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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I think a stint in Japan could do wonders for him. Speaking of Japan, just watched his match in the G1 Climax btw

You might be confusing Strong Man or someone else with him, because Masters has never worked for New Japan.


I don't see Masters going to ROH. He's a career midcarder who got fired by the major league guys twice and he simply doesn't bring enough to the table to overcome that kind of stigma. It would be one thing if he was super talented and never got a break or fell victim to politics or something, but he was a below average/above average talent who got pushed for a while and never displayed anything outside of his physique to show he deserved to be any higher than the middle of the table. Outside of bringing him for a one-shot deal to put someone over, which itself would be an outside bet, I don't see ROH using Masters.


DH Smith I can see going to ROH, and I wouldn't be surprised if he splits his time between ROH and Japan for a year or two until he gets rehired.

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I don't expect anything short of an injury stopping Rock/Cena from happening, but that doesn't mean the arguments against the match aren't valid and I fully expect they were expressed when they first came up with the idea for the match.


You've got your top babyface being treated like the biggest heel on the planet on the biggest stage of them all, because there will no be split reaction this time out. Even outside of Miami, the fans flat out do not want Rock endorsing Cena and don't accept it. Worse, the logical finish for the match is the outsider losing and if the fans at large don't accept Rock endorsing Cena, what on earth would the fans in Rock's home state/town do if he actually puts him over 1-2-3? If Rock is going to be part of future PPV's, then if (and it's a big one) it means he'll wrestle again, then they could play safe and have Rock win here and Cena go over down the road, at Summerslam. But you're still going to have a finish that people are just flat out going to reject and they'll take it out on Cena.

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Not going to happen. All the travel packages are sold out. All the tickets for WM in Miami are going to be gone in 2 seconds. Rock vs John Cena is going to make the company a ton of money. They have made some dome decisions before. I can't see Vince canceling this match short of a injury.


100% on par on what I been saying.

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I don't see Masters going to ROH. He's a career midcarder who got fired by the major league guys twice and he simply doesn't bring enough to the table to overcome that kind of stigma. It would be one thing if he was super talented and never got a break or fell victim to politics or something, but he was a below average/above average talent who got pushed for a while and never displayed anything outside of his physique to show he deserved to be any higher than the middle of the table. Outside of bringing him for a one-shot deal to put someone over, which itself would be an outside bet, I don't see ROH using Masters.


100% agree, everyone is saying "OMFG he need to go to ROH"I don't think ROH will take him, what would he REALLY do for ratings? Not a thing, I don't even see him going to ROH for a one shot deal. He won't even walk in the door of a ROH show. If anything he will go to TNA.

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If Rock is going to be part of future PPV's, then if (and it's a big one) it means he'll wrestle again, then they could play safe and have Rock win here and Cena go over down the road, at Summerslam. But you're still going to have a finish that people are just flat out going to reject and they'll take it out on Cena.


I completely agree. Have someone else cost Cena the match at Wrestlemania, then have that person feud with Cena untill SommerSlam, at which point Cena will finally go over Rock.


I love Rock, I think he's the greatest entertainer ever to set foot in wrestling (though he's not much better than Cena in the ring, but that's a different story). On the other hand, I dislike Cena's character with a vengeance. But having said that, having Cena eventually go over The Rock is the only right thing to do for WWE.

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I completely agree. Have someone else cost Cena the match at Wrestlemania, then have that person feud with Cena untill SommerSlam, at which point Cena will finally go over Rock.


If they do that, they need to smart with how they build to the interference in the storyline and be extremely careful with how the finish itself plays out, because the fans that go to Wrestlemania are the ones who will very quickly and very passionately reject it if it feels like Cena is being protected.


This finish might have more thought put into it that any other all year and if they go in with the mindset of trying to protect Cena on the night rather than just biting the bullet and beating him clean with no 'out' and letting him get it back down the road, they could do more harm than good.

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WHy the hell would John Cena winning at WM be the best decision possible for the WWE? Everyone wants to see The Rock win. The fact is that the WWE has very small leverage in this whole ordeal.


Because having the biggest *active* wrestling star in the world, the promotion's flagship and moneymaker, beat cleanly by a retired wrestler and current actor who hasn't wrestled for what, 5 years, and have no interest in going back to WWE full-time, is a bad business decision...?


The Rock needs to pass the torch, just like Hogan did to him. And I repeat: this said by someone who on a personal level hates the Cena character and wants to see The Rock kick the crap out of him.

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Because having the biggest *active* wrestling star in the world, the promotion's flagship and moneymaker, beat cleanly by a retired wrestler and current actor who hasn't wrestled for what, 5 years, and have no interest in going back to WWE full-time, is a bad business decision...?


The Rock needs to pass the torch, just like Hogan did to him. And I repeat: this said by someone who on a personal level hates the Cena character and wants to see The Rock kick the crap out of him.


That makes two of us. Oh well, i guess you're right. But i can still dream. :D

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Well nabbing on the details of a match that has yet to happen for months to come isn't for me anymore. That's why I don't like to think about things like that, who "has" to win and "how" it has to go down. I've gotten way past that point and allows me to enjoy the product better.


If you had to channel my smarkish side though, I'd say.. it would be logical for Cena to win, but it doesn't mean he has to. There can be a lot of factors around it, is The Rock gonna be down for a rematch, is he gonna be inducted into the HoF at WM28, the creative team's stance on a potential Cena heel turn then(I'm pretty sure they're getting slightly but very slightly more open to the idea as years go by), etc. If there's any match I'd keep my mind open on, it's this one.

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I don't expect anything short of an injury stopping Rock/Cena from happening, but that doesn't mean the arguments against the match aren't valid and I fully expect they were expressed when they first came up with the idea for the match.


You've got your top babyface being treated like the biggest heel on the planet on the biggest stage of them all, because there will no be split reaction this time out. Even outside of Miami, the fans flat out do not want Rock endorsing Cena and don't accept it. Worse, the logical finish for the match is the outsider losing and if the fans at large don't accept Rock endorsing Cena, what on earth would the fans in Rock's home state/town do if he actually puts him over 1-2-3? If Rock is going to be part of future PPV's, then if (and it's a big one) it means he'll wrestle again, then they could play safe and have Rock win here and Cena go over down the road, at Summerslam. But you're still going to have a finish that people are just flat out going to reject and they'll take it out on Cena.

Not really. I actually agree with your view overall, but I just think there's too many ways Cena could win that would actually go over alright. The opposite is also true. Your overall viewpoint though, I can see exactly where your coming from.

I completely agree. Have someone else cost Cena the match at Wrestlemania, then have that person feud with Cena untill SommerSlam, at which point Cena will finally go over Rock.


I love Rock, I think he's the greatest entertainer ever to set foot in wrestling (though he's not much better than Cena in the ring, but that's a different story). On the other hand, I dislike Cena's character with a vengeance. But having said that, having Cena eventually go over The Rock is the only right thing to do for WWE.

/nod.... But that end statement is something that can, and I imagine will change by the time Wrestlemania is here. I can't imagine him staying exactly the same... I'm not saying he's going to be an all out heel, probably will still be the babyface, but there's a whole lot of time between now and Wrestlemania.

If they do that, they need to smart with how they build to the interference in the storyline and be extremely careful with how the finish itself plays out, because the fans that go to Wrestlemania are the ones who will very quickly and very passionately reject it if it feels like Cena is being protected.


This finish might have more thought put into it that any other all year and if they go in with the mindset of trying to protect Cena on the night rather than just biting the bullet and beating him clean with no 'out' and letting him get it back down the road, they could do more harm than good.

/agree again. I think they need to think about it, but there are alot of ways they could play this card (by the time Wrestlemania gets here).

WHy the hell would John Cena winning at WM be the best decision possible for the WWE? Everyone wants to see The Rock win. The fact is that the WWE has very small leverage in this whole ordeal.

I would like to see The Rock win, and he doesn't have to lose down the road, at least not in my mind. Fact is, if WWE does it this way, they could make Cena even bigger, without having to have any interference at all... Depends on how good The Rock can still go though, and if Cena can have a great match with him.

Because having the biggest *active* wrestling star in the world, the promotion's flagship and moneymaker, beat cleanly by a retired wrestler and current actor who hasn't wrestled for what, 5 years, and have no interest in going back to WWE full-time, is a bad business decision...?


The Rock needs to pass the torch, just like Hogan did to him. And I repeat: this said by someone who on a personal level hates the Cena character and wants to see The Rock kick the crap out of him.

Again, another point that I can see. The thing is, Hogan was alot older then The Rock, and I believe The Rock to be in alot better shape then Hogan was as well. That match was full of psychology though, and yeah.... That went over really well by the time it ended.


I'd like to point out, that I was thinking along these lines moreso then not. IF they (Cena and The Rock) can pull out the psychology that was in that match (Remember, The Rock was Boo'd at the start, Hogan was cheered, the match ended with everyone being happy at the end), and somehow get the crowd to enjoy both of them (and it CAN happen, it depends on how the match goes), Cena could win, 1, 2, 3, right there in the middle of Rocksville, and giving The Rock the proper respect as The Rock did Hogan, etc... Lots of things have to happen right, but it could go over as well, if not better then Hogan vs. The Rock did, with Cena actually winning. Then again, it could be built up for another year, and have The Rock win this time, Cena win later... OR.... (I'll answer later in the post)



Well nabbing on the details of a match that has yet to happen for months to come isn't for me anymore. That's why I don't like to think about things like that, who "has" to win and "how" it has to go down. I've gotten way past that point and allows me to enjoy the product better.


If you had to channel my smarkish side though, I'd say.. it would be logical for Cena to win, but it doesn't mean he has to. There can be a lot of factors around it, is The Rock gonna be down for a rematch, is he gonna be inducted into the HoF at WM28, the creative team's stance on a potential Cena heel turn then(I'm pretty sure they're getting slightly but very slightly more open to the idea as years go by), etc. If there's any match I'd keep my mind open on, it's this one.


How does WWE have very little leverage in THEIR event? lol. craziest thing I ever heard...


THIS!! This statement I agree more with then any other. They have options and a story full of potential... and even moreso with the recent changes going on all over the place in the WWE.


Cena doesn't have to win... ever, in my opinion. He can go out, go up against what people think of as the best, and fall short... He could go out there, and have a fantastic performance, with The Rock still winning, and leave out of there with his head held high, and character wise, be ok with it because he gave it his best. There is nothing wrong with that, and if they have The Rock somehow show very strong respect for him after he beats him, Cena could even go on to be bigger then he already is, without ever beating The Rock.


Or... They could have Cena whip The Rock's behind, as I said earlier, if they can somehow gain that massive amount of backing that Hogan vs. The Rock had back then.


Cena is going to get boo'd, The Rock cheered. That's a given fact... IF Cena was to retire or dissapear for a few years, and five years later come back and wrestle the top face of the company, he would be cheered, and the top face would be boo'd... Just how these things work out, ussually. The Rock was on top of the world when he was boo'd against Hogan.


The way the match, the way it's booked, and all kinds of things they can do between now and then (Like make Cena less boring), can have a HUGE impact on how the show ends.


One thing I know for sure, is I don't think anyone is going to be able to guess what happens till we are alot closer to that event. I'm with TBP in that I'm not even going to try to call it till it's alot closer. I'm with bigt.. As in the event belongs to WWE, of course they can do whatever the heck they want to with it.... They have never been, and probably never will, be backed into a corner in what they HAVE to do. They can do it however they want.

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How does WWE have very little leverage in THEIR event? lol. craziest thing I ever heard...


What i mean is that they have very little leverage meaning that they have too much possibilities and not that many will please the fans. Trust me, it's not an easy match to book, and contrary to some opinions, only a couple of well booked endings may work in making this one of the greatest matches ever.

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What i mean is that they have very little leverage meaning that they have too much possibilities and not that many will please the fans. Trust me, it's not an easy match to book, and contrary to some opinions, only a couple of well booked endings may work in making this one of the greatest matches ever.


I agree, but to me it depends more on Cena and The Rock able to deliver a great match, rather then who wins or loses. IF the match sucks, it won't really matter who wins, but probably should go with The Rock. IF the match becomes an awesome match, it doesn't really matter who wins.


The things leading up to it will matter as well... Like if they get some life into Cena's character or not. He needs to have a bit more attitude I feel, in some form... no matter if good or bad, something has to happen there to pull this into a legendary match up. IF he doesn't, and we get Bland Cena vs. The Rock, the match itself better be unbelievably good. It could just be unbelievably good though. There is that possibility.

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The fans in general have already shown they won't accept Rock endorsing Cena; he just shook his hand on Raw and talked about him positively and they booed it like crazy. There is no finish or well scripted match that will suddenly cause those fans to accept Rock endorsing Cena by putting him over 1-2-3. It just isn't happening.


Now, you put that match in Miami of all places, and their rejection of a Cena victory will be epic. Picture 70,000 rabid Rock fans cheering him like crazy and booing Cena with a passion. You seriously think they'll graciously accept Cena beating their hero, in his home town, 1-2-3? Not in this universe or the next.


It's going to be Cena/RVD at One Night Stand multiplied by a million.

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Now, you put that match in Miami of all places, and their rejection of a Cena victory will be epic. Picture 70,000 rabid Rock fans cheering him like crazy and booing Cena with a passion. You seriously think they'll graciously accept Cena beating their hero, in his home town, 1-2-3? Not in this universe or the next.


Good point. Even the more reason to have The Rock win at WM and have Cena win a rematch at SummerSlam (which I could definately see them doing).


But yeah as others have pointed out, it *is* a bit early to speculate... many things can change.

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