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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Well, what happened here?


Something that no-one expected.


WWE hates people successfully guessing what was going to happen.


If anyone had predicted how the return would happen it would have been crapped on. They come up with a new way - it's crapped on.


Truth is it's partly the IWC's fault - WWE think they can't do the most logical return as it would be seen as too predictable by the IWC. Or the second most. Or third...


My thoughts? Uncomfortable viewing. Pissed off fans. However, has already done a good job of defining Jericho's character. Sets up WrestleMania as the guy who hates the IWC vs the guy the IWC wet themselves over. Could be good if built on over the next few weeks. The Summer of Punk proved that the WWE aren't to good at that, but I'm not going to judge on one night. I did that with Christian's short title run, and I was wrong.

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I rarely comment on WWE but the little viginettes had me intrigued so I watched Raw live for a change. I enjoyed the CM Punk v. Ziggler match but you could see a mile off that Punk would get screwed - however it was done well. Still the match was solid and Ziggler taking the belt despite the count out win was a nice touch.


I turned off midway through Jerichos return. Shame because as I said, that was the first Raw I stayed up until 2am to watch and believe me, it'll be the last Raw I watch period. Whoever wrote that return is an idiot. Whether it's part of a bigger story or not really doesn't matter to me now because it was the worst pay off to a 6 week hype. Don't get me wrong I was happy when Jericho appeared, but after 5 minutes of "yeah baby" and pointing to the crowd I was bored.


Vince and Jericho think ALL fans who post on the internet are morons who want WWE to fail, and that they all deserve the big F.U. which is actually not true. I wanted WWE to entertain me and it is becoming more apparent that just isn't going to happen because they're more interested in their "F*** the Internet" era so I'll invest my time in something else.


I wouldn't be surprised if this was a one shot deal - yes Vince and Jericho are that arrogant that it could be. They're both set for life financially so why care about the fans who invest their time in the product? I hope for those of you who will continue to watch WWE that I'm wrong because fans of wrestling (or fans of anything really), whether it be those on the internet or those who don't even own a computer, deserve much better than that pile of shit Raw churned out.


Just my opinion, don't expect people to agree or disagree.

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Vince and Jericho think ALL fans who post on the internet are morons who want WWE to fail, and that they all deserve the big F.U. which is actually not true. I wanted WWE to entertain me and it is becoming more apparent that just isn't going to happen because they're more interested in their "F*** the Internet" era so I'll invest my time in something else.


Not all of them are as described in your quote, but.. a good majority don't help their case. You know, when jericho's twitter is attacked by a horde of bloggers and rabid know-it-alls. or when the promos are being deciphered and decimated all throughout youtube.


And really? "**** the Internet" era? You obviously didn't watch the Raw after TLC. it was almost booked like a smark's wet dream, with three of the IWC's poster boys closing the show. only it's not even a one-time thing, those three guys are actually holding major/singles titles right now.



Jericho's return.. I'm not gonna say anything about it yet, because it may reenact a tired argument I don't wanna enduce again. but for the record, it hasn't sat 100% well with me either, yet.

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Trust me, it's not Jericho coming back. He made VERY clear in a rude tweet that he is sick of wrestling and it's fans and he never wants to get another tweet concerning wrestling.


I told him via tweet that he can kiss most of his followers goodbye since we, the wrestling fans, have PAID for him to live the way he has become accustomed to.


I never thought I would find someone in the business that I would hate more than The Rock, but I think I found him.





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Screw it, I'll just say it.. just wait and see. Of course, those who are tuning off seem they were never all that enamored with WWE to begin with and were checking in for the hype.. this is a hype backlash situation to say the least. But this screams much more to it. i don't think WWE(hell, even TNA!) could be that short-sighted and put this all out there without it there being something behind it. And I don't mean to put the guy on a pedestal, but Chris Jericho knows what he's doing.


All I'm gonna say is this, those who didn't like the segment at all... watch it again. Seriously give it a second try. I know how most people felt here when it aired, and some posters here actually pointed it out... uncomfortable and awkward to a tee. And then it left most of us very sour. It left me quite sour. Consider all things, go back on youtube and watch that part again. You may see things you haven't seen before - and if not the case, so be it. I certainly do not expect everyone to sit well with this, even if jericho himself walked up to them and told them exactly how it's gonna go down.

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There's about about a zillion other forums with the exact same heated discussion. Too many words, how about some pictures instead.









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I know you're a WWE mark that will defend what the E does no matter what. But they build up this for about 5 to 6 weeks, having a good hype up of a man and a women comeing...so we get Y2J which is cool even though he is nothing like the dark minded hype videos that were shown, but we don't get the women that so called told him to come back. WWE failed at this big time.


Right, I'm a mark because I won't bash everything they do like all the cool kids. Why don't you look back through the thread.


It's entirely possible this angle will be awful. I'm just willing to give it a raw or two before I bury it.


While it's true I get a chuckle out of all the "omg!!! Worst company evar!!!" reactions to everything the wwe does, I've been pretty critical of how they've screwed up some potential great angles (punk, missing zigglers chances for a turn when Austin was around, this whole awful rock-cena build up)


I just find the negative reactions and hand wringing to every single thing the wwe does hilarious. I find this one, where people are freaking out and calling this "the worst return ever" when there's clearly more coming even better than most.


Sorry if not being as offended by everything they do on raw makes me a mark, I realize I'm not a fantastic Booker like you. If only you were in charge of raw. Every angle would be produce an instant orgasm in the viewer, I'm sure.

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I think that I can't make a judgement yet, I'm going the wait and see route even though I disliked it (I kept getting excited week on week in the Punk / HHH / Authority / Nash and got nothing.)


That said I think most fans, and WWE should know this wanted something after that build up. I think that for non-IWC fans more so actually I'm sure they were annoyed and bemused at what happen, but I don't really know :p.


I will say, I was really excited for the return and had been excited all week (:o) but know , I may be being rash but I'm kinda not really that interested in Jericho anymore - now next week will change that *fingers crossed*.


I think the "You have brought this upon yourself" line may be key in all of this.

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I was excited for the build up of Jericho returning (not knowing if it was him or Taker) and then wanted him to speak. He said nothing and the way he was acting had nothing to do with the videos. It was weird and sort of a let down. Still excited Jericho is back though!


I'm taking a wait and see approach but last night was awkward.

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Maybe a little too long, but it was a very smart concept. It's obvious he's supposed to be a heel, heck it was through all the promos. Yet, come on! He's Chris ****ing Jericho. He's making another big return after months of hype. Of course the fans are going to cheer him. The fact that the crowd would pop for "BREAK THE WALLS DOWN!!!!!" was easily foreseeable.


So what did they do? They used that to their advantage. Jericho got his big pop and played along. He had those people in the palm in his hand. He had ME too. And he just shoved it to us. He sarcastically mocked the people until the truth finally dawned on them, and before they could even realize just how badly they were played.... He was gone.


Maybe it wasn't, "brilliant." Maybe it wasn't legendary. But it was a very good game plan. It was a clever and appropriate way to take the face reaction he was naturally going to receive and quickly turn it around on the people while still being, well... Being Chris Jericho!


How would YOU have done it? Have him walk out and do some standard heel stuff? Interfere in a match? Try to draw heat on the mic? Maybe good for someone who's making their debut... But a mega-star in the sport who has a well established reputation and is generally liked by the audience? No way. What happened was very, very clever.

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Trust me, it's not Jericho coming back. He made VERY clear in a rude tweet that he is sick of wrestling and it's fans and he never wants to get another tweet concerning wrestling.


I told him via tweet that he can kiss most of his followers goodbye since we, the wrestling fans, have PAID for him to live the way he has become accustomed to.


I never thought I would find someone in the business that I would hate more than The Rock, but I think I found him.


I'm glad your blind, completely mark-like hatred of Jericho didn't blind you to the possibility of...


Oh wait!


Give us a heads up on the next thing we can "trust you" about, I'll put money against it :)

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I'm glad your blind, completely mark-like hatred of Jericho didn't blind you to the possibility of...


Oh wait!


Give us a heads up on the next thing we can "trust you" about, I'll put money against it :)




Anyone that didn't think it was Jericho was just silly for thinking so. All the dirt sheet's reported it over a month ago. And besides that Jericho is the only one to do these cryptic video's. I guess Undertaker would be the only reasonable exception if someone were to of guessed him. Other than that you should be ashamed of yourself.

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Maybe a little too long, but it was a very smart concept. It's obvious he's supposed to be a heel, heck it was through all the promos. Yet, come on! He's Chris ****ing Jericho. He's making another big return after months of hype. Of course the fans are going to cheer him. The fact that the crowd would pop for "BREAK THE WALLS DOWN!!!!!" was easily foreseeable.


So what did they do? They used that to their advantage. Jericho got his big pop and played along. He had those people in the palm in his hand. He had ME too. And he just shoved it to us. He sarcastically mocked the people until the truth finally dawned on them, and before they could even realize just how badly they were played.... He was gone.


Maybe it wasn't, "brilliant." Maybe it wasn't legendary. But it was a very good game plan. It was a clever and appropriate way to take the face reaction he was naturally going to receive and quickly turn it around on the people while still being, well... Being Chris Jericho!


How would YOU have done it? Have him walk out and do some standard heel stuff? Interfere in a match? Try to draw heat on the mic? Maybe good for someone who's making their debut... But a mega-star in the sport who has a well established reputation and is generally liked by the audience? No way. What happened was very, very clever.


I would have had him do what he did but then get on the mic and mock the fans personally. Maybe some of his original cocky stuff from pre 2000. All he would have to do is drop 1 line... "You fans make me sick! You weren't cheering as I was walking out that door. Now that everything on this show has gotten boring you cheer at the 1st sight of something interesting walking thru that curtain."


I dunno something along those lines. Either way though I am curious as to what he is going to be doing.


If I had to bet before last night I would have put my money on Undertaker returning. That won't happen until the 1st week of March probably.


Happy Jericho is back! Don't get me wrong. Just felt like the way it went last night was kind of boring. Would have been awesome if I were there in the front row though.

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A couple other thoughts:


-I think Daniel Bryan's title reign is already perilously close to being dead in the water. He gets dominated by Cody Rhodes and only manages to beat him with a small package? And then celebrates like he just won the Olympics? That, combined with the way he's been unwilling to physically get involved with Mark Henry, instead distracting him with the belt, doesn't bode well. It makes Bryan look weak. Hopefully Big Show turns heel on him.


-Kinda crazy that the well-hyped Punk/Ziggler match opened the second hour while the generic six-man tag match made that night got the main event slot. I'd say the odds of Cena winning the title at Elimination Chamber are around 50% right now.


-Poor Brodus Clay. He's been turned into a running joke. His debut seriously needs some oomph behind it now.


-Poor Eve. She continues to take big bumps in divas matches, despite the fact that the WWE obviously doesn't care about the division, and most of the women she's wrestling against are terrible. Seriously, that Bella botched a small package.

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A couple other thoughts:


-I think Daniel Bryan's title reign is already perilously close to being dead in the water. He gets dominated by Cody Rhodes and only manages to beat him with a small package? And then celebrates like he just won the Olympics? That, combined with the way he's been unwilling to physically get involved with Mark Henry, instead distracting him with the belt, doesn't bode well. It makes Bryan look weak. Hopefully Big Show turns heel on him.


-Kinda crazy that the well-hyped Punk/Ziggler match opened the second hour while the generic six-man tag match made that night got the main event slot. I'd say the odds of Cena winning the title at Elimination Chamber are around 50% right now.


-Poor Brodus Clay. He's been turned into a running joke. His debut seriously needs some oomph behind it now.


-Poor Eve. She continues to take big bumps in divas matches, despite the fact that the WWE obviously doesn't care about the division, and most of the women she's wrestling against are terrible. Seriously, that Bella botched a small package.


1) Daniel Bryan - He is being billed as the complete underdog. I don't think his reign will last very long but he still is getting a run with the belt. I am still happy about this.


2) Punk vs Ziggler - Ya know I agree with ya here. Everything after this match just was blah to me. The heels having a disadvantage of 2 vs 3 was just plain weird.


3) Brodus Clay - I can't imagine where this is going. I would have liked for him to debut squashing Morrison a few weeks back or possibly squashing Evan Bourne. He could even have debuted beating up Santino. A slow but monsterous build is perfect for the guy. Something tells me that management isn't behind him right now.


4) Eve - She has to practice the big bumps so when Kharma returns she can be one of the 1st ones destroyed. WWE womens division is a joke. I flip the channel or play video games during this time.

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When Daniel Bryan was squatting down and saying 'nobody can beat me' anyone think of Gollum from Lord of the Rings? All he had to do was say 'my precious' I get the feelin it won't be Show's night and Bryan may do what it takes to keep that title a little longer, even if it means a turn...


AS for Jericho's return, I was getting it too: the way it felt kind of forced and that look on his face when he left, it was like 'the sheep are still BAAAHing' I'm sure next week will all be about him telling them what moronic robots they are for cheering when he comes back after a year off. Most people may have thought of it as a crappy return cuz they probably took it at on the surface value, but even in the promos it would say 'look within' now that I think of the girl in the promo's she would be smiling, look at the camera then start frowning. Therein lies something in him, maybe come out a few times each week just for pops and eventually show his true heelish colors.

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A couple other thoughts:

-Kinda crazy that the well-hyped Punk/Ziggler match opened the second hour while the generic six-man tag match made that night got the main event slot. I'd say the odds of Cena winning the title at Elimination Chamber are around 50% right now.


Credit this to the six-man tag a few weeks doing absolutely horrible numbers in the ratings, both for the quarter and the overrun. Since then, they've put the only guy they have faith in to move numbers in the main event segment.

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Credit this to the six-man tag a few weeks doing absolutely horrible numbers in the ratings, both for the quarter and the overrun. Since then, they've put the only guy they have faith in to move numbers in the main event segment.


I hope that they don't put the blame on Punk for that. I actually wanted to switch channels when I heard that that was going to be the main event, because I knew that it would be just like the standard 6 man tag match that WWE has every few weeks! Plus, the six wrestlers in that match are not solid Main Eventers yet, so they should've seen that coming. I honestly hope that the numbers for this week show everyone changing the channel during this main event as well, then maybe WWE won't throw random multi man tag team matches in the main events anymore.

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