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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Man, they made CM Punk look horrible right?.. I mean so horrible, because one minute he was one of the top 3 faces of the WWE along with Triple H, the commentator, then in the main event against Del Rio, then won a 2-on-1 practically by DQ, but main evented twice in one night, plus became the main focus of WWE again, by having Triple H align with him against Awesome Truth... Now doesn't CM Punk look so left out?
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Very true.

I mean lets recap shall we..


1. Vince comes out to fire Trips, the same manner that Trips did to him after MitB.


2. Johnny Ace fires JR, right after siding with Ace last week.


3. Ace rehires Awesome Truth.


4. Possible Stable between Xtian, ZigSwag and Cody aka "Bagman"....


5. Possible Alliance with Trips and Punk...



Very Weird. But better than Predictable ..right?

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Man, they made CM Punk look horrible right?.. I mean so horrible, because one minute he was one of the top 3 faces of the WWE along with Triple H, the commentator, then in the main event against Del Rio, then won a 2-on-1 practically by DQ, but main evented twice in one night, plus became the main focus of WWE again, by having Triple H align with him against Awesome Truth... Now doesn't CM Punk look so left out?


I'm going to be blunt with you, because I think your condescending sarcasm is ridiculous.


What you said honestly makes you look like an idiot.


What I and many others have been saying is that the WWE inexplicably devalued CM Punk when he their hottest wrestler in years.


I'm pretty sure I, nor anyone else ever, said that the WWE will never give Punk a real high-level push again. So you coming in here with all your sarcasm pointing out how it looks like they're positioning Punk to actually win a match again, it makes you look like an idiot who didn't really understand the points people were making, yet decided to go all gung-ho with the condescending sarcasm anyway.


I doubt that's what you were going for, so you might want to be a bit more careful in the future.

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Anyway, what the hell's with Mason Ryan continuing to steal Zack Ryder's push? Ryder's a solid worker who managed to get himself over, and now they're sidelining him in order to spotlight a horrible worker who might not get over even with a crazy push behind him. What a bizarre decision.


Besides that, my biggest takeaway from tonight was how anti-climactic the returns of Vince, Miz, and Truth were. Seemed like they were building to something more than that.


And I really, really don't want to see more of Lauranaitis and less of JR. Or any more of a screeching Kelly Kelly in an ass-backwards story.


I did enjoy the opening segment, though, and I'm encouraged that Punk might matter again. But after that opening segment, the show just didn't feel all that fun. A 90-minute span where the fan-friendly moments were supposed to come from a Mason Ryan win and an Eve win seems poorly thought out.

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I'm going to be blunt with you, because I think your condescending sarcasm is ridiculous.


What you said honestly makes you look like an idiot.


What I and many others have been saying is that the WWE inexplicably devalued CM Punk when he their hottest wrestler in years.


I'm pretty sure I, nor anyone else ever, said that the WWE will never give Punk a real high-level push again. So you coming in here with all your sarcasm pointing out how it looks like they're positioning Punk to actually win a match again, it makes you look like an idiot who didn't really understand the points people were making, yet decided to go all gung-ho with the condescending sarcasm anyway.


I doubt that's what you were going for, so you might want to be a bit more careful in the future.


Well, I never really post in here ever, I just like to hear news on any WWE event, because, well, I'm a fan, I'm a mark for WWE and have been for years, and lately, I'll agree about the PG era and all that stuff.. But you, I'm sure not just you, have been complaining and complaining about CM Punk.


Nothing against Punk in any way ever, he's FAR more talented than Cena is, and probably ever will be, but Cena is WWE's draw. It's Vince McMahon's company, and his management team/him/whoever decides on who they want to push and all that, so why insist on complaining they are not going to push someone you want pushed, or as you say " devalueing one of their hottest talents in years " That's great and all, and I agree with you again, Punk is a GOD when it comes to talent, but WWE insists on Cena being their top draw.


Plus, Punk is definitely Main Event Calibre, no doubt about that, otherwise why does he consistly show up in main events?..


Why does he continue to get screen time? Over the years Punk's been in WWE, he's been noticed, he gets more cheers then most of the main draws a LOT.... So okay, he's a indy darling, and if you haven't noticed Vince is not very keen on pushing guys who were mostly brought up in indy promotions, although, he seems to be doing just that, Punk has beaten Cena more than a few times, he has won both World and WWE title, he's getting pushed, it's just realistic manner or maybe not-so realistic manner, but he's getting there, so let it be.


And you can always play TEW and make your big CM Punk moment, and push him to the moon all you want, but this is WWE we are talking about..Come on you know the only push their certain choices of who they think could be a draw, like choosing Mason Ryan over Zack Ryder, this is WWE buddy.. I agree with you on a lot of points, but complaining non-stop about this does nothing for you.. Write an email to Vince McMahon or someone from WWE, maybe they'll ignore your email, maybe they'll see the light and book the way you want.


Plus, you know, if they gave Punk the big push that you seem to be wanting, I'm guessing like Cena's .. SuperCena push, you'll just end up hating Punk as much as you hate or dislike Cena.

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Again, you're not even bothering to discuss anything I actually said. It's like you've got this stereotype of the IWC in your head, you're applying that to me, and you're just railing against that, relevance to the current discussion be damned. Feel free to continue, but count me out.


But you, I'm sure not just you, have been complaining and complaining about CM Punk.


See, that points out you, and not just you..everyone who is acting like you and complaining about Punk should be pushed better or whatever... It's like I gotta highlight everything for you, did you even read what I said? ..


What I and many others have been saying is that the WWE inexplicably devalued CM Punk when he their hottest wrestler in years.


I'm pretty sure if you read through what I had said, or skimmed the beginning of it, yeah, I answered your devalued Punk theory. I just further explained he's been getting a " Real-time push " or " Slow Build " to him, meaning he's moving up, but in a " realistic " fashion.. Understanding all of this buddy?


And once again, I agree, good time over the summer to pull the trigger on a push for Punk, but that time is done and over, so no more tears, okay? :p


I'm done, no more posting in here for probably a few more months... Have fun!

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I'm pretty sure if you read through what I had said, or skimmed the beginning of it, yeah, I answered your devalued Punk theory. I just further explained he's been getting a " Real-time push " or " Slow Build " to him, meaning he's moving up, but in a " realistic " fashion.. Understanding all of this buddy?


He might but I'm just a poor uneducated soul that can't seem to understand. Explain to me how CM Punk from the MiTB was hot and saying all the things he was saying and winning the world championship, only to lose it what less than a month later at the very next pay per view. How is that a "slow build". Winning the world title and then losing it in your very first defense is a "slow build" I'm confused.


But I'm sure you'll break it down, spotlight it and and explain it for me since you seem to be so good at that. In fact why go away when you have such a great attitude and seem to be on such a higher level of thinking when it comes to pro wrestling storylines. Please stay and bless us all for a few more pages of "wisdom".

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The turned Punk into a kiss-ass and a very secondary character in a show built around making Triple H into the top babyface. And now Punk is teaming with Triple H, so I guess there's no need for Punk to get his big win over Triple H. Yeah, they're doing a great job with Punk and I'm glad we've got some more bringers of truth to tell us the real deal. Wait, you mean the guy ran off? But we need him. We need bringers of truth to tell us what the real deal is because we know we can't believe our eyes.
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The turned Punk into a kiss-ass and a very secondary character in a show built around making Triple H into the top babyface. And now Punk is teaming with Triple H, so I guess there's no need for Punk to get his big win over Triple H. Yeah, they're doing a great job with Punk and I'm glad we've got some more bringers of truth to tell us the real deal. Wait, you mean the guy ran off? But we need him. We need bringers of truth to tell us what the real deal is because we know we can't believe our eyes.




You STILL can't seem to make a point without throwing childish insults around I see...






I think you are 100% wrong. They are trying to elevate both HHH and CM Punk. I don't at any point see Punk "kissing ass" as you put it. Was Punk kissing Cena's ass after their feud or did they go the "mutual respect" route. In fact, HHH came up to Punk to perhaps shake his hand (during the opening segment) and Punk put his hand up to stop him. Thats not ass kissing to me.


I mean they want to get both guys over as babyface characters. A "reluctant team" angle is generally a way for guys to do it. I'm not saying it's stellar booking but that's a whole different conversation.

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I really don't see how Punk's momentum has stalled at all. He is in the Main Event almost every week. He gets one of the biggest reactions every week.


It's also because of CM Punk that the biggest storyline WWE has had in years is happening. Punk says WWE would be better without Vince. Vince is gone. Punk name drops Johnny Ace and all of a sudden Ace is on tv when he hadn't been in years. More recently he said that he didn't like the "new" Triple H and he wanted the "old" Triple H back, low and behold Triple H is wrestling again.


I guess it's exactly like Tito at LOP says. He was "Buried."


If you are unhappy with their treatment of Punk then the WWE then they are doing exactly what they are trying to do. Gain sympathy for him. He isn't a Brock Lesnar type wrestler that's gonna go out and squash everyone, he is going to take a beating and keep coming. He's gonna run his mouth, get beat up and eventually beat the odds. You saying he's been treated unfairly is what the WWE wants you to think, that way you'll be much happier when he does come out on top.


However if you are completely unhappy with the product as a whole then you should probably just turn off the tv. If you don't like something why subject yourself to the pain of watching it.


I despise TNA and rarely have anything positive to say about it, so I just don't watch, and haven't watched for months. I also don't run my mouth about the product either, because I have given up on them.


I sit back and enjoy wrestling. I watch like I'm a kid again. I like the little things. I don't squirm everytime Mason Ryan is on tv, I don't get too upset that Zack Ryder isn't. I don't generally dislike anyone for their in-ring work. I get attached to their characters. I don't criticize everything. I actually want to like wrestling, so I do.

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I actually want to like wrestling, so I do.

To be honest, that's very obvious. Because this...


If you are unhappy with their treatment of Punk then the WWE then they are doing exactly what they are trying to do.


...is a laughable amount of spin. I'm not unhappy that the big bad mean Miz and R-Truth are beating up on poor little Punk and why don't they just let him be different because gosh darn I'm different too.


I'm unhappy they've taken one of their hottest stars in years and have killed his momentum in order to elevate non-wrestlers in a story a lot of people think is terrible. Somehow, I don't think that's the emotion the WWE is trying to evoke.


I would love to be able to shut my brain off and not think things like, "wow, Lauranaitis sure is a terrible actor" or "wasn't Raw more dangerous this week than it was before the walkout" or "well that was incredibly sexist" or "ha, Mason Ryan botched getting into the ring on the hot tag", but I can't. Even with the ridiculous amount of leeway I'm willing to give the WWE, I'm still going to think about the quality of the entertainment they're offering.


But I suppose maybe making me unhappy with the quality of their programming is exactly what the WWE is trying to do. Those geniuses!

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Have we brought up the fact that Punk the Rebel has been turned into Punk the Kiss-Ass, thereby turning him into the complete opposite of what got him hot in the first place?


Yes. I addressed it. I said he's not a kiss ass. What makes him a kiss ass? That he did the "i love wrestling" speech? He didnt hug HHH or even shake his hand so I think calling him a "kiss ass" is a bit off base.

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There's nothing to rebel against anymore... we just heard Punk talk about what he believes in and which fits with the whole story. That people are walking out the 'wrong way' and for the wrong reason. I thought when he said "I made walking out look cool", it was funny. And at the end of the day.. he's a babyface. I hope people haven't expected the full Austin deal from him.


He can start crap with Johnny Ace for sure.. maybe that'll come in time.


If he rebelled against Trips at this point, he'd just look like a resentful douche, and he'd come across really bad for it.

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There's nothing to rebel against anymore.




What has changed? John Cena is still being fed title shots, CM Punk still (at least in his character's eyes) has to feel underutilized, guys like Mason Ryan are still getting an absurd amount of TV time while guys like Colt Cabana still can't crack the WWE (he was given a "try out" about a month ago and now the WWE won't take his calls), the amount of actual wrestling on Raw has managed to go down so that Vince's family and/or stooges can put the spotlight on themselves, etc.


Pretty much all the stuff Punk rebelled about before hasn't changed, except that Punk has better shirts and he's in the opening to Raw now.


edit: Oh, and now F4W is reporting that John Morrison is probably done with the WWE once his contract expires soon. Summer Punk would have had a field day with the WWE driving out a talented and popular wrestler reportedly because they were upset with the woman he happened to be dating.


The idea that there's nothing for Punk to rebel against is mind-blowing.

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I am not liking where this is going BUT it is keeping me damn hooked! CM Punk shaking hands with Triple H pissed me off so much, I wish a couple of people would have made it clear they were back for the new GM and not Johnny Ace because to see for E.g Bryan shaking Ace's hand seemed weird since he played a huge role in the chaos.


I can't put my finger on it, but so many part in this story leave me uneasy with what has happened and it feels like there are holes left, like why didn't commentary say something about unsafe environment because of "ZigSwag" and co. even after the incident. I just feel unsatisfied after going crazy in my head about how great it could be, and it has become another story IMO, I'll say it again though, I'll continue to tune in!

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My tweets during RAW


I turned on @wwe RAW and Impact broke out


We need a sign that says I didn't pay to see HHH or Vince. I paid for wrestling!


Watching RAW is like buying tickets for Cats and then watching the stagehands argue.


I also recommend following @sethmates on twitter.


Everything in the promotion is now 2nd to the COO/GM/Walkout angle. No reaction for the announced Cena vs ADR match which is not a good sign.


Morrison and Melina will probably both wind up in TNA. Morrison certainly doesn't have the promo skills to be a main eventer, but his flashy offense and look will keep him in a good spot.

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