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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I LIKE the current booking, for the most part. I am a wrestling fan again, right now. There's a few things I'm not fond of, like Trips deciding to rub his own ego more, but for the most part, very happy to be a wrestling fan.


i for one agree. Sure, some things need to improve, but it's good right now. And yeah, Trips and his ego are a negative note. But some things never change. Anyone knows the answer to my Bobby Lashley question?

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Just to make things clear, I want him to lose clean to advance the storyline.


My feelers say you dont like Cena...


I dont think he likes anyone. Or anything for that matter...


I just don't see WWE asking Cena to clean job to the Rock. It's in Miami. I'm aware. But thats irrelevant. We've seen guys lose int heir hometown before. It's wrestlemania.


I dunno how it'll end but I dont see either guy actually losing the match. It's gotta end messy it's the only way I see them booking it.

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The way I see it, Rock winning clean is the ideal result. Cena trying to bounce back from (cleanly) losing the biggest match of his career would be the most interesting thing they've done with him in years. Of course, this would be dependent on WWE having at least a verbal commitment from Rock to do a rematch sometime down the road, because the story only works if Cena gets a chance to avenge his defeat.
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The way I see it, Rock winning clean is the ideal result. Cena trying to bounce back from (cleanly) losing the biggest match of his career would be the most interesting thing they've done with him in years. Of course, this would be dependent on WWE having at least a verbal commitment from Rock to do a rematch sometime down the road, because the story only works if Cena gets a chance to avenge his defeat.


Rock's signed for next Mania. It's confirmed. Wether it'll be Cena or not, is anyone's guess, but they'll get another match out of him.

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Cena putting his career on the line would mean something. You know, if this was 20 years ago. Dusty Finish to the main event of Wrestlemania? Another stellar idea. Babyfaces losing clean just kills them dead you know. No babyface ever lost clean and didn't end up worse for it. Ever. In history. There is no way to book a clean babyface loss and make them more over for it. Nope Not at all.


I know you're being facetious and all, and it's moot anyway because Cena won't be seen as the babyface for that night at least, but how many other times in WWE history has the top babyface not gone over in the main event of Wrestlemania? I count 3 in Wrestlemania history, and ironically enough, all involve Cena or Rock, unless you count Hogan putting over Warrior.


As far as what others are saying, no matter what they do I'm not sure how a no-contest is anything but the worst possible result ever for a match that's been built up to for a year.

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That would have been a perfect ending, then. Legend vs legend killer. Asside HBK's matches, that was the match of the streak that i marked more about in recent years.


Edit: Did Bobby Laslhey really left the E becasue of racist friction with creative, specifically Michael Hayes? I mean...how would Vince allow that? I thought he wanted to push Lashley to the moon!


I believe it had more to do with them releasing the love of his life, and the storyline she was in I don't think he liked at the time either (Getting married to Teddy). I don't remember anything about him saying they were rascist.

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I dunno, they only real reason that Dwayne Johnson came back to WWE at all, was because Vince McMahon own's the rights to the name "The Rock"


When the Rock was making movies while he was still wrestling, he was advertised as Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. When he left WWE to make movies, he was advertised only as Dwayne Johnson.

The Rock wants to use the character name to boost up ticket and dvd sales, so that he can make more money. Vince McMahon is a great buisness man.

Dwayne scratches Vince's back, come back here and there, gets to use the Name "The Rock", Vince McMahon gets to get his cut in any movies that are advertising him as the Rock, and probably gets a small cut in dvd sales too. lol as Vince would say "It's good for Buisness)


Wheither Cena will win or lose, I dunno. "Good for Buisness" would be John Cena winning clean over The Rock, the same way Hulk Hogan put over The Rock at Wrestlemania 18.

The Rock does have a huge ego, he could pull the same crap the Ultimate Warrior did when he was WWF Title. Go in WM saying he will put Cena over, then WM day, saying I either want to win, or I want more money.


Personally, it would be best for Cena to win, and then if The Rock has signed to the next WM, then let the Rock win. Having The Rock win will be pointless, as he is going to do the same thing this year, as he did at last year. Rock will come in to fight, then after WM, he won't be heard of until the next WM.


Unless Vince gives Dwayne another birthday party

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I believe it had more to do with them releasing the love of his life, and the storyline she was in I don't think he liked at the time either (Getting married to Teddy). I don't remember anything about him saying they were rascist.


I saw in an article, (can't remember which site, i'll try to find it) that the Kristal thing ws in fact the fuse,but after her release they began ignoring him, saying they had no ideas for him atm and Michael Hayes went as far as doing some racist remarks.

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I dunno, they only real reason that Dwayne Johnson came back to WWE at all, was because Vince McMahon own's the rights to the name "The Rock"


When the Rock was making movies while he was still wrestling, he was advertised as Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. When he left WWE to make movies, he was advertised only as Dwayne Johnson.

The Rock wants to use the character name to boost up ticket and dvd sales, so that he can make more money. Vince McMahon is a great buisness man.

Dwayne scratches Vince's back, come back here and there, gets to use the Name "The Rock", Vince McMahon gets to get his cut in any movies that are advertising him as the Rock, and probably gets a small cut in dvd sales too. lol as Vince would say "It's good for Buisness)


Wheither Cena will win or lose, I dunno. "Good for Buisness" would be John Cena winning clean over The Rock, the same way Hulk Hogan put over The Rock at Wrestlemania 18.

The Rock does have a huge ego, he could pull the same crap the Ultimate Warrior did when he was WWF Title. Go in WM saying he will put Cena over, then WM day, saying I either want to win, or I want more money.


Personally, it would be best for Cena to win, and then if The Rock has signed to the next WM, then let the Rock win. Having The Rock win will be pointless, as he is going to do the same thing this year, as he did at last year. Rock will come in to fight, then after WM, he won't be heard of until the next WM.


Unless Vince gives Dwayne another birthday party


With what he earns right now, i would say that wasn't the only reason he came back. Plus, at this point, Dwayne's name is already valuable. He's starring in blockbusters that pay him millions. When he's not starring in blockbusters, he's doing other finnancially solid parts. So...i know hios comeback must involve big money for him, of course, or he wouldn't do it...but let's face it: He had no need to comeback right now, risking his body (which is his provider) just to collect a paycheck that he's not desperate to collect right now. Maybe the man does love wrestling and misses it to the point of returning to do this. Sure he needed to be well paid to do so, but i still believe the love for the business had to do with it.

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With what he earns right now, i would say that wasn't the only reason he came back. Plus, at this point, Dwayne's name is already valuable. He's starring in blockbusters that pay him millions. When he's not starring in blockbusters, he's doing other finnancially solid parts. So...i know hios comeback must involve big money for him, of course, or he wouldn't do it...but let's face it: He had no need to comeback right now, risking his body (which is his provider) just to collect a paycheck that he's not desperate to collect right now. Maybe the man does love wrestling and misses it to the point of returning to do this. Sure he needed to be well paid to do so, but i still believe the love for the business had to do with it.


I think the Rock does love wrestling. Plus his fans have probably been asking him on a daily basis for 7 years to return.


I could see Rock beating Cena only to lose in a rematch at Summer Slam. That would set up the final blow off match for Mania next year where Cena would win.


Now that would be good for business. Get 3 big money PPVs out of the feud and possibly a dvd for the feud down the road.

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I think the Rock does love wrestling. Plus his fans have probably been asking him on a daily basis for 7 years to return.


I could see Rock beating Cena only to lose in a rematch at Summer Slam. That would set up the final blow off match for Mania next year where Cena would win.


Now that would be good for business. Get 3 big money PPVs out of the feud and possibly a dvd for the feud down the road.


I really hope Dwayne wins this one and after it, let them move on to different things. I have no desire to see the WWE banking on this match every single year, for 2 or 3 years, when it's only one of a kind once! Besides, i don't like John Cena (no secret there) and would like to see The Rock fight someone else next time. Seeing The Rock lose to John Cena is a killer for me, as i am a Cena disliker and a Rock liker. But oh well, WWE will milk this to the end of times.

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I really hope Dwayne wins this one and after it, let them move on to different things. I have no desire to see the WWE banking on this match every single year, for 2 or 3 years, when it's only one of a kind once! Besides, i don't like John Cena (no secret there) and would like to see The Rock fight someone else next time. Seeing The Rock lose to John Cena is a killer for me, as i am a Cena disliker and a Rock liker. But oh well, WWE will milk this to the end of times.


I'm a Rock disliker and a Cena liker now-a-days, and I'd much rather see it go three, so Cena can go over big. I mean who else is Rock going to face: Miz? Orton? Would he do the job? Should he?

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I have been a wrestling fan, since I was 4 in 1985, and for different reasons I respect ALL wrestlers.

But, The Rock is the only one that left wrestling for Hollywood, and I'm happy for him. At the same time, I think that Dwayne Johnson is a sell-out due to him turning his back on his Wrestling fans. So I have to agree with everything that John Cena is saying about The Rock. I haven't liked Cena's gimmick for a while, but they are fixing parts of Cena, and I'm def. liking where its going. And for the people who chant "Cena Sucks", it reminds me when Rocky Maivia first started.

Rocky Maivia used to be a babyface wearing his little feathery attire, smiling at the crowd, and after a while, everyone started hating him. It's the same thing thats going on with John Cena. At least the crowd only chants "Cena Sucks", lol the crowd used to chant "Die Rocky Die" and carry in signs of the same type. So at least Cena hasen't been hated as much as the Rock was.

Vince McMahon gave The Rock the microphone and let him speak his mind, and the crowd warmed back up to him. That is what they need to do to Cena. Quit having Cena doing PG, and reading scripts, and let him work his own promos.

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I can't see any benefit with Rocky jobbing to Cena.


The crowd will hate it (and I can't think of anything worse for the 'E than the crowd furiously booing the result of the main event of your biggest event of the year), it won't win over anyone that already hates Cena, and by giving Cena the win right out of the gate, you put a big dent in any benefits to bringing the Rock back later on if the rumours of him being booked for more matches in the future are true.


If I'm booking it, Rock wins clean in Miami, Cena suffers a huge crisis of confidence as a result - you can then spend the next year building him back up, perhaps with a feud against a heel who's good at the psychological side of things and can work that angle via promos (Jericho, perhaps?), culminating in a return match at the next 'Mania, where Cena avenges the loss. After that, I'd probably leave it at 1-1 - I can't see any advantage to dragging the feud out any longer. If Rocky's booked for another match after that, give him a 'loser retires' match against HHH.

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I dunno, they only real reason that Dwayne Johnson came back to WWE at all, was because Vince McMahon own's the rights to the name "The Rock"


When the Rock was making movies while he was still wrestling, he was advertised as Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. When he left WWE to make movies, he was advertised only as Dwayne Johnson.

The Rock wants to use the character name to boost up ticket and dvd sales, so that he can make more money. Vince McMahon is a great buisness man.

Dwayne scratches Vince's back, come back here and there, gets to use the Name "The Rock", Vince McMahon gets to get his cut in any movies that are advertising him as the Rock, and probably gets a small cut in dvd sales too. lol as Vince would say "It's good for Buisness)


Wheither Cena will win or lose, I dunno. "Good for Buisness" would be John Cena winning clean over The Rock, the same way Hulk Hogan put over The Rock at Wrestlemania 18.

The Rock does have a huge ego, he could pull the same crap the Ultimate Warrior did when he was WWF Title. Go in WM saying he will put Cena over, then WM day, saying I either want to win, or I want more money.


Personally, it would be best for Cena to win, and then if The Rock has signed to the next WM, then let the Rock win. Having The Rock win will be pointless, as he is going to do the same thing this year, as he did at last year. Rock will come in to fight, then after WM, he won't be heard of until the next WM.


Unless Vince gives Dwayne another birthday party


I have to wonder where you get the idea that Rock has this out of control ego to the point that you're comparing him to Warrior's delusions of grandeur. Unlike Warrior, Rocky worked for WWE for what, 9 years without ever not being under contract because of silly disputes? And almost half of that time he was getting movie work, so it's not as if he would've been totally unjustified in making himself a star. Instead, he's always been willing to put over talent, from Mankind to the Hurricane to Evolution; in fact, as a top babyface he lost more than any other top babyface in decades, possibly ever, and even when he came back and turned heel as a "hollywood" sellout, he proceeded to put over Goldberg and never tried to politic himself into a title he didn't deserve because he wasn't on the road full-time (compare with Hogan, Hollywood, circa 1998).


I have been a wrestling fan, since I was 4 in 1985, and for different reasons I respect ALL wrestlers.

But, The Rock is the only one that left wrestling for Hollywood, and I'm happy for him. At the same time, I think that Dwayne Johnson is a sell-out due to him turning his back on his Wrestling fans. So I have to agree with everything that John Cena is saying about The Rock.


It's fair to dislike The Rock for getting a better job and making more money where he doesn't have to take bumps at house shows 3 nights a week, but I guess that doesn't explain why you think he's some kind of egomaniac.


I mean has there ever been a "Rock refused to job" type story on any dirtsheet, ever?, the way there is with Hogan, Undertaker, HBK, Triple H, Austin, etc.? I'm not saying that would be definitive proof but it's a "where there's smoke, there's fire," situation, and right now you're just assuming there's a fire when everything is not only not smoky, it's minty fresh.

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I can't see any benefit with Rocky jobbing to Cena.


The crowd will hate it (and I can't think of anything worse for the 'E than the crowd furiously booing the result of the main event of your biggest event of the year), it won't win over anyone that already hates Cena, and by giving Cena the win right out of the gate, you put a big dent in any benefits to bringing the Rock back later on if the rumours of him being booked for more matches in the future are true.


If I'm booking it, Rock wins clean in Miami, Cena suffers a huge crisis of confidence as a result - you can then spend the next year building him back up, perhaps with a feud against a heel who's good at the psychological side of things and can work that angle via promos (Jericho, perhaps?), culminating in a return match at the next 'Mania, where Cena avenges the loss. After that, I'd probably leave it at 1-1 - I can't see any advantage to dragging the feud out any longer. If Rocky's booked for another match after that, give him a 'loser retires' match against HHH.


Really? Against HHH? Are you kidding? 2 old farts in loser retire match? Then they should both lose, right? Because it woud probably be Rock's final match and all. And isn't Trips ego big enough already? Rock jobbing to him? Or trips even being in that match? God, i hope not!

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I can't see any benefit with Rocky jobbing to Cena.


The crowd will hate it (and I can't think of anything worse for the 'E than the crowd furiously booing the result of the main event of your biggest event of the year), it won't win over anyone that already hates Cena, and by giving Cena the win right out of the gate, you put a big dent in any benefits to bringing the Rock back later on if the rumours of him being booked for more matches in the future are true.


If I'm booking it, Rock wins clean in Miami, Cena suffers a huge crisis of confidence as a result - you can then spend the next year building him back up, perhaps with a feud against a heel who's good at the psychological side of things and can work that angle via promos (Jericho, perhaps?), culminating in a return match at the next 'Mania, where Cena avenges the loss. After that, I'd probably leave it at 1-1 - I can't see any advantage to dragging the feud out any longer. If Rocky's booked for another match after that, give him a 'loser retires' match against HHH.


You don't see any advantage? Cena is the guy that's on the road 7 days a week and he beats a guy that hasn't wrestled in years but is still more over than him. The result is: Cena is more over. If they do want to turn Cena heel it would give him a great reason to work against Punk or Orton or whoever- that the crowd booed him on the biggest stage on the biggest win of his career. Not saying that's a good idea either, but I don't really understand the "no benefit" idea. To me the benefit is that the guy that's part of your regular roster looks better than the nostalgia guy, so at least younger fans won't get this idea that the Attitude era was this golden age; some smarks will still think that anyway, but I think it's better not to encourage them.


Besides, I don't think there's the same value to Rock coming back whether he wins or loses- he's an attraction now, and the whole reason people want to see him wrestle is they haven't seen it in years. If he works another show next year it won't have the same appeal no matter what.


And I'm not sure what you mean by "right out of the gate?" This feud has been going on for a year!

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It's fair to dislike The Rock for getting a better job and making more money where he doesn't have to take bumps at house shows 3 nights a week, but I guess that doesn't explain why you think he's some kind of egomaniac.


I mean has there ever been a "Rock refused to job" type story on any dirtsheet, ever?, the way there is with Hogan, Undertaker, HBK, Triple H, Austin, etc.? I'm not saying that would be definitive proof but it's a "where there's smoke, there's fire," situation, and right now you're just assuming there's a fire when everything is not only not smoky, it's minty fresh.


Yeah, it's not. I can't really understand why a guy who gets a better job, with less chances of hurting himself in the long run and that allows him and his family better chances of a financially solid future is a sell out. I mean...dude, is it a crime to go acting? Please. It's not like he turned his back on wrestling without an explanation. He still jobbed to evolution before departing and cambe back now, when he didn't even needed to, to gives at least one more match. And some people (not saying you, i understand that you're not one of those) still call him a sell out? Some people's definition of sell out needs to be reviewed, or revised, or whatever the word is. Quickly!

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I can't see any benefit with Rocky jobbing to Cena.


The crowd will hate it (and I can't think of anything worse for the 'E than the crowd furiously booing the result of the main event of your biggest event of the year), it won't win over anyone that already hates Cena, and by giving Cena the win right out of the gate, you put a big dent in any benefits to bringing the Rock back later on if the rumours of him being booked for more matches in the future are true.


If I'm booking it, Rock wins clean in Miami, Cena suffers a huge crisis of confidence as a result - you can then spend the next year building him back up, perhaps with a feud against a heel who's good at the psychological side of things and can work that angle via promos (Jericho, perhaps?), culminating in a return match at the next 'Mania, where Cena avenges the loss. After that, I'd probably leave it at 1-1 - I can't see any advantage to dragging the feud out any longer. If Rocky's booked for another match after that, give him a 'loser retires' match against HHH.


This is what should happen, the only way they have Cena win at Mania is if he turns heel (which isn't happening ever).


Also shawn, Rock is hardly an old fart lol, he's like 38. I would rather have him feud with Jericho over HHH though, Rock-Jericho feuds were great back in the day.

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