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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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What is wrong with a guy wanting to make more money? Everybody wants more money. I know I want my boss to give me more money and I'd leave for more money if I had the chance.


We don't know that he went to movies for the money. Maybe he went for the lighter schedule.


Also the Rock had made more appearances on RAW in the last year than Undertaker, and maybe about the same as HHH. So are Undertaker and HHH sell outs?


The last thing I am going to say is I loved how the Portland crowd got loud for the Rock. Crowds don't pop like that usually anymore. In the late 90s and early 2000's they did a lot! That is what I think I miss most about back then.


The crowds in the UK still pop at WWE shows in a big way.


I think the American audience is more jaded through over-saturation.

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I think the American audience is more jaded through over-saturation.


I think over stimulation is one of the reasons for sure. The feuds promos don't really seem as good these days.


Is it just me or were wrestlers much better at promos in the late 90s? WWE and WCW had a hand full of guys each who could cut good promos.


It seems like the art of the promo is dieing off some. Maybe it is just my perception.

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I think art of that could be attributed to the death of character. There's only a handful of guys anymore that can't be narrowed down to arrogant heel/honorable baby face. They do t have unique personalities or traits that bleed through into promos as often anymore. It's too much of the same.
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Also the Rock had made more appearances on RAW in the last year than Undertaker, and maybe about the same as HHH. So are Undertaker and HHH sell outs?


Umm no. Undertaker spent the last year healing up from last year's WM. He didn't leave the business.


And HHH has been on Raw on a semi-consistant basis. First as COO, and now as Taker's WM opponent.


How in the slightest does this relate to The Rock leaving the business all-together for 7 years, telling the fans he is back and will NEVER leave, and then leaving again? Sure he has done a few satalite promos. And he has and will do a couple more promos on Raw until WM. But after WM is over, he will leave the business again. Maybe until next year's WM. Maybe for good.

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I think the ability to do promos has been going down for a long time, and I would agree that part of it may be the death of character.


Ya see, a lot of promos these days don't feel like they are in character, either because the wrestler doesn't have a character or because their character is bland. There is very little ranting and raving and outlandishness which I always thought was a highlight back in the day. Imagine if Hulk, Randy Savage, Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes just spend all their time speaking in a normal, medium-pitch, moderate volume voice.


Remember a few years ago, maybe a decade, when everyone was looking back at how great Jake Roberts was because he didn't need to shout to come across as intense? I noticed not long after that, everyone's promos stopped being loud and crazy. Problem is, a bunch of people not as creepy as Jake talking in their normal voices isn't very interesting.


In addition to that, I think promos have struggled since the attitude era when catchphrases became more important than actual promos. A whole generation grew up immitating people like The Rock (seemingly none more so than the WWE writers) and as a result, everyone had stupid rhyming nicknames or repeated lines every time they spoke whether it fit into what was going on or not and spend less time talking about what was actually going on, who they were, who they hated, why they hated them and what was going to happen as a result of said hatred.


To be fair, I think things have been on bit of an upswing since Punk starting owning it on the mic a while back but I honestly believe every wrestler should start every promo with the words "Let me tell you something, Mean Gene" and the quality would pick up from there.

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The crowds in the UK still pop at WWE shows in a big way.


I think the American audience is more jaded through over-saturation.


Aye, the Canadian crowds are still raging hot as well. I remember being part of a "shut the **** up" chant during the PG era at an 08 PPV, during a Dolph Ziggler promo no less. It was pretty special.


Umm no. Undertaker spent the last year healing up from last year's WM. He didn't leave the business.


And HHH has been on Raw on a semi-consistant basis. First as COO, and now as Taker's WM opponent.


How in the slightest does this relate to The Rock leaving the business all-together for 7 years, telling the fans he is back and will NEVER leave, and then leaving again? Sure he has done a few satalite promos. And he has and will do a couple more promos on Raw until WM. But after WM is over, he will leave the business again. Maybe until next year's WM. Maybe for good.


It's no secret The Rock has another life now, that doesn't revolve around wrestling. That said, what's the problem with giving back?


Yeah he's gonna leave again, and I would think people would accept it by now. Let's say Taker plans to wrestle for WM29, he leaves for a year again to recuperate. Would there be that much of a difference between him and Rock then? One's healing up, the other's touring around the world, living HIS life, on a more approachable schedule and has the ability to watch his daughters grow up.


I recall a pivotal motive for The Rock sticking to movies being that he could be part of his family too. The wrestling lifestyle isn't all fun and games and we all know it... how can we go off on some guy for not sticking to it? By comparing him to a guy who admits himself that his movie should've maybe lasted 3 rounds instead of 12... Sure he didn't help matters when he said he was "never leaving again" but I can't be the only one who saw from the start he would never appear on a consistent basis.

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The talk of over saturation reminds me of when WCW created Thunder, Vince balked at them saying they were going to oversaturate their product by having too many shows on tv...


WWE at one point had Raw, ECW/NXT, Superstars, and Smackdown plus AM Raw and those other random highlight shows that get shown at insane hours.


Talk about over saturation

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We don't know that he went to movies for the money. Maybe he went for the lighter schedule.


I'd say it would have been a combination of all the benefits acting has over wrestling. More money, less travel, less risk, more family time, more respect.


It's just an all-round better gig and the decision to leave was a no-brainer; even if fans were upset that he left, not being able to understand why he did baffles me.

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I'd say it would have been a combination of all the benefits acting has over wrestling. More money, less travel, less risk, more family time, more respect.


It's just an all-round better gig and the decision to leave was a no-brainer; even if fans were upset that he left, not being able to understand why he did baffles me.


It's not an all round better gig if you love wrestling as much as he's made out. Most people will do what they love for less money and more hours than the other offer. I think it's that coupled with the fact that he literally couldn't wait to get out. A soon as he had his first major film job, he was gone within 2 years, of which he was only part time for most of those 2 years anyway.


I personally don't have a problem with him or what he's done, but I understand peoples grievances and when he's constantly trying to act like wrestling is his home and what he loves it's rather insulting. If he goes over Cena, people's dislike of him and their suspicions towards his return will be so much more amplified.

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It's not an all round better gig if you love wrestling as much as he's made out. Most people will do what they love for less money and more hours than the other offer. I think it's that coupled with the fact that he literally couldn't wait to get out. A soon as he had his first major film job, he was gone within 2 years, of which he was only part time for most of those 2 years anyway.


I personally don't have a problem with him or what he's done, but I understand peoples grievances and when he's constantly trying to act like wrestling is his home and what he loves it's rather insulting. If he goes over Cena, people's dislike of him and their suspicions towards his return will be so much more amplified.


It is an all round better job if you are getting beat up every day with no breaks whatsoever in the job that you love. Plus, everybody keeps forgetting that the main reason he ever left WWE is because they apparently forgot to renew his contract, and whether or not they actually "forgot" or just didn't want to have a wrestler who was away filming movies alot is another story all together. The Rock probably wanted to remain a part time wrestler, but after the whole contract ordeal he stayed away from pro wrestling for a while, only making occasional appearances. Now it looks like he is here to "stay" as a part time wrestler, wrestling while he isn't filming movies.

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It is an all round better job if you are getting beat up every day with no breaks whatsoever in the job that you love.


They gave him time off when he wanted to make films, they'd have given him time off if he wanted a break. He didn't, he was happy doing what he was doing until something better came along.


You missed my point completely though. He knows what wrestling entails and still claimed it to be his love, so don't try to drag out whatever negatives you can find in a business he's well aware of.


Besides I've already said I have no problem with him and completely understand his decision, but I also understand why people are hating on his performance, shilling of twitter and crap films, desperation at trying to come up with something thats original and trending and the bullshit he's been spouting for the last 10 months in the WWE.

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It's not an all round better gig if you love wrestling as much as he's made out. Most people will do what they love for less money and more hours than the other offer.


Most people will do what's best for the people they love and becoming an actor is unquestionably a smarter choice for a man with kids than being a professional wrestler.


I think it's that coupled with the fact that he literally couldn't wait to get out. A soon as he had his first major film job, he was gone within 2 years, of which he was only part time for most of those 2 years anyway.


WWE let his contract run up. There's no way of knowing whether or not he would have carried on part time if they had made an offer.

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They gave him time off when he wanted to make films, they'd have given him time off if he wanted a break. He didn't, he was happy doing what he was doing until something better came along.


You apparently missed the entire bottom half of my post. They didn't even attempt to renegotiate with him. He probably would've continued doing part-time wrestling had they not "forgotten" to renew his contract.

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You apparently missed the entire bottom half of my post. They didn't even attempt to renegotiate with him. He probably would've continued doing part-time wrestling had they not "forgotten" to renew his contract.


That doesn't have anything to do with what point I was making. Nothing at all. What are you talking about? You were trying to justify him getting sick of wrestling because he did it without a break, which isn't true they gave him time off to make films and so obviously were open to giving him time off whenever he wanted it.


What does his contract expiring have to do with that?


WWE let his contract run up. There's no way of knowing whether or not he would have carried on part time if they had made an offer.


Doesn't change the fact that he had a contract and was barely there for 2 years as he was off making films. Whilst under contract.


This wasn't a case of WWE didn't renew his contract and he had no alternative but to try his hand at films like you're almost trying to suggest. As soon as films became a viable option he was doing it as much as he could get away with and there's nothing to suggest he would have signed a new contract anyway.

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I'd say it would have been a combination of all the benefits acting has over wrestling. More money, less travel, less risk, more family time, more respect.


It's just an all-round better gig and the decision to leave was a no-brainer; even if fans were upset that he left, not being able to understand why he did baffles me.


A lot of people here baffle me with their thinking, if you can call it thinking at all. Johnson is making far more money than he could in wrestling with all the benefits you mentioned; less travel, less risk to his body, more time at home and more respect.


And yet some people still spout off gems like:


"Most people will do what they love for less money and more hours than the other offer."


Most people offered far more money for less travel, less risk to his body, more time at home and more respect will take the offer. Anybody who doesn't is either really dedicated or a moron, depending on what they have at home to work for. If it's a single guy who loves the lifestyle and has nobody depending on them, then they probably would stick with wrestling and I could see why. I'd think they're an idiot for turning down such an offer but I could see why they'd do it. But if you've got a family to look after, kids to be around, and don't look forward to the inevitable pains that a wrestling lifestyle will give you down the road, taking the offer is a no-brainer. Quite like the people who seem unable to grasp why a grown man with a family would take a better job that pays more and gives him a home life.

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A lot of people here baffle me with their thinking, if you can call it thinking at all. Johnson is making far more money than he could in wrestling with all the benefits you mentioned; less travel, less risk to his body, more time at home and more respect.


And yet some people still spout off gems like:


"Most people will do what they love for less money and more hours than the other offer."


Most people offered far more money for less travel, less risk to his body, more time at home and more respect will take the offer. Anybody who doesn't is either really dedicated or a moron, depending on what they have at home to work for. If it's a single guy who loves the lifestyle and has nobody depending on them, then they probably would stick with wrestling and I could see why. I'd think they're an idiot for turning down such an offer but I could see why they'd do it. But if you've got a family to look after, kids to be around, and don't look forward to the inevitable pains that a wrestling lifestyle will give you down the road, taking the offer is a no-brainer. Quite like the people who seem unable to grasp why a grown man with a family would take a better job that pays more and gives him a home life.


Missed the whole point, didn't you.

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Not the best SD but had its moments (ie. Bryan knocking his mic work out of the ballpark again, Lauranitis suggesting Kane vs Aksana, Drew McIntyre's firing... which won't last because he'll probably save Aksana). GM switch next week might be fun. Found an image Lauranitis could use in his smear campaign.



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I don't really see why people want to see guys from the 90's take on a full time schedule anyway. It's such a different atmosphere now that I would prefer to not have guys like Rock, Taker, HHH, and Foley wrestling full time. Just bring them out once or twice a year for the occasional dream match.


This is actually a WM that I've looked forward to all year because of The Rock. It will be the first PPV that I've paid for in eight years. I hope WWE doesn't listen to the idiots who are complaining, because I would love to see SCSA in the main event next year.

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I don't really see why people want to see guys from the 90's take on a full time schedule anyway. It's such a different atmosphere now that I would prefer to not have guys like Rock, Taker, HHH, and Foley wrestling full time. Just bring them out once or twice a year for the occasional dream match.


This is actually a WM that I've looked forward to all year because of The Rock. It will be the first PPV that I've paid for in eight years. I hope WWE doesn't listen to the idiots who are complaining, because I would love to see SCSA in the main event next year.


I'd love to see an Austin vs. Punk feud.

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I'd love to see an Austin vs. Punk feud.


I know I'm the minority here but I'd hate that. I hate "Stone Cold" and always have. I know to most people he was the blue collar hero standing up to the abusive boss the way they only wished they could. But that just made it worse for me. Because the way I saw things, McMahon was right. Vinnie Mac's "oh hell no" was speaking for me. I didn't want "Stone Cold" as champ either. I saw him as a Barry Darsow character. The obnoxious, loudmouth jerk I'd always rooted to be shut up. The fact that so many people rallied around "Stone Cold" just made me hate him all the more. Now that his time is over and his career essentially over, I'm happy. I'm not getting that jerk shoved down my throat any more and I just want him to stay away. I'll bite my tongue about it if he's to be an enforcer or something. But as the driving force of a feud? Eff that. Stone Cold is a relic of the past and should remain that way. There's no room for him in my present.

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Missed the whole point, didn't you.


I don't think so. His point is well taken. All the people talking "for the love of the game" BS are delusional. How many people who promote that idealistic tripe are actually practicing what they preach? For the most part, they 'he should've' without looking in the mirror. If YOU aren't doing what you love, regardless of the material rewards, why should anyone else?


He loved football too (even won a national title) but I don't think any of his teammates would give up the chance to switch places with him if they could. Does that mean Warren Sapp doesn't love the game?


And the people upthread trying to say Will Smith isn't much of an actor need to get a grip too. Tell that to his accountants. You ask any of your indy darlings what they'd give for the ability to turn a weak ass script like Wild Wild West into a 200+ million worldwide gross and see what they say. Seven Pounds was awesome, I dunt care what you say.


Not the best SD but had its moments (ie. Bryan knocking his mic work out of the ballpark again, Lauranitis suggesting Kane vs Aksana, Drew McIntyre's firing... which won't last because he'll probably save Aksana). GM switch next week might be fun. Found an image Lauranitis could use in his smear campaign.




That is awesome! :)

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And the people upthread trying to say Will Smith isn't much of an actor need to get a grip too. Tell that to his accountants. You ask any of your indy darlings what they'd give for the ability to turn a weak ass script like Wild Wild West into a 200+ million worldwide gross and see what they say. Seven Pounds was awesome, I dunt care what you say.


In all fairness, I always thought Will Smith was a decent actor in the right role. Sure he's a worthless human being for trying to shove his talentless children into the spotlight though. And nothing he has done in recent times has been any good. And his rapping was abysmal. And he is a goofy looking big eared moron who last I heard was getting into scientology. But still, Fresh Prince was okay and I am sure he was alright in one or two other things.


And Remi, your Wild Wild West example is .... I am not sure. Should I say that film was a monumental con job or should I say your average audience is made up of 99% idiots? Not sure how much credit Will Smith deserves for that. Probably a punch in the face from everyone who saw that film.


Back to WWE, Teddy Long also deserves a punch in the face from everyone who saw Wild Wild West.

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In all fairness, I always thought Will Smith was a decent actor in the right role. Sure he's a worthless human being for trying to shove his talentless children into the spotlight though. And nothing he has done in recent times has been any good. And his rapping was abysmal. And he is a goofy looking big eared moron who last I heard was getting into scientology. But still, Fresh Prince was okay and I am sure he was alright in one or two other things.


And Remi, your Wild Wild West example is .... I am not sure. Should I say that film was a monumental con job or should I say your average audience is made up of 99% idiots? Not sure how much credit Will Smith deserves for that. Probably a punch in the face from everyone who saw that film.


Back to WWE, Teddy Long also deserves a punch in the face from everyone who saw Wild Wild West.



So I take it you're a huge Wild Wild West fan? :p


Teddy and John are both idiots and they really suck. The Wwe needs to bring someone who can work into the pot. Let's face it, it's funny to make John look like an idiot, but it's overplayed.


Teddy....well he's just....ugh..

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