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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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because heels can't and won't draw money right?


I think he also means that an inbalanced roster allows for very few options as far as booking is concerned. It'd be like Orton vs Cena VIII or something.


As far as the cinder blocks are concerned: http://www.wwe.com/shows/raw/2014-08-18/who-planted-cinder-blocks

They wrote their way out of the predicament. But honestly: who cared?

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As far as the cinder blocks are concerned: http://www.wwe.com/shows/raw/2014-08-18/who-planted-cinder-blocks

They wrote their way out of the predicament.


What article are you reading? He didn't explain jack. Just saying "I'm the architect lol" doesn't actually answer how or why they were there.


Saying "Rollins did it" (which the article doesn't even actually DO) just warrants

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I suppose Ambrose getting the D-Bry burial treatment shows how important he is. Props to Cole for selling the cinder block spot like Ambrose was dead.

Okay, I have to ask, how is someone getting the crap kicked out of them because their opponent has the numbers advantage means they're being buried? If they're not building towards Ambrose winning the MitB briefcase from Rollins, I'll be surprised.


What article are you reading? He didn't explain jack. Just saying "I'm the architect lol" doesn't actually answer how or why they were there.


Saying "Rollins did it" (which the article doesn't even actually DO) just warrants


I agree it didn't explain anything but is it really worth continuing this discussion? With all the stupid shit that's been done in wrestling, this is worth questioning so much?


EDIT: This whole thing just falls under http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FridgeLogic

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Okay, I have to ask, how is someone getting the crap kicked out of them because their opponent has the numbers advantage means they're being buried? If they're not building towards Ambrose winning the MitB briefcase from Rollins, I'll be surprised.


I agree it didn't explain anything but is it really worth continuing this discussion? With all the stupid shit that's been done in wrestling, this is worth questioning so much?


EDIT: This whole thing just falls under http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FridgeLogic


I meant "kayfabe burial" as in being the underdog who gets the crap beaten out of him by the Authority for months but keeps fighting back ala Bryan. A good role for Ambrose that hopefully leads to a main event push. I'm just over Kane's involvement in big storylines/matches even if it made sense here. Of course, I wrote that review before I knew that Ambrose was really being buried to go make a movie. Hopefully when he returns he'll get such a big pop that he'll continue to get the D-Bry push.


I don't think it matters if Rollins or Kane placed the cinder blocks. To me it was obvious Kane knew exactly where they were, hence why he uncovered them.

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I meant "kayfabe burial" as in being the underdog who gets the crap beaten out of him by the Authority for months but keeps fighting back ala Bryan. A good role for Ambrose that hopefully leads to a main event push. I'm just over Kane's involvement in big storylines/matches even if it made sense here. Of course, I wrote that review before I knew that Ambrose was really being buried to go make a movie. Hopefully when he returns he'll get such a big pop that he'll continue to get the D-Bry push.


I don't think it matters if Rollins or Kane placed the cinder blocks. To me it was obvious Kane knew exactly where they were, hence why he uncovered them.


Thanks for explaining. I've spent the last couple days trying to figure out how it was a burial, but I get what you mean now. I also didn't know he was going to go make a movie. I do know that when he comes back I'm going to mark the hell out, as he's become one of my favorite wrestlers.

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I want the bunny to refrain from catching Adam Rose, leading up to a match between the two and revealing the bunny to be... I don't know, some heel. It'd be an easy way to make people hate him. :D


It's clear that Alberto Del Rio's departure is opening the path to Callisto (and Sin Cara) to shine once again. People still appreciate the luchador antics, so it seems. The WWE main programming has been without a (masked cruiser-) luchador for quite long. Both are ready for another midcard run imo. It seems only logical they'll win the title at NXT Takeover as they literaly need to "take over" if they are to retain the huge Mexican fanbase.


What article are you reading? He didn't explain jack. Just saying "I'm the architect lol" doesn't actually answer how or why they were there.


Look man, they're throwing you a bone. Go get it! :p And if you're not down with being treated like a mindless dog and forced to swallow their storyline crap, maybe WWE isn't the right promotion for you. Aren't you content with making up your own reasons? Maybe he struck a deal with HHH or paid off personnel to supply and set up the bricks in that position? Like Swanton says, this is not a discussion we need to be having. It's pointless. Don't get me wrong, I pray for the E to adapt a more realistic take on pro wrestling every day, but it's not going to happen. I am already happy they have NXT, which is a different product altogether.

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NXT Review:


Enzo & Big Cass vs The Vaudevillians - A 2 minute squash that didn't help either team. After losing, Team Sawft were attacked by the Legionnaires who shaved part of Enzo's beard. Enzo (self-dubbed "Smacktalker Skywalker") later cut an awesome promo challenging Leforte to a Hair vs Hair match at Takeover 2: Judgement Day. At least Big Cass and Enzo weren't totally buried.

HHH - Announced a new General Manager to be revealed next week. I hope it's the absent William Regal.

Kidd vs Breeze - Heel vs tweener. Started off good but Kidd took control and Breeze walked out. Kidd celebrated and wore Breeze's discarded fur coat.

Charlotte vs Lynch - Good 50/50 match won by Charlotte. Becky is cool but she's moves like she just downed a six-pack of Red Bull.

Mojo vs Cutler - Squash match and a promo to build Mojo up for a match with Bull Dempsey.

Sin Cara & Kalisto vs Zayn & Rose - The Luchas won this fun match.


Verdict: Solid show but the first 2 matches suffered from squeezing in the Mojo match. You can't cram this much PPV build into a 60 minute show without a drop in quality.



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I want the bunny to refrain from catching Adam Rose, leading up to a match between the two and revealing the bunny to be... I don't know, some heel. It'd be an easy way to make people hate him. :D


I've been told the Bunny is actually Evan Bourne, still around and collecting a paycheck somehow, only dancing in kigurumi instead of flying 15 or so feet in the air at a breakneck trajectory.

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Smackdown Review:


Rollins vs Swagger - Solid match. Rollins won by count-out after a Curb Stomp. Bo cut a promo, calling Swagger an "American Zero" and calling himself "America's Sweetheart."

Rusev vs Sin Cara - Squash match followed by a no-contact confrontation with Henry. I wish Rusev would Side Slam his opponent before locking in the Accolade like he used to do.

Orton vs RVD - Solid match. Orton got DQ'd for destroying RVD outside the ring, ending with an RKO on to a chair. I wonder if we'll get Reigns & RVD vs Rollins & Orton at NOC? If it's Orton vs Reigns again then who does Rollins face?

Natalya vs Paige - Solid match. Paige was in total control until AJ stole her belt. Paige retrieved it but got caught by Nattie and tapped to the Sharpshooter. Not the best booked feud but AJ and Paige are keeping me entertained.

Dust Bros vs The Wyatts - Solid match but strangely booked. The Wyatts dominated until Goldust got a lucky pin on Harper. Then the Wyatts beat the crap out of them. The Dust Bros can only beat Rybaxel convincingly and the Wyatts keep losing despite being a devastating tag team. The division needs a shake-up.

Reigns vs Miz - Squash match. Reigns won in quick fashion despite Orton lurking ringside. They brawled and Reigns got in the last punch.


Verdict: Disappointing show. Last year Smackdown was all about quality wrestling but now it's just an angle-focused "B" version of Raw. Tom Phillips is an interesting addition to the announce team.

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Yes, that person is Paul Heyman.


Well, he does repeat quite a lot.:p


But in all fairness, he DID suplex him 16 times before sleeping or eating (though he did ate Cena's credibility). It cannot be assumed that 'repeat' applies to all three of the words. This jpg kinda highlights the third word and for good reason. If anything, I'd critisize the t-shirt for being offly impractical.


Pretty strange discussions here lately. :rolleyes:

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Yeah, he was extremely underrated in WWE even during his big push.


My thought on him was over rated during the "Chosen One" time period... Although I remember him attacking someone (I thought it was Punk, but I can't find it), and the timing was when the person he attacked said he was ready for him. It was perfect... My son and myself laughed our butts off when it happened. That was the only time I really wanted him to do something.


I'm not saying he should be in the position he was in though. I would really liked to have seen him in the uppercard, bouncing between Main Event (TV Shows mainly), and Midcard. I really think he can play either heel or face, and be a really good trooper for the WWE in getting others over, while keeping himself just below the "real" main eventers. I guess kind of like a gatekeeper... Beat Drew and your on to bigger things type of deal. Back then everyone was acting like he could sell PPV's on a major scale, and I just never could imagine that. Like I said, I think he should be used more then he has though.


The person I think is highly under rated is Heath Slater. Even as a jobber, I find entertaining qualities about him every single time he does anything.

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My thought on him was over rated during the "Chosen One" time period... Although I remember him attacking someone (I thought it was Punk, but I can't find it), and the timing was when the person he attacked said he was ready for him. It was perfect... My son and myself laughed our butts off when it happened. That was the only time I really wanted him to do something.


I'm not saying he should be in the position he was in though. I would really liked to have seen him in the uppercard, bouncing between Main Event (TV Shows mainly), and Midcard. I really think he can play either heel or face, and be a really good trooper for the WWE in getting others over, while keeping himself just below the "real" main eventers. I guess kind of like a gatekeeper... Beat Drew and your on to bigger things type of deal. Back then everyone was acting like he could sell PPV's on a major scale, and I just never could imagine that. Like I said, I think he should be used more then he has though.


The person I think is highly under rated is Heath Slater. Even as a jobber, I find entertaining qualities about him every single time he does anything.


That sounds like a Matt Hardy thing

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Verdict: Disappointing show. Last year Smackdown was all about quality wrestling but now it's just an angle-focused "B" version of Raw. Tom Phillips is an interesting addition to the announce team.


It seems like SD! is indeed their more experimental B-show. NXT seems to be all about wrestling, Superstars is about promoting lower-card talent, and Main Event is some filler show for people that can't get enough. No idea if this is an accurate assessment as my exposure to the minor shows is limited, but that's how I see it atm.


But with the WWE Network - for just 9$99 a month - you get access to everything. I'd rather watch that than Main Event. The smaller shows are mere stages for the workers to get a live performance in so they don't bomb on the big ones.

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I remember him attacking R Truth as well.


Personally I've never been a fan but holy hell does he have an amazing look. It's a shame that as he actually started showing talent and charisma it was too late and he was already cast as a jobber


/nod. That's what I hate when I see these things. Him and Jinder both had some sort of potential that could have been utilized quite a bit better.... I know you have to have some sort of jobber's, but you can always go back and forth with that as well.


I can honestly see why Heath Slater is the only one still there though. Out of all the people recently released, he is the only one I can say actually made himself stand out. A point that has been brought up by Vince, HHH, and other's, is that if you utlize the time you do get to do something interesting, chances are you will get noticed and things could get better for you. If you just go out, do the job, and go back without showing much of anything... you will probably get that release notice sooner then later.


I wish these guys that do have some talent, would just go all out... I mean character wise. "IF" I could have gave any of them any advice, it would have been to show more character. Whatever would be appropriate for the circumstance... Going out to face a top guy, look scared or shocked. Going out there to lose to someone that is more on your level, look upset and frustrated at yourself for losing. IF your going to win, over celebrate, like it's the biggest thing that ever happened.


IMO, Heath is the only one that shows any of that out of most of the ones released. I know they give him more mic time, but even in the ring he is true to his character.


I've always felt he could be used similarly to Ric Flair. Doesn't have half the talent, but he does have more then half of the character. He could be a somewhat, dimwitted Ric Flair if I may.

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Brock barely beats a senior citizen in March.


Brock steamrolls Cena who cant even mount any real offense against him. The man who has been billed as the company's greatest champion over the last decade cant even come close to beating him.


Cena steamrolls the scariest member of the roster in Bray Wyatt.


Cena presumably loses to Brock again. Soon.


Great writing!

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Raw Review:


Opening segment - I was more excited to see Cena than the 3 legends. After the job Cena did at SS my inner mark is on his side but if Lesnar loses the title at NOC I will be mad. Brock being taken to the limit by Cena at NOC but still winning would be the best move.

Rusev vs Swagger - Solid match but the sudden referee stoppage was lazy. Swagger needs an interesting feud while his gimmick is still over.

Cesaro vs RVD - OK match but too short. Sheamus is better on the mic when he's not reading a corny script.

Natalya vs Paige - Solid match. Nattie took some stiff hits. I always mark out for Paige/AJ segments. However, injecting lesbian sexual innuendo shows either a lack of faith in the ladies or a lack of creative ideas (or both).

Ambrose Memorial - Cheesy segment but good work from Rollins. The quiet crowd perked up a bit for Reigns.

The Usos vs Dust Bros (Tag Team Championship) - OK match with an interesting finish. The crowd were turning on the Usos when Goldust called them out, then bam... heel turn!

Lesnar & Heyman - Another epic promo.

Ziggler vs Mizdow - OK match. Genius angle. Most entertaining Miz has been in a long time.

The Bella Twins - Contender for worst segment of the year. Nikki going nuts was the only watchable part. I like Brie but she's a terrible actress. Nikki is only marginally better but as a heel she has a more to work with.

Reigns vs Kane & Rollins - OK match. They should have at least had Reigns crack a prop cinder block over Rollins' back.

Kofi vs Dallas - OK match until Bo botched his finisher. Kofi wrestled a little more heelish. Expected run-in from Swagger.

Cena vs Bray - Solid until it turned into a tag match where Henry and Show killed the pace. Should have been Orton taking the beating instead of Bray, who is stuck in limbo. This might be the closest we ever get to Heel Cena. Shame he didn't deliver F5s instead of AAs at the end.


Verdict: Another underwhelming post-SummerSlam show. And the crowd were dead for most of it. The pressure is on WWE to deliver at Night of Champions.



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WWE wonders why it can't build new stars... Superman buries all those guys who get a push and the crowd stop caring...



I hope Cena gets forced to retire asap. He has ruined wrestling single handedly.


I wouldn't go as far as saying the bolded. If John Cena has ruined wrestling for you then you have tunnel vision. Plenty of non-WWE shows to go to in the world, don't let one person ruin the entire thing.


And hoping Cena gets forced to retire is just utterly unpleasant. Hate him all you want but never actively wish for another man to get injured so badly he can't do his job.

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