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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I could almost bet my life that he will have a rematch. They sure know how to book him in title matches and number 1 contender matches, and do so frequently. The problem is when he actually wins them...that's when The E screws up... But yeah, i'm pretty sure they won't miss out on parading him on a title match that he will (as almost always) lose. Have you noticed how the man has a good offense and actually looks legit facing bigger guys in the matches he loses? Oh well...


Thank god. Rey will get the Little Jimmy cheers and the Latino crowd cheers anyways. I do NOT want that man anywhere near a WWE championship belt. Gimme super Cena any day over him. Pretty much anyone over him.

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Thanks for posting it, when I tried the link earlier it said the website had too much traffic. So I hadn't read it. Good stuff.


No problem. Glad i was able to help. And this shows me a Shawn that i always imagined him beeing. Many people still think he's that jack ass of the 90's, but he's improved a lot, and as Shanw michaels supporter (best favorite wrestler of all time) and also a CM Punk suporter (current favorite wrestler) this means a lot to me.

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Thank god. Rey will get the Little Jimmy cheers and the Latino crowd cheers anyways. I do NOT want that man anywhere near a WWE championship belt. Gimme super Cena any day over him. Pretty much anyone over him.


I strongly disagree. Rey is a great worker and he deserves much more then beeing a anedotic champ, like his 1st reign, for example.

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In his position I would probably do the same, hate how Hogan just can't p*ss off.


Right. So because you have childish issues with your opponent, it's okay to ruin the match for all the fans who paid good money to enter the arena or watch the match on PPV?


I can in no way respect such an attitude, and it's because of stuff like that I have always had a hard time liking Michaels - in spite of his undeniable talent.

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It has been suggested that Michaels deliberately made a mockery of the match by over-selling throughout the contest, allegedly because he was unhappy about being asked to job to an inferior opponent


Wasn't this when Hogan was leaving? If I remember correctly that is partly why Michaels didn't want to job to him. At least that is what I remember hearing

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Right. So because you have childish issues with your opponent, it's okay to ruin the match for all the fans who paid good money to enter the arena or watch the match on PPV?


I can in no way respect such an attitude, and it's because of stuff like that I have always had a hard time liking Michaels - in spite of his undeniable talent.


I'm not denying its unproffesional, but considering Hogan supposedly used Creative Control to prevent jobbing to HBK, I can see why he did it. I found it entertaining, rewatching it atm.

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Wasn't this when Hogan was leaving? If I remember correctly that is partly why Michaels didn't want to job to him. At least that is what I remember hearing


The original plan was for Hogan to win a match against Michaels and then Michaels winning a rematch. But Hogan said his bad knee could only handle one match, which made little miss Michaels grumpy, feeling that Hogan just didn't want to lose to him.


I'm not denying its unproffesional, but considering Hogan supposedly used Creative Control to prevent jobbing to HBK, I can see why he did it. I found it entertaining, rewatching it atm.


Oh right. So because he feels that Hogan is unprofessional BACKSTAGE, it's a totally acceptable response to be even more unprofessional IN THE RING, in front of millions of paying fans?


Hogan has a rumor for being quite the jerk backstage, and I believe pretty much every word of it. But I cannot recall ever having seen him behave unprofessionally in front of the fans.


Besides, as the story goes, Hogan did not actually say that he would not lose a match against Michaels - he just said that his knee could not handle more than one match, the first match, which was booked as a Hogan victory. Maybe Hogan did have issues losing to Michaels and just made up a story about his knee losing it's smile, or maybe it's actually true. Either way, how professional and mature is Michaels when he goes on a hissy fit because he cannot stand the thought of losing against the biggest wrestling icon EVER if he cannot get a victory out of it as well?


Michaels has always been a primadonna imo, and he has done nothing to prove differently in my eyes. He couldn't even be a man and appologize properly to Bret Hart last year, but instead made it look as though he was the wronged part, having Hart be the one to reach out his hand in "friendship" to bury the hatchet with Michaels apparantly really having to think hard about it.

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The second Shawn/Hogan match was going to be the next month in a cage but Hogan would still have won. He was only willing to go as far as a near-photo finish where he would walk out of the cage a split-second before Shawn climbed out. Shawn didn't want to lose twice in a row so declined the match, Hogan left, and Shawn decided to go the interview on Raw we all saw.
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The second Shawn/Hogan match was going to be the next month in a cage but Hogan would still have won. He was only willing to go as far as a near-photo finish where he would walk out of the cage a split-second before Shawn climbed out. Shawn didn't want to lose twice in a row so declined the match, Hogan left, and Shawn decided to go the interview on Raw we all saw.


Is that how it went? Not the story I heard, but doesn't really change my opinion on Michaels' behaviour one bit.


I have never seen the interview you mention however, how did it go down?

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I have never seen the interview you mention however, how did it go down?

Shawn basically mocked the entire match, sarcastically talked about how Hogan was too agile for him and then all but said Hogan would only come back for money and not for the fans. It was Shawn being Shawn circa-1997 at his dickish best.

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Shawn basically mocked the entire match, sarcastically talked about how Hogan was too agile for him and then all but said Hogan would only come back for money and not for the fans. It was Shawn being Shawn circa-1997 at his dickish best.


I can imagine.

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Wow... you guys sure seem to know EXACTLY what happened between Michaels and Hogan backstage. Most be those super accurate dirt sheets.



I think Rey will get a rematch on Raw either this week or next week. For starters, he and Cena actually had a pretty good TV match on monday. I watched the whole time and enjoyed myself. It's a no-brainer match for Monday. It would provide either a credible main event or a huge opener to the show.

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Wow... you guys sure seem to know EXACTLY what happened between Michaels and Hogan backstage. Most be those super accurate dirt sheets.


It doesn't really matter what happened backstage, what matters is what happens in the ring. And in the ring, Michaels pretty much flipped all the fans the bird.

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Shawn basically mocked the entire match, sarcastically talked about how Hogan was too agile for him and then all but said Hogan would only come back for money and not for the fans. It was Shawn being Shawn circa-1997 at his dickish best.


It does sound a bit childish, but Hogan DID come back just for the money and not for the fans, he IS a jerk who refuses to job to anyone, and if Michaels is/was bitter about it I for one don't blame him.

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It does sound a bit childish, but Hogan DID come back just for the money and not for the fans, he IS a jerk who refuses to job to anyone, and if Michaels is/was bitter about it I for one don't blame him.


You still do what you are paid to do, whether or not it's easy/fair. People paid to see that match.

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You still do what you are paid to do, whether or not it's easy/fair. People paid to see that match.


People paid to see a lot of things that never make it to PPV. I recall the Sheamus/Daniel Bryan match in particular as a recent example. A lot of people were looking forward to Danielson on WrestleMania and then OOPS, dark match. Disrespecting a used-to-be legend who has been washed up for a decade or more and still keeps trying because he's an irresponsible and unsympathetic fool is something that doesn't bother me. And doing it on screen is a lot better to me than doing it backstage, because it suggests that you're willing to stake your reputation on saying it instead of being some kind of snake.

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He wasn't acting like an ass hole, he was pissed and rightfully so. Shawn had no problem to do the job...if it was for someone younger or someone who needed it or deserved it. But hogan was older than him, was a part time and would only agree to the match if he won! (Vintage hogan) We're talking about an old farth that wasn't even full time with the company and was about to leave. I would have done the same as shawn. Or worst. And i'm a pretty cool guy.


Ps: And hogan even bailed out to a second match where Shawn would win! YEs, i'd do the same as shawn. As Linsolv said, better do it like a man, instead of going behind people like a coward. Shawn Michaels, i salute you!

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