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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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that was short for a cage match......


Sure was. Can't help but wonder if Big Show was supposed to pull DBry back in and one of them lost their grip. Might be why Ryder was down in the ring for so along and/or why we got those strange Cena/Rock bio things.


So glad Jericho didn't win.


Me too. I was terrified that Jericho or Orton would win and we'd have to deal with everybody crying about how predictable it was. 'Course, now that an unpredictable guy won, we have to deal with everybody crying about how stupid it was...and, undoubtedly, some people still calling it predictable.


I'm guessing Sheamus will go after Daniel Bryan. Not exactly a marquee title match, but they don't really need one with Rock/Cena, the WWE title match, and Undertaker's match (presumably) already on the card. Plus Randy Orton against somebody, maybe Mick Foley against somebody, maybe Triple H against somebody(if he doesn't fight Taker).


I'm just really curious about where this whole "end of the world" thing with Jericho is going...

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hitting the blogs / boards / facebook / twitter has been entertaining tonight. Lots of "worst rumble in history!" posts followed by the occasional "best rumble ever?" haha.



The show was o.k. The first match was limited but two of the three guys have been fairly banged up so I guess I wasn't expecting much. Nice to see Bryan get a (somewhat) legit defense in.


Funkasaurus is a TV side show. Didn't belong on the PPV in a singles match and would have rather seen him tear stuff up in the rumble match.


Divas match = whatever.


Punk / Ziggler was decent. Nothing spectacular but it didn't "suck" either. I think most of us were expecting a Laurenitis screwjob and seeing Ziggler finally get his belt but they kept it on punk. Was it a "swerve"? no. But towards the end there I was somewhat in suspense.


Cena / Kane entertained me. The match itself, again, was o.k. But Kane dumping out a wheelchair bound and unconscious Ryder made me howl. Kane's not moving around so good anymore :-(


Rumble match was good. Not great. Not amazing. Not awful. Just good. I liked the goofy Foley stuff with the Cobra / Socko test of strength lol. Cody and Miz were awesome. I was disappointed that the tag line of "this year, the entire roster can enter the rumble making it the most unpredictable rumble match in WWE history" amounted to the announcers and Rodriguez. But the two-man at the end with Jericho and Shamus was cool.


I like Shamus winning the rumble. I was hoping it would be one of the "younger" guys and not Jericho. They have a solid main event in place with Cena / Rock so they can take a chance and roll the dice with a guy like Shamus. He's not a solid mainstay main eventer yet but this is a step in that direction. A good match at the big show will certainly not hurt him. And they can still do Jericho/Punk if they feel the rest of the card isn't strong enough.

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Well they are lacking numbers right now...


Yes, but there are plenty of midcarders they didn't add in, like Ted Dibiase or Mason Ryan. Plus, they had Big Show go in instead of Kane, which breaks Kane's 15 or 16 year streak of being in the Rumble. That part baffled me the most, as Kane had a much bigger crowd reaction than Big Show did. I enjoyed the show, but it seems like it could've been much better.

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Here's my match by match thoughts:


1. Triple Threat Steel Cage World Heavyweight Championship match:

An ok match with a weird ending. It looked to me like Big Show was going to pull Bryan up from his wrist, but instead it looked like D-Bry just slipped out of his hand. I thought that it was a botch at first. The entire match was pretty much just brawling. 5/10


2. Eight Diva Tag Match:

I took a bathroom break on this one. N/A


3. Cena vs. Kane:

Bland match. Pretty much nothing but brawling here, which isn't a bad thing, but nothing noteworthy or entertaining actually happened in the match, and Kane looked sloppy/rusty, he botched quite a few things IMO. The aftermath wasn't all that interesting either. 4/10


4. Brodus vs. McIntyre:

This was an obvious squash, although an entertaining one at that. N/A


5. Punk vs. Ziggler for the WWE Championship:

This was above average, and the match of the night. Laurinitis announced that he would be at ringside instead of being the special guest ref. It was a nice back and forth match, but wasn't as good as their matches on RAW. The ending seemed to bury Ziggler IMO, with the ref being knocked down and Punk pinning/submitting Ziggler three times in a row. Laurinitis did a run in.....to count a three count for Punk alongside the actual ref? I know in storyline he is worried about his job, but it still felt so uncharacteristic. 7/10


6. The Rumble Match:

This wasn't all that great until the end. Just a bunch of retired/old superstars/non-wrestlers entering the match and lower midcarders, with a few Upper Midcarders and Main Event wrestlers. The only memorable parts of this match was the ending featuring Sheamus and Y2J and Kofi staying in the Rumble with a handstand, but I could've sworn that somebody has avoided elimination in the Rumble the same way a different year. The ending was awesome and unpredictable. 6/10


Overall: 5.5/10 This year wasn't that great. There were tons of way better matches given away on free tv this past month than the was on the PPV. A shame. I always buy the first three PPVs of the year (Rumble, EC and WM), so I hope EC will be way better.

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I liked the goofy Foley stuff with the Cobra / Socko test of strength lol.


Actually, forgot that bit to. That was entertaining and ended just before it stopped being funny.


One more thing - after continuing the Sheamus / Jindar feud for seemingly forever, why wasn't Sheamus around to eliminate Jindar?


It wasn't bad, but take out the announcers and put in Kane, Clay and Regal and you've got a better match.

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Sure was. Can't help but wonder if Big Show was supposed to pull DBry back in and one of them lost their grip. Might be why Ryder was down in the ring for so along and/or why we got those strange Cena/Rock bio things.




Me too. I was terrified that Jericho or Orton would win and we'd have to deal with everybody crying about how predictable it was. 'Course, now that an unpredictable guy won, we have to deal with everybody crying about how stupid it was...and, undoubtedly, some people still calling it predictable.


I'm guessing Sheamus will go after Daniel Bryan. Not exactly a marquee title match, but they don't really need one with Rock/Cena, the WWE title match, and Undertaker's match (presumably) already on the card. Plus Randy Orton against somebody, maybe Mick Foley against somebody, maybe Triple H against somebody(if he doesn't fight Taker).


I'm just really curious about where this whole "end of the world" thing with Jericho is going...


I think they payed Jericho up too much expecting a different reaction from the crowd.



Funkasaurus is a TV side show. Didn't belong on the PPV in a singles match and would have rather seen him tear stuff up in the rumble match.

Tbh I think he's great, just pissed Drew is getting shafted.



I like Shamus winning the rumble. I was hoping it would be one of the "younger" guys and not Jericho. They have a solid main event in place with Cena / Rock so they can take a chance and roll the dice with a guy like Shamus. He's not a solid mainstay main eventer yet but this is a step in that direction. A good match at the big show will certainly not hurt him. And they can still do Jericho/Punk if they feel the rest of the card isn't strong enough.


Shamus/Bryan would be decent. With Bryan's heel turn it puts a story in play with those two. IMO would be cool.

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I meant the all time eliminations record, which Michaels holds at 41 (I believe). 6 would give Kane 42, ergo the all time record.


Oh okay sorry about that dude.


The only memorable parts of this match was the ending featuring Sheamus and Y2J and Kofi staying in the Rumble with a handstand, but I could've sworn that somebody has avoided elimination in the Rumble the same way a different year.


I think what you are thinking about it what Morrison did last year, he got knocked off of the apron and clung onto the barracade. Then jumped from the barracade to the steal steps and went back into the ring. It's not really similar in fact I think what Kofi did what way more impressive but I can see where you are coming from.

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Highlight of my night was commiserating with former Diva Cherry, and a couple of FCW guys about how our cable company is a horrendous abomination of money taking, non-ppv showing sunnamaguns! (Edited for the kiddies, in my head this sentence reads like one long censor beep. Ha!)
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The whole world ended, as I know it. Although I know this is the start, not the end of that whole debacle, I still sit firmly in that Jericho's thing is going to be a big let down (people have been let down every week so far anyways, I mean after it does actually end though). It always is... can't remember a time when his actual plotline following the great spectacle of his return, ever did anything but let me down.


It's that thing I talk about sometimes... you build something up just enough to NOT be better then what it actually is. This way people always think it was great. You build it up to be great and it comes short, people will always be turned off by it. So many people don't get that although it can make money short term, long term it hurts you and doesn't pay off anywhere near as much as it could have. Bassically, always give the people more then what they expect, even if it means downplaying someone's arrival a little bit.


The thing that gets to me about it, is that something like Jericho returning doesn't need anything but to say Jericho is returning. They could have just had him show up for the rumble period, and people would have popped hugely, and when they found out he was a "mainstay" for a while, would tune in, ergo, no let down.


Oh well, it got them some money for the Rumble.

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I loved the show over all. It wasn't a classic by any means but it did the trick. I was waiting the whole time after Jericho entered for something big to happen but it never did which to me completely cut his legs out from under him before he even got them under him to begin with.


My biggest gripe is that Monday they took a major step forward with Cena and did something that could have got him over as a face with ALL of the audience only to then take 3 huge steps back tonight by not only reverting him right back to SuperCena but then to have him left crying in the right over Ryder. It's like none of the past month happened and he was actually smiling at one point in the match.

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I had fun at the show, though I thought there were too many silly/nostalgic Rumble entrants. At least there was no Hornswoggle.


I'm bummed Jericho didn't win, but if Sheamus winds up facing Bryan at Mania, I'm OK with that. I don't see where they go from here with Jericho, though.


I went to see the Rumble match itself, but the coolest part of the night for me was seeing Bryan and Punk, two guys I've been following for about 8 years, walk into the show with the two biggest belts in the company AND retain them. Surreal.

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I had fun at the show, though I thought there were too many silly/nostalgic Rumble entrants. At least there was no Hornswoggle.


I'm bummed Jericho didn't win, but if Sheamus winds up facing Bryan at Mania, I'm OK with that. I don't see where they go from here with Jericho, though.


I went to see the Rumble match itself, but the coolest part of the night for me was seeing Bryan and Punk, two guys I've been following for about 8 years, walk into the show with the two biggest belts in the company AND retain them. Surreal.


I'm jealous you went. I went to TLC and seeing Punk with the belt made my night.


The fans in around said tonight if the Rumble comes here or close we ARE going.

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But my question is if Sheamus goes after Bryan and we still get Punk vs Jericho at Mania, what the hell does Orton do?


Actually, thinking about that if Henry if fit enough he could always win the title back (and face Sheamus) and we could get a Bryan / Orton match at Mania (for some reason - haven't worked out why). As much of a Bryan fan as I am, after the year Henry has had I think he could deserve going into Mania with the title. Bryan has more time on his side... although if he'll ever get the opportunity again on the greatest stage of them all is debatable.


I think the reason this years Rumble was slightly underwhelming is fairly simple. Off the top of my head, here are the competitors in the Rumble who have Main Evented a PPV in singles action before:


Big Show

Randy Orton


Chris Jericho

Wade Barrett

The Miz

Jim Duggan

Booker T

Mick Foley

Jack Swagger (I think - not 100% sure he ever Main Evented)


So that's 3 legends and 7 current stars (someone will shout if I've forgotten someone). Of those 7 one wrestler was out in the first half of the match, and 4 were in the last 5 entrants. One of the others holds a midcard title. There was just never the chance of someone fighting through the odds to last ages before getting the win - The Miz has been treated so badly that although he was having a run to re-establich himself, he was never going to win. That made the first half an hour or so... kind of pointless. That's why I'm so suprised Kane wasn't part of the event. I guess Henry may have been a planned entrant but wasn't fit enough, which would have helped.


And anyone "WWE superstar is eligible to enter!". But Camacho decided to ride his bike in. Ted DiBiase forgot what day the Rumble was on. Stupid tagline.

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Henry v Big Show v Bryan - Henry looked weak but kudos to him for working through an injury. Slingshots into the cage were good. Nice spot with Bryan dangling outside the cage but they should have made it a fake-out and extended the match another 5 minutes. Weak opener but at least Bryan retained.


Diva Tag match - Watchable because it was fast-paced and aggressive. I like Tamina because she's not a stereotypical diva.


Cena v Kane - Old school Kane. Dominated the entire match and Cena got to show off his defensive selling (his greatest strength, IMO). Double count-out allowed Cena to embrace the hate but instead Kane took out both Cena and Ryder. Still no choke slam on Eve (damn PG). I was hoping for a good match and they delivered. The feud is far from over.


I enjoyed the Cena and Rock promos.


Funkasaurus v McIntyre - Bonus squash match. "You're an absolute disgrace!" :) Good exposure for both wrestlers.


Ziggler v Punk - Really good, absorbing match. Almost turned into the St. Louis Screwjob. Punk retains (I thought he might "accidentally" lose) and Johnny Ace sucks up to save his job. No title hot potato on this PPV.


Royal Rumble - Fun after a predictable start (Miz v Riley, Miz v Truth). Most of the undercard took their chance to shine. Jericho and Sheamus had a good mini-match at the end. The result works for me. Keeps Jericho's storyline a mystery and completes Sheamus' rise from midcard to main event.


Best spots: Mick Foley directing traffic in the ring, Primo balancing upside on the turnbuckle, Ricardo Rodriguez, Socko v Cobra, Kofi's parkour act, Kharma's return, Road Dogg & Hacksaw, Orton Double-DDT, Rhodes eliminating most of the crowd favourites, Big Show eliminating Miz, Rhodes and Ziggler in the space of a minute, Jericho eliminating Orton, the non-rushed ending.


Average start to the Royal Rumble PPV. Picked up with Cena v Kane. Ended strong with the 2 main events.

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Sheamus winning the RR could be a swerve. If he wins at the EC (I noticed the font was green) does that mean Jericho gets the Mania spot instead, forcing a match with Punk? BTW, DiBiase wasn't in the Rumble because he's injured.


And I didn't mind the emphasis on the undercard in the Rumble. It was a good thing, IMO, and at least we didn't see much of the usual suspects like Cena and Orton.


Also, I'm shocked more people didn't enjoy Cena being destroyed by Kane. Did people really want him to win without going through hell first?

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Cena needed a reason to embrace the hate, and Kane smashing the injured Ryder with a tombstone does just that. Plus it will give Cena something to do before WM. The Crowd was smokin hot during the Cena-Kane match as well.


Yup only 1 month left of this and then full Wrestlemania mode!


Could Punk and Bryan retain their titles at Mania??? I am thinking it's possible if they are still champions going into Mania.


My projected Mania card for now (it's never too early)


John Cena vs The Rock


CM Punk vs Chris Jericho for the WWE Title


Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus for the Heavyweight Title


Cody Rhodes vs Goldust for the IC Title


Undertaker vs Kane


Alberto Del Rio, Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger vs Brodus Clay, R-Truth, Zack Ryder, and Kofi Kingston


Wade Barrett vs Big Show vs Mark Henry vs ??? vs ??? vs ??? SD! MITB


That is roughly what I think they MIGHT do for Wrestlemania.

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I enjoyed the Rumble last night. I've seen complaints that there weren't enough 'big names', but that's pretty much a problem that WWE is dealing with as a whole right now, not just for the Rumble match. It produced quite a few memorable moments and I was happy to see Sheamus win, because after being hotshotted to a title win and struggling to get over he's been excellent since he got drafted to Smackdown.


As for Orton, I don't think it's unlikely that he and Barrett will continue to feud until Wrestlemania and have a big grudge match. They'll probably both be involved in Smackdown's Elimination Chamber match so it won't happen then. It's been a great feud and I wouldn't be disappointed to see it go on until April.


With Rock/Cena, then possible Y2J/Punk, Sheamus/Bryan, HHH/Taker and Orton/Barrett matches, plus the rumoured return of MITB, Wrestlemania is shaping up to be an outstanding card.

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