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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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William Regal and the NXT guys should walk out and insist to be a part of the big tag match, have Johnny Curtis or Derrick Bateman pin Santino or Swagger thus making Regal the GM of all three brands.




Legit, right? How awesome would that be? Not only is it a great underdog story, not only does it put over all the NXT guys involved... but William f'n Regal would be on my television all the time... which would be beyond awesome.

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I think that if there was no GM, people would complain because there's no authority figure.


I'll watch Wrestlemania, not live, but I'll watch it.


Really only interested in D-Bry/Sheams and Punk/Jericho. Rock/Cena and Undertaker/HHH both give me the Hogan/Andre feel. Not going to be a great matches, but going to have the drama to keep you into it.


I just hope Undertaker and HHH is better than last year.


I don't think I'm going to be paying for this one either... Just not feeling the whole "Rock" thing, and I seriously doubt Taker vs. HHH is going to be better then last years.


Only match I actually "want" to see now, is Punk vs. Jericho, and well... only because of the uniqueness of them. I am not into Jericho like most are, never have been, and so I just don't see it worth paying Wrestlemania price for.... I can see parts on Youtube, or the WWE websight I imagine, and it will be the best parts.


I thought I would be all out for Cena vs. Rock, but it left me.... I don't know, I guess I was expecting alot more out of both of them... but really I have to say that I got bored of Rock early, and Cena can't hold it together for me.


EDIT: Sheamus, Bryan and the rest... well. To me they are nice and all, but when I think Wrestlemania (and my dollars), I think "Epic" stuff... and they aren't exactly "Epic" yet.

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EDIT: Sheamus, Bryan and the rest... well. To me they are nice and all, but when I think Wrestlemania (and my dollars), I think "Epic" stuff... and they aren't exactly "Epic" yet.

Despite my love for Bryan, I agree (though probably for a different reason.) That match doesn't "feel" like a Wrestlemania World title match to me, and I think it's largely because they've done a poor job of building it up. Bryan's "feud" with Sheamus, such as it is, is a far cry from what he had going with Big Show at the beginning of the year. I think it would've been for the best if they'd stretched that feud with Show out until Mania.


All in all, though, I'm more interested in Mania than I have been in years. The build for Rock/Cena has been underwhelming a lot of the time, but the uniqueness of the match is still there. From a historical perspective, it truly is a dream match. I'm super excited for Jericho vs. Punk, I'll be happy to see my boy D-Bryan enter the biggest show of the year as the world champion, and I'm even kind of interested in Taker vs. HHH, despite HATING their match last year. I'm actually more interested in Mania than I am in the ROH doubleshot this weekend, which I wouldn't have thought possible a few months ago.

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EDIT: Sheamus, Bryan and the rest... well. To me they are nice and all, but when I think Wrestlemania (and my dollars), I think "Epic" stuff... and they aren't exactly "Epic" yet.


Nobody starts out "epic" though. That's what killed/kills me about stuff like Undertaker/Triple H last year when they were pretty clearly looking to do Taker/Barrett and Triple H/Sheamus last year before somebody said "hey maybe I'm not coming back next year I don't want to go out against a kid" and proceeded to have a decent but not great match against each other.


I mean how many "Wrestlemania moments" did they feed Randy Orton before he didn't need it any more? From being the focus of Evolution's match with Mankind and Rock to his program with Undertaker to title matches to CM Punk last year, they've made it clear they think he's a big deal (although they really didn't find much for him to do this year). If you don't do that with guys like DB and Sheamus and the rest, then they never end up feeling particularly "epic," because you don't have any slow motion montages of high contrast Wrestlemania footage that makes it look like it was the ending to a Rocky movie.

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You guys need to stop saying positive things about Kofi. Dude flat out sucks horseballs. Ooh look, I can jump really high to deliver something that isn't even really a move. In all the time he's been around there have only been two occasions where i was like "Yeah okay, Kofi is alright tonight". Dude needs to disappear or at least be hidden in a tag team where his many many many flaws are made less obvious. Stupid Evan Bourne being a druggy.


I am down with the Regal GM idea though, I mean .... Johnny and Teddy are both pretty meh. If I never saw Teddy again I would be pretty happy ... he did his little dance a couple weeks ago, I chuckled but won't next time I see it, and JL is I dunno ... don't think I quite hate him since he fills his role about as well as you can expect someone with no talent to.

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You guys need to stop saying positive things about Kofi. Dude flat out sucks horseballs. Ooh look, I can jump really high to deliver something that isn't even really a move. In all the time he's been around there have only been two occasions where i was like "Yeah okay, Kofi is alright tonight". Dude needs to disappear or at least be hidden in a tag team where his many many many flaws are made less obvious. Stupid Evan Bourne being a druggy.


I am down with the Regal GM idea though, I mean .... Johnny and Teddy are both pretty meh. If I never saw Teddy again I would be pretty happy ... he did his little dance a couple weeks ago, I chuckled but won't next time I see it, and JL is I dunno ... don't think I quite hate him since he fills his role about as well as you can expect someone with no talent to.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJNqywkzqng 15 moves of Kingston. I don't have a problem with him. He is unique compared to the rest of the WWE.

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Anyone remember Commissioner Regal? Those days were great!


Not being picky or anything, but I can never really see what all the love for Regal is about. I don't dislike him by any means, and find him somewhat funny at times. I like him alot better as a good guy then a bad guy, but it seems everyone else likes him as a bad guy better.


I don't know if I'm missing the boat on him or what... I see posts like this all the time, and when I think back to something like the quoted, I don't see it as great as everyone else seems to think of it.


As I said, I don't dislike him... but I've always felt him best as a "Face" comedy role, with exceptional technical skills. I've always wanted them to run him as a technical wrestler, that "heels" have to beat in order to move up the card... with full blown storylines of it. Never seems to happen though. Kind of like a JBL role in reverse (and could include money, doesn't matter to me).

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Really excited for Wrestlemania tomorrow night. I haven't watched RAW or Smackdown or a PPV (besides bits and pieces) since last years Wrestlemania. I actually got the second half of my 14-hour shift (7a-9p) at work tomorrow covered so that I'd make it back for the show. I have a good idea as to what order the card will probably be in and I think I have every winner picked but Cena/Rock...


If Cena wins Miami should riot...

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You guys need to stop saying positive things about Kofi. Dude flat out sucks horseballs. Ooh look, I can jump really high to deliver something that isn't even really a move. In all the time he's been around there have only been two occasions where i was like "Yeah okay, Kofi is alright tonight". Dude needs to disappear or at least be hidden in a tag team where his many many many flaws are made less obvious.


I agree with you. The only time he is entertaining IMO is when he's in a MitB match or some other gimmick match with lots of other wrestlers. He can do very entertaining spots in matches, but IMO it seems like he has no in ring/match psychology and just tries to throw a bunch of jumpy/aerial/athletic moves in his matches.

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There's apparently a bunch of dirtsheet rumors flying around, including a major star returning at the event, and a big name having his final Mania(but not his final match). Of course, rumors blow up at this time of year but you never know. I guess there are some additional factors to look forward to.


Yeah I just read that both Batista and Brock Lesnar are in Miami and that Lesnar just signed a one year contract. We shall see if it is true or not.

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I'd much rather Cena win.


I think i feel the same way, i like Rock more but I want Cena to get the win even if he cheats to win


My Wrestlemania XXVIII Predictions


The Rock vs. John Cena


Triple H vs. The Undertaker

(Hopefully both men retire following the match)


CM Punk © vs. Chris Jericho


Daniel Bryan © vs. Sheamus


Cody Rhodes © vs. The Big Show


Randy Orton vs. Kane


Team Teddy (Santino Marella (captain), R-Truth, Kofi Kingston, Zack Ryder, The Great Khali, and Booker T) (with Hornswoggle) vs. Team Johnny (David Otunga (captain), Mark Henry, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, The Miz, and Drew McIntyre) (with Vickie Guerrero)


Kelly Kelly and Maria Menounos vs. Beth Phoenix and Eve Torres


Epico and Primo © vs. Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd vs. The Usos (Jey Uso and Jimmy Uso)

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Interesting ChrisKid, I like those results... Yep, little ...'s at the end of that statement. Just because I can't help thinking that the last three predictions are going to be wrong. The last one, toss up to me, but I'm pulling for the Uso's, since they haven't been thrown away yet.


I think Beth and Eve's losing, for the feel good moment and celebrity on Kelly Kelly's side. Seems the celebrities have been winning every year, and I see no reason to do otherwise this year, as Beth and Eve can easily make up for it after the "moment" on the next Raw or Smackdown (if needed).


I don't see Teddy team losing either. It's another "feel good" moment I don't think they want to mess up, considering if the rest of your predictions is right (mainly Cena winning), this could help balance things out.


I think of this as their biggest circus act effort, and I feel they try to make everyone at least halfway happy with it year after year. I just see the "good" guys winning more then the bad this year, or overcoming.


I don't really see Cena winning this match up though, if reports are accurate about The Rock sticking around for more match's. I have felt he was going to win all up til' those reports though.

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Guest codey

I lucked out and got to work the the 11pm-7am shift tonight, so I actually get to watch Wrestlemania. It starts at 4 here, so hopefully it doesn't run longer than 6 hours. Something tells me it won't.


This will actually be the first PPV I've ordered since the first One Night Stand. Here's hoping it can't stand up to that amazing show.

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Guest codey
Also, not to double post, but I would actually like to see Big Show take the IC title off of Cody Rhodes. Rhodes can easily recover from the loss and without the title he can finally move up the card into the upper echelon on Smackdown, and Big Show with the IC title could create a lot of interest in the title again since he'll always be one of the most over stars in the company and he could lend some of that to the midcard.
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Also, not to double post, but I would actually like to see Big Show take the IC title off of Cody Rhodes. Rhodes can easily recover from the loss and without the title he can finally move up the card into the upper echelon on Smackdown, and Big Show with the IC title could create a lot of interest in the title again since he'll always be one of the most over stars in the company and he could lend some of that to the midcard.


Post Smackdown Feud Scene (as I see it):


Sheamus © versus Cody Rhodes

Daniel Bryan versus Randy Orton

Big Show © versus Mark Henry or Drew McIntyre (renewed push)



It all depends on the Draft, I guess. They might send over Swagger and a few other heels (Miz, Alberto) and get Rhodes in return.

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I don't know what they are doing, but I do know that they have stated that their biggest stars of both shows are going to be appearing on both shows, as people were upset that went to see Smackdown and didn't see "Cena" or "Miz" or whomever, then on Raw, were upset they didn't see "Kane" or "Undertaker"... keeping in mind this statement was made when Undertaker was alot more active.


So yeah, I don't see them keeping with the split as being the only people that show up for the TV shows, but I do see them keeping both shows, and keeping the undercards split up for the most part. So the draft is still worth it IMO.

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