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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Hm, was wondering how Punk would get reinstated. Didn't figure on Cena himself arguing it, but hearing it, it's pretty fitting for him.


Here's how I see this going; Del Rio wins the Triple Threat tonight, only for Vince to unsuspend Punk, and getting his title shot back, taking away Del Rio's title shot. This gives Del Rio a legitimate argument for going after Cena after MITB - assuming Cena retains against Punk - leading to the SummerSlam match that everyone's been expecting.

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Hahaha, Ryder appearing just to appear. Got the feeling that was a little rib on the 'Ryder or Riot' crowd... :p


and Nexus looked pretty good as a team tonight in the wake of our tag discussion.


They also have sorta similar tights, for those that were wanting more of that.

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In the words of the Miz.."really? Really? REALLY?" Maybe I'm just too old to get the appeal of Zack Ryder.


self-quoting what I said to djthefunkchris:


I personally think it does work. The thing is, he's both entertaining and he's breathing life in his character. That's two things you don't get often in the WWE outside of the top guys and whoever coming up. Time was, you knew what gimmick a guy had and what he could do with it. But now, everyone's so bland it hurts to push a new guy.
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In the words of the Miz.."really? Really? REALLY?" Maybe I'm just too old to get the appeal of Zack Ryder.


I really don't know if it's a matter of being too old. Jericho seems to be a fan, and he's 40... :p


I can't necessarily explain his appeal, aside from finding his web show and stuff kinda funny. Maybe it's just that sense of enthusiasm he gives me. I mean it's not like he had to start making those, and I doubt he knew it'd get the following that it has, he just did it for fun as far as I know. He seems like he's having fun with it, and for some reason, I always like getting that feeling.


I just find him oddly entertaining, and for a long time I've thought he was solid in the ring, I remember him having great matches with Christian back in '09 that made me think he had a lot of promise.

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Maybe if he ever gets the opportunity Zack Ryder can prove me wrong. And I'll be the first to come here and say that if he ever does. Though I'm not downing anyone for liking him. If we all liked the same things then this world would be a dull place. After all, I didn't like The Miz initially either and he's grown on me.
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I think the biggest appeal that Ryder brings is that he's different. Creatively different. I remember someone earlier in the thread describing how so many fit into molds (ie- fun babyface = Evan Bourne/Kofi Kingston/etc.), and Ryder is a break from the norm.


And his web show has shown his creativity. If I had any pull in the company, I'd air his "this is your brain" parody commercials weekly. I just think that the fact that he's something fresh works for him, and he's shown that he has the creativity and personality to make that work for him.


I'm also kind of glad that he's turned (albeit on his web show, and subsequent match with Primo), because as great as I think Ryder is, the persona doesn't lend itself to being heel. Never been a fan of heels who try to be bad, yet get the crowd to root for them.

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I'm also kind of glad that he's turned (albeit on his web show, and subsequent match with Primo), because as great as I think Ryder is, the persona doesn't lend itself to being heel. Never been a fan of heels who try to be bad, yet get the crowd to root for them.


Yeah, he lends himself to being face to me. The only way those kind of characters work as a heel for me is if they seem to really believe they're so awesome and that all the chicks love them, but - and this is pretty much thanks to the web show, I think - nowadays he just comes across as someone that's just messing around and having fun, and that seems a lot more babyface-esque to me.

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I love that they've started doing all these hype vids for people again. They aren't quite the Desire vids people used to love, but they're good for reminding you how awesome people are. I also like how they're hyping up MITB, showing the awesome highlights and all of the subsequent title wins, the match has gotten quite a bit of prestige - although I think I would still kind of prefer it if it was WrestleMania exclusive...
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I actually kind of like how Riley's been going over Miz. He keeps getting good reactions, so it seems to have served it's purpose, and Miz is someone I feel can bounce back and get his heat back pretty quickly, so I don't think there's much risk with it.
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