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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Sadly, no matter how this storyline goes people are going to say it was predictable and therefore sucks. And on the off chance something insanely off the wall happens, those same people are going to say it was stupid instead. (see SummerSlam)


It's the reason why this was the first time in weeks that I looked at this thread, and it'll probably be the last time. Just look at the post above yours, talking about how ADR needs to hurry up and align with one of the authority figures...for the love of god, it's been ONE WEEK! Why can't people ever let anything play out? They have to jump over every little detail, complaining about it without putting any thought into it whatsoever. I don't get it.


By the way, aligning ADR with one of the power figures is the last thing they need to do right now. From what we saw on Raw, it looks like ADR is going to be fueding with Cena - which means he and the title aren't going to be secondary anytime soon - while Punk deals with the power figures. There's no need to mix those storylines together in any significant way right now.


I take it you got my sarcasm.


I just finally watched the show (well, all the parts I missed). Now I have even more of a theory.... I wonder if the girls will align (meaning, Vickie and Stephanie). Vickie was just encouraged to manage more people. It's just a thought right now, but seeing as I am now more informed (because I watched the show), If any of this happens, it proves that WWE is totally predictable.:D


I've been telling my wife that ADR is a born main eventer since the first time I seen him on WWE. For the very first time, my wife made a prediction before the show (after I told her the Summer Slam results). She said the show will start and end with Alberto Del Rio. She was right.... Proves how predictable WWE is.:cool:

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Not surprised with the Nash/Punk segment. Nash is terrible on the mic if he can't bury people. And whilst what they said might have been funny for people on message boards, I wonder if the other 98% of fans had any clue what they were talking about and what they were going on about. They've not killed Punk but they've certainly put a grinding halt to his momentum with a segment that went right over the heads of the masses and wouldn't have done anything to encourage the people who did understand it to care about the feud. Not that any feud with Nash involved is going to help Punk, or anyone. Oh well. I'd mention the excruciatingly boring notion of John Cena once again kept in the title picture but I wouldn't want his superfan to come leaping in with cries of being a hater.
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So much laughter right now.


Moving on, they're obviously holding off on the reveal that Triple H is in cahoots with Nash but it probably won't last long, maybe at the next PPV at the latest. What I worry about is where Punk might be at Wrestlemania because I don't know what they can do to hold off Punk/HHH until then and not tank the storyline.

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Not surprised with the Nash/Punk segment. Nash is terrible on the mic if he can't bury people. And whilst what they said might have been funny for people on message boards, I wonder if the other 98% of fans had any clue what they were talking about and what they were going on about. They've not killed Punk but they've certainly put a grinding halt to his momentum with a segment that went right over the heads of the masses and wouldn't have done anything to encourage the people who did understand it to care about the feud. Not that any feud with Nash involved is going to help Punk, or anyone. Oh well. I'd mention the excruciatingly boring notion of John Cena once again kept in the title picture but I wouldn't want his superfan to come leaping in with cries of being a hater.


I don't think they went all that deep, dude. Punk mentioned some of Nash' previous gimmicks but that was kinda it. The rest of the segment was generally Punk and Nash trading low-brow insults.



Definately dug the title match. Pretty good back and forth stuff with a pretty nice finish. For a second there my suspension of disbelief kicked in and I thought Rey might hit that 619 and walk out the champ despite my better sensibilities. I also liked that Del Rio got a (relatively) clean win to show us that he belongs in the title picture.


Of course, Cena runs out and screams about how Del Rio did nothing but cash in a briefcase on a battered opponent and that he'll one day have to defend that title... even though he had just beaten his supposed buddy and respected main eventer Rey Mysterio in relatively clean fashion. I mean Del Rio beat up Rey AFTER the match but the win didn't involve rule breaking of any kind.



So even though it was a bit messy at the end... good show overall. I'm into where this angle with Nash is going. I like Swagger seemingly getting a push again. I liked the title match alot.

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To someone's earlier comment about the awful commentary at Summerslam: I don't think it was that bad. But without JR or Matthews at the table there's definitely not enough commentating on the actual match.


I know Cole is supposed to be the heel commentator. And to his credit, he has generated more heat on himself in the past 12 months or so than I think I've ever seen anyone do in that role.


But he picks apart what the other guys say too much. Every tiny little verbal mistake soemone else makes gets addressed and joked about. At times, it can be funny, but usually it just kills momentum which is huge in commentary. He steps on people in the middle of their point. Fires horrific jokes out there. I think it creates a very difficult environment to create good, flowing, and complimentary commentary to the match. It gets ncomfortable to listen to at times.


As a career commentator, I have no problem with Cole. But at this point, I wish he'd tone the heel character down just a litte bit more.

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A lot of the problem with commentary is they've got Vince in their ears directing them and he seems to delight in trying to create conflict with the announcers and half the time, especially when you've got JR out there with Cole, the matches are just a backdrop for Cole sniping at JR or the announcers generally trying to one-up each other with verbal barbs.
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*fantasy booking cap on*


I want this to lead to an actually important classic Survivor Series match. I feel HHH isn't the one who sent the message to Nash, and therefore he will remain face for now. It is revealed that either Laurinitis (sp?) or Steph sent the message to Nash, and he will side with them looking for one more payday (since Nash always seems to be about the money). Steph & 'Ace' begin to work their way into a powerful position, possibly recruiting more muscle (Mark Henry would work) while trying to convince ADR to side with them.


HHH convinces Punk & Cena that they have to work together to overcome the new 'Corporation'. And HHH recruits someone to counter-act whoever Steph can get.


So we could potentially end up with a Survivor Series match looking something like:


Cena, CM Punk, Sheamus, ??? & ??? vs. Alberto Del Rio, Kevin Nash, Mark Henry, ??? & ???


HHH could potentially return to the ring and join the match, or the tag titles could be drawn into the fued with Bourne/Kingston & Otunga/McGillicutty joining in. Would add a bit of spice with Otunga/McGillicutty trying to convince their old Nexus leader to join them.


My dream finish to the match would be either Punk or Cena joining Steph, leading to another match between the two, with them both on different sides of a stable fued.

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*fantasy booking cap on*


I want this to lead to an actually important classic Survivor Series match. I feel HHH isn't the one who sent the message to Nash, and therefore he will remain face for now. It is revealed that either Laurinitis (sp?) or Steph sent the message to Nash, and he will side with them looking for one more payday (since Nash always seems to be about the money). Steph & 'Ace' begin to work their way into a powerful position, possibly recruiting more muscle (Mark Henry would work) while trying to convince ADR to side with them.


HHH convinces Punk & Cena that they have to work together to overcome the new 'Corporation'. And HHH recruits someone to counter-act whoever Steph can get.


So we could potentially end up with a Survivor Series match looking something like:


Cena, CM Punk, Sheamus, ??? & ??? vs. Alberto Del Rio, Kevin Nash, Mark Henry, ??? & ???


HHH could potentially return to the ring and join the match, or the tag titles could be drawn into the fued with Bourne/Kingston & Otunga/McGillicutty joining in. Would add a bit of spice with Otunga/McGillicutty trying to convince their old Nexus leader to join them.


My dream finish to the match would be either Punk or Cena joining Steph, leading to another match between the two, with them both on different sides of a stable fued.


Loving this. Christian and the Miz work as your other two anti-HHH heels. Rey would fight for HHH since he was used as little more than a pawn in the "Corporation"'s scheme. And that leads to a confrontation where HHH would have to confront and old friend to ask for help. Randy Orton? Maybe. But who would be epic? BATISTAAAAAAAA.

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Believe it or not, I'm actually starting to agree with Arrows on one aspect. Cena in my mind is slowly starting to turn into a Broken Aesop. Watching the ending, I don't know, I know there's the whole "honor" thing about it but I still found it a flimsy reason why Cena was really targeting Del Rio. Coming across as just being power-hungry for the belt.
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Believe it or not, I'm actually starting to agree with Arrows on one aspect. Cena in my mind is slowly starting to turn into a Broken Aesop. Watching the ending, I don't know, I know there's the whole "honor" thing about it but I still found it a flimsy reason why Cena was really targeting Del Rio. Coming across as just being power-hungry for the belt.


/nod. See.... I'm sure the way it was supposed to come off was that Cena was doing the "Right" thing once again, and singling out the person that took an unfair advantage of the situation, and that he felt Punk deserved the belt after a match like that, mistake by HHH or not. It come off as Cena is going after the title because ADR is NOT qualified to be a champion. The whole bad thing about this promo was that this is exactly the stuff CM Punk was saying about him, how he looked down on other's as not being "worthy" or whatever....


What Cena said, and should have said are two different things, but I'm sure not everyone caught what I just said there... fact is, outside of the IWC (to include us), I doubt if more then a handfull did. Just doesn't work for me though, kind of felt flat. I have no idea what he could have said to get the point out, that should have been made though, without saying it something like he did. The whole "You have a target on your back" thing, is getting really old to me. It shouldn't have been a centerpoint of the promo. He might as well said "Your unworthy of that championship, and you better hope someone else takes it off you before I change into my super Cena suit, and whip your butt!" Bassically is the same message I took from it.


I've felt Cena's character has needed a retcon, no matter if he stays face or not, for a few years now. It could be so much better in my opinion, if they did something with him outside of the norm. Right now would be a perfect time to have him form some kind of obsession for the title, getting worse as Wrestlemania approaches. "I told The Rock it would be for the WWE Title, and I meant it." Starting to get more and more worried that he might not have it by the time Wrestlemania floats around, and therefore getting more and more desperate, doing things he wouldn't normally do perhaps.


Right now though, he is coming off as a crybaby. I don't really like that at all... "Hey, Unfair, me or Punk was supposed to have that belt today, NOT YOU!!"


EDIT: Come to think of it, I think it would have been better if he just made the save and as ADR ran up the ramp, didn't say anything... Just stared at him looking mad as heck would have got the point accross. Everyone could then speculate what was going through his mind, and we would probably speculate better then what was said.

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Not surprised with the Nash/Punk segment. Nash is terrible on the mic if he can't bury people. And whilst what they said might have been funny for people on message boards, I wonder if the other 98% of fans had any clue what they were talking about and what they were going on about. They've not killed Punk but they've certainly put a grinding halt to his momentum with a segment that went right over the heads of the masses and wouldn't have done anything to encourage the people who did understand it to care about the feud. Not that any feud with Nash involved is going to help Punk, or anyone. Oh well. I'd mention the excruciatingly boring notion of John Cena once again kept in the title picture but I wouldn't want his superfan to come leaping in with cries of being a hater.


I dunno, the crowd seemed pretty into it, and I always kinda figure that the majority of the crowds are of that 98%. As was stated, I don't really think they used too much inside stuff - people in the crowd may not have known about the infamous vanilla midget comment, sure, but I'm not sure if they needed to. It tells them that Nash tried to say Eddie couldn't cut it, and as Punk's the face and Nash is the heel, the crowd would immediately buy that, plus Nash didn't even argue it... and the crowd knows that was a despicable thing to do, so in theory they'd boo him for it even if they weren't previously aware of it.

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Was I the only one that thought Raw was a little lack luster?


ADR vs Mysterio was good.

Kofi and Bourne were surprisingly decent as a tag team.


I LOVED the Punk/Nash exchanged, but the rest of the show seemed...meh.


Also while listening to Ziggler on commentary, he seemed to just outshine the match itself and the other commentators. I really hope they need to pull the trigger on him soon.

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Was I the only one that thought Raw was a little lack luster?


ADR vs Mysterio was good.

Kofi and Bourne were surprisingly decent as a tag team.


I LOVED the Punk/Nash exchanged, but the rest of the show seemed...meh.


Also while listening to Ziggler on commentary, he seemed to just outshine the match itself and the other commentators. I really hope they need to pull the trigger on him soon.


You have to mean something totally different then what I took that to mean.


Myself, I enjoyed the exchange there. Ziggler sounds better and better to me over time... I don't think he's "ready" yet, but he's alot better then before. I'm hoping Vickie does what Swagger suggested, and starts "adding to her roster". Would be nice to see a faction set up around her.

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You have to mean something totally different then what I took that to mean.


Myself, I enjoyed the exchange there. Ziggler sounds better and better to me over time... I don't think he's "ready" yet, but he's alot better then before. I'm hoping Vickie does what Swagger suggested, and starts "adding to her roster". Would be nice to see a faction set up around her.


I meant to say I hope they pull the trigger soon.


They could easily start building him towards a main event push. I'm not saying he should be world champ right now, or next month, or even a few months from now, but he can hang with the best of them in the main event and he even in promos he even sounds like he should be there.

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I meant to say I hope they pull the trigger soon.


They could easily start building him towards a main event push. I'm not saying he should be world champ right now, or next month, or even a few months from now, but he can hang with the best of them in the main event and he even in promos he even sounds like he should be there.


I definately have him above Midcard position in TEW terms... I would place him as an Upper-Mid right now, so he could rub shoulders with the guys above and right below him.


I agree with you. The only difference, is I'd like to see him off the Vickie relationship (which sounds like they are going for with the whole "He has never kissed me before" thing), but still being managed. Would like to see her go completely into management mode, and keep relationships off as much as possible... or at least give us something a bit more believable (someone around her age and looks, or at least her looks). Right now, it's always the same reason, they get with her for what she can do for them. She's always going to be the person that they "cheat" on, or leave or whatever. Would like to see her in a relationship where she's on more even terms if they have to go that route.

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I'd much rather him be completely away from Vickie.


I would if he turned face, but as a heel this I think is going to keep him relevant. As long as she can make people hate her as well as she does, anyone with her is going to be relevant (in whatever capacity). I'd hate to have him leave her, and him not go anywhere because of lack of interest or creative can't figure anything out for him. It's almost like I'm thinking what is in his best interest, in staying around... moreso then what I would like to see.


I don't know though, he had some good heat before. Just was so much farther down the card in my opinion...

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I think Dolph can get his own heat, at least a fair amount. If he got away from Vickie the crowd would turn him face though. A feud with Swagger after that has a lot of potential.


Vickie managing them, and perhaps more as time goes by... Having them win the tag team championship, and then a split/fued type thing, where he leaves Vickie and Swagger stays, would probably work out.... As you said, the crowd would see it as a face turn, and so it could get some momentum, especially with Vickie yelling at him all the time.

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