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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Wade's NEVER going to be anything amazing. Cena ensured that.


I'd love an explanation of what you mean by that.




What they SHOULD do is let 'Taker retire with it intact. It adds mystique to it. Even for the next few years after he's done, the streak would hang over Wrestlemania.


"Is 'Taker coming back? One more match? Who could he face?"


That's the right thing to do in my opinion. I'm just thinking that HHH might end it for whatever reason.

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"I gave it my all, I have much respect for The Rock/The Undertaker after this!" No matter who wins, that just won't impact me in any way, because it just doesn't matter. I'm not invested in either feud.


It means everything to Cena. I don't think it's a loss that'll be brushed aside.

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I'd love an explanation of what you mean by that.


Wade came in running, and immediately hit the Cena wall. A wall he will never recover from. He'll always be the man who, with an army of SEVEN, accomplished nothing. Even when they beat the hell out of John Cena, he gave a thumbs up to the fans to completely screw the whole attack up and make no one give a crap because, hey, John'll be back next week at 100%.


Any chance Wade had at ever being _anything_, died with that thumb going up. Everything after just further destroyed any chance at a great career.

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That's crazy. Because he had one minor hiccup early in his career, he'll never go anywhere? Let's be honest, most marks have short memories, and most smarks have pretty much figured out that Barrett could have had 20 dudes and not beaten Cena, because that's the way Cena was booked at that point.

If it had have been a screwup of Shockmaster-esque proportions, then yes, I'd agree, but a minor thing like that? I'd be surprised if most people even remember it.


I seem to remember some dude named Rocky Maivia being less than completely over at one point early in his career, and he seemed to get over it okay. I think he's wrestling again soon, actually...

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It means everything to Cena. I don't think it's a loss that'll be brushed aside.


So, you think he is going to lose? Interesting.



Anyways, it mean's absolutely nothing to me, or to anyone else I know. Everyone I know is 100% sure that The Rock is going to win. I'm the only one I know that thinks Cena is going to actually win (that I know personally).


That tells me they haven't told a good enough story for anyone to really invest in the match. It's bassically a popularity contest, and The Rock is more popular with most people. The only people I know that even think Cena has a chance are very young, lol.... and I mean VERY.


IF The Rock wins, I think this might be good though... because if they made me care if Cena wins or not, and The Rock wins, yeah... I would imagine that would do something to Cena. But losing right now, at this time, means nothing.

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I dunno man. I feel like Cena kinda put Barrett over a bit. For a young unkown talent like that to make a huge impact ont he maine vent scene... It's not unprecedented but it's certainly not a common thing.


When he was feuding with Cena he was headlining PPVs. Since the move to smackdown, he's been a standard midcard act. If you feel he should be further along than it is, I'm really not sure how to blame Cena for any of it. But I do think Barrett will be a top performer one day. He does good work.




On the HHH issue: I don't really predict HHH will win. I'm more taking the side that I have a sneaking suspicion he might. For the reasons previously mentioned.


I think 'Taker should win and keep the streak going. Even if it's his last match. I am just having a hard time looking at it with a clear head and wondering if I'm only of that opinion because it's what makes sense or is it because I'm a fan of a guy I grew up admiring.

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That's crazy. Because he had one minor hiccup early in his career, he'll never go anywhere? Let's be honest, most marks have short memories, and most smarks have pretty much figured out that Barrett could have had 20 dudes and not beaten Cena, because that's the way Cena was booked at that point.

If it had have been a screwup of Shockmaster-esque proportions, then yes, I'd agree, but a minor thing like that? I'd be surprised if most people even remember it.


I seem to remember some dude named Rocky Maivia being less than completely over at one point early in his career, and he seemed to get over it okay. I think he's wrestling again soon, actually...


Alot of people think that way though, all you have to do is check out other wrestling boards.


It's like, a new wrestler comes in, they get behind them, then say WWE has completely ruined (Or John Cena) that person when they lose.... Never taking into account that there isn't a single wrestler I can think of that didn't lose when starting out, to include Steve Austin, The Rock, Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, and... well, John Cena.


They've all been in Wades shoe's. The character is what matters, and if Wade doesn't get anyone to invest in his character, he will find himself on the other end again and again, no matter how many Ortons he throws down stairs.

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So, you think he is going to lose? Interesting.



Anyways, it mean's absolutely nothing to me, or to anyone else I know. Everyone I know is 100% sure that The Rock is going to win. I'm the only one I know that thinks Cena is going to actually win (that I know personally).


That tells me they haven't told a good enough story for anyone to really invest in the match. It's bassically a popularity contest, and The Rock is more popular with most people. The only people I know that even think Cena has a chance are very young, lol.... and I mean VERY.


IF The Rock wins, I think this might be good though... because if they made me care if Cena wins or not, and The Rock wins, yeah... I would imagine that would do something to Cena. But losing right now, at this time, means nothing.


imho...Cena vs. Rock is all about Cena losing, regrouping, dealing with the dissapointment, the shame of losing to a man he actually feels is beneath him, and setting up for Cena/Rock 2 in New Jersey ... which Cena may actually win and go over HUGE.


EDIT: Most people are thinking this is the END of a storyline, when I think it's going to be the BEGINNING of one.

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imho...Cena vs. Rock is all about Cena losing, regrouping, dealing with the dissapointment, the shame of losing to a man he actually feels is beneath him, and setting up for Cena/Rock 2 in New Jersey ... which Cena may actually win and go over HUGE.


EDIT: Most people are thinking this is the END of a storyline, when I think it's going to be the BEGINNING of one.


That's interesting. I could get behind that, but I felt like the whole reason Rock was doing it was to prove how much better his "era" was then the "Cena" era. Why would he come back, unless he is serious about staying around, which I really doubt.

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That's interesting. I could get behind that, but I felt like the whole reason Rock was doing it was to prove how much better his "era" was then the "Cena" era. Why would he come back, unless he is serious about staying around, which I really doubt.


He's already signed on for the next Wrestlemania. [citation needed] Storyline wise... there's a few ways. Ramp up Cena's edge to the point where it's obvious he's better then he was before, making Rock's victory over a 'emotionally weakened' Cena suspect. AKA Cena at 100% would dominate Rock. Other way is use a dusty finish, or even have Cena snap after losing, beating Rock down in Miami. Then he comes out on RAW and still plays the face, albeit one who made a big mistake. Shades of gray type stuff.


Or just have Cena challenge him to a rematch and put something big on the line to hook him in. Cena losses he retires or something.

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While we're at it, the 'Undertaker wanted Orton to end the streak' line is misleading. When the match was made, there was some consideration given to Orton going over but ultimately Vince decided against it. It wasn't some Undertaker vs. Vince argument or anything like that.


That would have been a perfect ending, then. Legend vs legend killer. Asside HBK's matches, that was the match of the streak that i marked more about in recent years.


Edit: Did Bobby Laslhey really left the E becasue of racist friction with creative, specifically Michael Hayes? I mean...how would Vince allow that? I thought he wanted to push Lashley to the moon!

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imho...Cena vs. Rock is all about Cena losing, regrouping, dealing with the dissapointment, the shame of losing to a man he actually feels is beneath him, and setting up for Cena/Rock 2 in New Jersey ... which Cena may actually win and go over HUGE.


EDIT: Most people are thinking this is the END of a storyline, when I think it's going to be the BEGINNING of one.



That's actually something I'd like to see. I like how your mind works sometimes!!


As for Wade, I don't see him as not going anywhere. I think he'd be a good champ. Can't wait to see it happen. :)

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He's already signed on for the next Wrestlemania. [citation needed] Storyline wise... there's a few ways. Ramp up Cena's edge to the point where it's obvious he's better then he was before, making Rock's victory over a 'emotionally weakened' Cena suspect. AKA Cena at 100% would dominate Rock. Other way is use a dusty finish, or even have Cena snap after losing, beating Rock down in Miami. Then he comes out on RAW and still plays the face, albeit one who made a big mistake. Shades of gray type stuff.


Or just have Cena challenge him to a rematch and put something big on the line to hook him in. Cena losses he retires or something.


Ryder will cost Cena the match against Rock in Miami.


Just saying. Cena, job cleanly? Nah.

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Ryder will cost Cena the match against Rock in Miami.


Just saying. Cena, job cleanly? Nah.


I kind of hope so. I'm looking forward to seeing heel Ryder. Maybe he won't be fast forward bait for me once all this cutesy "woo woo woo" crap goes away thanks to Kane getting him to embrace the hate.

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Faces shouldn't job clean.


I like the Ryder interference, or Miz interfering to help Rock, like Rock helped him last year.


In Miami, Cena's not gonna be the face. Even if he was, a clean job against one of the best of all time, in his home town, at Mania, doesn't hurt.

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Cena putting his career on the line would mean something. You know, if this was 20 years ago. Dusty Finish to the main event of Wrestlemania? Another stellar idea. Babyfaces losing clean just kills them dead you know. No babyface ever lost clean and didn't end up worse for it. Ever. In history. There is no way to book a clean babyface loss and make them more over for it. Nope Not at all.
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Cena putting his career on the line would mean something. You know, if this was 20 years ago. Dusty Finish to the main event of Wrestlemania? Another stellar idea. Babyfaces losing clean just kills them dead you know. No babyface ever lost clean and didn't end up worse for it. Ever. In history. There is no way to book a clean babyface loss and make them more over for it. Nope Not at all.


Just to make things clear, I want him to lose clean to advance the storyline.


My feelers say you dont like Cena...

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If Cena can't use the story to further his character and advance his career, then he doesn't deserve to be in the same ring with Rock.




I think Cena can do it. I mean he had the crowd behind him Monday night. Losing to the Rock with a good storyline to follow WILL be a good thing if he can make it work.


It's a wait and see game now.

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Well, i don't know why anyone speaks poorly of the WWE booking. A few years ago we would be saying who would win what match, and now, no one seems to be sure. I'm just saying...if it generates this much discussion between us, the smarts, imagine between the marks. So, whoever wins, it's money in the bank.


I LIKE the current booking, for the most part. I am a wrestling fan again, right now. There's a few things I'm not fond of, like Trips deciding to rub his own ego more, but for the most part, very happy to be a wrestling fan.

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