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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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He beat a guy who came out of retirement specifically to do the job for him. Not exactly the same as beating a legit face upper mid/ main eventer clean, was it?


I mean, all credit to booker for doing that for cody, a class act for sure, but that doesn't change my assertion.


Also, what "clean" wins does barret have over orton? he has pins, sure. but they were caused by outside interference, randy snapping and getting DQ'd, ect. He was 0-2 in matches that mattered during that feud.


His only clean "win" over randy was a set spot where he tossed him down the stairs, and that wasen't even technically a win for wade, it was a no contest.


And specifics aside, I still say one of the main problems with the WWE right now is that EVERY STINKING HEEL, minus henry and potentially Jericho, is playing the exact same kind of heel. The one who is a coward at heart, and cheats to win.


What happened to other types of heels who are legitimate threats outside of screwy finishes? I'm not saying the heel has to be an upstanding person, but where is the guy who is allowed to play up the "You might not like me, but i'm too damn good to ignore" angle?


the WWE heel scene lacks for compelling characters not because of the talent of the heels, but because of the booking where faces cannot be threatened simply on talent, it has to be because the guy wins via' cheating.


and it hurts the product. it makes it simplistic and hard to get involved in at times.


I completely agree. I want another Triple H heel, someone who can legit run through the roster and still be a coward where it counts... despite HHH's numerous clean wins there's been several times where he's ducked out of a fight. Kurt Angle was also similar.


The only guys who came close to that since then was Orton(age of Orton run) and Umaga. You could arguably say Edge too but his clean wins pale in comparison to his library of cheap wins and heel tactics.


I'm not sure how much mileage an entertainment product gets out of disappointing people. Considering the WWE's ratings and PPV buys, I'm going to say they're probably not an exception to the rule. And if the WWE can't create effective villains in their product without genuinely disappointing people, I don't think that speaks too highly of their creative abilities.


If it's disappointing people in a manner that makes them perceive there's still a degree of worth in watching what happens next week, it's justified.


And think about what you're saying. It's pro wrestling's usual schtick to disappoint the casual fans with cliffhangers, and generic little swerves that leave the heel smiling towards the end of the road. Suddenly, WWE disappoints a portion of the IWC and it's all lackluster approach this and risky practice that, like they really ****ed up, huh?


You could even say.. they act like it was The End of the World As We Know It. :cool:


It's funny you know, people in some forums actually claiming ratings are gonna suffer and blah blah, when we're the main ones giving a crap about this. Really doubt the teenage kid with a Cenation shirt is crying foul. Casual fans will still tune in next week to see John Cena and CM Punk tear the house down, and so will 75% of those rabid dogs on Jericho's Twitter... to see CM Punk tear the house down and/or to see where the Jericho return angle is going. DJ is right, disappointment works almost as well.


They can create effective villains without that and we've seen it. They(& Jericho) just chose to go outside the box.

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If it's disappointing people in a manner that makes them perceive there's still a degree of worth in watching what happens next week, it's justified.


And think about what you're saying. It's pro wrestling's usual schtick to disappoint the casual fans with cliffhangers, and generic little swerves that leave the heel smiling towards the end of the road. Suddenly, WWE disappoints a portion of the IWC and it's all lackluster approach this and risky practice that, like they really ****ed up, huh?


There's some notable nuance you're missing. This might be a cop out, but I don't really want to go into it, because I just don't think it'll go anywhere, but I did want to point out the situation isn't quite as succinctly summarized as you tried to make it.

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Steph McMahon has also been doing more interviews lately. If she's not working with Jericho they might have her do something where she turns on her husband and works with Johnny Ace (blackmail or on her own terms). Her Summerslam appearance still isn't explained. And who does Ace always text? It's not Otunga or Brodus.
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Steph McMahon has also been doing more interviews lately. If she's not working with Jericho they might have her do something where she turns on her husband and works with Johnny Ace (blackmail or on her own terms). Her Summerslam appearance still isn't explained. And who does Ace always text? It's not Otunga or Brodus.


I get the feeling her Summerslam appearance was never explained because they never followed up with their original plans on the whole conspiracy angle, instead choosing to end it by saying Nash texted himself :(

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I completely agree. I want another Triple H heel, someone who can legit run through the roster and still be a coward where it counts... despite HHH's numerous clean wins there's been several times where he's ducked out of a fight. Kurt Angle was also similar.


The only guys who came close to that since then was Orton(age of Orton run) and Umaga. You could arguably say Edge too but his clean wins pale in comparison to his library of cheap wins and heel tactics.


Edge made cheating and weaselness so awesome that it didn't matter though. Rather than being a coward, he had the whole opportunist thing going, to the point that it seemed like he was besting other guys by being so much smarter than them.

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Edge made cheating and weaselness so awesome that it didn't matter though. Rather than being a coward, he had the whole opportunist thing going, to the point that it seemed like he was besting other guys by being so much smarter than them.


Took quite a while to get him to that point though, and when he did a face change, it worked miracle's.


I wouldn't mind seeing something like this, but not with Bryan..> I would rather have Bryan on par with Angle (wrestling ability shining) as a heel. I honestly think they were trying that with Swagger (an Angle approach), but feel they are falling a bit short with it.. I do think Swagger could do it though, he just needs to work on his entertainment skills (which really aren't that bad).


With Danielson, perhaps something in between Angle and Edge would work? I just don't want him ending up as a person that ONLY wins if he cheats.

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Took quite a while to get him to that point though, and when he did a face change, it worked miracle's.


I wouldn't mind seeing something like this, but not with Bryan..> I would rather have Bryan on par with Angle (wrestling ability shining) as a heel. I honestly think they were trying that with Swagger (an Angle approach), but feel they are falling a bit short with it.. I do think Swagger could do it though, he just needs to work on his entertainment skills (which really aren't that bad).


With Danielson, perhaps something in between Angle and Edge would work? I just don't want him ending up as a person that ONLY wins if he cheats.


They need to let swagger be alittle goofy too.


My favorite work of his was when he had the swagger soaring eagle and big show destroying his trophys.

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They need to let swagger be alittle goofy too.


My favorite work of his was when he had the swagger soaring eagle and big show destroying his trophys.


Yea my problem with Swagger has always been that I can't take him seriously in any sort of legit role because of his speech problem. He looks legit and even works that way but the second he opens his mouth all the emphasis he gained by ripping someone's ankle apart are negated.



I'd really like to see them go the clueless heel route with Daniel Bryan and Jericho. Have Jericho come out on RAW and repeat last week until the crowd starts booing then just have him yell "THEY LOVE ME!" while they boo him. Something similar with Bryan only have keep barely keeping the title by cheating and then going into these very over the top celebrations and cutting baby face promos about how this is a dream come true and he will never lose the title as long as he has the support of the crowd obviously to a lot of boos.

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They need to let swagger be alittle goofy too.


My favorite work of his was when he had the swagger soaring eagle and big show destroying his trophys.


Yea my problem with Swagger has always been that I can't take him seriously in any sort of legit role because of his speech problem. He looks legit and even works that way but the second he opens his mouth all the emphasis he gained by ripping someone's ankle apart are negated.

I just think say... if you put him in the same position as Angle was at one time... let's say the Milk Truck... Imagine the reaction if after he sprays everyone with it, he talks saying something like "Milk is verwy verwy good for you!" Just think he could do it is all.

I'd really like to see them go the clueless heel route with Daniel Bryan and Jericho. Have Jericho come out on RAW and repeat last week until the crowd starts booing then just have him yell "THEY LOVE ME!" while they boo him. Something similar with Bryan only have keep barely keeping the title by cheating and then going into these very over the top celebrations and cutting baby face promos about how this is a dream come true and he will never lose the title as long as he has the support of the crowd obviously to a lot of boos.


I love this idea. As long as they don't go down the Weazly route with Bryan, I'll be happy.. Jericho in any situation, I believe can pull it off without a problem (and better then most).

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I'm not going to poop on the debut of Brodus right now. At first glance, I totally thought they had just crapped all over this guy. But then I thought back to the Attitude Era and realized we had guys like this all the time. So I'm interested to see what direction this is going to go with him. He's different from what we're used to seeing over the last 10 years....
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From wwe.com..cracks me up


Brodus Clay def. Curt Hawkins

After weeks of anticipation, Brodus Clay finally made his WWE Raw SuperShow debut against Curt Hawkins. Flanked by gorgeous dancers (names), Clay boogied his way to the ring and dominated a confused Hawkins. Following his impressive debut victory, big Brodus Clay literally shook the foundations of the WWE Universe and shuffled his way out Corpus Christi.

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I think everyone has missed the biggest question to come out of Monday Night Raw in a long time ... not how genius is Jericho with the direction of his reemergence, not how awesome that both Edge and the Horsemen are inducted (although I would've liked to have seen Arn alone, or with Tully, instead of the entire unit, but I understand why), or even why Brodus looks like a rap mogul, and Hawkins had a pimp cane ...


The question we all need to ask is whether or not someone called Ernest Miller's mama, `cause that's what Brodus' song was all about. :p

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Why put the Horsemen into their HOF as a group? Granted I do not put much stock into that joke of a HOF but still.


I mean Ric Flair is already in there, plus he is still working for TNA, so I am not even sure how they will work that out. I mean if you are going to put workers in there in absentia, why not put Bruno in there. After all he meant the most to the company during the early days. I know he does not want to go in there but who cares just put him in there anyway.


They should have put Arn, Tully, and Barry in there as individuals. Though in truth none of them had HOF worthy WWE careers. Barry had his US Express days and Tully and Arn had their Brainbuster days. Neither of those stints were that note worthy. Granted the WWE now puts anyone that was a star in any company in their HOF so I guess my that is a moot point.


I don't know the choice just seemed odd to me.


Yes I know last week I said I would not watch this for a few months but I did end up watching because there was nothing better on. One thing I found funny was the two Royal Rumble highlight packages that they showed. In both of them they showed Jeff Jarrett getting eliminated. I guess they couldn't help taking a slight jab at TNA even if there is no and never will be a "war" between the two companies.

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So far I see no problems with Clay funkin' it up. When I first heard it announced I had low expectations, but once he came out I couldn't help but to like it. Hopefully they can still make him look like a legit threat, and he doesn't end up jobbing on Superstars.


Good Raw, IMO. A lot of developing storylines and characters. I've been very impressed lately by how much content WWE is packing into their shows. I rly can't complain. There's wrestling, good champions, and story progression. People seem to ignore the past, and don't realize just how much WWE has improved.

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