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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Impact Wrestling here he comes? A great surprise for the Destination X pay-per-view, right?


Ninety day no compete clause will make sure that doesn't happen. Also lets not forget Chavo Guerrero is 41 guys. He debuted in WCW in 1996. He was one of the very few contracts bought out by the WWF/E in 2001. Simply put this guy has been constantly employed by a major professional wrestling company for 15 years.


Although TNA's not above hiring former WWE mid carders I really think that there are younger and more talented guys that deserve to be given a chance at being hired than a 41 year old WWE mid carder. I like Chavo but this isn't 1980 anymore where you have three national pro wrestling companies and everyone can stay employed into their sixties. Not too mention for Chavo's health I think it should be about time to retire. 41 is very old in pro wrestling especially for someone that wrestles the style he does.


I'd say it'd be cooler for him to show up for a few ROH shows something where he can show up every few months, wrestle some up and comer and then go back home. Not where he's forced to perform at a high level weekly. Not too mention if he went the wrestling school route ROH would be a good way to promote that.

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My two buddies who watch wrestling from time to time with me (and aren't smarks or marks) think that it is strange as well. One of them thinks that it is the dumbest fued that he has ever saw. And do you know why? It's because he thought at first that their were two good guys fueding until I told him that Christian was supposed to be the bad guy. Epic fail right there WWE. :p


Yes because it's an epic fail if a guy isn't 100% heel at all times. I like it, as it shows continuity. Christian does have a legit complaint, but rather than make a 180 degree turn in character, he's gradually become more and more of a heel throughout the story. I can't stand when a guy goes from high-fiving the audience to permanent frowny-face because somebody told them they're supposed to be a heel. He's getting strong reactions and they could easily go a lot of different directions with this story and beyond. Frankly it's been one of WWE's top angles and it's a shame they've been focusing more on the Raw stuff, which has generally not been as strong.


As for Chavo, hopefully he works an actual reduced schedule with somebody, as he's 40 years old and hopefully has a few bucks saved by the past 15 years working in national level promotions.

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Ninety day no compete clause will make sure that doesn't happen. Also lets not forget Chavo Guerrero is 41 guys. He debuted in WCW in 1996. He was one of the very few contracts bought out by the WWF/E in 2001. Simply put this guy has been constantly employed by a major professional wrestling company for 15 years.


Although TNA's not above hiring former WWE mid carders I really think that there are younger and more talented guys that deserve to be given a chance at being hired than a 41 year old WWE mid carder. I like Chavo but this isn't 1980 anymore where you have three national pro wrestling companies and everyone can stay employed into their sixties. Not too mention for Chavo's health I think it should be about time to retire. 41 is very old in pro wrestling especially for someone that wrestles the style he does.


I'd say it'd be cooler for him to show up for a few ROH shows something where he can show up every few months, wrestle some up and comer and then go back home. Not where he's forced to perform at a high level weekly. Not too mention if he went the wrestling school route ROH would be a good way to promote that.


It'd be fantastic if he started his own school.

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Chavo could probably have a run at the top in ROH for a while.


Don't know he really fits the profile RoH is suggesting they want to bring in. But RoH does have some history with the Guerreros via his Uncle Eddie and could put on style of match RoH is known for. So he'd probably be a better fit than most unemployed veterans.

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I know none of this is ever going to happen, but I just got a crazy idea for how they could tie the two current World Title stories together. Punk wins at MITB, and is subsequently forced to continue appearing on a minimum number of Raws - however, he only shows up every other week, and when he does, it's 'in protest'. The Anonymous Raw GM starts to get desperate to get a real World Champion for his/her show again, and so contacts Christian - sends a few messages to his IPad maybe, I dunno - to strike a deal: the Raw GM helps Christian win the World Heavyweight Championship, and in return, Christian leaves SmackDown! and signs over to Raw, bringing the title with him. (Would probably try Orton first, but he turns it down.) Christian, at this point utterly despising Teddy Long for his horrible decisions, is more than happy to accept this. So the Raw GM has Raw superstars invade SD! and interfere in Christian's matches, helping him to get one last title shot at SummerSlam.


Don't really know where things would go from there, but it's just something that popped into my head. Would be pretty fun to watch, and it'd also build quite a bit of tension between the brands again, just in time for Bragging Rights, which I believe would just be two months away at the time of SummerSlam, so... oh no, wait, they removed that from the calender it seems. Ah well, Survivor Series then... :p

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Someone needs to show me where the 2011 version Chavo can wrestle the fast-paced and high impact style employed by ROH. The guy is 41, has years of wear and tear on him, not to mention was one of the many wrestlers suspended in the wake of the high profile Signature Pharmacy bust of 2007. Oh, and has been nothing but a glorified jobber for the last several years including the legendary feud with Hornswoggle. Call it a hunch, but I don't think ROH will give him a 'run at the top'. I don't think they even do the Straight Shooting series any more, so there goes one reason to give him even a courtesy match.
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Someone needs to show me where the 2011 version Chavo can wrestle the fast-paced and high impact style employed by ROH. The guy is 41, has years of wear and tear on him, not to mention was one of the many wrestlers suspended in the wake of the high profile Signature Pharmacy bust of 2007. Oh, and has been nothing but a glorified jobber for the last several years including the legendary feud with Hornswoggle. Call it a hunch, but I don't think ROH will give him a 'run at the top'. I don't think they even do the Straight Shooting series any more, so there goes one reason to give him even a courtesy match.


Well they'd probably give him a job because he is actually a really solid worker, and ROH tends to like giving chances to guys like that (Jerry Lynn even won the ROH title at age 45). But you're right, the idea of Chavo getting a "run at the top" is pretty ridiculous.

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Well they'd probably give him a job because he is actually a really solid worker, and ROH tends to like giving chances to guys like that (Jerry Lynn even won the ROH title at age 45). But you're right, the idea of Chavo getting a "run at the top" is pretty ridiculous.


I don't think Chavo has the level of respect of the ROH fans that Jerry had or the credibility to where they'd readily accept him as part of the regular roster. Plus Jerry had the well earned rep of not just being a solid worker but a worker who could get good matches out of bad workers and make the more spot-orientated workers look better than they really were. Chavo has none of that going for him, plus I don't think ROH/Sinclair are going to make a hullabaloo about ROH being all about the young and hungry wrestler who can blow you away with their skill and athleticism and then turn around and give Chavo a spot on the roster.


With all that, I could see ROH bringing in one older wrestler, possibly someone with name recognition and a good worker, to be their 'legend' wrestler.

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Would have liked Chavo to be a manager and occasional guest announcer but WWE don't really do that much except in NXT.


I must say Smackdown is really good right now. I think with the reduced air time compared to Raw they're really focusing on progressing their story lines, developing their characters and not wasting time with filler. The Bryan/Rhodes feud is good and the tag division is improving with the Usos and Gabriel/Slater looking like legit tag teams. I've enjoyed the Christian/Orton feud but I'm not sure about Christian getting another shot at MITB. Either they think it's still got enough heat or they're planning something less straight forward because they're basically spamming the feud at this point.

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Someone needs to show me where the 2011 version Chavo can wrestle the fast-paced and high impact style employed by ROH. The guy is 41, has years of wear and tear on him, not to mention was one of the many wrestlers suspended in the wake of the high profile Signature Pharmacy bust of 2007. Oh, and has been nothing but a glorified jobber for the last several years including the legendary feud with Hornswoggle. Call it a hunch, but I don't think ROH will give him a 'run at the top'. I don't think they even do the Straight Shooting series any more, so there goes one reason to give him even a courtesy match.


You seem to forget Jamie Knoble who in WWE has always been treated as a joke and a jobber, but in ROH he won their world title.

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I am going to be chastized for this but I always found Chavo to be OVERrated due to the fact that he is a Guerrero. He is a cruiserweight who wrestles like he thinks he is a 6'2" 240lbs guy. He isn't very good on the mic. His only worthwhile storyline was 'Kerwin White' and that was cut short because of Eddie passing away.


It isn't like WWE didn't TRY to push him. He was the ECW World champion for Pete's sake. But even then, he wasn't up to par and they had Kane beat him at WM in 8 seconds.


TNA would be a bad fit, and ROH would be even worse. He would be the 'WWE reject' in TNA. And ROH expects their wrestlers to be good at wrestling and I don't find Chavo enjoyable in the slightest as a wrestler.


That's my opinion. I am alone in it. And that's okie. :D

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I am going to be chastized for this but I always found Chavo to be OVERrated due to the fact that he is a Guerrero. He is a cruiserweight who wrestles like he thinks he is a 6'2" 240lbs guy. He isn't very good on the mic. His only worthwhile storyline was 'Kerwin White' and that was cut short because of Eddie passing away.


It isn't like WWE didn't TRY to push him. He was the ECW World champion for Pete's sake. But even then, he wasn't up to par and they had Kane beat him at WM in 8 seconds.


TNA would be a bad fit, and ROH would be even worse. He would be the 'WWE reject' in TNA. And ROH expects their wrestlers to be good at wrestling and I don't find Chavo enjoyable in the slightest as a wrestler.


That's my opinion. I am alone in it. And that's okie. :D


You also think Glen Gilberti is a good wrestler, so I don't think your opinion counts too much :p

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You seem to forget Jamie Knoble who in WWE has always been treated as a joke and a jobber, but in ROH he won their world title.


ROH had a different mindset, booker, and ownership then. Plus it was one of the worst reigns in ROH history (though not as bad as Xavier’s). It just seems to me that his name value isn’t enough to make signing him a logical move. I mean sure he is a good wrestler, but why bother with a 40 year old good wrestler when you have a dozen in their 20s and 30s already with the company. It would be a different story though if ROH were making a push for Mexico.

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