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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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The only "heat" in the storyline so far is Punk more or less saying to Undertaker, "Paul Bearer died, boohoo". With 2 RAWs until Wrestlemania (yes, two left), they have no plot going on and the feud has no storyline built to it at all. Hell, unless Pau Bearer isn't actually dead, this plot has been made up on the fly since then and that means they've scrapped something in favour of this... well, total crap.


We all have our own views on previous matches, but at least HBK and HHH looked like they had a chance, even though most people didn't believe they'd win. Doesn't matter if you thought it or not, but they looked like tough guys challenging the toughest guy. This year... Punk just looks like a weasley midcarder gunning for the top. He's not the same "Best In The World" guy who was champion for more than a year, he's just a guy being a dick. If he was playing up his legit strengths the way he did while he was champion, I'd be marking out for this just now because I can envision all kinds of awesome. But he isn't. And there are TWO shows left to do anything about it and right now no-one cares. The RAW crowd was dead for the entire show. They didn't care about Punk-Taker. They didn't care for Lesnar-Hunter. Cena-Rock, does anyone care? And Del Rio/Swagger, no-one gives a flying monkey's about that...


I'm not the kind of fan that hates on things for no reason, but those four matches are the marquee matches for the show and right now, I don't care for them. I'm marking more for Ryback/Henry and Shield/babyfaces than the big matches because they seem to have something of a storyline to them. Though at least Lesnar/Hunter has something to it.... it's sad I care more about that than the title matches and Undertaker match. :(

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Haven't seen this posted here, but Chris Masters has been making the news around the country this morning after saving his mom from a fire after a neighbor barricaded the two of them inside the mom's house. Masters uprooted a tree and sent it through the window. http://www.latimes.com/sports/sportsnow/la-sp-sn-former-wwe-star-saves-mom-20130321,0,4140258.story



Bring back Chris Masters, WWE!

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For a long time I've had no idea why Masters doesn't have a job. He's always seemed like a nice guy outside the ring, he's got a great look and is a solid hand in the ring. And when you get stories like this too, it just adds to the reasons I like him. Uprooting a tree so save a life? Bad ass! :)
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For a long time I've had no idea why Masters doesn't have a job. He's always seemed like a nice guy outside the ring, he's got a great look and is a solid hand in the ring. And when you get stories like this too, it just adds to the reasons I like him. Uprooting a tree so save a life? Bad ass! :)


hes probably gonna pop up in aces n eights at some point

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Smackdown was way more fun than Raw this week: JBL return, AJ & Barrett announcing, Swagger vs Jericho, Fandango in the ring, Sheamus/Orton/Show vs 3MB (a surprisingly good match).



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I must admit WWE has bored the crap out of me these last couple of weeks. Every year (well since 1990) I have looked forward to Wrestlemania for one match or another. Last year, Punk v. Jericho and I even looked forward to the "Once in a Lifetime" Cena v. Rock match because I was 90% sure Rock would win.


This year, I couldn't care less about Wrestlemania, and that makes me feel a little bit annoyed. I have no intention of buying it because there is absolutely nothing that even remotely interests me. For the first year there is a tiny bit of doubt that Undertaker will keep the streak going as Punk is all about breaking records - but there's not enough doubt to make me want to watch it. Cena v. Rock the rematch of the "Once in a Lifetime" match but this time for the world title... Cena wins, I switch off WWE and don't watch again until he loses the belt (as do nearly all the people I hang around with). The Shield vs. Big Show/Sheamus/Orton. If there are 2 people I care less for than Cena, it's Big Show and Sheamus. Tag Title Match? Big E. Langston needs to get some different ring attire before I ever watch a match of his... or some suppression shorts because I don't wanna be seeing that on my screen. Besides, having Ziggler in a tag match is a crime! Del Rio vs. Swagger will probably be a good match, although not enough to warrant me spending money on the PPV. Oh and if Ziggler doesn't cash in after a Del Rio victory, and Swagger assault after the match I will be surprised. Lesnar v. Triple H? Seen it, Lesnar "broke" HHH's arm twice so not sure why I should consider HHH a threat to Lesnar. I actually don't know anymore of the card so to me that's a pretty weak attempt at any PPV let alone your biggest of the year.


I get that WWE are catering for the masses, and I am but 1 (or 10 if you include the other people I know who like wrestling and aren't buying this either) but surely on your biggest card of the year you should be trying a little bit harder to garner interest. Having wrestlers come down and point to a Wrestlemania sign in the arena every 5 minutes isn't about to get me forking out for it.

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Cena wins, I switch off WWE and don't watch again until he loses the belt (as do nearly all the people I hang around with)


I'm sorry but that's just childish. If you're not a fan of the guy that's fair. You and the rest of the internet. But to say you REFUSE to give any storyline a minute of your viewing time simply because Cena as champion is involved seems so petty.


Every year the buildup to wrestlemania goes something like this: 80% of the internet whines that it's a crap build. They hate this, aren't looking forward to that, if this happens they riot... blah blah blah. Then 20% of the idiots like me feel the need to defend it because "ITS STILL REAL TO ME DAMNIT!!!" Then Wrestlemania sunday happens and 90% of the internet goes, "WOW WHAT AN AWESOME SHOW!!! TOTALLY SURPRISED ME!!!" and the other 10% says "I don't know what you people are watching, it's not as good as it was when I was 9 so it stinks!"


I personally am looking forward to it. And I'll enjoy it. Because it's wrestlemania.

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What buildup was so great last year? Rock and Cena were horrible remember the "Rock Concert" it was all jokes, Fruity Pebbles and trending. Triple H vs. Taker had almost no build outside of "I want a rematch.....again". Punk and Jericho had very little build and the match itself wasn't that great. When was the last time the main event for the show had any kind of a good build? I honestly think people trick themselves into remembering fondly things that didn't go down so well. Either that or they are just too addicted to the WWE to let it go. How many years has it been since the WWE was anything more than a giant ad for underwear models and twitter? Yet people still tune in each week before coming on boards like this to say "I knew they would screw this up" or "Its the same old WWE they don't know what they're doing" and yet every Monday night the same people run back to the television as if only so they can come on message boards and complain about how bad the product is. Seems like a strange way to spend three hours personally.


I haven't shut off the WWE because Cena was/is/isn't champion I've shut off the WWE but I hate this 50/50 booking. I hate that secondary champions lose every televised match they're in. I hate that they spend a year telling me that Dolph Ziggler is a big deal and the minute I buy into it he loses for three, four, five straight months worth of television. I don't watch the WWE because they bring Brock back and the first time he's in a match he loses. I don't watch because watching underwear models stand in the ring and read off of a script in the most monotone way possible isn't interesting to me.


There are a million reasons why I don't watch the show but I don't come on the internet proclaiming to the world that I'm not going to watch if X happens. Because people that do that never stop tuning in. They can't. If they are so invested that a single person like Cena ruins it for them they can't just walk away. They have to watch and pull apart every little thing he does so they can run to the internet and proclaim why he's the worst of all time. If the show doesn't interest you in anymore then its been my experience that you don't spend time saying "I'm never going to watch again if" or "If this happens I'm walking away" you simply stop watching because it doesn't interest you anymore.


On a final note you are just one guy at Wrestlemania doesn't have to have a buildup. Anyone remember Orton vs. HHH vs. Cena? Or how about Orton vs. HHH? Or Batista vs. Cena? These are all pretty lame duck Wrestlemania Main Events or at the very least rehashed main events we had crammed down our throats for the year prior or longer. However they still do crazy business because that sign they're pointing to sells out seconds after its tickets go on sale and people buy entire travel packages to next years days after the previous one has gone past without any idea who's going to be on it. They do it because Wrestlemania is an experience, the brand itself sells and regardless of how one person may feel The Rock is one of, if not the top action guy in Hollywood right now. I've listed before the blockbusters he's going to be a part of this year. John Cena still gets the loudest reactions from the crowd. Brock Lesnar still brings in a fan base that no one else on the roster has any access too. People will still pay to see The Undertaker defend his streak. The storylines may not be of any interest but the people involved are undoubtedly undisputed draws and have proven to be so for over a decade in most cases.

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I'm sorry but that's just childish. If you're not a fan of the guy that's fair. You and the rest of the internet. But to say you REFUSE to give any storyline a minute of your viewing time simply because Cena as champion is involved seems so petty.


Every year the buildup to wrestlemania goes something like this: 80% of the internet whines that it's a crap build. They hate this, aren't looking forward to that, if this happens they riot... blah blah blah. Then 20% of the idiots like me feel the need to defend it because "ITS STILL REAL TO ME DAMNIT!!!" Then Wrestlemania sunday happens and 90% of the internet goes, "WOW WHAT AN AWESOME SHOW!!! TOTALLY SURPRISED ME!!!" and the other 10% says "I don't know what you people are watching, it's not as good as it was when I was 9 so it stinks!"


I personally am looking forward to it. And I'll enjoy it. Because it's wrestlemania.


I don't know anybody who thought WM27 was good, quite frankly it was terrible. 28 was decent saved by 2 good matches and one dream match that had a huge surprise.

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I'm sorry but that's just childish. If you're not a fan of the guy that's fair. You and the rest of the internet. But to say you REFUSE to give any storyline a minute of your viewing time simply because Cena as champion is involved seems so petty.


Every year the buildup to wrestlemania goes something like this: 80% of the internet whines that it's a crap build. They hate this, aren't looking forward to that, if this happens they riot... blah blah blah. Then 20% of the idiots like me feel the need to defend it because "ITS STILL REAL TO ME DAMNIT!!!" Then Wrestlemania sunday happens and 90% of the internet goes, "WOW WHAT AN AWESOME SHOW!!! TOTALLY SURPRISED ME!!!" and the other 10% says "I don't know what you people are watching, it's not as good as it was when I was 9 so it stinks!"


I personally am looking forward to it. And I'll enjoy it. Because it's wrestlemania.


Cena winning the title is the final nail in the coffin for me and that's why I put that. I could have gone into everything else that I don't like with the product but it's the same shit everyone else says day in and day out so didn't think it needed to be rehashed. If Cena wins the belt you can guarantee most of the 3 hour Raw is going to be about his win and then the subsequent Raws after that are going to be all about Cena. He was pretty much the focus of the show WITHOUT the belt so I doubt there's going to be a lot of time for anything else. You can imply I'm childish and petty if you like, I really don't care about your opinion of me as I don't know you.


Last years Wrestlemania was good, but I can categorically say that the last time I went "wow that was awesome" with regards to WWE was Chris Jerichos return at the Rumble (the last full WWE show I watched). If I enjoy a PPV, then great but I can state quite clearly here and now the exact same thing I'll be saying the day after Wrestlemania. The reason I'll be saying the same thing is because WWE, for the most part, is predictable. They've had plenty of opportunity to create some new stars and freshen up the product but have failed to pull the trigger on any of them and now it's the same old faces at the top. You've said you're going to watch it, well I hope you enjoy it and have some positive things to say from it, I'll be sleeping as I have w.


There are a million reasons why I don't watch the show but I don't come on the internet proclaiming to the world that I'm not going to watch if X happens. Because people that do that never stop tuning in. They can't.. If they are so invested that a single person like Cena ruins it for them they can't just walk away. They have to watch and pull apart every little thing he does so they can run to the internet and proclaim why he's the worst of all time. If the show doesn't interest you in anymore then its been my experience that you don't spend time saying "I'm never going to watch again if" or "If this happens I'm walking away" you simply stop watching because it doesn't interest you anymore.


I haven't watched a full episode of Raw since the one before Royal Rumble so I'm not that "invested" in it myself. I tend to skim the results and if something good happens I may watch those segments. I rarely say what I feel with regards to the state of wrestling (compared to a lot of others) because there are always people online who seem to think because you don't think exactly like them that they can make judgmental comments and act superior to other people. They act like they have a Masters in psychology and "know" what sort of a person someone is based on something as trivial as wrestling.


On a final note of my own, I don't deny that they sell tickets within hours of them going on sale - I'm merely stating that I don't have any interest in it this year because the card is a mash up of rematches and throw together matches. Pointing at the sign isn't going to build my interest in paying for it if I think the card sucks. If Wrestlemania appeals to others then I'm not going to sit here and judge their opinions or act high and mighty, because it is their money and their time they will be using for something they want.

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Yeah Fleisch I wasn't knocking you or anything I just don't quite understand the mentality of people putting themselves through a three hour show only to come on the internet and complain about how everything happening is completely wrong. If you don't enjoy it walk away as obviously so many have in the last decade.


I personally don't care about Mania but I think the last Mania I was interested in was Mania 21.

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Cena winning the title is the final nail in the coffin for me and that's why I put that. I could have gone into everything else that I don't like with the product but it's the same shit everyone else says day in and day out so didn't think it needed to be rehashed. If Cena wins the belt you can guarantee most of the 3 hour Raw is going to be about his win and then the subsequent Raws after that are going to be all about Cena. He was pretty much the focus of the show WITHOUT the belt so I doubt there's going to be a lot of time for anything else. You can imply I'm childish and petty if you like, I really don't care about your opinion of me as I don't know you.


Last years Wrestlemania was good, but I can categorically say that the last time I went "wow that was awesome" with regards to WWE was Chris Jerichos return at the Rumble (the last full WWE show I watched). If I enjoy a PPV, then great but I can state quite clearly here and now the exact same thing I'll be saying the day after Wrestlemania. The reason I'll be saying the same thing is because WWE, for the most part, is predictable. They've had plenty of opportunity to create some new stars and freshen up the product but have failed to pull the trigger on any of them and now it's the same old faces at the top. You've said you're going to watch it, well I hope you enjoy it and have some positive things to say from it, I'll be sleeping as I have w.




I haven't watched a full episode of Raw since the one before Royal Rumble so I'm not that "invested" in it myself. I tend to skim the results and if something good happens I may watch those segments. I rarely say what I feel with regards to the state of wrestling (compared to a lot of others) because there are always people online who seem to think because you don't think exactly like them that they can make judgmental comments and act superior to other people. They act like they have a Masters in psychology and "know" what sort of a person someone is based on something as trivial as wrestling.


On a final note of my own, I don't deny that they sell tickets within hours of them going on sale - I'm merely stating that I don't have any interest in it this year because the card is a mash up of rematches and throw together matches. Pointing at the sign isn't going to build my interest in paying for it if I think the card sucks. If Wrestlemania appeals to others then I'm not going to sit here and judge their opinions or act high and mighty, because it is their money and their time they will be using for something they want.

Pretty well said. I don't have the same opinion as you do, but I certainly see your points (I don't see why anyone wouldn't), and I will respect whatever you decide to do.


Personally, myself, I try to watch whatever I can. I been working most of the time WWE is on, so been missing quite a bit, caught Smackdown though (youtube believe it or not), and they showed me a few Raw Rebound type clips that kind of caught me up.


I predict Cena wins IF Rock isn't going to be part of the show after Wrestlemania... otherwise The Rock retains, and the story continues... My opinion is the Cena should win, Rock should rematch him, and Cena win that match as well, then we all say "Thankyou Rocky" and move on. However, because I think Rock might be back next year as well, I'm not going to bet on that happening... although a few weeks ago I would have.


Undertaker is going to lose to Punk... I just think that's going to happen. I don't think this is the end of Undertaker either, just the beginning of a different Punk.


HHH has to win against Brock... If he doesn't that will be the biggest surprise of all for me.


The obvious thing to do with Punk/Heyman/Brock, would be to have them team up against the rest of the roster. Punk/Brock vs. Cena/Rock would sell I believe.

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Fleisch I see where you are coming from. But the idea that you (and everyone you know) would never watch WWE anymore if Cena was ever champion again, regardless of how the storylines play out, came off a bit obstinate to me. All I'm trying to say.


John Cena is STILL the most popular superstar in the company. We can talk about "Boos" and "cheers" all day. Dude just makes the company more money and ratings dip when he's not around. It really is that simple. People either love him or love to hate him. Either way he's entertaining to a vast majority of the WWE audience. So it seems crazy to me to watch WWE, call yourself a WWE fan, then be miserable that they heavily feature John Cena one way or the other. It's like saying "I'm a patriots fan but I won't watch if Tom Brady starts next year". Like, they're supposed to bench their star player because YOU and YOUR FRIENDS don't like him?


I'm not saying you're not allowed to watch and dislike what you see. Critiquing it and saying you feel things should be different is one thing. In fact, it's the lifeblood of message board wrestling chatter. But to say you won't watch despite the inevitable conclusion seems like you're kinda just setting yourself up for a lose/lose situation. And at that point, I have to say, WWE probably just ain't for you anymore. So many people on the internet would add years to their lives if they just stopped caring about WWE rather than being stressed and angry that the outcome isn't exactly the way they wish it would happen.

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I have a few random things to throw out there about Wrestlemania 29:


Cena beats Rock. Cena winning the Rumble and Rock beating Punk made that very clear (though it was clear going into the show anyway). Rock will never stay in the WWE for more than four months at a consecutive time. WWE is clearly pushing for legend matches. I'd be extremely surprised if Austin doesn't wrestle at WM 30 next year.


Taker beats Punk. I think Punk has one of the coolest and freshest characters WWE has had in years but he will not beat The Undertaker at WM. The fact his character is who it is makes people believe he truly has a chance to end the streak. This is the first match since I don't even remember that WWE have made people think, "could they really end the streak this year?" The HBK and HHH matches made it very clear that the streak wasn't ending. It will never end because it's too much apart of the Taker character.


The rest? I don't even care. The HHH/Lesnar match will be good and HHH will win. Most likely leading to Lesnar departing for another six months.

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not interested in Wrestlemania as i was last year, will still buy it, but my main reason to buy it this year is Ryback vs Mark Henry, that is still happening right?


also my worst Wreatlmania was the Umaga vs Bobby Lashley one, could not get into it, i think that one had Kane vs Khali as well which was nearly as bad as Big Show vs Khali whenever that happened

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Raw was much improved this week. Seemed like they put a lot more effort into it than last week. I cringed when they trotted out the legends but to my suprise the Rock/Cena debate actually made me interested in the feud again. But last year they relied on the hype. This time they actually need to have a good match and I'm not convinced it'll happen. Sigh of relief that Henry recovered quickly from his house show injury. Props to the Usos and Drew McIntyre for making themselves look good against Henry and Ryback. Good to see AJ & Kaitlyn going at it finally. I get the feeling most of the titles will change hands at Mania (except maybe Cesaro retaining in the Pre-Show).





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Rock/Cena panel made me laugh. they're so heavy on the soundbites it's unreal. But this was a decent Raw to me, it was brawl-heavy. Nearly every feud there were trading fists.


And the last segment was good purely because it was the first time Cena actually came off as heelish. Still won't check Mania, but I'm glad they're upping the ante on some aspects. If next week is even better, I may change my mind.


Also, Paul Heyman = most badass manager. Who else is simultaneously gonna get on Taker and Triple H's last nerves with two different clients? It's like putting a stamp on your death warrant after signing it :p

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Chalk it all up to "Who'd of Thunk?". I'm one of those people that like listening to "off the cuff" type interviews from different people, such as Heyman, Bischoff, Hogan, Cornell (just the cursing gets on my ____ nerves), and anyone that seems to know something of the business outside of being a talent in the ring.


For years I've thought Heyman makes the most sense out of all the other's, when he's truly being objective. His remarks about Bischoff saying things he doesn't really believe, because Bischoff is "smarter" then that, much smarter.. McMahan living in a bubble where he has to have full control over everything, even his sneezes (yes, just was watching "THAT" interview again), and the way to book wrestling like a spaghetti western... Something I've been thinking of with recent ongoings. Bad guys ride into town (The Shield/Mark Henry), you build them up, you build them up, you build them up... and over here you have the good guy that can beat the bad guys butts (perhaps Big Show/Ryback, perhaps another that hasn't come forward yet). The good guy rides into town and cleans up the mess.


You can sort of see that going on right now in current stories going on, and I can't help to wonder if they aren't giving Paul a little more creative input on the ongoings, outside of Punk/Brock. To me, it doesn't look like he has as much input in the two he's involved with on camera, as he might have on the one's he's not involved in. Which would mean they are finally giving some Heyman idea's a go, so it might be very interesting after Wrestlemania.


In all honesty, I just feel like Wrestlemania is going to be the start of several things at once, as well as an ending to some of the lamer ongoings. I think The Shield has a good chance of losing for example, to give the crowd a pay-off and complete the Big Show turn. However, I can't help to think that AFTER Wrestlemania, The Shield gets new blood.


HHH beats Brock.... I honestly don't see HHH ending his career, but this is wrestling... Does it really means he never wrestle's again, or does it mean he comes back like Taker every Wrestlemania? I honestly thought this feud would be over, and hoping it ends at Wrestlemania. IF HHH wins though, giving the crowd what they want, then it's not over... at least I wouldn't end it with that.


Cena beats Rock.... I can't see it happening any other way. This doesn't win any extra fans for either one of them, or WWE, but it gives them reason for another match if this one brings in the same type of money last one did.


Punk vs. Undertaker... I'm with the ones that really think Punk has a chance to win this. Funny thing is, I'm also one of the people that never want's the Undertaker to lose at Mania, keeping the record intact as a legacy for him. It's just the right thing to do in my eyes.... But, Punk is the only one I can see actually getting something out of a win against him. Punk loves the heat (it's so obvious). I don't think I've seen anyone else like being a bad guy as much as Punk, and he would use all the reasons why this wouldn't work for any other person, in his favor... "I Ended THE STREAK! WHY?!@! Because I AM The higher power!!" Jeesh, he might even get some of his biggest fans hating on him if this happens, which would make him huge (in my opinion).


Swagger beats Del Rio... IF He's not getting suspended, and they are willing to go through with this persona of his, it's the best way to build him up into the spotlight. Right now, Del Rio to me isn't half as good as when he was heel, and Swagger is a much better heel with Zeb as his manager. IF they can hold onto Zeb, Swagger needs to win, and he needs to hold onto it for a while.


Others'... Ziggler... I personally don't think he's ready, and I personally think if I was going to do something like have him cash in at Wrestlemania, he would have been holding the other Briefcase (much bigger impact, and one that people probably wouldn't expect him to hold long... which no matter what I don't see him holding either of them very long). I don't see Del Rio winning, and I don't see what sense it would make for Ziggler to go face against Swagger, but if it happens, that's what's going down IMO.


Henry vs. Ryback... I don't know why, but this match sounds fun as heck. I can't imagine it actually being very good, but they have both proven to be able to be entertaining as heck on a few occasions. Hopefully they pull it off.


Hell No vs. Ziggy and Big E... This is where I think a loss is due to Hell No. They could implode after this, and go on to single status again. I wouldn't mind seeing Ziggler and Big E holding the tag belts, and I can't help thinking that Big E is the bigger story here.


I have absolutely no interest in the women's division right now. They aren't fighting over the title, but over each other, which is lame... "Hey WWE, How about having the women fight over the title, hmmm... How about that?!!" -Jim Cornette without the swearing.


US Champion is on the right person for now. Intercontinental, not so much.

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So...I read the discussion some of you were having in the last post and I think it's hilarious. Somebody saying it's childish to stop watching wwe because Cena is the champ, or that it is childish not watching his segments? Childish is to say that such thing is a childish. Viewers are entitles to change channel everytime Cena, or anyone else they dislike, appears on said screen. But what most amuses me is someone telling that people who complain like that will never stop to see. To those people I say: As soon as John Cena recaptures the belt I will do one of two things: I will stop watching wwe, or at least not watching anything in which Cena is involved in. It's not childish, it's my right as a viewer. Childish would be to keep watching someone I hate on my TV for no good reason. If I don't like it, I don't see it. And those who feel the same way, should do the same. It's not childish, it's freedom. I don't know about your country, but I live in a free country, when I don't like something (and I hate Cena) I fast-forward it, or change the channel until it's over. Just because some of you think that people should watch Cena, doesn't mean all of us will. Childish is to say that our dislike is childish. End of discussion.
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So...I read the discussion some of you were having in the last post and I think it's hilarious. Somebody saying it's childish to stop watching wwe because Cena is the champ, or that it is childish not watching his segments? Childish is to say that such thing is a childish. Viewers are entitles to change channel everytime Cena, or anyone else they dislike, appears on said screen. But what most amuses me is someone telling that people who complain like that will never stop to see. To those people I say: As soon as John Cena recaptures the belt I will do one of two things: I will stop watching wwe, or at least not watching anything in which Cena is involved in. It's not childish, it's my right as a viewer. Childish would be to keep watching someone I hate on my TV for no good reason. If I don't like it, I don't see it. And those who feel the same way, should do the same. It's not childish, it's freedom. I don't know about your country, but I live in a free country, when I don't like something (and I hate Cena) I fast-forward it, or change the channel until it's over. Just because some of you think that people should watch Cena, doesn't mean all of us will. Childish is to say that our dislike is childish. End of discussion.


Before someone else says anything, I just want to say I think you miss understood a few things that were discussed. His main point was that he thought it childish to miss out on everything else because of one person, no matter if it's Cena or someone else, doesn't really matter.


The other person just isn't interested in seeing "repeat/repeat", I think is the best way to say it shortly. Just like I think you miss understood, I think that was miss understood as well.


At the end of the discussion, they pretty much seen each other's point and that was that.


I'm just posting this because your post could possibly fuel something that shouldn't happen, because it was already ended, and I know that wasn't your intention either.

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It's just a shame that the U.S. champion has lost several matches in a row, and doesn't even defend his belt on PPVs (unless it's the dark match).


I think they are doing a good job of keeping him looking strong though. I didn't even realize he was losing so many in a row, til' you pointed it out. He SHOULD eventually, obviously, lose that belt for something else...


I hope it's not going to be a dark match, they should have time to include him in there somewhere. With The Rock being there though, no matter what I expect quite a bit of attention being put on him, after all... He's the Celebrity this year so far.

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