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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Wow, great news. Hope to see him back at Raw further down the line. Great to see he is getting better. Glad to see the official confirmation that there was no brain damage. Though it seems like they are handling this as a circus. I mean....touting with the guy full of tubes and stuff? I don't know, i mean...glad to see he's doing better, but...seems a little exagerated. Oh well, if he decided to do so, it's his choice. As i said, it's great to see the king doing better and with no brain damage.

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Wow, great news. Hope to see him back at Raw further down the line. Great to see he is getting better. Glad to see the official confirmation that there was no brain damage. Though it seems like they are handling this as a circus. I mean....touting with the guy full of tubes and stuff? I don't know, i mean...glad to see he's doing better, but...seems a little exagerated. Oh well, if he decided to do so, it's his choice. As i said, it's great to see the king doing better and with no brain damage.


He did it himself because there was a massive outcry of support for him. He wanted fans to know from himself that he's okay.


No one is handling anything like it's a circus.

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He's just got some I.V.s and a nasal cannula. Guy looks like a million bucks for a dude who just had a stent and a balloon put in!


Jerry just wanted to tell the fans that he appreciates the concern.


True, he does look good for someone who got a stent and a balloon, and i guess maybe i might have overreacted. But as i said, glad to see he's okay and recovering well. And that's what matters most.

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I think you have a point though, SM82. I didn't like the minute-by-minute updates on his health and whatnot. For starters, I hate when families release patient information to the public. I'm in healthcare and one of the hospitals I worked at got some rare high profile patients here and there. Really bugs me when people are up their asses because I'm a big proponent of leaving patients alone to recover and giving them not only privacy but just the proper care and treatment.


Sometimes in a situation like this though maybe fan support helps give him that extra motivation to do the right things and get better.


Either way feel you, man. You weren't trying to hate on the guy.

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I think you have a point though, SM82. I didn't like the minute-by-minute updates on his health and whatnot. For starters, I hate when families release patient information to the public. I'm in healthcare and one of the hospitals I worked at got some rare high profile patients here and there. Really bugs me when people are up their asses because I'm a big proponent of leaving patients alone to recover and giving them not only privacy but just the proper care and treatment.


Sometimes in a situation like this though maybe fan support helps give him that extra motivation to do the right things and get better.


Either way feel you, man. You weren't trying to hate on the guy.


Nope i wasn't, and i really disliked the updates thing, at least before we had official confirmation that he was authorizing them. Because at a certain point he wasn't, cause he was sedated, and they were telling everything to the public. Well, at least we were informed, that's great. It was just a thought. As i said, glad to see he's ok.

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So, what's everyone's thoughts on Linda McMahon white washing the Attitude Era for her campaign?


It's comical in a way. What Linda 'did' for WWE has been the backbone of her campaigning; using it to paint her as someone who creates jobs, etc,


But the minute someone brings up something WWE did that was of questionable taste, and some of the things they did had no taste whatsoever, they run like the wind to distance themselves from WWE. Or to put it another way, her actions are par for the course in politics.

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It's comical in a way. What Linda 'did' for WWE has been the backbone of her campaigning; using it to paint her as someone who creates jobs, etc,


But the minute someone brings up something WWE did that was of questionable taste, and some of the things they did had no taste whatsoever, they run like the wind to distance themselves from WWE. Or to put it another way, her actions are par for the course in politics.


Worse. She touts that she was "CEO" of the WWE. Only she never really was. Vince just gave her the official title to keep power and calm the board room after his admitting guilt to escape punishment after the drug trial... she never ran anything, ever. She never had any major pull in creating a single job, ever. And she can't sell a stunner, ever.

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Worse. She touts that she was "CEO" of the WWE. Only she never really was. Vince just gave her the official title to keep power and calm the board room after his admitting guilt to escape punishment after the drug trial... she never ran anything, ever. She never had any major pull in creating a single job, ever. And she can't sell a stunner, ever.


This. Everything.


Especially the stunner.

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Such an anticlimatic finish to an amazing match.


I enjoyed this show a lot. I have no opinion on the diva match because well, I went to the bathroom and then took my dog outside.


Cesaro and Ryder had a pretty fun match.


Sheamus and ADR actually had a ton of drama towards the end.


Team Friendship won and then had a great backstage segment.


Fatal fourway was entertaining.


I'm glad I decided to watch.

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I was in a chat room during NoC and all during the main event everyone kept saying "Cena can't wrestle" and I kept telling them that everyone on the roster CAN wrestle, it's the WWE 'style' that makes the top guys be safer in order to negate the effects of the 300 days a year schedule.


Well, when Cena hit that German off the top rope and bridged it.... not only did I mark out like a little kid but I made sure to say "Tell me NOW that Cena can't wrestle!" haha!


Anyway, great PPV overall. Every match was good and the Orton/Ziggler and Punk/Cena matches in particular were great.

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I was in a chat room during NoC and all during the main event everyone kept saying "Cena can't wrestle" and I kept telling them that everyone on the roster CAN wrestle, it's the WWE 'style' that makes the top guys be safer in order to negate the effects of the 300 days a year schedule.


Well, when Cena hit that German off the top rope and bridged it.... not only did I mark out like a little kid but I made sure to say "Tell me NOW that Cena can't wrestle!" haha!


Anyway, great PPV overall. Every match was good and the Orton/Ziggler and Punk/Cena matches in particular were great.


You mean the German Suplex he botched on purpose? I can botch a german suplex on purpose like that... Level of difficulty from the turnbuckle fine, but It's not like he hit a double-moonsault DDT from the top a 20-ft cage or anything... it's just a lazy german suplex.


On a more deflating note: That Punk moonsault... he needs to stay off the top rope.

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