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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Average Raw but it had its moments: Barrett going over Orton. Kaitlyn spearing Eve for the title. Cena vs Ziggler was good (just not the result). AJ straddling the cage. Big E is growing on me. Rock's Vicki song was funny but I'd rather see him wrestle. Is anyone else disappointed the Shield are staying clear of Rock?
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Average Raw but it had its moments: Barrett going over Orton. Kaitlyn spearing Eve for the title. Cena vs Ziggler was good (just not the result). AJ straddling the cage. Big E is growing on me. Rock's Vicki song was funny but I'd rather see him wrestle. Is anyone else disappointed the Shield are staying clear of Rock?


I hope they stay away til' the match, that will make it a surprise when Rock get's attacked right before he was about to win, leading to disqualification and CM Punk retaining.

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I don't get it. It's like a more failed version of when Tony Schiavone announced that Mankind would win over The Rock. (Which was actually entertaining). It's backfiring on themselves massively. People aren't going to watch Smackdown if they know what's going to happen.

Just wanted to point out that your example is kind of opposite of your point. Worked out pretty good for WWE when WCW did that. The WWE websight doing that for Smackdown doesn't have as big of a fanbase, but kind of does the same thing.


I don't really know about that business decision. To me, buying the PPV is like an additional show for the fans, with bonus content.
I've been trying to rap my head around the idea myself. It's supposedly a Vince decision, but exactly what they mean by that I'm unsure. What I don't think it means though, is that they are going to have PPV match's on their TV shows, although we have had some good ones lately. What I think they are talking about is their story lines. IF that's what they are talking about, then the PPV's should make you want to watch their next TV Show, meaning the PPV might advance a story, but leave you wondering what's next ("tune in to Raw to find out!").
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I hope they stay away til' the match, that will make it a surprise when Rock get's attacked right before he was about to win, leading to disqualification and CM Punk retaining.


While I'd love to see it, I don't think Punk retains. The WWE is going to want to give The Rock at least one last run before he goes back to Hollywood/back into retirement, and if you give him the belt now, with Cena winning the Rumble, you can build it up to them facing off at Wrestlemania (or, as I'd prefer, them and Punk in a triple threat).


Not to mention The Rock essentially guaranteed his victory... which tends to mean that's what it's gonna be. It wasn't one of his semi-legendary "guaran-damn-tees", but it was close enough.




In other news, seeing Orton do the job to Barrett in person was one of the happiest moments of my year so far. That, and my SU-PER DRA-GON obnoxiousness was loud enough to make people on other wrestling boards bitch.

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I still think Punk will retain, his title reign seems geared to end at Mania and as has been said the lack of involvement between Rock and Shield so far suggests inteference in the title match. I'll likely be eating my words in 11 days :p. I'm just hoping they don't go with Cena-Rock 2, the build up was awful last year, I can't see that changing just because the title is involved.
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While I'd love to see it, I don't think Punk retains. The WWE is going to want to give The Rock at least one last run before he goes back to Hollywood/back into retirement, and if you give him the belt now, with Cena winning the Rumble, you can build it up to them facing off at Wrestlemania (or, as I'd prefer, them and Punk in a triple threat).


Not to mention The Rock essentially guaranteed his victory... which tends to mean that's what it's gonna be. It wasn't one of his semi-legendary "guaran-damn-tees", but it was close enough.




In other news, seeing Orton do the job to Barrett in person was one of the happiest moments of my year so far. That, and my SU-PER DRA-GON obnoxiousness was loud enough to make people on other wrestling boards bitch.


That was really you? That was awesome I heard it all during the backstage segments.

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I swear, I'll mark so hard if the title match at Royal Rumble ends with The Shield taking them both out and stealing the title. The Shield vs Rock/Punk/Ryback at Elimination Chamber would be hella fun.


Bonus points if Ziggler wins the Rumble and says, "You know what, I've already got Money in the Bank. For the main event of Wrestlemania, I'm winning a title you can only win once... I'm going to break The Streak."


And then before Ziggler vs Undertaker, he cashes in Money in the Bank to take the title off Del Rio and wears it to the ring against Undertaker.


... but then, I'm not a booker for a reason.

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I swear, I'll mark so hard if the title match at Royal Rumble ends with The Shield taking them both out and stealing the title. The Shield vs Rock/Punk/Ryback at Elimination Chamber would be hella fun.


Bonus points if Ziggler wins the Rumble and says, "You know what, I've already got Money in the Bank. For the main event of Wrestlemania, I'm winning a title you can only win once... I'm going to break The Streak."


And then before Ziggler vs Undertaker, he cashes in Money in the Bank to take the title off Del Rio and wears it to the ring against Undertaker.


... but then, I'm not a booker for a reason.


I will pay you a million imagainary dollars if that happens!


Seems like Eve has quit for real not kayfabe. HHH needs to sort out the Divas division quick. Start by having Tamina assault the other divas every week, let Natalya wrestle, call up some NXT girls and put AJ up against Kaitlyn.

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I will pay you a million imagainary dollars if that happens!


Seems like Eve has quit for real not kayfabe. HHH needs to sort out the Divas division quick. Start by having Tamina assault the other divas every week, let Natalya wrestle, call up some NXT girls and put AJ up against Kaitlyn.


Gossip about this was going on before the show, quite a few websites already knew about her quitting/asking to be released, or possibly just time off. Speculation on it is quite wide, but my favorite was something about her wanting to start a family. Not that I want her to start a family or anything, but I just found the whole article (and I don't remember who it was, could have been a good one, could have been one of the worse) more believable then any of the other's considering the (at least to me) improvements that they seem to be trying to do. I'm used to the crowd being pretty dead with them, but they have been getting much better reactions as of late.


I mostly quoted you because of your statement "let Natalya wrestle". To me, Natalya should be the top Diva, and I have no idea why she's not, outside of her microphone skills... She hasn't (as far as I know) posed in any "R" rated or higher shoots. She has a great look, as although blonde, she's not cookie cutter and stands out, and good looking to boot. She's obviously better in the ring then most of the guys, let alone the girls. She doesn't seem to have a problem making other's look good.


Just doesn't make sense to me why she's not their top diva right now. "IF" I had anything to do with it, I would have already had her looking like the best Diva of all time, and built toward a Trish vs. Natalya gimmick Wrestlemania match.... Something I've heard Trish say she wanted back when Natalya first started appearing on WWE.


I also would have had something go wrong with Cena, as if he's lost the "fire" and would wait to bring it back when it's time for him to go against "The Great One", Rock again (which I would have to do, solely for the money).


I couldn't let Ziggler break the streak though.

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I think whoever breaks the streak should be a face who they are looking to turn heel. Imagine the amount of heat generated if someone ends 'taker's legacy cheaply! I wouldn't wanna be that guy!


As for the diva's division if they wanted to liven it up they could do worse than that gothy chick in NXT. Can't remember her name but she can wrestle a bit and has a cool gimmick. I also quite like the inbred farmer stable they have down there, the wyatt's is it? I have only been watching a few weeks but their manager is amazing.

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I think whoever breaks the streak should be a face who they are looking to turn heel. Imagine the amount of heat generated if someone ends 'taker's legacy cheaply! I wouldn't wanna be that guy!


As for the diva's division if they wanted to liven it up they could do worse than that gothy chick in NXT. Can't remember her name but she can wrestle a bit and has a cool gimmick. I also quite like the inbred farmer stable they have down there, the wyatt's is it? I have only been watching a few weeks but their manager is amazing.


Paige is the diva your talking about. She's awesome.


The stable's manager is Bray Wyatt who was on the main roster as Husky Harris for a little while. He's the son of IRS/Mike Rotunda. The gimmick is based on the movie Cape Fear.

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That was really you? That was awesome I heard it all during the backstage segments.


Yes, it was really me. It's incredibly amusing to read other forums and have people talking about it. I've seen everything from "lol", to "that guy is a moron, to another guy taking credit for it (though he may have been one of the other people who started after me and exaggerating a bit), to even a death threat.


I'm gonna watch next week just to see if anyone else starts a Super Dragon chant in honor of my efforts this week.

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I think whoever breaks the streak should be a face who they are looking to turn heel. Imagine the amount of heat generated if someone ends 'taker's legacy cheaply! I wouldn't wanna be that guy!


As for the diva's division if they wanted to liven it up they could do worse than that gothy chick in NXT. Can't remember her name but she can wrestle a bit and has a cool gimmick. I also quite like the inbred farmer stable they have down there, the wyatt's is it? I have only been watching a few weeks but their manager is amazing.


In my opinion if Shawn Michaels didn't break the streak than nobody should. Plus at this point I think that if someone actually did it would hurt their career than actually help it. Also how many matches realisticly does Taker have left I would say two (29 and retiring at 30).

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In my opinion if Shawn Michaels didn't break the streak than nobody should. Plus at this point I think that if someone actually did it would hurt their career than actually help it. Also how many matches realisticly does Taker have left I would say two (29 and retiring at 30).


I'd say judging by your forum name you are slightly biased ;)

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I'd say judging by your forum name you are slightly biased ;)


I could see how you could say that based on my name that I would be biased but the fact is that Undertaker isn't my favoriote wrestler I like him but he is by no means my favoriote of all time (that distinction would belong to Stone Cold Steve Austin).


Out of all of Taker's matches at Wrestlemania I thought his matches with Shawn were absolutely amazing and the match they had at WM 25 is considered by many to be the greatest of all time (which is hard to disagree with unless you think their match at 26 was better I don't but if someone does that's their own opinion and they are entitled to it) his match with Shawn at WM 25 is my second favoriote match of all time.


Shawn came the closest to breaking the streak and there were points in both matches that I thought that Shawn might actually be the one to end it. However since that didn't happen I just don't believe that it should be done because like I said in my previous post at this point it would probably hurt whoever broke it rather than help them.


In Triple H's or Shawn Michaels respective cases it would have just given them something more to add to their impressive resume's.


It's my opinion and if I was saying this solely on what my forum name is (TakerNGN74) that I would never want to see the streak end. However I actually was cheering Michaels on because i wanted him to end it at 25 and again the following year at 26. He came the closest to ending it (Triple H came close in his three matches as well but not as close as Michaels did IMO) I just don't see anyone else coming close to ending it in the two years (If that) that Undertaker may still be wrestling (29 and 30).

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I don't think the streak will or should end. And I can imagine Taker retiring at Wrestlemania 30.


The stable's manager is Bray Wyatt who was on the main roster as Husky Harris for a little while. He's the son of IRS/Mike Rotunda. The gimmick is based on the movie Cape Fear.


"It takes millions of years for coal to become a diamond, It’ll take me 30 seconds on #Raw to bring the world to its knees." - @WWEBrayWyatt (posted on Twitter a few days ago)



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There isn't much benefit in ending the streak just to end it. I don't think people would buy into that and it would just flop. With 'Taker's current schedule though it would be difficult to build up a scenario where it would make sense. Orton's "Legend Killer" stint would have been a good time to do it. Either of HBK's attempts would just about have been worthy but now? What, he returns at/just after the Rumble and someone stares at the Mania sign? It's just putting someone in a program with him for the sake of him being at Mania.


If he isn't going to return to work a longer schedule, then it would take someone that can carry a feud solo on the mic and a lot of grunt work by the production team to build it until he can get on-screen and move things along. Until/unless they do that, having someone beat him at Mania isn't worth it, in my opinion.

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And now, InfinityWPI Does More Fantasy Booking!


WWE Royal Rumble: Using underhanded methods, Punk cheats to defeat The Rock. Possibly with SHIELD interference. It's a huge shock.


The SHIELD are in the Royal Rumble match as well. All three are in the ring, working together, as number 29 is drawn... and it's John Cena. Cena tries to rally the troops, but the SHIELD's teamwork lets them pick people off easily. Number 30 hits... and it's Rocky. Rock and Cena combined take out The Shield, and then have a staredown, a five-ten minute match, with Rocky winning.


The next night on Raw, Rocky declares that at Wrestlemania, it'll be him and Punk, for the title... but to keep the SHIELD out, it'll be a cage match.


I don't know if I like it better than my "SHIELD vs Ryback/Rock/Punk Elimination Chamber" idea... but this one lets Punk get a win over Rock, hold the title for a few more months, and lets Rocky be the first person (I think) to be in a World Title match at the Rumble and then go on to win The Rumble itself.

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Why do you think it would hurt a person if they beat the streak? It's such a big deal I personally would imagine they would get a massive rub from that accolade. Not saying you are wrong, just want to hear your opinions :)

I don't think he's wrong, been my opinion for a good while that it would kill someone's momentum if they beat Undertaker's streak.... There is one person that I think could pull it off though. That could change, but one person is in the position for them to do it, if they were to think about it. Since Slim basically threw the rest of my opinion in there, I'll quote his post to emphasis my thoughts which are the same.

There isn't much benefit in ending the streak just to end it. I don't think people would buy into that and it would just flop. With 'Taker's current schedule though it would be difficult to build up a scenario where it would make sense. Orton's "Legend Killer" stint would have been a good time to do it. Either of HBK's attempts would just about have been worthy but now? What, he returns at/just after the Rumble and someone stares at the Mania sign? It's just putting someone in a program with him for the sake of him being at Mania.


If he isn't going to return to work a longer schedule, then it would take someone that can carry a feud solo on the mic and a lot of grunt work by the production team to build it until he can get on-screen and move things along. Until/unless they do that, having someone beat him at Mania isn't worth it, in my opinion.


The person I've been thinking could pull it off is CM Punk. The only way he can do it though, is to keep winning until Wrestlemania, and do it as a Heel. A turn after Wrestlemania (done halfway decent) could get him to that "Glass Ceiling" thing he keeps talking about.

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Fantasy Booking:


Punk beats Rock (possibly Shield involved). Lights go out, Taker declares his opponent (Best in the World).


Punk goes into the match a heel, but imagine a turn in the match... Shield runs in, Punk helps take care of them, then him and Taker face for real. I believe the crowd would start going crazy, and start chanting both names. "Stay out of this! I have to do this!"

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Why do you think it would hurt a person if they beat the streak? It's such a big deal I personally would imagine they would get a massive rub from that accolade. Not saying you are wrong, just want to hear your opinions :)


All I am saying is that the right person would have to end it in order for the fans to accept it. I don't think that the WWE is dumb enough to have some guy defeat him (Taker) if they weren't going to invest long term into the guy who finally ended the streak.


I have heard rumors that Taker wanted Orton to defeat him at WM 21 whether or not that is true remains to be seen and we will probably never find out because that is why they call it a rumor. If Orton defeated Taker back at WM 21 I think it would have actually helped his career big time. But in this stage in the game after defeating Orton, Batista, Edge, Shawn twice, and Trip's three times just to name a few I don't think it will be done. After all if the bosses son in law couldn't get the job done then who can?


Just my opinion and you can choose to agree with it or not but that's the way I see it.


Edit: Like djthefunkchris said I think that the one guy who could actually end it and not have it kill his momentum would be CM Punk although I am hoping that Punk has the title going into mania still so I doubt that the match would even happen. But that is the one guy who if they had end Taker's Streak (Punk) I would actually be able to accept although It might take me some time to actually do so.

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