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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Khali i think should be judged differently then most wrestlers. In reality what can you really do to him? Its the same thing with andre the giant the big show and countless other "giants". Was andre a great worker? Can anyone really name a great "giant" worker *other then baba". Khali is a gimmick act and I don't think i will ever look at him other then that.
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I think Big Show is an insanely underrated worker. When he's motivated, he can be the life of the party. I'm not saying he's the best in ring worker, but for a man his size? Yeah, he's a good worker. He's also super charismatic and can make others look good.


Most workers his size are gimmick acts and nothing more, but Big Show? He's far from just a gimmick.

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I'm just annoyed that they aren't investing creatively on Raw in the heels they already have. I'd much rather they pushed Ziggler than a guy who flat out can't work the WWE style. The only thing Tensai has over the current heels on Raw is that they've bothered to give him a push.


It's a pretty staggering case, Ziggler isn't just being shoehorned, but Miz... hell his depush has made him likeable to my eyes now. :p looking past the sidelining, there's Del Rio who just came back. Then there's Cody Rhodes who just lost the IC title, fooling around with Show. And boom, they debut Lord Tensai and Ryback both at once. They bring Lesnar back as the supposed top heel on Raw. Then there's Mark Henry who just got off three world title matches in a row. And through all that, Jericho and Bryan are still shining through as the ardent heel World title chasers.


Pretty intriguing how they're emcompassing all these heels, as a result they had to push Santino and make Khali compete every week. Even there, it's getting a bit lopsided, anticipating to see who's gonna have to make the switch(either disposition or brand).


Tensai is pretty good for a big man. At least they let him steamroll his opppenents like a legit monster (much more menacing than Henry who struggles to beat faces every other match). It remains to be seen if he can do it for more than 15 minutes in a main event PPV match.


I think you guys expect too much from Wrestlemania. To me it's about the hype, the grandeur and the big stars colliding, not the quality. If I want to see quality WWE wrestling there's plenty of other PPVs that will deliever better than WM.


To the first bit, it pretty much works in intervals and spades. One monster will get his terror of reign going on, whether through debuting or making a return, while the other big guys will lay and just do their thing or flounder among the midcard. Henry had his time last fall when he went over Orton. In four months time, Tensai could likely be a shoe filler for the Raw Supershow or in a storyline arc as the big man to overcome(unless they go all the way Umaga-style with him). While another big man or two is gonna be wreaking havoc. /nod to the second bit.

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Nothing is dumber than Brodus Clay, but yes, The Lord Tensai gimmick is rather stupid.


The difference is that Brodus Clay's gimmick is *meant* to be a dumb little comedy gimmick. Tensai's, they expect people to take seriously.

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I agree with you. I have friends that think Rock and Jeff Hardy are incredible wrestlers, but can't even make it through a Jericho, Regal, Malenko, or Danielson match. I just chalk it up as them not knowing anything about wrestling and move on.


Umm... Hardy and Rock are usually good guys, and the rest are usually bad guys. Might have something to do with it.:p

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The difference is that Brodus Clay's gimmick is *meant* to be a dumb little comedy gimmick. Tensai's, they expect people to take seriously.


Because WWE are stupid on both counts. You got a serious gimmick that makes no sense and a comedy gimmick that is about as funny as a funeral.


And yeah, Soxfan, Rey probably should retire. He knees sound like they are a mess and I am honestly so bored of him these days.

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He is almost certainly prescribed steroids comming off the very serious knee surgery. It's extremely common among patients with physical jobs to be treated with steroids for their ability to grow damaged tissue.


But this isn't against WWE's policy.


So it was probably something fun. If it was a party drug... ehh.... tough to explain. Especially with the way Eddie went out and all. You'd think the guy wouldn't be that stupid.

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He is almost certainly prescribed steroids comming off the very serious knee surgery. It's extremely common among patients with physical jobs to be treated with steroids for their ability to grow damaged tissue.


But this isn't against WWE's policy.


So it was probably something fun. If it was a party drug... ehh.... tough to explain. Especially with the way Eddie went out and all. You'd think the guy wouldn't be that stupid.


I've learned it's best never underestimate a person's stupidity. But yeah, what you said checks out. I am pretty sure he'd be on the roids legally and prescribed which raises the question, what the heck did he do?

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I've learned it's best never underestimate a person's stupidity. But yeah, what you said checks out. I am pretty sure he'd be on the roids legally and prescribed which raises the question, what the heck did he do?


isn't Rey a fan of the sticky icky?


Not sure, asking, could have sworn id heard that somewhere though.


If so i could see rey saying "f it, im about to retire anyway, if i get caught i get caught" and smoking a little chronic during rehab.


who knows though.

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Rey lives in California, weed is legal there if you have it prescribed.


Don't think WWE will agree with that, but its the law there....


(and yes, anyone can get it prescribed for any reason, crooked doctors and all)


You are right it is legally prescribed there as well as some other states like here in Michigan. However it is still illegal on a Federal level. So technically it is still illegal even with a prescription.

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Rey lives in California, weed is legal there if you have it prescribed.


Don't think WWE will agree with that, but its the law there....


(and yes, anyone can get it prescribed for any reason, crooked doctors and all)


Yea the problem is the Fed's don't see it that way either.


Under bush, it was heavily prosecuted by the DEA. only difference is Obama told the DEA "hey, lets pick our battles here." and told them to butt out.


EDIT: juggs beat me to it.

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Him smoking marijuana isn't going to lead him down the same path as Eddie Guerrero.


To address this point, marijuana can be dangerous. I know High Times loves to publish all these wonderful studies of it's health benefits. But EVERYTHING I've ever read in a peer reviewed medical journal leads me to believe that marijuana, when smoked of course, is a very unhealthy thing to do.


So to clarify the point I'd made, I dont believe Rey or anyone else would die of marijuana overdose. I simply thought a man whose best friend died from illicit drug use would keep his nose clean.


On reflection, thats kind of a catty thing to say. Rey's or anyone else's drug use is their business. I'm no saint myself.



Rey lives in California, weed is legal there if you have it prescribed.


Don't think WWE will agree with that, but its the law there....



I believe a company does have a right to set up it's own drug policy in the U.S. This has been a controversial issue as several companies and healthcare organizations have fired people or refused hiring people for tobacco use, which they considered against company policy.


So Rey can live wherever he wants and do whatever he wants. It's his business. If it's legal in his state - that's wonderful. But If WWE has a policy against using marijuana of any kind (and I believe they do) then he still should and will be disciplined.

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So to clarify the point I'd made, I dont believe Rey or anyone else would die of marijuana overdose. I simply thought a man whose best friend died from illicit drug use would keep his nose clean.


Well of course any drug or substance for that matter done to excess is a bad idea, and awful for your health. But if he does smoke pot, that doesn't mean he's on some downward spiral into harder, more dangerous drugs.


But if done in moderation, Studies have consistently shown that pot is no more damaging than alcohol and perhaps much less so, and is far, far less addictive.


For instance, I've smoked occasionally (read: 2-5 times a month) since i was 16 and have somehow managed to maintain a pretty high standard of living, both socially, economically and physically despite what reefer madness may claim.


Now, if i was a moron and a waste of space pot head, of course things would be different, and who knows what level rey is at. but to compare pot to coke, which was eddy's reported pass time of choice, is apples to oranges.


That said, fully agree with your second point. Pot, dispute what your personal feelings on it, is a drug. A private company like the WWE is well within it's rights to test for it, and base employment decisions off it. If thats really what got rey nailed, shame on him. You do so at your own risk when your employer has a policy against it.


of course this is all speculation, since WWE never releases what they fail for, right?

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The coroner was actually unsure of what killed Art Barr. Most people believe it was a heart attack.


That may very well have been, but can we at least agree that 28-year old Art Barr would likely not have had a heart attack at such a young age if not for excessive drug use?

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Generally, drugs cause cardiac issues. Excessive drug use of any kind will almost certainly have a negative effect on your heart and brain over time. Some are more severe than others.


So while a young Art Barr might have had a bad heart genetically, his excessive drug usage most likely contributed to his death.


And with that post, I get the "most obvious statement of the year" award.

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