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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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So funny to see people asking on WWE.com: "So can I watch Summerslam on the WWE network?". I'd answer, but I don't know for sure. They really need to work on transparant communication. Fans are really kept in the dark. And how expensive would it be exactly? One can only guess...


I was about to subscribe for the Network myself, but it appears you absolutely need a credit card for it. I'm going to pass then as I'm not going to purchase one especially for this. Why not just use paypal for a one-shot 6-month payment? There's no risk for them as they get all money up front. Dumb move by WWE. (or I might have to convert € to $, I'll work it out).


As for RAW, it was fine, but I can't keep me from thinking about AJ Lee losing to Eva Marie, even if it was a distraction. And was she hurt or something, as she was seemingly injured when AJ wanted revenge? Weird as AJ got little offense in. Oh well. Bad storyline. Bad! But I'm interested in the match regardless. As a matter of fact: I'm interested in all the matches for once. What a card... It's going to be predictable as hell, but a fine watch I'm sure.


A lot of companies don't use PayPal. The main reason I guess would be that it's eaiser to get a refund through PayPal when you're dissatisfied.


JR mentioned on Jericho's podcast recently that distraction finishes were overused in WWE. On Smackdown AJ got counted out against Eva because she got angry and attacked Paige, which is better booking than being rolled up because you took your eyes off your opponent.

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Let me put it this way, pay $9.99 (or roughly €7.46) once every six months and you can watch any pay-per-view, including live ones whenever you want. Plus NXT, Superstars and tons of old WCW and ECW events.


I'd be more interested once it rolls out in Australia if you could get Raw and Smackdown after 48-72 hours. I haven't got time to watch old matches, I only watch the Main Event highlights, don't watch Superstars and NXT is free on Hulu. I'd only be getting it for the PPVs.


Edit: Seems like it rolled out in Australia a few days ago. Can't find a price, though. $9.99USD is $10.72AUD with today's exchange rate which would be a pretty good price.

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I'd be more interested once it rolls out in Australia if you could get Raw and Smackdown after 48-72 hours. I haven't got time to watch old matches, I only watch the Main Event highlights, don't watch Superstars and NXT is free on Hulu. I'd only be getting it for the PPVs.


Edit: Seems like it rolled out in Australia a few days ago. Can't find a price, though. $9.99USD is $10.72AUD with today's exchange rate which would be a pretty good price.


You do pay in US$. They don't have any BS regional pricing like some other services (*cough*Steam*cough*)

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You do pay in US$. They don't have any BS regional pricing like some other services (*cough*Steam*cough*)


Which is good. :p


As for the 'distraction finishes': we had two countout finishes in one week: Ziggler's and AJ's. It's too much imo. It used to be a rare occurence.


I can't believe I'm going to have to beg someone to couple their credit card to my account, only to remove it immediately, if I want to have the network. Or I should do what thousands others do and change my IP to a US adress.


And again: paypal is mentioned as an option, but you still need to couple your credit card to it, which I don't want to do for obvious reasons.

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heh I only really use the WWE Network for the PPVs, 9.99 a month from network is a steal since the cable company wants $50 for every ppv.


Same here. I enjoy watching WWE PPVs every month. They always have something I want to see. For $10/mo its a no-brainer. Getting to watch older matches and shows is just a bonus in my opinion. They have a lot of material on the WWE Network and continue to roll out new and old.

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I have a question regarding the network for anyone who has had it a while. Summerslam was to be the first ppv I would get to watch on the network so I booked the day off work and everything but as I go to load the video I just get a "error: can't load video at this time" message. Is this normal for ppvs? Like is it an overload thing? I'm hoping it comes round soon cos otherwise my plans for the day are wasted...
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It's a great deal for me because NXT is the best Tv wrestling by far (this week's episode was proof) but the old content is pretty much useless to me unless I want to pick and choose matches to watch and it's a chore to do that too.


I'm not sure how many people can just watch random PPVs with no context


It takes some getting used to, admittedly, but I usually find myself a lot more drawn to the old stuff than the new usually. I'm probably just a little too into reliving my childhood though. I also watched a Cowboys - Dolphins game from 1993 on the NFL Network just to wallow in the nostalgia.


I'm a little weird that way, or so I've been told.



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I loved that main event. Called back to Wrestlemania, showed that you don't always need to book 51/49 every match, especially with Roman/Randy being the "traditional" end of match sequence where it's just "guy goes for finisher, gets reversed, other guy sets up for finisher." Not to dump on that match, it was fine, but it would've been irritating if Cena Brock was all STF's into Kimura counters.
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guess Brock can't wrestle lol, but who needs to wrestle when you can just suplex someone 16 times in a row? heh Brutal match.



Can't wrestle, can't sell and was gassed 4 minutes into the match. He was even two moves short of five moves of doom!


F5, chin lock, German suplex. Lather, rinse, repeat.

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Can't wrestle, can't sell and was gassed 4 minutes into the match. He was even two moves short of five moves of doom!


F5, chin lock, German suplex. Lather, rinse, repeat.


To reiterate, this match ruled. I really enjoyed it. Sweaty =/ gassed. Lesnar could've dead-lifted John Cena sixteen more times. I like the WWE main event formula fine, but I thought it was great to dramatically get away from it for the main event: made it feel special.

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Can't wrestle, can't sell and was gassed 4 minutes into the match. He was even two moves short of five moves of doom!


F5, chin lock, German suplex. Lather, rinse, repeat.


Watch Lesnar vs HHH inside the cage and see how much Lesnar sells that knee injury. Lesnar is overpowered in a good way.


Real Life Credibility = A*

Kayfabe Credibility = A*

Paul Heyman = A*

Wrestling Skills = A*

Mystique = A (Those HHH and Cena losses were very unneeded)

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I don't think Brock looked gassed at all. I have to agree with Lazor, looked to me like he could throw Cena around for another hour if he wanted to. I also enjoyed it, looked really brutal. One of the earliest suplexes looked like it could have legitimately hurt Cena (I kind of cringed while watching it) the way he landed on his neck, but he looked alright later.
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Now, who's gonna beat him?


For me there's only one plausible option... Daniel Bryan.


I'm convinced he was the design victim for Brock Lesnar, but the injuries scrapped the plans and change the actors of this story. I still think the WM31 main event in original was Cena vs Lesnar. The only concern is the injury, unless they are trolling on his health status, like they did in the past.


The super monster against the ultimate underdog. Easy to write, not to so easy to excute, considering the initial idea for the WM30 main event.

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Now, who's gonna beat him?


For me there's only one plausible option... Daniel Bryan.


I'm convinced he was the design victim for Brock Lesnar, but the injuries scrapped the plans and change the actors of this story. I still think the WM31 main event in original was Cena vs Lesnar. The only concern is the injury, unless they are trolling on his health status, like they did in the past.


The super monster against the ultimate underdog. Easy to write, not to so easy to excute, considering the initial idea for the WM30 main event.


Wasn't there originally going to be a Rock-Brock WM31 match until Rock injured himself filming Hercules and needed surgery or something?


I also think Bryan would be the ideal guy but all signs seem to be pointing to Reigns-Brock WM judging by how Reigns has been pushed

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Summerslam last night (or what I have officially dubbed it Smummerslam because it sounds funny :D:p;)) is a total contender for show of the year for WWE.


From top to bottom I found many things I could enjoy from Ziggler winning the IC title, Paige winning the Diva's title, Lesnar dominating Cena, and I even got a little kick out of Nikki's turn on Brie even though I could see it coming a mile away.


The only thing that puzzled me was that Cesaro lost to RVD in the pre-show. What the hell has Cesaro done to deserve losing now? I thought he was going to get a good push after winning that Andre Memorial Battle Royal at Mania? WTH?!


Anyways, I thoroughly enjoyed Smummerslam and Rollins vs Ambrose was definitely match of the night. Once again: Smummerslam! :p;):D

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