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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Id say Punk Jericho just for the ending, but yeah Taker HHH was great as well. Was rather underwhelmed by Rock, Cena. If they do it again next year hopefully both can give more.


My issue with Rock vs Cena is I could see them talking thru the whole match. Heard some of the spots which bothered me too.


HHH vs Taker I liked the most and was happy that Taker kept the streak going.


Punk vs Jericho was good but was annoyed that the focus early on was that Punk can't get DQed.


Glad Kane beat Orton too.


Hoping Bryan becomes a terrible heel in the mold of Savage and Elizabeth in the late 80s. I really think Bryan could become a great heel in the WWE. Loved that they were chanting for Bryan in the Orton vs KAne match too.

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I was looking forward to this Mania more than I have in years. Punk vs. Jericho was awesome, Cena vs. Rock was fun, and I thought Taker vs. HHH was way better than last year (though I hated their match last year.)


Despite all that, I doubt I'll watch Raw tomorrow, or wrestling at all in the near future. Maybe I'll feel differently tomorrow, but the Daniel Bryan "match" has made me less interested in wrestling than I can ever remember being.

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I was looking forward to this Mania more than I have in years. Punk vs. Jericho was awesome, Cena vs. Rock was fun, and I thought Taker vs. HHH was way better than last year (though I hated their match last year.)


Despite all that, I doubt I'll watch Raw tomorrow, or wrestling at all in the near future. Maybe I'll feel differently tomorrow, but the Daniel Bryan "match" has made me less interested in wrestling than I can ever remember being.


Is it because you think they are just going to bury Daniel Bryan now?


I love Daniel Bryan and was hoping he would win but he has an excuse for the quick loss. I think it is just for some character progression. That or maybe they are going for the 5 month burial before getting another run towards main event that they do with so many guys including Sheamus.

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Is it because you think they are just going to bury Daniel Bryan now?


I love Daniel Bryan and was hoping he would win but he has an excuse for the quick loss. I think it is just for some character progression. That or maybe they are going for the 5 month burial before getting another run towards main event that they do with so many guys including Sheamus.

I had no expectation that he would win. I was honestly fine with him losing, and shocked he'd even held onto the belt as long as he had. It's just the way it went down that upsets me.


He'll probably fall out of the main event (though I imagine he'll have a rematch with Sheamus first), but I don't think they're going to bury him, no. It's easy to see where they can go with this: he blames AJ for everything, making him into an even bigger jerk. I think he'll be just fine in the long run.


It's really just about having watched this guy for years, seeing him finally make it to the big stage, looking forward to seeing him wrestle on the biggest show of the year...only to be left feeling jipped two years straight.

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I'm guessing the Daniel Bryan loss was, as a couple of people have implied, setting up him to blame it on AJ and get really nasty. If that is the case, and it works out well, then I can get over not getting to see two of my favourite wrestlers go at it properly.


I loved the HHH/Taker match. There were a couple of places where it was very slow, but I think that worked for it. I have to admit, I was wincing at every chair shot by the end. Taker was absolutely hammering HHH.

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I had no expectation that he would win. I was honestly fine with him losing, and shocked he'd even held onto the belt as long as he had. It's just the way it went down that upsets me.


He'll probably fall out of the main event (though I imagine he'll have a rematch with Sheamus first), but I don't think they're going to bury him, no. It's easy to see where they can go with this: he blames AJ for everything, making him into an even bigger jerk. I think he'll be just fine in the long run.

It's really just about having watched this guy for years, seeing him finally make it to the big stage, looking forward to seeing him wrestle on the biggest show of the year...only to be left feeling jipped two years straight.




As a Daniel Bryan fan, I am absolutely sickened by the fact that yet again I got screwed out of watching him wrestle at Mania. He was a large portion of the reason WWE got a little of my money, and what'd I get in return?


That bullshit.

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Oh how I marked seeing Rock win. I was one of those who expected Cena to win all year long. All people kept saying throughout boards were Hogan/Rock, Hogan/Rock. I also thought Rock would've put Cena over like a million dollars(in a way he did) but damn.


Sheamus vs Bryan... What the hell. Here's the thing, I got into the movie theater right in the middle of the HIAC match(great bout), you couldn't imagine my reaction when I read the live coverage. Did their road agent take an absence of leave or what? I get that it wasn't the most hyped match on the card but come on WWE.

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