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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I cant legally find NXT. And theres no such thing as too much wrestling! Id watch it everyday if i could.


It's on Hulu Plus. I don't have cable, so that's the only way I can legally access WWE television, but it's only a 90 minute version of Raw.


I'm not sure if WWE is really worth the $8 a month because it's literally the only thing I can find worth watching on there.

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I caught Smackdown and thought it was odd that Miz vs. Sheamus got more TV time than Ziggler vs. Punk did.


Having said that, Miz and Sheamus have decent chemistry so I guess it helped even though Miz has lost a considerable amount of heat since he's come back.


I'm pretty sure Ziggler/Punk may have been a test to see how well they work together and might I say, they had a very good match! If given more time and a well-written feud they could have a couple PPV-caliber matches in the future. :D

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I caught Smackdown and thought it was odd that Miz vs. Sheamus got more TV time than Ziggler vs. Punk did.


Having said that, Miz and Sheamus have decent chemistry so I guess it helped even though Miz has lost a considerable amount of heat since he's come back.


I'm pretty sure Ziggler/Punk may have been a test to see how well they work together and might I say, they had a very good match! If given more time and a well-written feud they could have a couple PPV-caliber matches in the future. :D


Not a test match, they had a WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble this year :)

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Raw was actually good for once. The tag team tournament just to become number one contenders is a great way to boost the status of the division. Vince/Punk were entertaining as hell. And the ending worked out well for everyone. Punk escaping Ryback's finisher instantly made me want to see Punk/Ryback, and I didn't even care for Ryback prior to this. Now Punk has to decide between Cena and Ryback. If he picks Cena (which i'm sure he will), then that makes Ryback look dangerous as fck.


I don't know how Ryback will do, but if they want to push him as a legit main eventer, then they're off to a good start.

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I am actually nervous that they are going to put the WWE title on Cena more than ever now at Hell In a Cell since the end of RAW and Punk hitting that fan.


It's already all over the internet and if they do decide to have him lose the title to Cena at Hell In a Cell (Which would be five steps in the wrong direction IMO) I am going to be mad.


Not only because Cena was the one to end Punk's reign but the fact that Punk wont make it a year as champion if they indeed decide to take it off him because of what happened in Monday.

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Daniel Bryan gets sacked (with a we'll see you soon deal) for using a tie as a weapon during election campaigns. Measure that,against hitting a fan, albeit in self defense.


Pretty stupid of WWE to let it get in that position by not having security close while Punk was in the crowd.

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Best parts of Raw:


JBL back on commentary ripping Cole a new a-hole

Punk/Vince segment (Punk disrespected Stone Cold again :D)

Sheamus vs Barrett

Hell No vs Ziggler/ADR

Larry King Now with Miz

Punk vs Vince (way better than Cena vs Johnny earlier in the year)


Bad parts of Raw:


The first half-hour -- Cena's cring-worthy script, Ryback squash match, Brodus and Truth dancing.

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I still can't sit through an entire 3 hour Raw. As much as I wanted to see Punk and Vince, I could not sit through the show. It just feels like a chore no matter how many decent parts of the show there is, it's not enough to outweigh the constant commercial breaks and horrible stuff.
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I still can't sit through an entire 3 hour Raw. As much as I wanted to see Punk and Vince, I could not sit through the show. It just feels like a chore no matter how many decent parts of the show there is, it's not enough to outweigh the constant commercial breaks and horrible stuff.


DVR is your friend :-)

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What I think WWE needs to do:


Treat Raw like three different shows.


First hour: Raw Family. Short matches, lots of comedy. Brodus, Santino, the Divas (to provide female role models), etc will go here. Cartoonish heels, fun faces, shorter matches, more segments.


Second hour: Raw Action. Segment, 15-20 minute match, segment, segment, 15-20 minute match, segment. Longer matches to show off the tag teams, the midcarders, the ones who can actually go for more than five minutes. The IC and US titles tend to stay here, and the Tag Titles as well. Sometimes they'll show up on Raw Family for short squashes.


Third Hour: Raw Extreme. It's late. The kids are asleep. Let Punk and Cena call each other assholes. Let the Divas show a bit more skin. Let there be some blood from time to time. Let it loose. Let the big titles be determined here. Let wild and crazy stuff happen.


And here's the kicker: Stuff from the first and last shows? Never get replayed on each other. Raw Family will never recap last week's Raw Extreme. Raw Extreme will never replay someone throwing water on Brodus while he's dancing to start a feud. They stuff can overlap with Raw Action -- but not to the other end of the show.

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