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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Cameo bits? You know brother... I'm not sure that Surburban Commando, No Holds Barred and Mr. Nanny were just cameo bits... brother? He tried to make it as an actor big time in the early ninties and failed... dude. I noticed watching TNA recently that the man still can't act... brother.


He can't pull off any other character than Hulk Hogan, heel or face. Actor or wrestler.


Well Brother... Surburban Commando was produced by Vince McMahan and well... Hulk Hogan brother! Suburban Commando was a comedy originally intended for Arnold and Danny, who ended up doing "Twins" instead, so they got Hogan to do it as a follow up to Suburban Commando.


Just really, making my point more valid.


EDIT: and just a FYI to the other post that I read... Piper has been working steadily since Wrestlemania III. I wouldn't say he's a huge star at it, just that it's been a way for him to make a living outside of Wrestling, and seems to be doing ok with it.

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Well Brother... Surburban Commando was produced by Vince McMahan and well... Hulk Hogan brother! Suburban Commando was a comedy originally intended for Arnold and Danny, who ended up doing "Twins" instead, so they got Hogan to do it as a follow up to Suburban Commando.


Just really, making my point more valid.


EDIT: and just a FYI to the other post that I read... Piper has been working steadily since Wrestlemania III. I wouldn't say he's a huge star at it, just that it's been a way for him to make a living outside of Wrestling, and seems to be doing ok with it.


Suburban Commando was a follow up to Suburban Commando? :p

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A loss for either guy won't matter. If Cena loses to the Rock then he lost to a guy who came in 100% and was one of the most over wrestlers of all time. If Rock loses to Cena it's because he was rusty. Both guys have a cop out and can demand a rematch basically.


A win for either won't elevate them and a loss for either won't bring them down either. It's a wash. This match is about making money and I think they will make more than on any other Wrestlemania.


Personally I want Rock to win. I think he might win too. I could see it going either way really.




Unrelated, but I hope Punk compares Jericho to Chris Brown this monday.:p

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EDIT: and just a FYI to the other post that I read... Piper has been working steadily since Wrestlemania III. I wouldn't say he's a huge star at it, just that it's been a way for him to make a living outside of Wrestling, and seems to be doing ok with it.

Which is why I threw in the caveat that he & Hogan hadn't succeeded at anywhere near the same level as Rock. "They Live" was a real cult hit, and miles better than any movie where Hogan was the star. Still, his acting career has only been a fraction as successful as Rock's, so I think my original point still stands. Rock is the only guy to truly cross over and become a star in Hollywood.

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Which is why I threw in the caveat that he & Hogan hadn't succeeded at anywhere near the same level as Rock. "They Live" was a real cult hit, and miles better than any movie where Hogan was the star. Still, his acting career has only been a fraction as successful as Rock's, so I think my original point still stands. Rock is the only guy to truly cross over and become a star in Hollywood.


I missunderstood you then. I thought you were saying no one else "Could" have been successful. Reading all the posts at once since my last one, I think I tend to clam a couple posts together that are similar in points.


Truly, the bolded is 100% correct... obvious even.


I'm just saying if you look at what they did, like compare Piper to Hogan... Piper's list of tries is much larger then Hogans. To me Hogan never gave his all to it, other's might think differently, but the guy always seemed to pick something somehow related to wrestling, which really I can understand, it's the only thing he probably felt comfortable doing (going all the way back to Rocky III). My point in the above post is that he could have done alot of "Arnold" type movies, but for some reason went a different route. I mean... Arnold isn't exactly a "great" actor either, but he is the most successful Bodybuilder that ever went Hollywood, and I just think Hogan "could" have played alot of the parts Arnold played... I mean come on... Hogan would have made a great Terminator.

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How dare you.:p


You get my meaning though... Alot of Arnolds roles (and other's into the all action movies) aren't really known for the "acting" in them. Cena, Austin, Hogan, Rock, and a number of other's could have done movies like that.


Now, if I told you that I think Hogan could have done character acting in alot of the parts that I've seen Sean Connery do, or even an older Burt Reynolds, I could understand someone giving me grief about it... However, there have been times, and I just tried to find one and couldn't, on youtube, that I did get that feeling. If anyone seen the botch when he fell off the stage when him and Ric Flair were touring, that was one instance. It's when he takes off the doo rag, fake hair or whatever, and just looks normal. I can't see him actually even trying to do a part like that, but I definately think he could play a role as an older coach or someone that gives people insight, knowledge and enhance's their skills. This is something I think he tries to do in real life, but then lets his ego or whatever get in the way, but he definately tries to portray that role (that any fan of wrestling probably won't ever buy) to the public. I do think he could pull off that type of role in a movie though. It's a shame he probably won't ever budge from the "B" film type toughguy that has a wrestling background role, with a golden heart character's.


Just my two cents, but I do think John Cena could do a great deal in movies if he ever gets out of the WWE "B" movies, as he is ussually on par with the rest of the cast, if not even better (and they are "real" actors).

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See, there is a big difference to saying, "Cena or Hogan haven't succeeded to the level the rock has" and saying "the Rock succeeded where other didn't".


They're two different points. And we're not talking quality here. If you look at the top 10 films of the year, most of those aren't "good" films yet you can't outright call them unsuccessful either.


Either way, hardcore cynical film nerd here TOTALLY loved Legendary... just sayin'

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I missunderstood you then. I thought you were saying no one else "Could" have been successful. Reading all the posts at once since my last one, I think I tend to clam a couple posts together that are similar in points.


Truly, the bolded is 100% correct... obvious even.


I'm just saying if you look at what they did, like compare Piper to Hogan... Piper's list of tries is much larger then Hogans. To me Hogan never gave his all to it, other's might think differently, but the guy always seemed to pick something somehow related to wrestling, which really I can understand, it's the only thing he probably felt comfortable doing (going all the way back to Rocky III). My point in the above post is that he could have done alot of "Arnold" type movies, but for some reason went a different route. I mean... Arnold isn't exactly a "great" actor either, but he is the most successful Bodybuilder that ever went Hollywood, and I just think Hogan "could" have played alot of the parts Arnold played... I mean come on... Hogan would have made a great Terminator.


Please go mark for Hogan in la-la land. Not here! Do you even read yourself? A great terminator? really? :D And he failed as an actor, period. He tried hard and he failed.

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You get my meaning though... Alot of Arnolds roles (and other's into the all action movies) aren't really known for the "acting" in them. Cena, Austin, Hogan, Rock, and a number of other's could have done movies like that.


Now, if I told you that I think Hogan could have done character acting in alot of the parts that I've seen Sean Connery do, or even an older Burt Reynolds, I could understand someone giving me grief about it... However, there have been times, and I just tried to find one and couldn't, on youtube, that I did get that feeling. If anyone seen the botch when he fell off the stage when him and Ric Flair were touring, that was one instance. It's when he takes off the doo rag, fake hair or whatever, and just looks normal. I can't see him actually even trying to do a part like that, but I definately think he could play a role as an older coach or someone that gives people insight, knowledge and enhance's their skills. This is something I think he tries to do in real life, but then lets his ego or whatever get in the way, but he definately tries to portray that role (that any fan of wrestling probably won't ever buy) to the public. I do think he could pull off that type of role in a movie though. It's a shame he probably won't ever budge from the "B" film type toughguy that has a wrestling background role, with a golden heart character's.


Just my two cents, but I do think John Cena could do a great deal in movies if he ever gets out of the WWE "B" movies, as he is ussually on par with the rest of the cast, if not even better (and they are "real" actors).


I dislike John Cena, the wrestler. No secret. But John Cena the actor is bad enough too. If he was that good he would be acting somewhere else, trust me. People just say: he would never leave WWE. BS. Some of these guys never leave because no one offers them a good enough deal. And Cena sucks as an actor.

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Love Super Smackdown. Quality SD with added star power.


Prediction - Miz will be drafted to SD (with an eventual face turn).


Bryan v Punk - Epic! I was squealing like a little girl the whole time. Even the false finishes and GM involvement were entertaining. And the draw finish after a superplex was a brilliant spot. Match of the year.




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I dislike John Cena, the wrestler. No secret. But John Cena the actor is bad enough too. If he was that good he would be acting somewhere else, trust me. People just say: he would never leave WWE. BS. Some of these guys never leave because no offers them a good enough deal. And Cena sucks as an actor.


Have you ever watched any movie he done? Obviously you haven't.


Even the biggest John Cena hater's after watching one of his movies would at least agree that his acting isn't bad.


Another one I thought did pretty good was Big Show.


Triple H on the other hand, I was totally unimpressed with his acting.

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Have you ever watched any movie he done? Obviously you haven't.


Even the biggest John Cena hater's after watching one of his movies would at least agree that his acting isn't bad.


Another one I thought did pretty good was Big Show.


Triple H on the other hand, I was totally unimpressed with his acting.


Well there is a difference between movie acting and actual acting.


Do you think that John Cena or say Will Smith could pull off acting in a play where they don't have the chance to do multiple takes?

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I dunno how anyone else feels about this, and I know this will probably sound a little strange coming from me, a guy who's been known to get a little unhinged when the awesome little guys get creamed by the enormous monsters simply because they are in fact enormous monsters....


But, I'm just having a really hard time buying David Otunga (or Cody Rhodes either for that matter), beating Ezekial Jackson so easily.


It just looked ridiculous to me, for some reason, and, judging from the reactions I've seen in my family and friends, I wasn't the only one who thought so.


Just a little something I noted while watching the SmackDown this week, seems a guy who looks like Jackson should be a heck of a lot harder to deal with is all.


:o :o :o

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They just failed at making it look realistic is all. Better luck next time?


I've always held the opposing viewpoint, because it's obvious. Many people will bring up this and that, but the whole reason you have weight divisions in other sports (boxing and MMA for examples, Wrestling in the olympics), is because it's totally uneven for evenly skilled opponants with 100 pounds weight difference to go up against each other, the bigger guy has the advantage. Yes, a small guy with alot more skill can whip a bigger guys butt... but when your looking at even opponants, its a bit different.


I'm a big guy (not huge, but 6'3"). Whenever I have been in any confrontations with smaller guys (and I mean small, not someone that looks like a miniature Hulk), I've always tried not to hurt them more then protecting myself. It's alot like trying to NOT fight a woman, because the result is the same. You hurt them, your a big bully. You get beat by them, How could you let them beat you? Either way it's a lose situation, and there is a reason for it.


It's because it's totally unfair to the smaller person. IN PRO-Wrestling, you have to really put out that the smaller guy is smarter, better, faster or something in a huge way to make it believable that the smaller guy wins.


Before anyone says "I'm small, and have whipped bigger guys alot!". Take a moment to look at who your opponant was and if they had your skills or not firstly... Secondly take a long look at if there was a chance they were holding back or not... Did they try to NOT fall on you for example (that's a big one, when your trying to protect yourself, win and not hurt anyone in the process... tends to put you in weird predicaments and you have to decide which way your going to fall, amongst alot of other things). Lots of reasons why you won, and alot of it just has to do with your skill versus theirs, because I'm perfectly aware there are guys even bigger then myself, that wouldn't have a problem hurting someone smaller then what I would even think about.


Anyways, that's how it goes with bigger guys if we lose "How did that happen, you a wimp?" if you win "Well, look at you and look at him, I can't believe you would do that!"


That's public consensus right there if there is any... Why would the reactions be like that? It's because that's how it's percieved and you have to work with that in Pro-Wrestling.

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Comparing Hogan's acting to Arnie's is such a ridiculous and asinine statement that I have hard time believing anybody could be serious when they say it. Given who did say it, though....


Arnie wasn't great but he was Olivier compared to Hogan.


You do this all the time... I only said Arnold wasn't known for his "Great Acting" in those action flicks, and that Hogan could have played in a number movies like that, if he would have gone that route instead of the route he went. If I thought he could act, I wouldn't have said:

Hogan is NOT a good actor



And again, your rudeness when no one has said or done anything to you is disturbing to say the least.

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Have you ever watched any movie he done? Obviously you haven't.


Even the biggest John Cena hater's after watching one of his movies would at least agree that his acting isn't bad.


Another one I thought did pretty good was Big Show.


Triple H on the other hand, I was totally unimpressed with his acting.


Yes, of course i have. How would i say he sucks if i hadn't? He sucks! That's what i think. And so do critics, by the way. Nothing personal, i just don't like his movies. But hey, he acts better than he wrestles. I'll give you that much.


Well there is a difference between movie acting and actual acting.


Do you think that John Cena or say Will Smith could pull off acting in a play where they don't have the chance to do multiple takes?


Putting John Cena and Will Smith on the same league is not acceptable. Smith is a great actor. And putting theater ahead of tv acting is also not good. Theater had it's run. It's outdated. I don't think of someone as a lesser actor just because he needs more or less takes. I care about the final product.


I dunno how anyone else feels about this, and I know this will probably sound a little strange coming from me, a guy who's been known to get a little unhinged when the awesome little guys get creamed by the enormous monsters simply because they are in fact enormous monsters....


But, I'm just having a really hard time buying David Otunga (or Cody Rhodes either for that matter), beating Ezekial Jackson so easily.


It just looked ridiculous to me, for some reason, and, judging from the reactions I've seen in my family and friends, I wasn't the only one who thought so.


Just a little something I noted while watching the SmackDown this week, seems a guy who looks like Jackson should be a heck of a lot harder to deal with is all.


:o :o :o


Yeah, this pisses me off...a lot! Vince spends time pushing big guys like Zeke, then gets bored and uses them to get the flavour of the month over. I don't even like big guys that much, but it's stupid and unrealistic that a big guy like Zeke, that not that long ago made Big Show tremble, is now a joke on national TV. I mean...who eats that up? And it's not just Zeke Jackson. He's done it thousands of times.

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They just failed at making it look realistic is all. Better luck next time?


I've always held the opposing viewpoint, because it's obvious. Many people will bring up this and that, but the whole reason you have weight divisions in other sports (boxing and MMA for examples, Wrestling in the olympics), is because it's totally uneven for evenly skilled opponants with 100 pounds weight difference to go up against each other, the bigger guy has the advantage. Yes, a small guy with alot more skill can whip a bigger guys butt... but when your looking at even opponants, its a bit different.


I'm a big guy (not huge, but 6'3"). Whenever I have been in any confrontations with smaller guys (and I mean small, not someone that looks like a miniature Hulk), I've always tried not to hurt them more then protecting myself. It's alot like trying to NOT fight a woman, because the result is the same. You hurt them, your a big bully. You get beat by them, How could you let them beat you? Either way it's a lose situation, and there is a reason for it.


It's because it's totally unfair to the smaller person. IN PRO-Wrestling, you have to really put out that the smaller guy is smarter, better, faster or something in a huge way to make it believable that the smaller guy wins.


Before anyone says "I'm small, and have whipped bigger guys alot!". Take a moment to look at who your opponant was and if they had your skills or not firstly... Secondly take a long look at if there was a chance they were holding back or not... Did they try to NOT fall on you for example (that's a big one, when your trying to protect yourself, win and not hurt anyone in the process... tends to put you in weird predicaments and you have to decide which way your going to fall, amongst alot of other things). Lots of reasons why you won, and alot of it just has to do with your skill versus theirs, because I'm perfectly aware there are guys even bigger then myself, that wouldn't have a problem hurting someone smaller then what I would even think about.


Anyways, that's how it goes with bigger guys if we lose "How did that happen, you a wimp?" if you win "Well, look at you and look at him, I can't believe you would do that!"


That's public consensus right there if there is any... Why would the reactions be like that? It's because that's how it's percieved and you have to work with that in Pro-Wrestling.


I still think I could take you ;):cool:;)


So much Cena hate, makes me wonder if I'm watching the same show other people do, because I obviously see something others don't, even when he's in the ring...

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^ I'll admit for the longest time I was just a Cena hater, it seemed like everything he did I just couldn't stand it. Then it all became fashionably cool to rip on him no matter what. Then within the last couple of years I've been able to look passed the hate for him and though he may not be my favorite wrestler and probably won't ever be, I do respect the hell out of the guy, especially now that he's been kind of out of the title picture for nearly a year, and he put on one of his best matches with CM Punk at MITB(is actually when I really had my moment of huge respect for him.) When they were going to try to do the 'Chicago Screw Job' angle and Cena decked Lauranitis and was like 'not this way'

How can you still hate him to crap for doing that?!

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Awesome match between CM Punk and Daniel Bryan! Loved how the fans were actually into it too.


I wonder if there will be a 6 man tag match at WM to determine who runs RAW and Smackdown. Del Rio, Christian and Mark Henry representing Lauranitis against a team for Teddy Long....


This sounds like a very good possibility. I would also place Otunga on team Laurenitis, with Ezekial Jackson on team Long. What other big faces dont have matches yet?


For that matter, who will Kane face?

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