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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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^ CM Punk coming out to "explain his actions" which I'm pretty sure you already know why, but basically saying the main event should be centered on him as the champion and not Rock, Cena, AJ or Big Show.


It's so hard to take Damien Sandow as a tough guy seriously when he does cartwheels in the middle of the ring. I do enjoy his character and was grateful that he stopped Vickie Guerrero dancing, but the cartwheeling....uhm...

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^ CM Punk coming out to "explain his actions" which I'm pretty sure you already know why, but basically saying the main event should be centered on him as the champion and not Rock, Cena, AJ or Big Show.


hell yes. this is what i was thinking the whole AJ thing. He should be top billing. its not like he hasnt earned it

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Am I the only one who thinks Sheamus is an absolute bore and crowd killer? I don't know, someone has to like the guy I guess, he just doesn't do it for me.


i agree with this to a certain degree. He's rather generic in the ring, i only like his false finishes.he doesnt do it for me, but i know people that absolutely adore him

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Well there goes any hope of a push that AW and the Prime Time Players had with AW's Kobe joke...


From LOP.net...


Following the commercial break, WWE broadcaster Michael Cole issued an apology on behalf of the organization for "remarks made by A.W.," though without specifically referencing the joke. F4WOnline.com reports that many people were furious backstage over the remark, as well as in disbelief.


After Raw, WWE issued an official apology via TMZ.com reading, "A.W. made an inappropriate comment and WWE immediately apologized. WWE has taken appropriate action in the matter." The representative, however, did not specify what "action" was taken against A.W.


Wonder why NO heels can generate any legit heat in the WWE



On a related note, CM Punk's halfway heel turn? Blech...he needs to go all in as a heel, imho he's just coming off as an insecure d***** bag, he's capable of being a much much more compelling character than that


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The Rock holding a World Title in the WWE 8 years removed from being a significant figure would be as bad or worse than David Arquette winning the WCW World Title.


Not joking.


This post is #1 contender for the most silly post I have ever read on these boards. :rolleyes:

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Wonder why NO heels can generate any legit heat in the WWE



On a related note, CM Punk's halfway heel turn? Blech...he needs to go all in as a heel, imho he's just coming off as an insecure d***** bag, he's capable of being a much much more compelling character than that



Thing is he's catching heat against a guy that will not be there every week. In the meantime, he still has to fare off against the likes of Big Show, Cena, Bryan and so on. And none of those guys have anything to do with what set him off.


I think his turn has been handled perfectly. The whole 'change of heart, screw the world' attitude new heels undergo wouldn't really fit here, because Punk clearly set his intentions straight, being that he has a problem with Rock and Rock only. But since The Rock isn't gonna be here all the time, it's only right he should go on his business like he's been doing week after week. All he feels is he should get the spotlight because he's the WWE champion, of which he relatively will get now that he's faring off with Cena. I hope they make Punk go down the tweener route, but simply bring his edge back, and less of his cool babyface self.


Holy crap is this Tout thing getting on my nerves. And look at that, 3-hour Raw and they've replayed Lesnar/HHH video package three times. They replayed parts of Punk's promo twice. They replayed AJ's announcement at the beginning of the show. We're already headed down that road and on some weeks they could get really bad with this.

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Raw opening segment with Punk sitting on the announce table was brilliant. ADR impressed me again but I don't think his efforts are generating enough heat from the crowd. Sandow on Raw again, beating down Brodus in his dressing gown = Yes!


Sheamus & Bryan put on a PPV quality match. Christian/Jericho v Miz/Ziggler was good. I like it when face tag teams cheat.


Cena v Show was actually pretty solid and the crowd were hot for it. CM Punk to Big Show: "I'd probably move out of the way if you tried that..." :D The triple threat match at SS could be awesome.


Very solid 3hr Raw but they could have thrown in a tag division match instead of repeating recaps.

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I think his turn has been handled perfectly. The whole 'change of heart, screw the world' attitude new heels undergo wouldn't really fit here, because Punk clearly set his intentions straight, being that he has a problem with Rock and Rock only. But since The Rock isn't gonna be here all the time, it's only right he should go on his business like he's been doing week after week. All he feels is he should get the spotlight because he's the WWE champion, of which he relatively will get now that he's faring off with Cena. I hope they make Punk go down the tweener route, but simply bring his edge back, and less of his cool babyface self.




Valid point, but to me he is just sitting in limbo...he's not going to gain any new fans as a 'bitter' face...he's going to lose quite a lot of the casual fans (you could here the boos mixed in last night)...Cena, Orton & Triple H are going to blow past him in popularity (man did people go nuts for Orton last night....I'm not that big of a fan personally but d*** that crowd was behind him) and I hate to say it but walking around, whining, picking on Jerry Lawler, kicking Big Show when he's down? Not an edgy face to me...just a weak heel. And when he's standing in the ring with the human catchphrase machine aka The Rock? The crowd's going to turn on him big time...not saying Rocky's better, just the bulk of the casual fans are going to cheer Rock and booo Punk.


You're right, they do have a ton of heels right now, but for various reasons none, to me anyway, really stand out...none that I'd "love to hate" or pay money to see get what's coming to them(except D-Bry that is)...I'm just afraid Punk will just fade off into that Prime Time Dolph Swaggler Alberto Del Miz Show crowd, and it's a shame 'cause he's way better than that...but hey, atleast he's not feuding with Santino...or Charlie Sheen!!!


Edit: +1 about Tout...sick of it already...**** Tout


Edit #2: LOL at the crowd legit cheering when Del Rio told them he wouldn't compete agian until he had his title shot at Summerslam...most entertaining thing dude's done in awhile

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He won't fade off. He's in a pending feud with a hugely popular icon. Crowd's gonna turn on him big time? Awesome. Punk will use it to his advantage. If it's 50/50? Punk will use that to his advantage.


I'd say he'll easily get back the fans of lore who grew tired of his babyface act. He didn't just kick Big Show down, he took potshots at Cena in their backstage segment too and they replayed that very part.


He's in a much better spot than Orton who, the closest he's ever been to the title picture over the past year is in a fatal-four way contest. Punk isn't going anywhere, and there's still the possibility on whether Austin will decide to lace his boots or not come Mania(not that I've heard anything about it lately).

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How can people still doubt Punk being a top guy?


Sheamus is a distant 3rd to Punk and Cena (who is still making Punk look like #2.5)


If there was someone on the totem pole higher than Punk (not named Cena) I am pretty sure they would not only be relegated to one segment per night.


Though I must say WWE is shaping up nicely post summerslam. Orton, Henry, and Wade all returning in close proximity is a great thing. I loved Orton so much last night and he went back to his 2009 look it seems.

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This post is #1 contender for the most silly post I have ever read on these boards. :rolleyes:


ITA. At least Rock was a wrestler before he was a movie star.


But I wonder if Punk will keep the title til the Rumble which would give him an over-year long reign, longer than Cena's boring year long reign a few years ago.

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WWE's roster is so stale to me. It feels like I'm watching the same matches every week. I wish they would cut some of the guys who have been around since 2006... older guys like Orton, Kane, Big Show. Bring up some new personalities to freshen up the roster. The product pretty much demands it since we get so many hours of wrestling every week (going on six now?). Older guys like Orton, Kane, and Show can be brought back sporadically, similar to Jericho's schedule. I don't care how much you love these three guys, you cannot convince me that we haven't seen it all from them. It's like if WWE had held onto Lex Luger from 1992 to 2002; completely unnecessary. The guy is cool and all, but **** no.


Shits just getting old.

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The actual night of champions poster:





Speaks for itself and after seeing what they did with the extra hour I am out, won't comment on ongoing stuff but will comment on general discussion. Too much filler and meaningless and bad stuff to compensate for some of the ok stuff. And its not just the wrestlers its the entire product its just stale as can be.

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Since when was a damn poster grounds for never watching again? Seriously? THAT is the final straw?


Del Rio was on the last PPV's poster and he did nothing.


The poster wasn't the final straw it was raw 1001. Sorry if I didn't make that especially clear. Thought that that would be clear because a poster being the reason would be just dumb.

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WWE's roster is so stale to me. It feels like I'm watching the same matches every week. I wish they would cut some of the guys who have been around since 2006... older guys like Orton, Kane, Big Show. Bring up some new personalities to freshen up the roster. The product pretty much demands it since we get so many hours of wrestling every week (going on six now?). Older guys like Orton, Kane, and Show can be brought back sporadically, similar to Jericho's schedule. I don't care how much you love these three guys, you cannot convince me that we haven't seen it all from them. It's like if WWE had held onto Lex Luger from 1992 to 2002; completely unnecessary. The guy is cool and all, but **** no.


Shits just getting old.


I can't help but laugh hysterically at your inclusion of Orton. He's 32 - which is younger than Punk, Sheamus, Cena, and Del Rio. He's only a few months older than Ziggler and Miz. Not to mention he's number 2 on the totem pole.


You can sense your hatred of him from a mile away.

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I can't help but laugh hysterically at your inclusion of Orton. He's 32 - which is younger than Punk, Sheamus, Cena, and Del Rio. He's only a few months older than Ziggler and Miz. Not to mention he's number 2 on the totem pole.


You can sense your hatred of him from a mile away.


I found the whole post to be so ridiculous that I didn't even bother. But then you brought it up...


Same old stuff huh? Let me rattle off a few uppermid/main event stars of the last couple years:


Dolph Ziggler (1 time WHC, and MitB holder)


The Miz (One of the longest WWE Title reigns of the last several years AND beat Cena at WM)


Kofi Kingston (Had a great fued with Orton before being brought back down)


R-Truth (His gimmick change propelled him into a feud with Cena, before getting the Kofi treatment)


Jack Swagger (Former WHC)


Shaemus (3 time and reigning champ)


Alberto Del Rio (former champion)


Zack Ryder (Was being pushed really hard for a while, with help from Cena. I would say he went at least to UpperMid during that time)


Santino Marella (1 man away from winning the Royal Rumble. Then 1 second away from winning in the EC. U.S. Title holder, 2 time former IC Title holder)


You know, all the guys who have been dominating for the last decade right? :p

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