am I the only one that thought that the trio of Cole, Booker T and King is just terrible? Seriously. They miss so many spots and things in the matches it just makes me want to mute the voice.


Also, one last thing: I really hate WWE PPV's match order as they mainly finish with a Cena -match (do correct me if I'm wrong here, I don't watch WWE that often but I do check the PPV's). And it (the match) always goes the exact same way. Every time. There's no point to have Cena with the title since everyone knows who's going to win and in what way, too. Or even without the title, come to think of it.

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Am I the only one that thought that the trio of Cole, Booker T and King is just terrible? Seriously. They miss so many spots and things in the matches it just makes me want to mute the voice.


Also, one last thing: I really hate WWE PPV's match order as they mainly finish with a Cena -match (do correct me if I'm wrong here, I don't watch WWE that often but I do check the PPV's). And it (the match) always goes the exact same way. Every time. There's no point to have Cena with the title since everyone knows who's going to win and in what way, too. Or even without the title, come to think of it.


Yea this is the 3rd PPV in a row with Cena winning to finish. I wouldn't be surprised if they had him hold the title all the way to Wrestlemania 28, it would be so stupid but it's something creative would do these days sadly.


I agree about commentary, Booker T is so bad as a commentator that it's funny, Lawler's quality has decreased alot ever since he switched to this face gimmick. Cole is decent, I actually think his gimmick works and will help heels get over. They should pull Booker off commentary and have Josh Matthews there as the face commentator (Matthews usually never misses a spot) with Lawler going back to his clueless type gimmick he used to have with JR.

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Anyone else got a feeling Punk will be gone at the next PPV?


His contract ending soon, it looking like he isn't re-signing, the next PPV being in Illinois. To me it all seems to perfectly set up for him to go out at MiTB.


And as well someone posted a screenshot of a wikipedia page on another site stating the main event as Punk vs Cena career vs title. And in the world of spoilers we live in it could have been a legitimate leak.


Or the rumors of Punk leaving could he false and Punk wins. (Or he wins but still leaves at the end of his contract. Summer of Punk pt. 2?)

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And as well someone posted screenshot of a wikipedia page on another site stating the main event as Punk vs Cena career vs title. And in the world of spoilers we live in it could have been a legitimate leak.


Or the rumors of Punk leaving could he false and Punk wins. (Or he wins but still leaves at the end of his contract. Summer of Punk pt. 2?)


If that is true he won't win.

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CM Punk vs. Mysterio and Orton vs. Christian stole the show (not a surprise there) altough Orton/Christian match wasn't as good of a match as their previous matches I think. Hated the ending.


Riley gets huge pop but doesn't live up to it, sadly.


Am I the only one that thought that the trio of Cole, Booker T and King is just terrible? Seriously. They miss so many spots and things in the matches it just makes me want to mute the voice.


Also, one last thing: I really hate WWE PPV's match order as they mainly finish with a Cena -match (do correct me if I'm wrong here, I don't watch WWE that often but I do check the PPV's). And it (the match) always goes the exact same way. Every time. There's no point to have Cena with the title since everyone knows who's going to win and in what way, too. Or even without the title, come to think of it.


When I watch WWE on the headphones, one side doesn't have the commentary in so I just put that headphone in and just watch the action and listen to the promos without commentary it's that bad, I enjoy it though, you can here the referee and they basically just say back it up and hey watch it, it's pretty entertaining.

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